‘‘S’**«' », I - ;::iiK;î ir.:: î ;:;:;u«Kar.u:.3 tîr;n:ii[;nnn:ui CASH STORE, I Robt. Bigby was circulating Walter Gray and wife were in tbe among his friend« in Burna yester­ city a few days this week You can buy a Sewing Machine day. Crocheted saques, slippers and by making $1 weekly payments at Skirts for Holiday gifts at Mrs Rrown’s. J. L. Sitz has been in the city for | i Robbins. several days. He report« busIneM , The latest things in books and ¡stationery for Christmas presents very« good at Lawen. Don’t forget Horton's when yon 1 at Th« City Drugstore. “BROWN’S” “THE SATISFACTORY STORE” “BROWN’S” There is never any “letting up”’of our effuris to procure and give our patrons the biggest values in Merchandise that is ottered in Burns This Store is full of life, vigor and enthusiasm and every effort is stronger than the one before, because we are growing, broadening and strengthening. We are going to share our profits Frank Brittingham left yester­ with our patron*, by giving away are on your rounds looking up day morning for Drewsey where he Christmas presents. Comment is not necessary: Tbe expects to spend the winter. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Christmas Ball i« under the au- Walter Cro»B is «topping with I’rof. spices of the Burns Band. Embroidery Silke, faucy yarns, Finu and family and attending This piano is guaranteed for ten yean. school. beads, spangle« and Jewels at Mrs. IB_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The dancing public will be de­ Robbins The Child who Buys a Hair Ribbon in endless varieties. lighted to learn that the Band Boys J. E. Johnson, tbe civil engineer, May get a Piano Thrown in. will have charge of the Christmas recently returned from a visit to Ball. his family in Malheur county. J. D. Combs, the John Day cattle Supt. Gilcrest, who has been vis­ buyer, arrived here yesterday. He iting the various 1’. L. 8. Co. Every cash purchase entitles you to a numbered coupon; one came over to buy hay for his stock ranches in this section, says the half you can keep, the other half with the corresponding number if possible. roads are very muddy. you drop in the box provided for the purpose in the store. On the That we are headquarters for anything in the Toy The usual cry of no wood is again Emanuel Clark arrived here from <1 day selected for the Piano to be given away, the coupons will be ne, Work boxes, Toilet cases, Manicure sets, Cuff and P-Ranch Thursday, having come beard. It appears that very few shook up, then the first coupon drawn will entitle the holder of the JVutton boxes, Shaving sets, Albums, Fancy Baskets, over to take R. J. McKinnon back wood cutters have been able to fill corresponding number to this handsome Piano their contracts. ¡-«.jlove and Tie boxes. Fancy decorated China plales, to Diamond. « X EVERYBODY HRS R FAIR CHANCE TO WIN * The expense of holding a special J qps and saucers and many other useful presents too The band boys are preparing to L==-umerous to mention. give their friends another “A 1” session in Clatsop county to elect a Christmas Ball as has lieen their successor to C. W. Fulton to the .Ufii state senate will cost the comity custom for several years. Our prices are the lowest, 1725. >Tfl! M. Horton and family are over our stock the very Best. H, W. Welcome and L. M. Brown WITH THE nd. from Diamond, Mrs Horton ie made a tour of a portion of the val­ here for medical treatment and is 1 A Purchase of five cents is just a« liable to win as ane amountlag to $ioo. ley east of here recently and the under the care of Dr. Burrows. J latter found an exceptionally good 1 . I coupon will be given with each cash purchase mads in The ladies should remember the piece of vacant iand upon which he the store. The drawing will take place in Locher's Hall. for young and old 5, fine assortment of embroidery silks filed ( a homestead. WE CONTINUE TO GIVE TRADING STAR»«. and fancy yarn« at Mre. Robbine’ While waiting forjurors this week art store. Judge Clifford has hoard a part of Paul came in as a witness , the evidence in the case of Neal vs lubber Boots and Overshoes of all in James the Neal-King case ths first of King in which quite an amount is Descriptions. the week and later was caught as a j involved. As soon as the Egbert juror on the murder trial. murder trial is over the case will Pe,s Remember our. low prices on J. W. Shown and wife were down be I finished. klndi from Harney Wednesday to attend (Sil QUILTS AND BLANKETS, Harvey Muller the genial boy the Rebekah lodge meeting. They , who holds the position of chief cook hem. returned home yesterday. ( at tbe Sod Houso, spent a few days 39'^ULL Christmas will very soon be here. with ■ his many friends in our city Cast: ’ | . H. Smyth spent a few daye| We have many new novelties for again during holiday«. I section and is of lato patern with Many valuable and appropriate Christmas. N. Brown it Sons. Christinas presents may be found r0!’t! rar city this week. Our stock of iron bed« is now Tom Fipe, a miner of the trout complete and at very resonabls magnificent tone. in this stock. Call early. ! 'ur Coat« and Storm Co; creek diggins, was down for a few price«. Call and see our folding MU >wn & Sone. days this week. beds, «teel couches, eto.—Burns i on )r. Kern wa« a passenger Geo. W. Hayes has moved his Furniture Co „ j ; Monday’s Canyon stage. law otlico into the old Masonic The special venire Issued by rmi !. R. Peterson, the Crane creek' building. Judge Clifford Tuesday brought tieman, was over from his home Have you seen our boys suits many of our taxpayers in for jury Guaranteed for One Year. 1S •, week. for $3.50 they are unmatchable duty from various parte of ths lev. G. W. Black’s daughter i»| bargains.—N. Brown & Sons. county. €♦1 te sick and ie though, to be tak- Laurence Sheppard wes among G. O. Hendricks was up from typhoid fever.—Lakeview Her- Rawer, thin week on business and those who were subpoenaed on the : psitawH I visiting his daughter who is attend­ special venire of jurors but was ex­ cused. He ie preparing to build ¡n j(,Z. J. Hopkins and wife now oc- ing school here. >y the Mrs. John Cardwell resi- I don’t claim to grow hair on a some new fence over at hie Trout H^soce. having leased th- . I ) bald head but I do claim that I can creek place. a year. Harry Riggs came over from prevent hair from failing and pro­ ---- 'Immelt Reed who in c-i.«.x mote the growth. G. W. Robbins Plush last Saturday night after Dr. If its Wheels nod want. I’m dour Hurklebero ,„«»h Cha«. Johnson wa- rid g - at the Capital Barber Shop. Steiner to treat Tim Aberen who, was shot at that place Saturday ck on the deeeert, arrived home C. Cummins has bad a touch of* JOHN (iLMERLINO, Bur‘o’r;g„o. it I t Friday. grip this week which had tbe effect evening and who died before thei doctor got there — Lakeview Her-1 t L A. Williams was over from his of making him cross as a bear aid, <-• t I .. .»*. eToi «eon Calamity this week vieit- Chauncy is not dangerous, however, I We have a fine line of flen’s Hoys’ Clothing, W. L. Best accompanied by his i? ; hie parents who are hue from and may be approached. Shoes, Overshoes, Goodyear Rubber Boots and eon Woody and Ben Mutter, 'lily- ne county. SAY—You save money and time ■hoes which will be sold at greatly reduced prices by ordering your suits and over­ brought over some cattle from Sil­ Coffee—Three Leaders Chase ver creek this week and placed t 18 TH! PLACE ei^;teoborn’e M. J. B. Mocha and Java coats from Friedrich the Tailor them in the F 8. Miller field, j Come in and let us show you our I J. H. Folg,r « Co Mocha* they fit, and must fit. Any altera­ ’k ra. Brown’s sell all the beet tion that may occur free of charge. Woody will return later and feed goods and quote you prices. the stock here this winter. Fjiedrich the Tailor, Burns, Ore. inds. Our store is headquarters for Studebaker Wagons, Hacks. I Judge Sparrow ba° been indie-' Every «mall stock man in Har­ Carriages. Buggies and Buckboards «ed for some weeke and confined ney county realizes the necessity of are arriving now and gelling a, fast his room much of tbe time. He a railroad If we had transporta­ as we can get them in. H’s have j ’ now improved and able to get tion now they could get their fat two ear loads of the«« goods here stock to market at any, season of v ' t in tbe bracing air. and in train«. Tbe beet stock of' Provisions and Feed a Specialty. . ::nraanmm' y>wie has assumed ebarge play "Friends” a society comedy, rsea. 0** on Dec. 29th and on the 30th will of th« general Fire Insurance busi- H. B. Syme arrival produce that sidesplitting comedy, nee, in the office of Bigge A Biggs, ek from Oybee ace i. , "Ole Olsen.” Iton’t overlook these and will in future devote bis whole , children. He will r >■> r D time to Insurance, and real »stat«.« Attorney J D. Venator and his ie winter to look after tbe Syme Mr Lewie has had several years' COCHRAN HALL. mother left here by private convey­ LEWIS & McHARGUE, Propts. otel property while experience in this line of work and ance today for Madeline, from The best of order will lw memta n«d through«,ut the evening gg 11 attend school. ■ th lr .ghly familiar with iueur-, where they will g > to Loe Angeles and the management will uae ev,-vy endt-a r to make the affair New and Elegant Livery Turnout« Complete Freih Teams “ manag«-- Mrs Venator will spend tbe ice law,, a, well m tbe rulee gOT- The Windsor. an view in about a month —Lakeview The Fire As- *iati'/W of Philadel­ I L>d expert misolog Herald Cor. Mian and B Ste . Uasaaa m. phia. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ¡Santa Claus will soon he here. l=t TT.TVrRA/riBEFl lì HOW THE PIANO WILL BE GIVEN AWAY. Ns (THERE are no charges of any NATURE CONNECTED^] WEARING APPAREL ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Shoes, ips line of staple groceries . BURNS, OREGON 'The Times-Jierjld MILLER & THOMPSON. BICYCLES! BICYCLES! Prices Dry Goods, Christmas Goods, and Notions. Wheels Y HUSTON S SANTA CLAUS ¡ GRAND BALL Narrows, Oregon. December 18, 1^)3 Flour Grain, Groceries, Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. The White Front Lirery Stable