A McKenzie was up from Nar For bargains in hardware gee rows this week on land business Voegtly. He was accompanied by Harvey Up-to-date job printing at reason Elliott. able prices. Clarence Drink water was up from Grant Thompson was a business Lawen last evening to take in the visitor from the Lawen section yes- P. P. P. ball. He says J. L Sitz terdav. has returned from Portland. Horses to hav at the Red Front Henry Blackwell has returned Barn 35 cents. from Lake county’ where he went Grandma Hayes was visiting to sell stock. He was accompanied relatives and friends in our city by Frank Cumming. since our last issue. Mrs Robbins is closing outlier Beautiful Residence Lots 3 blocks line of pillow tops, embroidery from the Court House easy pay silks,battenberg patterns and braids ments see Leon M. Brown. and other art goods at cost. Augest Miller, who recently un- ■ I M. K. Parsons, the big cattle derwent an operation by Drs. Mars-i man who is associated with Wm den A Geary, is improving rapidly, | TREE I EA b. jnd of Japan Tea has the reputation of being Superior in quality to 1 Hanley, arriyed here yesterday If you want a first class Shave afternoon accompanied by Mr. I any brand of Japan Tea importer in this country. It is prepared in J^pan by the or hair cut call on Robbins A Cald Foster They left for Narrows last most improved machinery. Its fine flavor is the natural bouquet and is not artificial. well in the Brown building. evening where they were to meet Te No better quality grows and we recommend and guarantee 1 REE TEA to you. Voegtly is closing out his im- F. C. Lusk of the French-Glenn Packed in p and 60 cents full weisht packages. Ask for free sample. mense stock of hardware at cost. Co. The gentleman were brought over from Bear valley by Edward See him. Southworth. Tobe Duncan is still on Surveyor Jordan, Peter Clemens valid list although gaining quite and Chas Frye, constituting the rapidly from his recent severe ill county board of road viewers, left ness. Trading Stamps Given. Tuesday for the southern part of Choice Building Lots 3 blocks the county to view out a proposed Agents for McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. from Public School Pay in Install county road. Geo. Waters took ments. Inquire of Leon M Brown. Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. them down. They were also ac C. R. Peterson spent a few days companied by Miss Vera Hendricks in this city this week, having came who goes to take charge of a school BROWN’S THE SATISFACTORY STORE BROWN’S We carry a complete line of over from Crane Creek to look after in that section. some cattle he is having fed at the Mel Fenwick was in town Wed Hanley ranch. nesday for the first time in several The Windsor, under the manage weeks. He met with an accident If out of town You are The Loser I ment of C B. Smith A Co, is one sometime ago which put him on the g of the most populuK resorts in the shelf for a while. A wagon turned If you do not ljold a few’ tickets i g H interim. Finest, of liquors and over throwing him ent and bruised tor the Piano 1 Ira wing. H cigars, billiards and card tables him up quite severely. No bones We are givi ig away a Eine tt H The Place to Dine were broken, however, and lie is Piano. They will receive our best attention. H and expert mixologists. Eos every Cai k Purchase large „ Dick Noble has been having trou^ . ‘ able to cripple around. 8 ’ or small you get! a ticket which Since the snow fall last Sunday ' means one chanc*. ble with Dr. Hibbard the past week You will makd many Cash Pur 35 cents and up we hear of many who will put in i see The difference between them is now chases before tills drawing takes grain in the spring and it is quite OYSTERS, FISH AND GAME IN SEASON. prnctinlly settled and very little if place on July 4, |904. any bloodshed—only a matter of a likely a much larger acreage will Why not hold ks many tickets as Dining Room for I amities. We Cater to All. be seeded than usual. The snow you make Purchases? few aching molars. has assured a good supply ef water Our prices art Right our goods REDFORD BROS. Propts., Cor- Second & b st». Burns, Oregon. Our stock of iron beds is now for irrigation purposes and if the the Best and it s no more than justice to yourse f and family to be complete and at very resonable season should be favorable Harney prices. Call and see our folding Valley will startle our outside neigh- ( with the great Majority who trade with us. beds, steel couches, etc.—Burns bors when crops are harvested. It matters no| to us if your pur- pur Furniture Co Henry Bladkwell a well-to-do chase is the vlery least possible, Will R. King returned Sunday cattleman of Burns, aooompained your treatment at our place of busi- I from Drewgey where he had been as by Jess Ferguson arrived in Lake- ,le88 >8 tlle aamb118 ‘‘ie largest cub - See Vuegtly’s ad ----- RESERVED FOR----- , . , i n • i tomer we have one of the attorneys in the waler view last week. Jeff Parish the Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. , e e a n Mt : there ’ s WHEN WE SHINE, I popular foreman tor Geo. Mapes in I Comegys, Wednesday Feb. 17 a suit of S. S. Williams vs. Win. You can send your little child ' Altnow which was tried at that Warner valley, met Mr. Blackwell and know its safety is secure al our E LARGEST CIRCULATION OF son. place last week.—Ontario Democrat here, and yesterday completed a hands. They will have something to sav next, week IEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Good bread, mince pies, cakes, deal whereby the latter sells to BROWNS. Rev. A. J. frwin has returned Mapes 700 beefsteers from yearlings cookies and doughnuts at the home ST. VALENTINE WHIST PARTV. from Buck Creek where he held up, to bo delivered in Warner in the i Bakery. meeting for a week or more. He spring The price was not learned. ’ Messrs Biggs A Biggs have leased Mesdames Marsden and Levens has recieved many additions to his 1 —Lakeview Examiner. Local News. all the front part of the Jordan entertained the ladies of the Chrys I building and are now enlarging Hock—more than doubling the I anthemum Whist Club and their A letter received this morning; member ship in the past year—and husbands at the home of the former Newman is over from their law offices. is kept quite busy looking after his , from Bill Hogan states Carrol | last Saturday evening. It was one Cecil had just left Albany for Port of the most charming social events reek. Dr. Volp is again able to be on' church wo^k. IS THE PLACE land. Carrol bad told Bill all the in the history of our little city. doughnuts ! file street after an illness of 22 bread and A. K. Richardson and wife, ac ’ latest news of this section—and Although hearts were not trumps days suffering from jaundice. He yat Mrs Robbins’. I for the evening, the rooms were companied by Mrs Robt. Irwing, i then some. We don ’ t doubt it. \iis very J weak, but otherwise says he were down from Harney Wednes Bill addressed us in the old fami most charmingly ornamented with . Koine one has told us the ice on , , feels very J well, festoons of hearts draped from the Lie riibr has its back up about' day evening to attend the Rebekah liar way as “Beauty” which caused ceilings, archways, chandeliers and •»•ting. , Judge Levens informs us he had lodge. Quite a large crowd of in ' several buttons to fl v off our coat— walls. One of the most unique the misfortune to lose a fine mule vited guests attended after the lodge features of the »flair was the score we’re all swelled up. Meals served day and night at jcolt the other day, by being acci ceremonies wer^over. participating I cards especially designed by Dr. ie luAh counter in rear of “Win- The P. P. P. ball last night was Marsden. decorated with pen dentally killed while attempting to of »banquet. >r Bar” one of the most successful ever of sketches and a different quotation Provisions and Feed a ¿Specialty tie up several suckling colts. The manager of this great religi their annuals. The hall was hand on each Mrs." Larkins of Greenwood The New Barbor Shop, Robbins Prizes were won by Mrs Trisch idiadl, a sister to Mrs John Gem- IA Caldwell located in the Brown ous weekly with his family, has somely ilecorated with festoons of All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in. Season, and Hon. Wm Farre. Mrs Thorn irlingi is here on a visit to the building every thing strictly first been invited to be present at the evergreen and National colors, ton Williams and H. E. Thompson Durkheimer Building. _ _ _ Main Street. annual reunion of the alumni of the tter.K class pientv of clean towels and Citizen Business College and Col- while largo mirrors emblem deco receiving the consolation prizes. At l<>:30 r.ainty refreshments rations of the organization were E. K Purrington was down from 1 strict attention paid to customers. legiate Institute at the College much in evidence, as well as pic were served which was followed by >e ««will this week. He report« Miss E. E. Geary, a sister to Dr. | rooms on next Monday evening. tures of prominent men of the Na some music, both vocal and iiistru- .a quite deep in the inoun- * > ie , 5 Gearv, arrived here from her home Prof, Rigby says they will be short tion adorned the walls. A large ; mental. y Those present were: Mr and in predicts some water in the ’ 7! in Astoria yesterday on a visit to on program but long on something crowd was in attendance and the Mrs Tom Allen. Mr and Mrs J. W jrinf.fi Let us all hope. [ I the latter and family. Her stav to eat He will certainly avail him floor was managed with exceptional Biggs, Mr and Mrs F. McKinney Suitings and The Mmains of the little daughter will be indefinite. Mr and Mrs W. K.Trisch, Mr and self of this opportunity if nothing good ta-te and satisfaction. Weidenberg Sr. Mr and L. Filter were taken up from the Mrs L. Overcoatings. ' E C. Warren, the Portland happens to prevent. N. U. Carpenter, Judge anil Mrs einetery the first of the ¡i r i man, E. C. Cracker and Candy The Automobile Lines E "wk Levens, Mr. ami Mrs Thornton THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE the purpose of removing Iam using the highest} grad.es of linings and and Williams. Hon and Mrs Wm Farre, Skiles, of Spokane Drug Co. and J. COMPANY, of Bridgeport, Conn, family iampa where the trimmings, and will make a better su it or.overcoat for Apa«" President Geer of the Board of Hon. and Mrs A W Gowan, Mr and W Rood representing a Snn Fran has appointed M. L. Lewis, their $20, right here, than you can buy in any store for the es. JW Mrs Sam Mother.,head. Mr and cisco hardware house, have been in agent for Harney County. This Trade, is iu recipt of a letter from Sias’! same price They Jit and mast Jit Mis Isaac Schwartz, Mr and Mrs. 1—Last Monday at the the city the past few days. .Jack old reliable Company makes all President Lytle of the Columbia G. A. Rembold. Mr. and Mrs J. 0. | Pants $4 and up; pressing pants 2fi cents: press Peter Oard. near Lawen. Warren is not only taking orders kinds of M.mu men Is, Grave Covers. Southern, which states that if the Welcome Jr , Mr and Mrs Julian ing suits $1; suits cleaned and pressed SJ~>() Oard and Miss. Florence for his line of goods but is buying Corner posts Vases and Urns, out proposed automobile line between Byrd, Mr ami Mrs I. H. Holland. Oring in your old. clothes and. hare them fixed up ev. A J. Irwin performing horses Local horsemen have of pure refined Zink, which ia one Bend and Burns at all feasible, and Mr and Mrs H. E. Thompson. for the winfer- Mesdames J. W. Gearv. E E Pur ony. Both the contracting found him a snap. of the elementary or virgin metals, he believed it was, that the Col rington, Mr Frank Welcome, Dr FRIEDRICH THE TAILOR ve resided in that section Dr. Matsden started for Drewgey the same as gold and silver, and is umbia Southern would certainly and Mr9 Marsden. r Mtl The Times-Herald ex- last Monday afternoon on a profes indestructable and cannot be affect establish it in the very near future. !"• iWbg|^igraluLiti<ma. This coming from headquarters NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. sional visit, having been summoned ed by the climatic conditions. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I jevy now has charge of the to see Mrs. John Wri ht. Upon These monuments are cheaper by is certaainlv authentic and means UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,. . t MTEDHTATF-I.ANDOFFK'E. [ UNITED STATES LAMP O> FICK. > Burna, Oregon, February, 4, 1904. i Burn*. Oregon. February 4, liMM.f i nt Livery and Feed Barn bis arivai at Stenkin water he found half than any kind of stone, I more rapid transit for thia interior llurn*. ore., February •>. 1904 | Notice ia hereby given that Jetm«* <'. Davin, of Notice is hereby given that the following* Notice I, hereby given that Sylvester Smith, I section provided the machines can 1 will be pleased to look the water too high to make a cros more beautiful in design and can- named settler haw file«! notice of hia intention Van, Harney County, Oregon, hna file«! notice of Smith. Or.-gim, bar Ale>l notice of intenilon to make final proof in anpport «»f hta "iRfm, and of Intention to make proof on hit dca<*rt-land to make print on hl, .1. aert lamt claim No JBS, r wants in his line. Mose sing and was compelled to wait un | not lie broken. Mr. Lewi» desires lie ope rat d successfully. that Mid proof will be mwde before the Register claim No. 240, for the W't NW'i, aec. ?, T D “ for :t.o acri-a of land In I :< s., a. .y, E . W M E., W. M., I m * fore the Regiater and R> 16, 1 R. r.i. 1 Receiver a» Burna Oregon on March •« oinvurvei cd., before I he Kculaier and Here* ver augh competent livery man til daylight. The lady was found all who are contemplating the pur 1^01. via lid. E. No. “ • of I nh A. Parker lor reiver at Burna, Oregon, on Wedneaday, the9th al Burna, Oregon, on Thitra lav. the 10th day of March. HOI. HW«4 s.- *. 25, T 25 4., R 2M K , •lay of March. HMM. The democratic state central the H«4 ME'.4. k placer! in his care are to t>e too far gone for medical aid chase of anything in this line to lieiiameathr folhlwlng witnearyt to prove Iletinnna the fn ting wltneaaeg to prove ife name« the-following witneaik R to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of am<l the comtdele Irrlgnllon and reclamation of aald 0 rtceive the best of treat- upon bis arrival and she died Tues cal 1 on him nt the office of Biggs A committee has been called to hia coutlnnoua reaidciiec »ip-»n and cultivation land John L. Jonra. t'harira S. Johna<>n, Wal land: Jaa. «Imino: a, h -an Wiwnleock, Theodore ter It. < appa and William If. Rehlieart all of Dunn amt John F [larper all of Narrow,. On- MU'I land, viz -lauton r. Tyler, I'leaaant -M Livery turnouts on short day morning She was a I tout GO Biggs, and see designs sample of meet in Portland on next Monday, of Van, Oregon. < henev. Marahnll < artwritfhf and J. < lark Free Wr, K arri . Keglater W m . F akrk , Register. man all of Burna, Or< _•»:». Prices reasonable. material and get prices. Feh. 22. W m . F arbk . Rcglater. years old. & B CASH STORE, BURNS, OREGON Don’t forget that you can get jre for your money at our store than any other store in town. Phis week we have re diced all our a DR ESS PATTERNS 25 PER CT. making making some some oi mem of them Deiow below cost. cost. M..jj|As we intend carrying only the W B Corset (the best made) "“in future, we’re closing out other lines at cost, so come in and get our prices. ill ....... ■ PRiDE OF JAPAN TREE TEA. Inspect the Handsome Upright Piano We are Giving Away STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERltS. LONE STAR CAFE WT ÎYOURÏMÂÎLÏÔRDEBSll IB. ffl STORE I MEALS AT ALL HOURS jhwartz & Budelman, Burns, Oregon Times-Jierald MILLER & THOMPSON HUSTON ’S Groceries, Grain, Flour Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Reason An elegant line of ,'X CALL AND SEE CLOSING OUT SALE FOR CASH eginning on this date 1 will close out all lines of shelf and heavy hardware, tinware, etc., at COST. (Jail and see J»' oods, and get the prices, and be convinced. This is no catch advertisement, but is an actual fact. o at COST. I his is your opportunity. Remember, sales must be STRICTLY CASH. Goods in all lin -7OEC-IS.--. ETTI’iTS, OBE3O