BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, FEBRUARY 6, 1904. VOL. XVII. HANGING CONDUCTS FIRST 1 reach of him. He POST LUDE OF THOMSON CASE to witness the accident but unable to render any assistance. small space in the death chamber. would tell Mr. Cyrus anything he N. U. CARPENTER, Cxsiire«, The body was brought to town From the time of his being re-I asked hiiu except this and no kind A. (’. WELCOME, Assr. Casmaa. ceived at the penitentiary until the ' of questioning would move him to WHOLESALE ARRESTS MADE IN UMA- and a message immediately sent to the unfortunate mail’s father, W. morning of liis execation Egbert I ’ betray the gui’.ty party or parties TULA CONNTY. W. Hinton who resides at Hunting­ for some unknown reason. had perfect control over his noryes OF BURNS, OREGON. ton, and who reached this p’ace and feelings, but there were times Prominent Official and Citizens of Eastern Friday. Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. when he seemed almost on the Boy's Essay on Louisiana Land Oregon Charged With Land Frauds The funeral took place at 21 verge of physical collapse. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Bv U. S. District Attorney. o ’ clock Saturday afternoon, after Here is a New Orleans public It seemed that almost all of his S tock noi.DBHs :— John D. Daly, Frank R. ( ottin. N. U. Carpenter, R. J. which the grief stricken father ac­ thoughts when he was in deep study school boy’s ideas on the history of As a direct result of the trial of Williams, J. W. Geary, C. Cummins. H . M. Horton, C. A. Haines, H'm. companied by many friends, fol ­ the Louisana Purchase Territory. were devoted to the woman in East­ Jones, Thomas Davis. During the centennial celebration Asa Thompson. Receiver of the La lowed poor Clayton Hinton to his i ern Oregon, to whom he said he Grami Land Office, and of facts de­ last resting place in the Westfall Stat* anti County Warrant! AouyAt at tA* marA*t prtc*. was betrothed, and on two or three in the Crescent City in December, duced from the evidence submitted cemetery.—Western Wavs. This bank Is insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary occasions he has been seized with the pupils in the public schools at the trial, ten citizens of Eastern or hold up day or night. fits of silent weeping when talking were requested to write a short Oregon have been arrested on the George Grace Dead. about her, but he would straighten composition on the purchase. One of the little fellows in the primary charge of conspiracy to defraud the up, wipe his tears away and say: i Government out of homestead lands After a long illness of cancer of “What is the use of worrying grade demonstrated that he had The arrests were made at Perdie- the stomach, George W. Grace, a about her? It will do rne no more learned something ■ of his subject »nd that he could tell what he ton, at .he instance of United States well known merchant and politician •■»z>oor> <-»•«->. oeo<">•«■> <■»•©■>r»«r><-»•<■> good.” District Attorney John H. Hall, by of Clackamas county, died at his E II. T est , Cashier i He did not sleep a wink ou Wed­ knew in a few words. Listen to Deputy United States Marshal * M. A lexander . P iikhidk NT. home at Oregon City Tuesday W m . J ones . V ice -P hbsidknt . C. E. K enyon , Asst. Cashier • nesday night, and lay upon bis the boy: Proebstel, ami upon complaint filed evening last. Mr Grace was an “Spa’11 got tired of Louisiana and t bunk and rolled and tossed in a bp Special Land Tnsaector A. R. active worker for the good of Clack- high state of excitement, liis last didn’t want her. So Spain gave Greene. aaius county. He ran unsuccess­ Ç night on earth he spent in writing her to Napoleon he didn’t want her, Those charged with being mem ­ fully against George C. Brownell letters to relatives and friends. either. But he took her. Then he bers of the conspiracy to defraud OREGON ONTARIO I for the State Senate at the last elec­ Walter Cvrua, for whom Egbert had begged a lady io take Louisana as a the Government and who were ar­ Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tion. He was about 50 years of formed an attachment on account present. The lady turned up her rested are: age and besides his brother, Hon. of liis daily walks with him in the nose and said: 'I don’t want it; We Solicit Yoer Banking Business. Charles Cunningham, sheep king W. E. Grace, of Baker city, a bro­ penitentiary yards, upon the last I wouldn’t have it.’ C of Umatilla County—Charged with ther resides at Oregon City. STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. H. Test, “So Napoleon offered to sell night with him as his watch C. E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William leing the prime center of the move ­ Miller, Frank R. Coflin, Thos. Turnbull. When he was taken otit of his Louisiana to the United States, ment in inducing to file of home­ THE EAST FOR IRRIGATION. cell for the purpose of having his The United States was wide awake steads falsely ami transfer them to picture taken last week, Egbert dis­ and jumped at the offer, So Louis- him. The Merchants’ association of played his peculiar vanity by re­ iana was sold, and Spain and G A Hartman, County Judge of New York, an immense and influ­ questing that lie be allowed to pose France and Napoleon all lived lo Umatilla County—Charged with ential organization comprising the see what fools they had been But as he pleased for a picture of his taking and certifying to testimony principal bueinoss houses of the own, one which he desired to send the Uniled States only laugh' d in which he knew to be false metiopolis, has been making a HOWARD SEBREE, PlHMit •. f. WHITE, Vic,.PR«fc(x«T to bis relatives and friends. In her sleeve and waved h: r flag Asa Rayburn, Dallas O’Hara, J. study of the general question of ir W. R. SEBREE, across the ocean and said ‘ la la. ’ ” this picture he wore a broad smile, H. Sating, Shelly Jones, Mark rigation and forestry as related to and placed the little finger of his Shackleford, Kate James—Charged manufacturing and sales of factory A Cure For Eczema right hand to his check, an assum­ with tiling on homesteads which goods, and tit its annual meeting ed coquettish pose, but for the ex­ had never even been see 1 by tile in decided to lend the subject its ac­ My’ baby had E: ze.ma so bail press purpose of displaying a silyer and making false affidavits as to tual support. ring which he wore upon that fin­ that its hgud was a solid mas* of resilience and improvement The matter has been in tht^ hands scabs, and its hair all came out I CALDWELL, IDAHO ger. On account of this action up Those to be arrested arc : of a special coinmitiee appointed tried many remedies but none on his part it was thought that Joseph II. Parks, 1 otary public— last spring. The association con- A General Banking Business Transacted there was some sentiment or roman­ seemed to do anv permanent good Charged with making out papers j c|ujfc(j that the settlement of the until I used DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel tic connection to the ring, but, if CORRESPONDENCE INVITED the statements in which be knew ( arjj |a|llj bv j home-builders was a there was, questioning failed to re Salve. The Eczema is cured, the to be false. Parks has not yet 11 ‘ subject in which they were deeply yeai it. This ring Egbert gave to scabs are gone and the little one’s been arrested, as he has been out of a|1j dirrecily interested and that scalp is perfectly clean ami healthy i Mr. Cyrus during their walk yes­ town, but his arrest will follow at. ^hev could lend their support to no terday afternoon, and requested and its hair growing beautifully onc'• I movement, development of South him to keep it as a remembrance. again, I cinnot give too much Richard Roe and John doe. | American trade, expansion of the praise to DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel Notwithstanding his resolution Cunningham and Hartman were , Oriental markets, or anything else to arise early, Egbert dropped off' Salve.—Frank Farmer, Bluff City, released on the furnishing of bonds which promised such returns as the J’ of to deep sleep and slept soundly un­ Kv. Tn buying Witch Hazel Salve to thy amount of $2000 each. The look out for counterfeits. DeWitt ’ s habilitation of arid America INCORPORATED I847. til 10:30 o’clock, when he was others were required to give $500 Issues all forms of sound life insurance at the lowost rates. Our policies awakened by the guard. He arose is the original and the only one apeice, which Cunningham furnish­ guarantee after three payments are made Sells Cattle in California quickly and cheerfully, and stated containing pure Witch Hazel. The ed in all cases I. Automatic extended insurance for th» face of I lie contract. Co., is on II. A paid up policy. that he had never felt better in his name E. C. DeWitt III. Loan or cash surrender value. J Johnson returned Saturday every box. Sold by Burns drug ­ life He was particular ir. his dress Unexcelled as a dividend payer. An Early Riser. and ate the food that wa»- placed gists. INVESTIGATE IIEEORE YOW INSURE.' EGBERT 75 people all told, which filled the j been OF EXECUTION AT PENITENTIARY Ion Attended by State Official« and lecessary Wltaeaae« Only-Had Hopes to tbe Last. First National Bank t e following account of the ng of Harry Egbert is taken a Salem dispatch to the Port- iTelegtam of Jan 29: y friends, take me a» an ex- h. If you have children, knber me and bring them up •Vedb tliiit they will not follow in my tepa. My heart aches’ for them. , veep them in at night away from saloons and out of bad conipa- ly, I Bad raising and bad company irovght me here. I repent of my ,,!iijnifniid am ready to die. It is true that 1 have any hatred for Ivoman I love. I still love her [die true to her. My heart is full to say anything more.” ri th the above words fresh upon »Ihi\ ips, Harry D. Ggberl murder- ar ©t John G Saxton and John t, in Harney County, October •03, paid tbe penalty of death lis crime and kept his resolu- to die game. he drop was released at 12:42 in 9:18 minutes Egbert was lotinced dead. romptly at 12:15 o’clock this rnoon, all of the prisoners hav- been locked in their cells for r noon day lunch, Superinten- . James went to Egbert’s cell told him that he had the th warrant, the reading of which leri, promptly waived. Warden FKI. Curtis and Deputy. Warden Smith, who had accompanied tbe superintendent, then stepped up and relieved the death watch and anJjSught Egbert out of the cell. Rev. In 8»- '' ierre the prison chaplain, who wls the only minister present at the ctlemony, followed along behind, .Jami the party then decended to the prison chapel. There they were lull mot by the guards. Stapleion, Hix, ••qBengen and Ross, which formed the guard upon Ilia occasion. h Superintendent James in the , followed closely by Rev. St. rre and the condemned man, parly proceeded by way of the of the building to the death mber at the south end. Egbert before him, which he had ordered Shorman & llarinon, 11. II Benedict, A strong, healthy, active consti- General Agents. District Manager. ked briskly and without hesita- the night previously, and which NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR tutiou depends largely on the con- up of vear)inRa a„d 2-ye«rolds and Marquam^lildg., II. A. Dillard, Agent. coiwisted principally of a pint of , and mounted the stairway Portland, Or, Burns, Or. ditimi of the liver. 1 he famous lit a few cowsand the entire number To all whom it may concern: h a strong arid.steady step. He cream and a dish of canned pears. He pills known as DeWitt’s Little broueht $21 per bend not. hesitate nor falter when he At 11 o’clock he came down to Notice is hereby given that the un­ Early Risers not only cleanse the Mr Johnson started with liis herd re. iched the stairway which led up the barber’s room and was shaved. dersigned was on the 19th day of system ’out they strengthen the ac- about the first of last September, Ut he scaffold, but passed right His nerves were steady, and he Dec. 1903, by the County Court of lion of the liver and reduild the lis- driving them overland He expect- ng when so directed by Superin­ was very particular about the man­ Harney County Oregon, duly ap­ sues supporting that organ. Little | to find stock conditions in their pointed as Executor, with will an­ dent James. ner in which he was shaved. Early Risers are easy to act, they pr i me , hut reached California just ...AND... )nce upon the scaffold, Egbert Dr. Byrd, dean of the Medical nexed, of the estate of Jorgen Jor- neaver gripe and yet they are abso- ¡n tjme t„ fi„() the market flooded k a hasty look at the surround­ College of Willamette University, gensen deceased, and all persons Itilely certain to produce results wjtb calt|e an<] sheep which had fl and at tbe people assembled made application for the remains having claims against said estate that, are satisfactory in all cases. |)een prought in over the southern re, and then took his position by of Egbert, and, as no request was are hereby notified to present the Sold by Burns Druggists. Afford, the people of East mid Central Oregon nil the opportunity of a tJails. A continued drought of 8 first class modern Business College. It is a home institution covering 1 side of Rev. St Pierre. He received from relatives or friends, same duly verified as by law j months was also a factor in reduo- every course involved in Bnsinesa College work Its rates are the sume n took his position U|>on the it is probable Superintendent Jafties required, lo the undersigned, at Killed by Runaway Team ing slock prices.—Prineville Journ- as charged el-ewliere mid the methods are the same. Htu lentH admitted Burns, Oregon, or to George Hayes p and stood calmly awaiting will turn the body over to the nt any time. Instruction nt the Collège or bv mail. Duriug the summer al. Atty, at Law at Burns, Oregon, ile the straps were lieing adjust­ school. Ciayton Birk Hinton, a young mouths the College will conduct a in’ the four guards who had ac- There is another interesting fea­ within six months of this date. man well and favorably known Have You Indigestion. C. H. V oegti . y . npnnied him on the death march, ture about the case of Egbert which throi'ghout this locality., was al­ ummer ormal chool Executor with will annexed of most instantly killed at about 4 ere was nobody on the scaffold has not yet been given publicity, If you have Indigestion. Kodol For teachers mid others who desire • reviewing or preparatory course. (ept those who had accompanied ! and that was that he was supposed the Estate of Jorgen Jorgenson de- o’clock Thursday afternoon, Janu­ Dyspepsia Cure will cure you. It For spis’iinens of pen work, sud full information on Bnsiness Gol lege sub­ x 1 doomed man. to, or at-least claimed to, know „ j ceased. has cured thousands. It is curing ary 28 jects, address he strapping process finished, • who it was that supplied Tracy While feeding stock a short dis- people every day—every hour. You 35. Zeig-'bsr, guards stepped bock and Depu- and Merrill with their firearms Relief la One Hinute. lane© r-ast of this place, the team owo it to yourself to give it a trial. Warden Smith adjusted the I when they made their sensational Mr. Hinton was driving became You will continue to sufTer until) One Minute Cough Cure gives ck cap oyer his face, whil^Rev. escape from the penitentiary here frightened at a loose horse near, you do try it There is no other Pierre spoke a few words of en- in Juno, 1902. Egbert claimed I re,ief'n one minute, because it kills and started to run. In passing comdination of digestants that di­ rageinent in the ear of the that he knew who said that he ■ l^e microbe which tickles the mu- over some sidling ground the wa gest and rebuild at the same time. mied man and administered hie would put the guns over the wall com membrane, causing the cough, gon came very near upsetting, Kodol does both. Kodol cures, ssing. Superintendent James and also that he knew who bad of- and at the same time clears the causing Mr. Hinton to jump off the strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by justed the noose, and had no I fered to put up$50to buy the guns phlegm, draws out the inflamma- hay rack and in doing so he slip- Burns Druggists ire than stepped back out of the He has repeatedly intimately to lion and heals anil soothes the af- lied and fell, one of the wheels y and gave the signal, when the bis guard that he knew who had * feeted parts. One Minute Cough which were of the low metal pat­ First Church Christ Scientist, P was sprung at T2;3O o'clock placed the guns within the reach "of, Cure strengthens the lungs,-wards tern, passed over his head, cutting services Sunday 3 p m, at the par­ arp by Warden Curtis and Depu- -Tracy and Merrill, but the moot off pneumonia and is a harmless the top of the skull completely off lors of the Cottage Hotel. Prayer Prompt attention to all kinds of Draying and Transfer Business. Warden Smith. tactful and careful questionig upon and never failing cure in all cura- Several parties were near enough meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 There was a sudden twang of tbe the part of that guard could not in- hie cases of Coughs, Colds and For rush orders use ’phone main 324 pe, a snap, a'slight gurgling duce him to divulge that sejr-t I Croup One Minute Cough Cure is fupize bouses chat d splaq th? ‘ G'een fla^." und and some twitching of the The officers of the prison tried ' pleasant tn take, harmless' and The Finest of All * dv , every means possible to induce him good alike for young and old. Sold Ten minutes later, Drs J. D. Shaw to tell who did tbe deed before he , by Burns druggists. deliveryman * prison physician, and E. A was executed, but he maintained eree, together with several other | his stubborn silence on this point. Judge Biggs is becoming a weal- ysiei.ms who had lie^n invited Guard Cyrus, the last night tried thv that he has purchased a great attend, examined the pulse and very hard to get the confession out of big saf?. Four men with a derrick For Sale Oily at pi ration and pronounced Egbert him but he failed utterly, although moved the iron structure into his . be thought at one time be was go­ office last week taking off the door Everything went off as smoothly ing to tell it. When Cyrus put the and a part of the front wall. The TRISCI! * DONEGAN, Proprietor* id uoioterruptedly aod was pro- direct question to him: “Did you Judge stateu that it will tak» four >unce pul the goos Orer th* wall?” he men and as many horse« tn move it resent, wbo had seen a nmnlier of said that Egbert turned fairly Nack out alter he get* al. hi« world y fluents, Burns, Ore. xeentione, as beiog perfect. The with rage and looked as though he good« stored in it —Prineville Jour­ Make Tlxls ZZea.clqL*ixa.itoxs. gdF'Rotbci 1 Bros , Distributers. Portland, Oregon xeculion was witnessed by about - would have attacked him had he nal FIRST NATIONAL BANK ? I Í I Í, "First Rational Bank PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. pimnwipinn “•Z . CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N M. S Z=rin., Oregon. GENERAL DELIVERY and Trucking MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar A. L. HUNTER, . THE CAPITAL SALOON, Bums, Oregon.