& B CRSH STORE, Jon’t forget that you can get re for your money at our re than any other store in m. This week we have re­ duced all our h t DRESS PATTERNS 25 PER CT making some of them below cost. As we intend carrying only .1 the W B C orset (the best made) ■in future, we’re closing out other lines at cost, so come in and get our prices. We carry a complete line of 008, H ried j STAPLE AMD FANCY GROCERIES. If out of town jSENDÏii^YOÜBÏMÂiLÏÔRDERS For bargains in hardware \ oegtly. Henry Goodlow spent i I wo in our city this wei round — A bear-skin glove. quire at tins oilice Chas. Loggaii is over from Har- ney visiting his brother J. E Lou Bradfield was over trom Pine creek one day this week. A Egli was over from Wagontire Wednesday and look Lis family out to the ranch upon Ins return, A K. Rieliiir.tson «ns down from Harnev a few days this week con- ferring with friends in regard to the political outlook Mrs Robbins is closing outlier line of pillow tops, embroidery silks,battenberg patterns and braids and other art goods at cost. Horses to hay at the Red Front Barn 35 cents. Lou Sitz, the Lawn merchant spent several days in our city this I week. Bert Lewin and wife have return­ SPRi li. S. Graves came up from ed to thia county after being absent Lawen the other day on land busi- since last fall. They left Thursday 1 he New Spring m Underpriced liess. for Diamond ih company with Mr. These goods are worth t the styles and patterns for Horton and wife Voegtly is closing out Spring trimming'. mense stock of hardware Inland Lodge, No 70 K. of P. is Patterns adapted for Ski ic and Swiss Embroideries See him. arranging to give the usual ball on for under garments. Insert ribbons hundreds and hun- Born—Last Saturday morning St. Patrick’s day next month. deeds of yards. Feb. 20, to Mr.and Mrs. Joel Smith,- Watch for announcement later. 10c yard for 15 and 2' r 25 and 35c values, a daughter. - The latest war news is a ’phone, 25c yard for 40 and 5 r 50 and 75c values. W. L. Best was over from Silver to the effect that the Japs had taken Creek yesterday looking after bis possession of Port Arthur and had Don’t wait to make you s our prices arc ihe lowest stock that is being fed at the F. S won a decisive battle or. land. and our assortment very co Miller ranch. Oscar Swain the fascinnting I Dr. Marsden was called to the “ devil ” of this shack. was called to : § I. L. Poujade home on Cow Creek Lawen the first of the week to as- H Wednesday to attend Mrs. Poujade sist his father in taking his sheep who was quite ill She is much out to the range. improved. Trading Stamps Given. Miss Agnes Sweek is being initi­ The Windsor, under the manage­ ment of C. B. Smith A- Co., is one ated into the mysteries cf the “art, Agents for McCall Bazar Pa of the most popular resorts in the preservative” in this office. Miss Singer Sewing Machines S 4 interini. Finest of liquors and Agnes is' pickin’ up type quite cigars, billiards and card tables rapidly and will soon be a valuable, assistant. BROWN’S” “Tt BROWN’S and expert mixologists. X E B. ;lleed, who has been cd & b st». We also make a specialty of ladies ing another delay. shampooing.—City Barber Shop “Ole Olson” Monday Night. The city election comes on the next day to Mrs. Robbins’ bakery. I 8th of next month and a few candi­ B OREGON inspect the We pright Piano way. LONE STAR CAFE, | MEALS AT ALL HOURS Schwartz & Budelman Burns, Oregon =1 Meade’s Comedy and Dramatic ' dates have put in an appearance for the various places to be filled. Co. will be seen at the opera house' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Isaac Foster was calling on his The nominating convention will be next Monday evening in the above UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,) friends in our city last Monday Burns, Oregon, February 23.1004.4 I held on the 3d. There are two corni- Swedish comedy. Amusing spe­ AS TÈE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Notice in hereby that David 8. Grave«, Good bread, mince pies, cakes, oilmen, a mayor, recorder, treasurer, cialties will be intermingled be­ of Lawen, Harney given county, Oregon, ha« filed no- ; any N ewspaper in this county . Hee of intention to make on bis deaett- cookies and doughnuts at the home and marshal to be elected. tween acts, making a continuous land claim No. *252. for tin* proof SE' 4. and lota -1, 5, an.I 6. aee. 26, N'„ NF. 1 ,, aec. 35, T. s., R. 32 I ., Äri’ kUAY. FERRI \ I V .7 HIM. Bakery. Followin'- is the W. M.. before the Register and 25 Receiver at They will have something to sav next week *■ \ M. Horton and wife haye return­ performance. Burna, Oregon, on Fridav, the xth «lav of April, 1904. I L. I’cujadeand wife were down ed from Portlond where the latter cast: • He namca the fo’lowing witnesaea to prove E. H. MEADE the complete irrigation and reclamation of aaid ; from’Cow Creek the first of the underwent an operation and was in Ole Olson—A Swedish hero Paul Locke—An American Detective... . land: Jamea 11. Bnnyard of Burna, Oregon. Paul Harvey ‘ Benjamin F Anamua, john J. Heinz., of Lawen week the guests of relatives and the hospital for several weeks, I Local News. Oregon, Scott Haley, of Narrow«, Oregon. Paul Delano — An Adventurer ....... II. E. Felton W m F arre , Register. ' friends. Mrs. Horton is improving quite Richard Delane—New York Broker.............. • -V; --------------- ...........Frank Megan although weak. satisfactorily Rev. J. A. Davis has organized a Comb honey at Huston’s. Bill Brady—Dat’s so, see? ... .Grover Jameson piccolo band at the Business Col­ They took their departure from Louise—A trusting wife....... ................. Veda Lyon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. “Doc” Hembree, the Riley mer- IS THE PL4CE . . .Dora <'kidwell ’ —Ole’s sweetheart. lege. He expects to have a band this city Thursday for their home Lena (TNITRD STATES LAND OFFICE,/ . Helen Robbins Mother Winker—A hag....... hant in the city. . Burns Oregon, February 23 1901.1 at Diamond. \of 10 instruments. Edna—Delano’s grandchild I ...Ionella Robbins Notice 1«hereby given that John c. Freeman, ot Burns, Harnev County, Oregon, has filed Freah bread and doughnuts ’ Rev. A J. Irwin, Dr Hidbard, ' Act I—Arrival of Ole. notice of Intention to imike proof on his desert, rjayat Mrs Robbins’. R( V •’ A Davip lcfl land claim No. 254, for the SL. Si. t. sec. t>. W'., Mr. Rasnic and C Rearv are at Act II.—Ole proves a friend. NE'4, sec. 7. T. 26 8., R. 29 E W. M. before Reg for Silver Creek where he will con- ! inter and Receiver nt Burns. Oregon, on Thurs­ ■ary went to Drewsey Thurs- (hietn)eel.ngs i|w coming wep). Narrows this week shooting birds. Act III —In the slums day, the 7th day of April, 1901. He names the following witnesses to piove ay in response to a call to see Mrs. ! He was accompanied by his family. Mr. Beary expects to remain at his Act IV. —Great fire scene. the complete irrigation mid reclamation of said land: Stanton !■'. Tyler, Lute a . Parker, ranch for two or three weeks and V. ' — Ole saves a life. Act ‘atte! >n. i Mart V. Baker and P. M. ('hency, all of Burns, Oregon. Frank Cummins left Thursday will carry a spade along with his Admission 25 and 50 cents. Good W m F arre . Register. i served day nnd night at, Meals morning for Westfall to look after shot gun. The former weapon will seats provided for all. Space re­ he lutv h counter ¡n rear of “Win- some ranch property, He went be used in digging postholes only served only for those who desire to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Provisions and Feed a Specialty or Bar »> furnish their own chairs ami with- • \ horseback as the roads would not when the latter is not in use. All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, From appearances the spring permit any other mode of travel. UNITER STATE' LAND OFFICE.» High water has prevent, dj he O- out extra charge. Tickets on sale Burns, Otefton, February 23, 1904,1 >renku|r> I is with us .and cattle will Notice la hereby given that Ben Craddock, of Durkheimer Building. _ _ _ Main Street. If von want yoor pianos or organs i’> Stage from making anything for same at City Drug Store ami Burna, Oregon, son of Thomas ('raddock de on the range. Many oon 14 turned I Welcome Pharmacy. ceased, and his widow June Craddock. Ims filed Tuesday ’ s mail near scednle time. notice of his intention to make final proof in heep l> lave already been taken to tuned by an expert hand who lives Thin play ha« never been pro­ support of Ills mother's right, ami claim, by of lion, ('ointniaaioner’a letter ” of he hil range where the grass is re- in your town, and will guarantee . was received here Thursday noon duced in Burna before yet it li: 8 authority January 25, 1901, and that said proof will lie satisfaction or no charge, employ ■ -'.nd it is likely the Russia-Japan made before the Register and Receiver at Burns x»rt<- (Vbo'mrs'i of Thomas < ra,Tf,,lr‘|d'iy and in- , iu-.ir river bas taken possession Ocean and lias stood the test for his He continuous residence upon and cultivation Suitings and \\ hile coming to town one .lav put ornisA- they have already several v rs. Mr. Meade was at of said land, viz: Anton Wintermeier, John <>f Drewsey and the people us«' Wintermeier, of Hllvie s, Oregon, Tim Donovan one time connected with the origi­ and William E. Smith, of Burns, Oregon. i>any.af the cuttle nt tju- ranch ont last week Mrs. Geo. Miller and two boats, Overcoatiugs. W m . F arrs , Register. ]ittle children got Ibst and were nal production with the anther (ius ''' J Hi puafi re THE MOM MENTAL BRONZE Heege (deceased) playing the part compelled to remain out all night, :tc. Á lam using the highest; grades of linings and and [Carter has sent us s >me in the vicinity ofGlass butte. They COMPANY, of Bridgeport, ■Conn , of the tramp nnd while connected NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION trimmings, and will make a better suit or overcoat for REiewi »er clipping» from South came on next, day and seemed little lias appointed M. L. Lewis, their UXITEti STATES I.AND OFFIUB. » $20, right here, than you can buy in any store for the with the Buchanan - company play­ Burns, Oroxon, E«l>ru«ry ». 1904.1 Dak. which state that the Geor- the worse for thier experience. agent for Harney County. This ed the piece for two seasons. Ail Notice is hereby They ¡it a.nd must fit lâSS. given that the follewing- same price per Co. played the opening «ettler h«« filed notice of hlF intention 1 old reliable Company makes all of the original business including n«me«l Pants $4 nnd up; pressing pants Jli cents; press­ to make final proof in rapport of hl« claim,ami Peter Robbins was brought over kinds of M moments, Grave Cover". new opera house iu Lang­ that «aid pro«»! will be made before the R;*gl»t« r the fishing scene. The great fire and Receiver at Burn«. Oregon, on March !»•, ing suits $1; suits cleaned and pressed Si 2»0 receipts of the evening be from Drewsey Wednesday with a Corner posts Vases and Urns, out |'k>l vi« Hd. E No. >,7 of Htanton F. Tyler for scene. The kidnapping of the child Ihe Bring in your old clothes and. h ave them fixed up NE% SE' , «er. «1. T 26 H., R 2* ■ . W M een $1500 and 41 GOO. Ches I badly cut foot,whichl>e accidentally I of pure refined Zink, which is one He name« the following wltnerac« to prove together with all the new scenes and hi« continuou« re«idenre upon and cultivation for the u'in'er- ny whether he had a raise cpt with an axe. l)rs. Marsden A’ of the elementary or virgin metals, of «aid land, viz Lute A Parker. Pleaeant M. 1’bold ( ote and J. ( lark Freeman, all FRIEDRICH THE TAILOR Geary dressed the wound and the the same as gold and silver, and is situations that haye been written < of beney, ilary or not. Buri)«, Oregon. up in the latest revision of the WM. F ar »«, Register. patient will remain here under their f indestructable and cannot lie affect­ manuscript will be produced. chool board of thia district care until he has recovered. ed by the climatic conditions. in correspondence with the Monday night, Feb 29th nnd for NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mose T^evy now has charge of the These tuonuments are che»|>er by the benefit of many who live at a ool l»oard for the purpose CNITF.D -TATES I.ANIl <>FFI< E.| UXltkli STATES LAND OS EICK, I PNH ED HTATFH LAND OFFICE, I Burns Ore., February 5. 1904 | Burn«, Oregon, February, 4, I'MM.i Burn«. Oregon, February 4, 1904.1 ng on what terms, etc . this Rsd Front Livery and Feed Barn half than any kind of stone, distance the play wLI be repeated Notice 1« hereby given that Je««e D«vl«, of Notice is hereby given that rfylveater Smith, Notice 1« hereby given that the following Van, Harney County, Oregon, ha« file ! notice of Smith. Oregon, haa filed notice of intention might be bounded should where he will be pleased to look more l eautif.il in design and can­ on Saturday night March 5lh On named «ettlcr has filed notice of hi* intention of intention to make proof on hin <1<‘R*rt-ian<1 to make proot on Ills desert land claim No 23M, to make final proof Iti anp|M*rt of hi* Haim, and for Lo n< r. *« of land In T ’X H.. R. Jd* E. W. M No. 240. for the W'a MW',, «••» A T H xpayerw desire such. The after your wants in his line. Mose not be broken Mr Lewis desires Saturday Night March 12th by spe­ that aaid proof will i>e made In-fore the Ki-ginter ela.fn .unwiirvf .- d.) before the flegiaterand Receiver K E., W. M., before the Regiater «nd R< an 1 Receiver at Burna Oregon, on March Ifi. at Burn«, Oregon, on WedtteMday, the9th at Burna, Oregon, on Thuiadnv, the 10th day of at the court hone • last Sat- is a thorough competent livery man all who are contemplating the pur- cial request of a great many the 1901. Vi« lid. E. Mok i*ation of mi rtisement in mother part of this ( hrnev, .Marsha!! < artwright and I ’ lark Free­ I remodeling the old building W m . F arre , Register. man, all of Burna, Oregon. I notice. Prices reasonable. material .and g«t prices. Ip* per. Ww. F arr «. Kealster. rection of a new one Che Times-Jierald I See Voegtly’s ad MILLER & THOMPSON HUSTON ’S Groceries, Grain, Flour Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season El>Z An elegant line of ib.'i 'iff CALL lv AND SEE ■ CLOSING ou r SALE FOR CASH beginning on this date 1 will close out all lines of shelf and heavy hardware, tinware, etc., at COST . Call and see*! oods, and get the prices, and be convinced. I his is no catch advertisement, but is an actual fact, ro at COST This is your opportunity. Remember, sales must be STRICTLY CASH Goods in