You should see our new line of j | Infants’ soft and hard so Jed shoes. | | They not only handsome, «but their wearing qualities are unexcelled, j We have just received some of the latest novelties in Ladies’ Neckwear and Belts, Fancy Lisle and Cotton Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Ladies’ Dress Skirts. Very latest shapes in Hats and Caps for Hen and Boys. We handle only Standard Makes. ÎWJL CORSET, AMERICAS LEADING MAKE J [ADDiES^MENS,XROYSXANDXCHILDRENX$HOES^ Dry Goods of all kinds-Highest Standards Men’s and Boys Clothing Ladies’ and Gent’s Furnishing Goods. SCHWARTZ & BUDELMAN. Burns, Oregon 8UBHCKI 1‘TION BATES: Due Year .......... Hix Months............ Three Month* ,2.00 .1.00 . .75 M nn»K»ir The Times-Herald feels it does not owe its readers an apology for being late this issue, when the enlarged size is taken into con­ sideration, the many new ads and the fact that one of our composi­ tors was laid off a part of the week from sickness, no other i-X- cuse is necessary. HARNEY COUNTY’S RAILROAD PROSPECT. pleted it will be one of the finest that he and the boys would seed in At present one half 200 acres to grain at hin home this [ of the business houses are construct ! Sprjng Hn<] his non Alma and (Concluded from page three) eu of either ..brick or , stqne, and | James Bunyard would put in a Vlil UI of I ous and the jx-ople are happy. each year witnesses the removal ¡ nl - o f I crop of 100 acres on the Abner frame buildings and the erect io;. ..." Such a thing as misery and want first class brick or stone buildings Robbins place on Pine Creek. is never known. The town is well I in their place. Outside people are The Times-Herald is pleased to supplied with good schools; there invariably struck with the prosper note this and hopes to find others being besides the public school of ity of Burns and surrounding who contemplate farming on so live rooms the Business College an country, and the open hearted „hos­ large a scale. The big snow fall pitality and generosity manifested institution of two years growth, . and condition of our soil certainly SATURDAY, HARCH la, i by her people. A county high school will soon be indicates a very favorable season. The Comedy Drama, built, and later additions will be I hereby announce myself ns a added to the public school build­ candidate for the office'of Schoo) NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED. ings or likely n new eight-room I Superintendent, subject'to tbe ac­ Notice is hereby given that, vest-' brick building erected. tion of thodeinocrnticconvention. ed with the authority given under There arc three church buildings, Section 4106 of Bellinger and Cot- Which was played so suc­ the Presbyterian, Baptist and cessfully on the 15ih, will I ton’s Annotated C oi I ob ami Statues Catholic. The Presbyterian and | WILL SEED 300 AGRES. be repeated by special re­ if Oregon, the Board of Fish Com­ Baptist churches ; re woqden struc­ quest. missioners of the State of Oregon Only apace for private chairs will tures well finished and well fur- has declared, by resolution duly nishod. The Catholic church is| adopted at a meeting held in the be reserved. All other seatB child­ made of stone am] while not. entin -1 fro"‘ ,liM ,,on,'‘ lll8t Nloietay look- Cit.v of Salem February 2, 1904, ren 10 cents, adults 25 cents. , I.,.- , r I ing after some business affairs, that on and after April 1, 1904, and ly completed letis used for se’- I Mr ,, ... ofheo „■ ' Davis pant , this a call until otherwise ordered, it will lie, hi active preparation the Comedy vices. W hen this building is con • | ,ln,j ,||iri,.j, our conversation statrd | unlawful to fish for or take any any’ Drama i sahnon or other food fishes in that ZAAA2 eZZZZZZZZr A//"//yzzzz Z ZZ ■ ' ' - r AZVZZ < I part, of Silvies riyer, in Harney z z z.. Z. Z-V-. z - -• -J'f 'WZ-, . z-iszz SsZ-Zs. X-Z' Z'Z'1 ff << ¡county, from tbe mouth of Emi- A Substantial Business House in Burns. I grin.t creek, to the mouth of said Silvies rivet; including all branches Monday, March list, >7 7 8 : tnd sloughs, tributary to that por- . 8 I tion of said Silvies river between and ;v £' im mouth ai d the mouth of sa:d I I Saturday, March 26. y Emigrant creek. .4 b . Bv ri'der of t he Board of Fish )• | < aim'iiissioners, February 2, 1904, ,> ONLY EXCLUSIVE II. G. V ax P i sen ¡JO1»!)«.. ..J —•-«• -, - - .... ¿i.»»* Mash r Fish Warden of the State if Oregon Fresh and Salt Meat Always on hand BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. . I ■ I1 ■ ll SI Railroad Must Show by Work. 8 « INTEREKI IN< INFORMATION n i l WKKIIIT HAI L. Wool dip annually, Harney county Sheep shipped annually Cattle ehipped annually Horst«« and mules shipped annually. Merchandise shipped in to inurcliiints Merchandise nhi|«ped direct to mnelierw Stock salt mid sulphur Stage freight nt 3 cant« per pound Total SHOE STORE IN HUHNS. 11> t !.<■ I ’ircuit Court of the State of I Ire- ”«« ii , for the County of Harney 8 Vein • Chmieelor, Plaintiff. ■ vs. An ’rviv J. Cbani-cllor. Defendant. a To Ainlreii .'. Chancellor, Defendant. a i h th -inline of the St itu of Oregon j a » von are heri’by required to appearand answer the complaint tiled against you in I lie above entitled suit, w ithin six «j weeks from the date of the first publica tiou of this summons; ami if you fail so to answer or appear for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint here­ TO RAILROADS. in, to wit; first, for disolution of the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing t between plain'iff and defendant; sec­ ond, for the care, custody and control of Number, Cars. the minor child of Plaintiff and Defen­ dant, vix, a eon named Vere; third, for 80 a judgment for the costs anil disburse­ 50,000 240 ments of this suit against you ; fourth, 25,000 1,000 ’ 2,000 for such other mid farther relief in the «0 100 • premises as to the court may seem just 100 ami equitable. 10 This summons is published by order • of the Hon II. C. Levem, County Judge of Harney County, Oregon, duly made 77.(100 1,6 It. 37,21)0,(MX) and entered on the 5th day of March, l'.XII, which order further directs the publication hereof for six successive 2,100,000 I weeks You will further take notice 3,000 that ths date of tbe first publication r»,ooo . hereof is March 5th 1004 Dated this Sth day of March, 1004. . .. « Bions A Bums. « * I Attorneys for Plaintiff. 18,000 • 10,000 — --------- ------- = Lumber Hold annually, (eel After you read thia isatin send it Fuel wo < k 1 Hold Annually, conta Fence pout* Hold annually, to a friend. rAaCKNUKaa ani » mail Chas llelshnw presented The I'nwenger* by «tage mm ».div, <100 at |10 Times-Herald force with some tin«* Passengers by private conveyances, 1800 pears the first of the week. Quit«' Mail eontrjets ........... .... n treat at this time of the year. 1.1 VK STOCK. Geo Smith, who has been work­ Number of tdiovpowntNl in Harney County ing at the Alvord Ranch, arrived Number of nlieap summered in Harney county. in this city today. Mr Smith was Number of cattle owned in Harney comity n member of the Canyon City base­ Tons of hay grown annually in Harney county, over. . . ball team that played horn during ronsof bay grown annually, in a radius of 30 miles << f Burns the 1900 fair. stock AsanaaKn. InOH w »1.1.. Nnmber of «beep , Number of Cattle Number of llorae« and Mulct« Number of Swine .... ARK l or I «Ml« IN HABXXV UK I XTV. 300,000 J 5 >0,000 - 150,000 55,(XX) 30,000 I .*<5,575 M.ltut 8,11» HO i | HAMS. Home Made Lard and Bacon. Beef sold by the quarter and cut up to suit the customer. a tuananw a»:nnnnM»n»»uu:tn nnnns«a::::na;:nnn«an»« »:nnmtn Order your Building Material from The Harney Saw Mill Ali kinds of dry Lumber--Rough and Surfaced—always on hand. Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Stair Railing, Window .Stool, etc. Also first class Sawed Shingles. “Walk-Over” Shoes sold «verywhere at the same price. A. K. RICHARDSON, Good Road. Harney, Oregon. JOHN McflULLEN ALL lilt LATEST STYLES. THE UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHER BOOT and SHOE Repairing. All the latest styles and improved photography In use to be had. Profile Panels, Artist’s Proof and Poacelain process. Photos finished in up-to-date style upon applicatio. All sizes from the smallest locket picture up to an 8 x io finished in Aristo Platino or on any of the American papers James Smith Opposit First National E Gallery xppoal'e^First Natioca! Bank. * Turns, Oregon. into i tn., . no wane trout Livery Luoie^ LEWIS & McHARGUE, Propts. 7^ JOHN GEM BEHLING and New and Elegant Livery Turnouts Complete. Fresh TeamsJ •Towelor. Optician Knur raver. Horses boarded by the day, week or id mi Fine Watch Repairing A Spe- month. Special care given all stock din W< cialty. Special accommodations for Commercial Men, THE HOTEL BURNS BAR SftM BAILEY. Proprietor, fine Wines. UqJors and Cigars fluents for Maryland Club Whisky. CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION Bak< Mid r ent th Nome Sugar-Cored “IN OLD KENTUCKY mc brea and i CORNED-BEEF, “FRIENDS, I C. H Koch arrived here from Hillsboro this week to look over the country with a view of locating. Mr Koch is a butcher and was do­ ing well but had to dlapoao of his interests in the Willamette on ac­ count of Ina health. LEVENS & MACE, Propts. Comedy and Dramatic Company. The announcement of J Bartlett as a candidate to succeed himself for school superintendant will be found elsewhere in this issue. It was not received in time to he placed with the other political announcements Mr. Bartlett is now serving his Hist term as siiperiit'endant and 1-as conducted the affairs in such a manner that lie deserves a second term, lie is a Harney county boy from infamy and has devot­ ed his entire life so far Io educ. - < lion Mr Bartlett is one of the most popular young nu n in Fast «> ern Oregon and will certainly hi­ » re i levied. Oregon News Bureau, Wash­ ington, March 1 Senator Fulton and Representative Williamson today laid before the Forestry Bureau a request of the Sumpter Railroad Company that a strip of land, two townships wide, lying along its proposed right of way through the Blue Mountain forest reserve withdrawal, be restored to entry. If the company can give posi­ tive assurance that its road wdl In­ constructed from Sumpter to Burns, and gives the exact loca­ tion of its right of way, the Bu­ reau will recommend that the strip of withdrawal land will be restor­ ed to the puplic domain. CITY MEAT MARKET ■t i I i EVERYTHING Fl-ST-CLASS Ar,«a of land, »ere». . .... (i,38t j Courteous and o N kj I im M ixo I o ^ b I s . Surveyed ................................... .... 1,5* I I'li-iirveiisl .. .. .. 4. %%%% »♦«« •♦♦«»»»♦»♦»>>«»«>>»» wfo l,hk I. K. Wing, an old time friend of | Appropriated............... . John Budelman, came in from | Tillable, «se, a«sl Nuntilialile, aenenaed. . ... 5s EOIN TDKS on Portland with the latter thia week. Irnproreil, not patimted ... . , 10i kCLOTHDd ¡ Mr Wing ia recently from Klondike Huecvptable to irrigation umltr the UiM»til States Govertiment. »«-Ast be ilP,,nt several years. lie survey for Bilvies vnljey reetrvoir witLun milape ^atatae». aiid ail, FRIEDRICH THE TAILOR. i kinds nt hardy fruits ami v p H Hi CALL Suitings and vftA.jV'- AND SEE OvercMfitgs. Cor. Mian and B Sts., Bums. Oregon. Mrs. L. Racine. Propt. T*lrwt Cl&M lxx JE-v-erT’ ^•trtlcxxlsur. A*.t »'OH American Plan Rates on Application Guests Treated with Utmost Courtesy. Well Furnished, Comfortable Rooms. Burns, Oregon. THE TIMES-HERALD all the local news Job Printing ""n®