The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 19, 1904, Image 4

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    ira. ran men rarararanrarararararaninnrara
We have just received some of the
latest novelties in Ladies’ Neckwe*ir
and Belts, Fancv Lisle and Cotton
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Ladies’
Dress Skirts. Very latest shapes in
Hats and Caps for Hen and Boys.
You should see our new line of j
Infants’ soft and hard soled shoes. |
They’re not only hands me, but the j
wearing qualities are unexcelled. |
We handle only Standard Makes.<
!;rarara:t::::ra::::::::::ra»nuraranrranrara: :.::ra:nrannnrat:ra:::::::ranr::,^”nn
ADIES^M e N^.XB^ s X a NDXC h T d RE^S h OES?]
Dry floods of all kinds- Highest Standards
Men’s and Boys Clothing——Ladies’ and Gent’s Furnishing Goods.
£he ftimrs-lirraid.
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
|2. OU
. .75
— — —
The Tinies-Herald has never
been classed with the “knocker”
and under the present manage­
ment never will be. It believes
in giving every enterprise within
this county a “boost” and to pic­
ture its prospects brighter. All
that we anticipate and strive for
may not be realized, but we will
have the satisfaction of knowing
we did our best.
E. R. Potter, and P. 8. Wert of to get the mail through the mud.
people are looking for. They
want to expand and would prefer Kansas, arrived here yesterday All friends wish them a safe trip to
Portland and also hope Mr. Drink­
a new section to the crowded with their families and expect to| water may gain his eyesight again
parts along the railroads where locate permanently. These gentle-. 1 We are informed Clarence goes to
the}' must be confined strictly to men are farmers and expect to take Boise.
Beautiful day the first of the
their own patch of land with no up land and follow it. Mr. Potter
room to spread out and where is a brother-in-law of H. C. anti kind this month. Beautiful over 1
head but the mud is deep.
only a certain line of agriculture Joel Smith of this city and Ml.
Price Withers is taking his cat­
or business can be profitably con­ Wert is Mr Potter's son-in-law.
tie from the Hanley Ranch to feed
Good farming according to all al ilia Harney Ranch.
If they are looking for a place statistics and from scientific reason­
Mr. Geo. Marshall is coming to
to run stock, raise chickens, pigs ing always pays. Good farming his Coffee Pot Ranch to put in
etc., this is far in advance of the can not lie carried on without the i ■•rain this spring.
Miss Alice Drinkwater is teach-(
crowded sections of Wertern Ore­ proper management and cultivation : ing at Lawen.
gon or on the railroad.
I of the soil which takes good and
Rev. A. J. Irwin filled his appoint­
1 sufficent tools to do the work ment in Harney Sunday.
! Why not stop your slip shot! far­
Miss Alma Bower has been on
ming like some of votir neighbors the sick list.
A great interest was taken in
have done and buy some good
farming tools and up to date ones the city election which resulted as
Judge 1,evens is having f
too. Digin and show the community follows: Mayor, J, H. Loggan;
new land broken lip at his li
Councilmen, C. H. Logg-m, R. M.
in which you live that you too can Everett; Marshal, II. S. Bower;
ranch and will seed a much la
farm and 'farm with pleasure and Treasurer, Rohl Irving.
acreage this season then usual.
One of Harney county’s respect
ed pioneers is ask ini' for the nom­
ination of assessor from the dem­
ocrats. Byran Terrill has been a
resident of t Ids comity since 1 XS I
amt has never before asked for a
political office
III' is well known
to the people a>' an honorable ciii-
zen and has every qualification
for the position.
Byrin’s friend
hope to see him nominate I believ­
ing lie would m ike a good race
Ills announcement appears else
whole in this issue and the dele­
gates to'llie county collVt ntioli are
asked to consider it while looking
fir suitable timber Io (ill our oilices.
In the early ’So’s very few
ram lies or improved f.u ms could
be found in llarney vallex and
one could tide all over it without
regard to road or be obstructed
by a fence Then a little house
was built on land simply to com­
ply with the homestead law and
with no idea of comfort or of
making it an abiding place. To­
day every ranch is being improv­
ed, good dwellings, barns and
other ranch buildings are erected
and'there is tin air of permanency.
The present population is here to
stay and make homes. All mod­
ern farming implements tire used.
The ranchers are all in good cir­
cumstances and looking to the
Since the colonist travel began
to arrive at Portland.the Oregon
Information Bureau, in the Union
Depot, has been the source of
knowledge about the state for a
large number of people every day.
From the arrival of the early
morning trains travelers whose at­
tention is attracted by the exhib­
its in the balcony and the welcom­
ing invitation of the sign at the
entrance, wend their way to the
collection of products ami adver­
tising material. The acting secre­
tary is constantly in attendance to
answer such questions as may be
asked and give facts and figures
as to different localities that the
visitor has not had a chance to
obtain from the publications at
his disposal, says the Telegram.
We should have taken advant­
age of our opportunity to place
an exhibit with the information
bureau last fall. We cannot ex­
pect to get new people and our
big, rich valley settled up unless
we give these homeseekers a
chance to know w hat we have.
It is not probable that we
an undesimble class
of people while we are isolated
•nd where it ia hard to get in.
We have just such a climate and
opportunities as some of these
raratrautüjrai.'.ratraurairara:. :: rat mrararttra-"«ra’ra:nnratrara«a3M
LEVENS & MACE, Propts.
During next term of court
y 1
Fresh and Salt Meat!
lin h
: tho
>u fee
Home Sugar Cored
Always on hand
Comedy and Dramatic
Home Made Lard
and Bacon.
Beef sold by th 3 quarter and
cut up to suit the customer.
Order your Building Material from
he g<
o sub
• or th
1— Bou^n and Met 1 < d—alwat^M
Mor'ding, Sla r ILiiiinj.',
lass Saw. d Shingle«.
Good Road.
Harney, Or[,
i’.v^innin g on Monday, A pril 4,
"and cunlinn
\ .-ci - the
Company v 'II produce the follow­
ing plays on flic dales menlionod
without postponement:
Th - ( omedi Drama.
Frank Paul and Jack Scarf nre
down from the mill.
Frank Dibble and family are
over from Silver Creek.
Geo. Dunsmore ¡appending a few
days in our city.
Chas Hemmer is again in
city from his ranch.
John Cary took in the K. of I’
dance on the 17th of Ireland.
The woodhaulers have been al­
most put out of business the past
few days.
F oh S ai K—An almost new Go-
Inquire at Schwartz dr
Several children gathered at
I-ocher’s hall last night and spent
a couple of hours in playing games.
Byron Terrill was in the city to­
day. He has been suffering from
rheumatism the past winter and
kept to his room.
A I.. Hunter and C II Leonard
are out to their Wrleomeville poe-
m ssiont looking after their spring
crop of rabbits
Mrs J. |t. Weider of Payette,
who has been visiting with her
brother, Mr. E It Whitney, for a
few days, returned io her home to­
day — Boise Capital News
A good healthy wind succeeds in
drying the roads up 11 little and
then it rains or snows and puts
them in ft worse condition.
All the latest styles and improved photography In
use to be had. Profile Panels, Artist’s Proof and
l’oac elain process. Photos finished in up to-daie
style upon application. All sizes from the smallest
In the Hay Field of C. A. Sweek Near Burns.
pleasure that pays a profit. We
have some interesting propositions
to make you in farming took such
as plows of all kinbs, barrows,
seeders, disc, drills. Cultivators
hotfi hand and horse, mowers bind­
ers and Hay Rakes. We defy
competition terms It costs no­
thing to call and talk this matter
over with us.
J l be
Monday, April 4,
Fred O ley is up from Lawen.
locket picture up to an 8 x 10 finished in Aristo cour
Platino or on any of the American papers.
kk fl tilery opposite First Nat io a! Hank.
r urns, Greff 7®?
Saturday, April 9,
Fatal Wedding.
It is interesting to note that for-1
tunes are frequently made by the
invention of articles of minor im-'
portance. Many of the more pop­
flonday, April II,
ular devices are those designed to i
benefit people and meet popular 1
, conditions, and one of the most in-1
LEWIS & McHARGUE, Propt: :s<
teresting of these thatbas ever been
New and Elegant Livery Turnouts Complete. Fresh
Mr. W. 1), Buchanan was in our invented is thd Dr. White Electric
city from his home on Soldier Creek Comb, patented Jan. 1, W These
Wednesday. April 13,
Horses hoarded by the day, week or
wonderful Combs positively cure
month. Special care given all stock
Mr and Mrs Jessie Bunyard dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and
Special accommodations for Commercial
and Mr. and Mrs Price Withers nervous headaches, and when used
were in to see Mr. Drink water of!' on with Dr. White’s Electric Hair
Cor. Mian and B Sts., Bums. Oregon.
Brush are positively guaranteed
his trip.
Saturday April 16
[to make straight hair curly in 25
_je oil
Clarence Drinkwater started to days time Thousands of these
• ..................................
••••• •••••••••?<..................... .. .«••••• ••’****
the railroad Sunday with his father ¡electtic combs have been sold in
and mother and brother 11 ibert. the va.ion* cit es of the Union, and
They would find it more comfort the demand is constantly increas­
able going by private conveyance ing
Our agents are rapidly be­
Mrs. !.. If acino. Pv opt.
and the stage has had a hard time
T'Ir«* ~ = lm la
coming rich selling these combs
Good Specialties—New special
They positively sell on eight. Send Scenery.—Usual space for private
It w|
for sample Men’s site 35c, ladies’ chairs without extra charge—
American Plan.
Kates on Application^
AOc — (half price while we are in- Tickets on sale at the Welcome
trocucing them.) The Dr. White
Guests Treated with Utmost Courtesy-
The Dr White Electric Comb Co., Pharmacy and City Drug Store
Decatur. Ill.
Admission 50 and 25 cents.
In Old Kentucky.
Well Furnished, Comfortable Rooms.
An elegant line of
I. E Wing has bought an inter­
est in the general merchandise es­
Suitings and
tablishment of Schwarts A Budle-
The Welcome Pharmacy.
man and will l>e<'otue a perma­
The above gives a small view
nent fixture in our little city. The
I ant u»ing the high eft. grade» of lining» find and]
young man ha* certainly establish­ of one of the latest and most mod­
ed himself with a popular firm and ern -business houses in Bums. It trimming», and trill make a better suit or'orercoat for]
shows good biidnes* judgment is .1 brick and tire-proof. The in­ $ 20. right here, than you can buy in any »tore for the\
fame price They ft and mu ft ft
I hereby nmnMmee myself m a , terior i« most elegantly finished
Pant» $4 and up; preffina punt» 23 cent»; prey­
candidate for the office of Assessor, and furnished. The Times-Her­ ing ruitf /I; »»it» cleaned and pre»»ed ¿1 30
subject to the action of the demo- [ ald will soon have a larger cut of
Bring in your old cloth- » and hare them fixed up
erotic convention.
this building showing the full for the u'in*er
B ykox T krrii . i ..
Gives all the local ne
Job Printing,