XVII. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, FEBRU ARY 20, 1904. 111 The fact of its being isolated is EASTERN OREGON RAILROADS D WILL LOSE TRADE less to fight them. PICKS UMATILLA PROJECT the very reason it should have the The Oregonian always sees these JOHN D. DALY, P ues N. U. CARPENTER, C asuibu , advantages of irrigation Let the things too late to do Portland any FRANK R. COFFIN, V ice P res . A. C. WELCOME, A sst . C asiitkh good. Just at present it is taken NEWELL SAID TO FAVOR IT AS SITE government put water on Harney BAKER CITV MAN’S COMMENTS ON BASIN TO CALL TO SAN valley amt it would require a dozen up entirely with the Lewis and ( FOR IRRIGATION. THE NEW PROJECTS. FRANCISCO IF; clerks at the land oflice in Burns to Clark fair—in fact all the business i make our papers as fast as the land OF BURNS, OREGON. men in that city are similarly situ- ne would be taken up, and a railroad Some New Work Will de Itone io the , „ »ted and allowing things that would ! Chief of the Reclamation Service Discusses Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited la- f. Portland to Retain Its Hold would follow soon enough. It is be of lasting benefit to their welfare | lerest of This Section--Portland Possibilities of Various Projects ral Oregoo la b» Extension WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. tin- desire of tlte government to re Has no Growl Coining. go as they please In Eastern Oregon. Columbia Southern. claim these isolated localities. i S tockhoi . deus :— John D. Daly, Frank R. Collin, N U. Carpenter, R. J That city has lost Klamath and ' A prominent local railroad man Williams, J. W. Oeary, C. Cummins, H. M Horton, C. A. Haines, Wm t Bu tire trade of the rich Lake counties, now it will lose Chief Newell, of the reclamation Jones, Thomas Davis. who is thoroughly familiar with all tn. An Early Riser. asin will be beyond the Harney. Grant, Baker and perhaps Service, is quoted by the Oregoni conditone of traffic in the state of State and County ^Currants bouyAt at t/te marjtotyrtco. sseiiS rtland very early in the Malheur in the same manner. It an’s Washington correspondent, in Oregon, yesterday referring to the strong, healthy, active consti- A llrnf. <nt simmer,” is the statement is a foregone conclusion that this regard to irrigation schemes, as This bank is insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary tution depends largely on the con article published iu the Oregonian or hold up day or night. >ron$nent transportation man will he the case unless something is follows: has just returned from Califor- done to divert it—which under the “In Oregon there are three pro dition of the liver. The* famous lit of the eleventh regarding the rail latio| to aifOregonian reporter. Re- circumstances is not likely. jects which we have been studying tie pills known as DeWitt’s Little road and trafile situation in eastern coni j from San Francisco state that Burns and Harney county want with care. We have been examin Early Risers not only cleanse the and central Oregon as related to the le. igem^nts have already been a railroad. We will do anything ing the whole state, and while these system but they strengthen the ac extentions of the Columbia. Southern rs for the construction of an ex- Mgn it: reason to get it The first one to three are perhaps not the best, they tion of the liver and reduild the tis road, the Klamath Lake railroad ’ey, <OO of the Klamath Lake Ilail- come will receive the bussiness and have attractive points. We started sues supporting that organ. Little and the Nevada, California & M. A i . kxaxdkh . P resident . E II. T est , Cashier Oregon road, predicting the transfer W m . Jo.XKS, VICE-PRESIDENT. C. E. K enyon , Asst. Cashier nt, froafits present terminus at if it gives this section direct trans out to see if we could take out the Early Risers are easy to act, they ot trade from Portland to San Fran ns , gama to Reno, on the Kla- portation with Snn Francisco we Snake River and bring it along into neaver gripe ami yet they are abso I River. This extension will will certainly trade there. Oregon, hut it was found a canal lutely certain to produce results cisco for this territory because of ■■1^3 milks in length, and, when it could not he brought out there that are satisfactory in all cases. the building of the Nevada road northward, said to the Baker City mpleted, Klamath Falls, the The next question was whether the Sold by Burns Druggists. A Cure For Eczema ONTARIO » OREGON Democrat: w • ipolig of the Klamath country, Umatilla, which flows by Pendle N’t! “ Portland has been too slow in Interest Paid on Time Deposits. be in such close connection Mj ’ baby had Eczema so bad ton. could be brought out ami stored MAKI-D MEN KILL 1500 SHEEP. • Iti the matter of the development of San Francisco that staging that its head was a solid mass of in Powder Creek region. It is ap We Solicit Yosr Banking Business. A dispatch from Paisley, to the Eastern and southeastern Orngon t iin____ he no longer necessary. At scabs, and its hair all came out I parent that we can there make a STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, E. H. Test, the ireseit time, passengers from tried many remedies but none reservoir, not a very good reservoir Telegram says: 'File report of the and when a short time ago she saw E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William the trade of that territory beginning killing of 30IX) sheep near Christ [xxii li'rat$cisco can go by rail as far seemed to do any permanent good but we can probably store and |. okeglma, thence 23 miles by until 1 used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel utilize water there for the reclama mas Lake, -10 mileH north of here to slip away from her, she Het up a I»rP(J» Io Reno, and from the latter Salve. The Eczema is cured, the tion of 50,(XX)or (10,000 acres This on the desert, a few days ago, was big roar and blamed the railriad in ]t to Klamath Falls by steamers scabs are gone ami the little one’s is all good land and th? extent of partially confirmed today by a tele companies for not protecting her do:qpef.|ted by the Klamath Late scalp is perfectly clean and healthy, the irrigation is limited only by the phone message from Silyer Lake, interests. Regardless of any of the and its hair growing beautifully water supply, and wo roughly esti the neureSv point ttr the telephone facts, it is undoubtedly true that ' 1 Igation Company. " ( ! ’ -ior tC the construction of the again. ! emnot give too much mate that, we can put water onto line from the scene of the slaught- it is just as short or shorter distance ej- fry > oath .Lake Railroad, there was praise to DeWitt’s Witch Hazel the land at a cost of from $10 to er. The story ns previously told, from San Francisco to this territory HOWARD SEBREE, Pat.io.hT a. F. WHITE, Vlci.PiH«oixr W. R. SEBREE, C . was some what enlarged, but stands in question as from Portland and y that the extention of the Salve.—Frank Farmer. Bluff City, $15 per acre. H U|. iii Southern would be car- Kv. In buying Witch Hazel Salve “The second project is in the ex yet as the most dastardly piece of that country through which a road forwiid before the trade of that look out for counterfeits DeWitt’s treme Eastern part of the state in work ever perpetrated in Lake must be built is an easier one for I construction purposes thar. that sectifen was diverted to the is the original and the only one the Boise Valley, where the waters County. There is still no clew r...h b/s uperior railroad connec- containing pure Witch Hazel. The of the Malheur and its tributaries The band of three thousand sheep through which any line that might ITjb bulfmatters have now reach name E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., is on may be stored and used in the belonging to Benrum Brothers, I be built from Portland via any of -XU rtet where it will require every box. Sold by Burns drug vicinity of Vale and Ontario, where ranging near Christmas Lake, in the established routes. It is appar CALDWELL, IDAHO ■JI s very strenuous efforts to win gists. there are 40, 50 or 100,000 acres this county, were attacked and ent that capital, at least, has ap : what we h ave lost. The case slaughtered by five masked men, proved of the lines building north A General Banking Business Transacted Æ mainly public land r from hopeless if the Columbia CATTLE WILL GO 4 12 NEXT MAT “The third is the Silyies River who had previously robbed the ward from Nevada and California CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Jk hern1 is pushed far enough which flows out into the Malheur camptender and herders cf their and some body has put bed those interests successfully. 'L^h.- The Columbia Southern, Lake. There are broad marshes guns and ammunition Fifteen ®G’e ineject a feeder of the Harri- Such is the Statement of a Buyer in around the lake which are now used hundred sheep out of the band are ■ What has Portland done any way to curry any special favor with Umatilla County. syslem, which also includes for cutting hav, and we propose to dead, 200 crippled and the re 1 «<>1 Southern Pacific, is in a large lake some of the water, without in mainder of the liand scattered over Eastern Oregon or Southeastern J. C. Lonergan, the cattle buyer, Oregon? She has always looked 1 '“sure ndepennent of the Harri- juring those hay lands, if possible, the desert, the prey for coyotes. left this morning for Echo, were he contlol, and if pushed through A party of men from Paisley upon this territory as belonging to store it and attempt to develop that goes to look after a cattle shipment, ' e extreme southern boundary country in there. There is a Carey went to the sheep camp add skinn her by the grace of God and has OF PHILADELPHIA says the East Oregonian. ie state, will give Portland ac- land selection scheme also under ed the dead she ,p and saved the done little if anything to assist in INCORPORATED I847. Mr. Lonergan has just returned its ’development. When it came —to ijich country without being consideration and we want to con pelts. IsHireH all forme of sound lifo insurance at tiro lowe.-t rams. < hir policies from a long stay in Idaho and Utah, guarantee after three payments are made on the Harriman line It is believed that the best of to questions of irrigation, exploit- sider carefully the exigencies of the I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of the contract. will be in this part of the coun and ing of ntines, the establishment of ith a splendid grade feeling exists between sheepmen case. II. A paid up policy. HI. Ixian or cash surrender value. almost the entire length try for some time in the interest of “But the project of the Umatilla and cattlemen of this section, No United States assay office, the Unexcelled as a dividend payer. regon, this road could his firm. The price that he has appeals to me more than any other, range wars exist here as do in tlio building of smelters or any of these oc/* c INVESTIGATE REFORE FOB INSIRE. been paying for steers for some time things Portland was conspicuous tha^Bsidents of that far-off because the attitude is low, it is on northern portion of the state, The ratl Sherman A Harmon, It. II Itenodict, by its absence from the seat of ac he state facilities equal is $3 80 a hundred on foot, which is a navigable river, right on the rail whole affair is a myBtery. General Agents. District Manager. te slit™ a little lower than ho has paid in tion except in the case of a few to any which they can MarquamiBldg., II. A. Hillard, Agent. Urterei road, and has a good market as well <Iecon some instances, but is nt this time Portland, Or, Burns, Or. long headed patriotic business men hotop______ California. Lumber, Relief in One ftinute. as a good climate so if we could ÍLY the top price. The market' seems All matters of legislation for the in d woo] at the present orni. JOCK get water onto that land I think it E Cíí One Minute Cough Cure glV68 terests of this section of Oregon have he bulk of the sliip- to be a little lower than it was a few is one of the best projects in the relief in one minute, because it kills been opposed by western Oregon that country, and, as days ago and will have no great state for irrigation.” NG the microbe which tickles the mu Now that outsiders have discover lically all of these commodities rise, as far as present indications show, for some time to come. In ed the wealth that cun be acquired or shipment to the East, the It is strange that Chief Newell cous membrane; causing the cough, I by the development of this section the estimation of the buyer the high ___»ral Oregon route would offer ...AND... would make such expressions as ami at the same time clears the ! of the state Portland is making a »Her line and correspondingly market will come in May, when it phlegm, draws out the inflamma quoted above. Why he should roar over what she has lost by her ter to reach the market may go to 4 .1 cents, but not much prefer the Umatilla project when tion and heals and soothes the af own negligence. higher. if it Wiere shipped around by fected parts. One Minute Cough The farmers have a lot of cattle he admits that only 50,000 or (¡0,- “1 a in authenticaly advised that Affords the people of East nml Central Oregon nil the opportunity of a , of California. Cure strengthens the lungs, wards <XX) acres can be reclaimed at the first elans modern Business College, It is a homo institution covering whatever may be the schemes now lath Lake Railroad is scattered over the country, and al) off pneumonia and is a harmless | expense of $10 to $15 per acre, every course involved in Business College work Ils rilles nre the same being carried on for railroad build- railroad line that is of them average better in condition ns charged elsewhere and the metlwMls are the sanio. Htii-lents nd in i t ted . when the Harney project shows and never failing cure in all cura ! ing in this territory the Sumpter than was the case at this time last from the south for the nt any time. Instruction nt the College or by mail. During the auinmer three times more government land ble cases of Coughs, Colds and I Valley road will push its exnention them and Central Ore- year. The season has been a good months the College will conduct a Croup One Minute Cough Cure i “ to lie under it and easy of reclama on southward from Whitney [Nevada, California and one for the cattle men, and the stock pleasant to take, harmless and tion at a cost not much more than is in good condition. ummer ormal chool ad has progressed to a good alike for young ami old. Sold through Prairie City and Canyon 1 ston ¡halfthe Umatilla project. The sugar beet factories of Cali City to Burns and thence on to a ew ’ miles south of the glW* The matter of transportation and by Burns druggists. For teachers and others who «lesire a reviewing or propitiatory courne. connection with the Nevada road, rimn>òn , anil will probably fornia and the southern part of this For specimens of pen work, mid (nil information on Business College sub market should not enter into the stale are beginning to get into oper giving Baker City a direct line to iew before the Colum- ject«. addme urniture cheaper than over be '■ matter Mr Newell can be assured Sacramento and San Francisco in reaches that far south. ation, and they are feeding a large <Jy ___ number of cattle, and this has a of railroad and market if he de fore in this town. We bought connection with the new Gould | M. ZE. TSig-'by’-, Z’rirx., «opto tendency to lower the price, for sires such before deciding upon the right and will sell right. The very road being built westward from g W ' : , ZBxxxrxS, Oregrorx. it la arti will likewise lose the their feed costs them practically matter. Should the Government nicest in Lace and Muslin Cur Utah. This line will no doubt be ! Of section in a very short ' nothing. tains. Ladies, call and imqiect. decide today to put ii> a reservoir tapped by the extention of the ¡railroad news publish- Montana also has a largp number at Silvies Valley a railroad would We can please you in both style Columbia Southern road from t issue from a Salt Lake I of cattle which they will ship in be running into Burns before the and price. Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Shaniko which will lie made this tly looks as though the here as Boon as the price begins to irrigation project could possibly be Sideboards, Iron Beds, and in fact season. ” f Oregon was going to rise, and this also tends to keep the half completed. The following everything in our line.— Burns Should the Sumpter quotations down to a certin extent 1 from the Westfall Western Wats Furniture Co. First Church Christ Scientist, d 240 miles and con- But in spite of the low prices that ’ hits the nail on the head: One of those fine meals at the services Sunday 3 p m, at the par e Reno road then our prevail the stock men report that The closing paragraph of the be diverted to San they are making as much as they above indicates plainly that Chief “Cafe de Meade" of an evening will lors of the Cottage Hotel. Prayer Prompt attention to all kinds of Draying make you feel like a new man. meeting Wednesday eveningat 7:3Q and Transfer Business. did last year, owing to the open Newell considers the high altitude aiiroad developments winter and the consequent small and isolated condition of the Sil For» rush orders use ’phone CTTain 324 It the fact that Gould amount of feeding necessary. vies or Hart.ey Valley project as tied up by Harrimnn an unfavorable feature, and seems pdfijpize houses chat d splaq th? G'een .< The Finest of All former is compelled to I to bring it in as a latter considera Hate You Indigestion. to the Pacific coast tion. This is surely an erroneous deliveryman natural then, for the If you have Indigestion Kodol conclusion on the part of the chief. e fo make connections, Dyspepsia Cure will cure you It Nearly every aero of the vast H ir- the Salt Lake najier. at has cured thousands. It is curing 1 ney valley, notwithstanding its high ake the trade of East- people every day—every hour. You altitude, if properly watered would F«r Salt Italy at thern Oregon from the oiro it to yourself to give it a trial produce two heayy crops < f alfalfa >ple. In a late press You will cont nue to suffer until) each season. This may be eslim li m New York a railroad you do try it There is no other ed at 4 to 5 tons. We doubt if TRIRCH A- DONEGAN, Proprietor» ed as saying the Gould- coordination of digestants that di there is any other crop that will people will have a ter- gest and rebuild at the same time. bring a greater return than alfalfa, an Francisco Bay in Kodol doe» both Kodol cures, but Harar-y valley will produce a fluents, Burns, also asserted they have strengthens and rebuild- Sold by good ceria! crop ar.d the hr.rdr ZxzZa-lce Tlxis Hea.cLqLXxa.it' rn and it would l>e uw- Burns Druggists. Varieties of frails and vegetables fIbjthi i I Bros , bialributers. Portland, Oregon First National Bank £ I FIRST NATIONAL BANK f I c Í. a hiir first Rational Bank PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S GENERAL DELIVERY and Trucking MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar Ore A. L. HUNTER, . THE CAPITAL SALOON Bums. Oregon.