FOR MORE RN PEOPLE ARE TO THE WEST I LAND been most powerful at periods of STARTED TOWARD INTERIOR I about 20 to 30 years apart. It is i to be greater during 1904, relatively FLOCK-1 HPt,ak>n(?> than was the great over- ! flow °f population into the central Mississippi valley years ago. eat Movement of Population I The Northwest—Farminj Should Report to Health Officer. ANOTHER RAILROAD PROJECTED TO TAP CENTRAL OREGON. No Time Will be Lost Io , Beglnnlsg (treat Southern--Tap Valuable Wheat and Timber Country. Dr. Marsden, county health offi­ cer, says people are negligent iu re­ A recent special to the Oregon­ nishing demand for land porting births, deothe, etc. to his ian from The Dalles, says: The hwest will be more keen office and seem ignorant of the law rumors and speculations which than ever. The funda- in respect to such duties. This1 have been current here for the 1 matter is important and should be is for this demand is not I attended to. The neglect is parti­ past six months concerning the Bcognized. cularly noticed in the remote parts building of a railroad from this age citizen in the west ■ of the couty where it is possible the city to Dufer and south of that rest thinks the movement | matter is not understood. We give point, its projectors, plains and route have today been confirmed ion into his district a below a section of the state law: Section 12 It shall be the duty by the announcement that such a at he should make the de has faith in bis coun- of every physician, midwife, or head road is not only under contempla­ lls to grasp the whole of a family, under whose charge tion but is a practical certainty. any birth occurs, to report the same Its incorporators have secured the udii Farmer points out to the county or city health officer , necessary right of way and filed th about the matter (as? the case may be.) before the the required articles of incorpora­ s briefly summarized: last day of the month in which tion which constitute them a rail-, The ¿hoice agricultural lands , 8aid birth occurs. . Every physician, | road company whose work will ! central Mississippi valley • midwife, nurse, or head of a family,' Ti- reached extraordinarily high j under whose charge any death oc-| be inaugurated within the next ten fiome Illinois farmers have curs, must report the same to the ’ days. at $200 per acre land that they county or city health officer; within | Under the name of the Great iveUH “took up” as a free gift forty-eight hours, or as soon there- Southern Railroad Company, the T the homestead act—farming “iter as practicable. Every physi- following officers have declared only, in central Illinois, which , cian, or other person, under whose their intention to build and reaahed this figure because charge any infectious or epidemic operate such a road: John Hem­ ing pays good interest on that disease occurs, must report the rick, of Seattle, president; W. F. ation,not because of proximity same to the county or city health Nelson, of Seattle, vice-president; lis ties. Kin Iowa, indeed all I officer immediately. Any under­ Julius M. Meier, of Portland, sec­ ugb tbe central valleys, land taker. head of family, or other per­ retary, and J. G. Heinrich, of have also arisen enormously. son shall not bury, cremate, or Seattle, treasurer. The capital Fanning in the central west cause to be cremated or buried, thei ' safe, and still | body of any person until the death etoc * c ’ IOO ,OO°, >s fully paid up in r ttable, so t vances in land values cirtificate is properly filed out and Icas'1 and bonds have been sold nstant’y expected, thatjsenl irge means are buying I cou al lands and operating |-— large scale. Farming as fashionable as it ¡8 j ¡but in the central we t' requires more and more: lys flood latereat. thousands of farmers circumstances, hired or o®ers who would like to go r*nin*but who cannot aff-rd » ,y from $50 to $200 per acre i ind, (recasting about for good | i s thmeun he nought at moder- i >ricesr The great, mnjiritv of such lands local- J iVEc 1 p iheTjestern MI" want and northwestern s or tin- Canadian northwest, - ev prefer the inspiring I the social conditions of I region. ittle privation is now re­ settlers who move into lands. Almost every The^Publie School Building in Burns. regions is within con- This building is £now in need of repair and as it is not large 1> of railroad transpor- enough to accommodate out growing schools the taxpayers are now n any section the mails, considering the proposition of bonding and erecting an eight-room relies, etc, are at all de- are rapidlv brought to brick or stone. A mass meeting will be held at the court bouse next population increases. Saturday afternoon to consider the matter. s, Orange Judd Far­ emphasize that it is or cremation is to occur. It ehall The Dalles. The company is in­ lop homes and farms be unlawful for the transportation corporated under the laws of the Jtper lands of the west of the remains of any person having State of Washington. President est, compared to the i died, the cause of death being di- Hemrich, of the Washington ffered by the early set- i ■ rectly or indirectly due to an infec- Trust Company, of Seattle, is the I tious disease, except as the State ntral west. trustee of the property for the Th. than who can sell out in Board of Hea]th mft* direct AnV benefit of the boddholders. Mr. est at from $50 to $200 I Peraon violating any section of this Meier, of the Meier & Frank Snd buy lands in the act, or any part thereof, shall be Company, of Portland, presuma­ Mins at from $3 to $25 per guilty of a misdemeanor, and be bly represents himself and New fined not less than ten dollars ($10) much disposed to do York capitalists. The trustees nor more than ($100.) had no taste of the of the road embrace the four fit accruing from the otlicers above named also Hon. Decision in Merger Case. ase in the value of ral ia T. II. Johnson,of Dufer. I hungry for another Gias: o“ In the United States Supreme i profits. He ra still more acres for himself Court an opinion was delivered in A ’phone message from Portland 1 jriarl ¡ren. If he can sell the merger case of the Northern (>'• .‘hi« el states that the Mitchell republican i that will enable him Securities Company vs. the United Han* »Pi 10 acres or more for States in favor of the Government’s ticket was successful in the pri- inti1 y for f of bis family, and contention that the merger was il­ maries in Multnomah county by a bug capital left, he is legal, The opinion of the court large majority. What bearing this was handed down by Justice Har­ will have on the congressional can­ Is posed to do so. i I the foregoing reasons lan, and it upheld the decree of didates in the second district, we warrant the present the Circuit Court for the District do not know. However it is con­ le present activity in of Minnesota in every particular. sidered by some as being sign ficant. Four of the Justices dissented e market throughout from the five constituting the ma­ On page two we have given the Igether they farm rea- jority, The division in the court apportionment of delegates to the i i incontrovertible, but i was doe to a difference of opinion republican conventien as one at re nil these conditions, IS Farmer calls atten- as to the right of Federal control large and one for every 15 votes or acontrollable impulse of state corporations. The major­ major fraction. This is an error. I that has got control ity opinion proceeded on the theory We have since been informed that tie’s minds. They are that Congress has a right, under the apportionment was fixed at 10 am trm" onto the newer the Constitution, to control inter­ or fraction of 5 instead of 15. The lecture by Rev. A. J. Irwin lands. This move- state commerce, no matter by y the use of One Minute Cough Cure She says:“The coughing'and'strain- WANTED— Agents, Hustlers, ing so weakened me that I ran V ....Represents the.... Salesmen, Clerks and everybody. down in weight from 14S to 92 Home Insurance Co,, of New York, who wants to enjoy a good hearty pounds. 1 tried a number of rem­ laugh to send 50c for “Tips to edies to no avail until I used One Liverpool, London & Globe, Agents.” Worth $50 to any per­ Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles Fire Assurance Co , Philadelphia. son who sells goods for a living. | of this wounderful remedy cur <1 | If not satisfactory your money me entirely of the cough, strength­ OFFICE WITH MOOS & BIGGS. Bu ns, Oregon. back. Circular for stamp. The ened my lungs ami restored me to ' orner South of Lunaburg & Dalton’s. Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca­ i my normal weight, health and strength. Sold by all druggists. tur, Ill. FIRE INSURANCE] 1_______ ____ _______ Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing. AnERICAN PLAN ONTARIO, OREGON. Fire-Proof, Modern, _ WILSON & ASHTON, THE CARTER HOURE. Elegant. -■'.¿xSOlT Rates $2.00 and $2 50 per day. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Main St., - - - Burns, Oregon. All Outside Rooms— Near Depot This modern new hotel was only recently opened to the public. Harney County people will be always welcome and courteously cared for. A first-class bar in connection. Harney County Hospital LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION Having newly furnished several comfortable rooms for the occupance of private patients, 1 desire to an­ nounce that I am ready to receive stugical or medical cases on reasonable terms. Pleasant Quarters provided for Obstetrical Cases. T. H. Curl, Proprietor. Been Rearranged and Centrally lacerated. EXPERIENCED REASONRBLtE RATES, NURSES ATTENDflNCH. Burns, Orecjoi.. COURTEOUS T ^EATiDENT A Portion of the Public Patronage Solicited. Give us a Ca i Many IN Clias. E. McPheeters, Propt. CLtHAE, COfflFORTABUE ROOMS lodttMte URNS MILLING CO HORTON & IAYPR, Propts. Tlir l(nTr. hl(hWr. i Rough and Dressed Lumber, i RU,,io, Flooring, Moulding » « Finishing Lumber. THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. •■q 1 C'f æS®®®®®®®® S®® 5 « S M. L. EWTS Colds Cause Pneumonia. SAM BAILEY, proprietor. | : $ Fioe Wipes, Liquors and Ciq-us Aqepts for Maryland Cub Wbiskq CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION. 1 } EVERYTHING FI-ST-Cl ASS. 5 Courteous and oblitjiixf Mixologists. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ \ îj i Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road Lumber Yard in Burns. n. *< ♦ « fi li ■ LONE STAR CAFE. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR HEALTH- Spring is near at hand and we desire to inform ihe public that we have one of the BEST BLOOD PURIFIERS The Place to Dine on the market, which is now displayed If you are in in our south window, need of a Spring Medicine or blood puri­ fier just step in and ask for a bottle of MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 35 cents and up OYSTERS,'FISH AND GAME IN SEASON. Dining Room for Families. We Cat* t to AIL REDFORD BROS. Propts., Cor second a Burns, o sts. Oreg.-n. r ’ VEGETABLE EXTRACT of SARSAPRILLA With or Without Potasium Iodide. t t. lasma g THE WELCOME PHARMACY. I CITY GROCERY STORE < E. B. REED 4 SONS, Propls. | STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEPFS.1 ® 1 Finest and Most Complete Line of Confectionery in the whole Interior ® ® Tobacco and Cigars. Pipes. Stationery. Tropical Fruits when in season. BURNS, - - - OREGON, ® LACKSMITHING: Wagon Work and Horseshoeing. General Repairing, All Work Guarantted. to At the Old Stand. Burna, Oregon. i THE STAR SALOON THE BARTLETT HOTEL. W W. JOHNSON & CO., Propts. The bar is supplied with none but the very best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Experienced and courteous Mixologists. Drewsey, Oregon. I-arge well furnished house. Good large comfortable room* and lied« and well furnished tables. This is the pioneer hotel of I'n-wx-y, but having recently been destroyed by fire, a new bnilding much larger and more convenient has been erected. Everything new and neat. Rates Reasonable. Stop at the Bartlett FEED BARN IN CONNECTION. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. Burns, Oregon. - ►♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ .1 ve never been undersold for Cash and never will be. sr than any other interior house in Oregon X. 1KTT). than anyone. Anything you may want In our complete lines.-—See ad on another page. Give us a call and we will fit you out We do not contemplate retiring from business, but will give you more and better bargains for IJNT ____ z»»»