Queen Quality Sho. - at Bri Comb honey at Huston's. 1 >b printing—The'Timcí 11 Up-to-date job printing at reason- !e prices. New hats just recieved at Mrs C. A Byrd's. •BROWN'S nil: SATISFACTORY STORE” “BROWN’S Order# tilled for lemon pies and fancy cakes at the bakery. 1 Hiring the week we have been doing an aston­ Try Robbins’ Hair Tonic at the D. M McMenatny, who was re-'« ishing Large business in Bedding; we have all fresh, Capitol Barber Shop. ported sick in our last issue, is Nice salt Salmon at 15c lb—this first class merchandise w hich we can recommend. much improved. season’s catch—at Huston's Wales—Goodyear Rubber Boots, men wanting cake or pie The Porper and cheapest plac. .j Trade. can Young W hen you see the goods themselves, we are confi­ Shoes and Mackintoshes at N. be supplied at the bakery. Brown & Sons See the Lace Window Curtains dent you will lay in your W inters supply of Blan Call and see the fall and winter at the Furniture Store Nothing The snow storms of the past week hav n d : tyed nicer. samples and fashions for ladies Hets, Quilts, Spreads and Sheets. our freight materially. Our stock is now complete Several freight teams arrived suits, coats and jackets. At '1rs. and we are pleased to inform the public that we can this week with goods for our mer- .Chas. Wilson's. W e have a magnificent range of colorings in now serve it in every line of General M rchandise. c*la,lt8- ' “The Woodman of the World,” a Boston Brown Bread with baked li'! ^hoe for Gentlemen, manu- Outing Flannels. Wrapper Flannels,’Eiderdown New Dress Goods and Waistings. beans Sunday Morning at the New tactured by Buckingham f th, Syme estute here for some to stop tbe hair from falling. Get tin.' . has returned to hie home nt a bottle at the Capitol Barber Shop. Lawen. J. L. Sila has been ap Order your meat by telephone pointed administrator of the estate. from the City Meat Market and if i'he ladies should read tho ad of will be delivered promptly. Mrs Helen Robbins in this issue, A sure cure for dandtulT—Koh­ 'rt goods and materials arejuat bins’ Hair Tonic lt will also keep . t they are looking for now that the hair fiom drying out. At Cap- the holidays arc approaching. itol Barber Shop. Attorney J l> Venator and his All kinds of dry lumber nr G'l.ither-in-hiw Les Vanderpool hau l at the A K. Richard , n :''-J for W arner Tuesday morn- mill. Also stair railing, wi ' ■ i here they will shoot ducks Stool, etc. . v ■ k —Lakeview Herald. French Flann Is, Ox- w. New Corsets==the Farr; B from $1.20 to $ .75 COMFORTED’. \te have bought a large quantity of th vanee and can save you money on them the Best the ad- o carry W ALL WOOL BLAN Made dy the Thos. ISS, : on. • i A - X H1R?: The Time:- Kc sen’s >, ÛM'HAS THK LARGK8T CI Drii-L A K ANY NEW8PAPEH IN tors-i ===== ' 8ATVRDAT NOVE'! : torn I Local , News. t« “Graudma' < quite sick th'.- wer Mince ri<- and apecialty—nt c '. Mr and Mr- i-;. c few days in < ur . ' Ì Í' ffher friends while her husband is n Grant County on court busines*. M Fenwick, president Stock Association, has a this issue for a meeting on He urges all members to ent, , eration well and from present pn peels will soon recover. The children of the Pr*.“b, tcrian Sunday School, will give a social at the business Coliegeon the even­ ing of Nov 21), the proceeds to go toward building a primary Sunday school room. All are invited to attend. Admission 10 cents. aebing at tbe P- -rtf M. • Carpets and Rugs--a great assortment. WE SOLICIT YOUR HAIL ORDERS A ril ing now and Helling aa faat a- a can get thorn in. We have two ' ar load« of thene goodw here nd in trains. The bent stock of ' oiih ami Vehicle« ever brought to Burns. Call and look at good« •< n if you do not desire to buy at 'le pr> “ent time. Geer A CuinniitiH. batch of th« Eastern *ct**rts (hut one NOTICE EOlt l’FBIJi ATION his studies in school. John takes country Editor was dismissed from UNITE!» HTATIU LANI» OFFK'K, i BUKN’ m , on.. October 13, 19U3.I a great interest in music and will church for singing in a loud voice Notice If h«rcl>y given that the following fu'lth-rn I ihv > Illi-d notice of Intention to improve in this particular study as during the singing of a familiar iiHiii>*f on tin Ir rt epertive claims I h - lore the Kegfgter.anil Kvcclvcr n’ Burna,Oregon rapidly as possible. hymn the following words: “Let on Suu-mlitr 15*. 1 “&!, ylx r||Er I Ell II. MNITH, Sheriff Allen and T. N. McCoy every kindred, every tribe on this , 114. E No I7W. for rW\ MW'i. Kc< I. hSHK'r torrential ball, put down a dollar | < ., and N * • * N K't her m , 1 '¿t. M H. E . as guard, left Thursday morning W M . North <4 .Malheur !.«»•• md subscribe and we'll receipt for JOEL II HMITII, with R. E. Cl irk and Jack Milam *< >m« of Mr. and ' There will be a ■efl' arnev County F tbe eourt boi ov 30, at 2 o’el< nt busineaa will «eting and all L adies’, Misses’ and Children’s Jacket.«, Felt and Fur-trimmed Juliets, Fur Stoles and Scarfs, \\ • ire strictly at tho head of the v. li n it conies to Coffee. We .1 direct importers and undersell any merchant selling direct to the ■ insunier N. Brown & Sons. The O-B stage has been arriving very late the past week, on two occasions not getting in until the following morning. The snow and rain has put tlio roads in a sloppr condition. 1 eei t.d ,n ire having a | large shed built in Mr. Gc-.r’s barn rowf At Brown’s youi will find the' [yard in which to store their ma- jeat and most cou plet' stock of I chinerv, wagons, etc. for the winter 3ry Goods, Fancy goods, Clothing Sam I’arrisl .Boot» «t Shoes and at nn..lerat' ; Wedni -dav ft ^trices. he had taken V for the penitentiary. The other Dr. Mirsden tnatl- a profes-iotial i iy- i two convicted men, Todd McD k4»»’rip to Silver creek across thede-r and F. M. Teller, were taken , - reek, to see Mrs Dei I Dibble Her terday morning by Jay Gould mid SAY—You h- ■ icknesa was not aerious and the G. W. Clevenger. j by ordering y< ’octor left her improving ' coat* from 1 Hon C W F i has • raced d oui'- The Red Front Bar ■ ow ,m ■ they fit. and n noine very int* ig specimen ter the management ■ t Harry ( i lion th the work of 1 India at the f. mith where your st- k " ill b F rie Jp ’ s s Fort Bidwell Industrial School, ;dy10'tel 1 cared for. He h i“ I. • m- Marr rs of Ihn i euch a* painting*, work in language and fresh cise- irtable livery rig* Burns 1 vening a* writing, drawing, etc. in th* col­ aia-* orses. rnett and lection i* al“o photo* ot the v.irioiif A. J Ir­ building*, ground* and view* of th< The Windsor, und rt. ■ent of C. B. Smith .v i I is one si m lunch vicinity. It i* worth one's while t< in the room iui- I look this exhibit over. , f tbe most popui r : i and iteriot. Finest of next meeting of the Stat table. 'gare, billiards and Vseociation will be h- nd expert nixo',cr in l(*O4 TR« coftvei oppoaing Ora William«, n beeter« in this eit • hat may be typt any frienda hop >very. T_»nclioe’ Belts, A T.undin, one of the well known of the southern part of the returned home the first of • » « >♦*•*; Artistic crepe paper for fancy th k after serving ns a juror work, in roll or Hat at Jorgensen's Our stock of iron beds is now d ir . th lecenl term of circuit cheap. complete and at very reson^ble The writer has trier! Robbins' prices. Call and see our foldin Clarence Cary has been in the Hair Tonic and found it all that icporteu beds, steel couches etc.—Burns > .looking after sonni business was recommended. Furniture Co ■ 'i.imU-.l with the eatate of his inula tner Clarence I ibh been ap- Drs. Marsden A Geary operated on Hubert Smith yesterday for 1 i' d administrator. He left for hernia. The patient stood the op­ home this afternoon. Sewing machinc n< Bakery open all hours including oil, gtin oil at Jorgen .. '»-Sunday. Judge M. I). C Hord loft for Can­ W E. Trisch is confined to his yun City last W do • morning home in this city from sickness and will open eourt t lore Monday, I J] Stationery, pencils, Shipencils "The Woodman of , he World,” a and »chbol supplies at Jorgensen’s. $3..T» SI . for manu- l ini A- Hecht Senator Rand has returned to' tuctured By ; i, df(f hi« home at Baker City after at- by L’1' y I alton. !Bf( tending court at this place. Hon C. W. Parrish and District WW. Cologne, fancy Meerschaum -^Ky. Milh - t t . parture pipes, fountain pens, purses, silver l°day for Can n ( attend lf/' table ware and other novelties at cr>urt. ?reat reduced prices ¡t Jorgensen/*. Court St- ctuan [|iy Mrs Win Miller remained here took his depart its von Cit. '.be gueat of Mr» 'I’hone the City Meat Ma anything needed in the line lard, etc, and have it deliv- mediately. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. ! I|«|. K No 170-. for MH'h*NW,. N’j MW’«, her. , .. NE'4 -E' ,. — I. I -• ’ h 2 E., W M . ' North of Main«nr Lak- i They name th«* following wlinr*»to prove their eontlnnow" r«-“i«!r»u - ntam. and ruitlra t iot of Raid I mu 'I, viz A Iphena Venator and j Henry Laddr< th of v. nah>r, Ort Erne« it Jrof, < herG r K hmlth and Joel II rtinilh aU W. A Gowar, the newly appoint- ■ 1 clerk for the Lak-view Land 'hr" to fill the vacancy caused by ''. removal of Max Whittlesey, ar­ W M rived from Burn« Saturday accom­ panied by his wife and family, ami The l.itt-r will •••••••••••• Mr H B. Parrish return to Burns.—Lakeview Ex- «miner. F akbb , Kt rin»er Bud Rutherford dared to bre in Burna in bi« great t dally “Wab Shing" the with the rider* of thi- rection ^"ndry man. New Writ* then.for anything in le-mg painter! for the the line »*f ham*-«*, «addl*-«, -i I - arded by th« d«y, week r m nth Special car« givna all stock Special accommodations for Commercial Men B Sta., Burna. Or«««.