VOL XVll. BURNS, HARNEY COL NTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 26, 1003. ,0 IRRIGATION THIS YEA! ■ NI» -»AI Y u it. < «>!'! .TATE PAVING THE , V -• - . * REUEr THE LEASL arie- . s; pò-.-a, g - ' -. X**'■ ' 1 0 B t Í k <- th T \ i' I ' II, ( A**friPR, I ó • .\ ■ i. < a «pv’m . » ? 1 X - . ag{ Bit: Hydrographen Believed tK Project is the Best, but V>-u: thcr Surveys Before Dev*J. • / Z' ■... ., K ' V»* Al LOI lib -J hid. iJ- Solicited. SIT ESÍ B11-. Oregonian, News Hun lla. ogton, Dec 19.— Notwiii - it he fact that'O'e hi has < !’fe...l more to tin Xaijunai lll'*. iuii lha 1 any other st fat.m, it is perfectly evidi nt Irani 1Sj le explanation made by g he/ Engineer F. H te reclamation sen a ing before the LI W ' • '■ >111 ::i lees of Cnngri . s’ b .t iml art of this great fund 1- •. > ' betp i'i*t fo. actual cmiatrne' 1 k eOiegon for ut least one \ ......... I trbiips tor several yearn to eonH- t ? count.- ol ( '< -i-i oi nt ion -__)red_, but he is not yet satisfied VHat the Umatilla project sliouid be » rpm up by the Government More LJLta is needed, and will be gather nlutcij next summer. Until farther Jffl'htails are available and more irough surveys have been coin- the departmept will not feel ttiul,;tified in authorizing the con- uction of any project iu Eastern ullfr'legon. • miifn Idaho, says Mr. Newell, ex- inations will be resumed next ----- -lug at two localities on Snake I!E,.ver, near American Falls and at Anthony. These two systems ““^template the reclamation of ;ahi),ooo acres. A small r tract ¡coptir Norse will also be surveyed. ;tCT. n the course of his general re- pfin'rks Mr. Newell brought out the t that the great bulk of the re- mation fund is to be u- 1 it the set in states and territ rd - th.it jjjj ; most in need of irrigation. The nILi^y states that have contriiiut.-d least to the reclamation fund get the greater share of the ney paid out at first. Work* ^^amenced on Milk River. M ,ta- Salt River, Arizona, and Truc- arju River, Nevada, will suin' ■'" jrding Io present in-1 \iti * ra»1 great bulk of the d- t. .'. ¡¡able, and before surveys in gon and Washington are cotu- ■j. ed it is apparent that the r. - tewCnd«r of the poseent fund w.h T *®0 been allotted for w rk- n a¿¡er states. There is ! . t t Oregon will have to wait. . A WORD OF ENCOtRvi! At -I. hs»** cd*’ Prineville, Dec. 9th. C9»=iy Dear Professor Rig'.v— my trip West, si- . ns, I have beenthi; rr! about you and th splendid ^e you represent in in Eastern Oregon; and I < iv* de»! to write you a w rd f iabon At its ir. j M call their own with splen­ ¡WILL SEND A DELEGATION did effect in the . . -t interest ot their young men an 1 women who desire to win in life’s battle. HARNEV COUNTY REPRESENTED AT I wish you the highest success LIVESTOCK CONVENTION. in your grand work of supplying ¡higher edueatio il 1 vantages for the people of Eastern Oregon. The Local Association Will Elect Them at May the divine V.easing attend Meetisg Next Saturday-Leaslng Bill to be Discussed. your labors and pr ;>ei the worthy RALROAÜS pian who li"t I old blood, against two mobs were organized, and who is now e entenced to hang at Salem, Janunrj r 29, 1904, still 'entertain hope of dying a natural death The night of bis sentence L> death Egbert attempted to take his own j life, while iu a lit of jail hysteria, cause is th prayer oi The Harney County stock associ­ ■ After hi doom r*”d Fw-ii prerwiiin- Your sine re friend, J K. MacGilvray. ation will send representatives to ed the double murderer ran the the National Livestock Convention length of th- palace car, “Here, ed to meet here on January 2tli for route to Salem, I rl take one of the-.' n tie Early Ris- the purpose of electing delegates to was at Austin sta ation for breakfast, era upon retiring and you will be represent this section. the condemned man was being up early in the morning feeling The Times-Herald approves of taken 1 through a h ] led by Deputy For the ‘ dark brown” this and is sure it will result in Buoy good.” Handvufld had 1fur the taste, headache a .1 that logy feel- good to the stock interests of this time been I removed, and as he WHH ing DeWitt’s Little Early Risers county. The fact that John 1’. passii ng through the sh'.d his eye are the best pills to use. Sold by i Irish will be one of the speakers fell 01 n a eledgu bar limer 1 ying on Burns druggi-t -. ill < Ininlr '¿111 Co .1 I • a 1 tinnii h ¡R hand and the announcement that the the si 111, land leasing proposition will again went out and grasp*'J the impromp- The Irrepressible Joseph. be brought up is eullicient reason tu we ;apon, but bel u•e he hOHe such a m • inure until convinc- uplex und do will avail hi nothing. Wal- . ed of its effectiveness. ch». "i Iowa county is thickly settled By attending thu convention they •*x with a d< -Irabb P' >pulation of in- I wiil lie able not only to get the dustrious white ple ta think for I views of prominent mon from all ( 1- one moment th irnmeot ' *torkraising sections, but to also » g1 Rtai will retake is now ) express the views and sentiment uf 1 tl id r< held by th w rre it to I thia section If the association ia leape r be the old chi less and 'I. ; *11 1 u z . ga t* • mitt h town troublesom efs fol- good can be done for local ndi phi. /hl lowers.—A lions which are not underst Cur- F peci Ge od for Children. >arm- gives Mi I MEET BERNS. .. i’lirtlaml dispatch says: The O R eile years I trie«] 11 fl ny d .ctors and medicines, but i d ex-- pt DeWitt’» Witch li 1/ with antiseptics and emol- ‘ lienta relieves and permanently cures ' In. I. I>le>-ding, itching and protri ■in g pil'-s, sores,cute, bruise», a, salt rheum arid all »kin •t <1 • - S.,ld by Burna DrugiriiU i i ar- y « B. F. WHITE, VicB-Pwa«oaNT HOWARD SEBREE, PRtaiotNf W. R. SEBREE, C ashirh i inetitulioa wb I I W Hi. iu Jones, FrwuM U. Alexander, N. U, I'arpoM- Lurnbul]. I. TESI’, ('luihier. e Yurageinent and 0 i • opposition even, R ' i, decided merit of P 1 mm I tic ted by you •T n< tun. 'Y«l was every pleasn* ; pare 111 upon visiting ' H oxygen £ arn of the high eh Dr Arr !V carried on. an _ « _ moral influence vauei tier J* *^fcel rare that toe | and rarroandin,: —tS'slally of the city STOCKHOLDERS:- I. Collin, Ahm r Rolibin,, I, (>! 1er, William Mill r. K il Ti t ms? k as yours meet* c l'uni: anil Individuell« Xol ¡«‘itoti. mt ost 1' r Urfceat amount to ' i; 1 tbali in .and aietiie leas. . . I' laiciaiming their arid l.it.o „u Stated lb ect at has been d ine :n < >. soiEjum complete' The rica nb re,; last .'Sumnie, tet i- 1 of tiin p .s, plfä, veral p■■".jetjt.s exauuu ig,euí-( er : arveys will be m chili MFö.i‘ ■< ,1 viii be possible to o ' fiuileiy what one of th ■ \ , Ji Furti’ "ejects is best. The preli .nitia.-y i.i laminations lead him to believe „„„at the Umatilla project i- super- to either the Silvies River or the Q^'schutes, so far as it has been ex- 110 OREGON. ONT tenlioo to the fact that . r -J Q^Tninirv i ' i iiii nation-' o I ¡THpe engine, rs of Ins sen . . . f*tc mi-fri prfa. ir.- i .e-, by butglnry n>‘ y. ’ at . •« 'entr Burns, 9 Ore > 9 Tirsi Rational Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A Genenil Bonking Business transacted CORRESPONDENCE INVITED PENN MUTUAL LlfE INSURANCE COMPANY, of HiiiAKifliin INCORI’OPATHD lS!.« ; <»r 1». until During the aurnnaoc months the Collegt* will conduct a S ummer N ormal S chool For tamii eru mid otti«’ th who I»-if n r«*i wing or |>fpn» atorjr rniirv« For specimens of pen work. nul full n.f u-niiíi >n on lluniu<*M Oiltagt eob jecta. addroM f i IvL. S. T£i£T"b37-, T’xirx., ŒBu.rrxS, Orogen. GENERAL DELIVERY and Trucking Prompt attention to all kinds of Draylng and Transfer Business. For rush ordere use ’pH' n Klein 324 fair ipize bodies chit d spiad the Green flad A. L. HUNTER, DELIVERYMAN THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRIHCII A IMIXEGAS, Proprietor* Bum:. tt