. immunity above the » I 1; HAI URDAY « »« I I- t in- Berlin Society fol the Pro­ Bl.'BWmiTIOX 1: . X Perfeet Painless Pill. is it one lhat will dense the sys­ tem - t l’ne liver to action, remove to tl.e gm -t- w ho participa! n (hi- l i' -liar tlie complexion, cure he h ■: -■ flesh banquet w Ind- it heada< e and leave a good taste in i.w J I 1.1 A N I * I. que MatiaK'i h , -‘J low did y ou like it Oi er the tumuli Tile- famous little pills .U(.|, work pleasantly and ■. 11 •■ i, have come in and ill , ,| t. nialiy are DeWitt’s Little g « rus of piai"- Earlv risers. Bob Moore of Lala- ii ;t. Ind. says: “All other pills wht. ha ¡ad thc time I have r i (i gripe and sicken, while io figure it out in le the state- 1).Wilt’s Little Early Risers are thruu beei s i day for a -imply perfect.” Sold by Burns t would biing into your home: druggists. i frt'b K IAE Dilli:« i OK ■ .TAT. t’. H, Sdiamo, CoJigrebHint i. Attorney General Gov ernur Secretary ot Treasurer Hupt. Public In: • State Print«.r W li Supreme Judges . W« I íi-rlin. in >tl t mil, ten pounds of : n . ! i m.s of macaroni, Religious Services. - arriving . . rviee HAK’*».» ’ Il ten poundsol rnsins, ten twenty-live good Mitchell News. A sheepherder w ho came into | Walla Walla last I'ridey from the Blue mountains, reports tin- Y ill- ¡ 1 li' ing of what JlU» |) in . A ' ' ■ idi. which be was Boo 1 say S “pile hort ¡ble a cccurred I «.. VV ' I«? Wil re.! MOCIETIF.-*. up’’ Fork of the i: ated, a great number of sheep ne -"inetiincs PROFESSIONAL CARDS. killed in this wav. Stenographer and Notary Public B urns , Outlie banks the Teluga j g \ a probe the land li ,i y . .. I’ an nt the building up of prosper­ a \ ous i ommunities: . , Flntu shall prefer no other > d tow n above this town. p : ik. .1 .. t’hou shall not 2 C m knock whisi i i s < t ; t : i.. . big.- East Orcg ni.ut " J Parents who give excuses fui iein. il . , school, .til the m those children lw but thou -hall k, ep a ft ■ mt a : cui.ition w itimi the If the > '■ ¡' >ratc limits. ai l liou shall eii- the stati .mil - not ctt\ \ thc neighbor who has a the cl.i—i , in I- . fol ilu 1« . ■ - and »«Mills all the t Many I'liou shall encourage l v arc in the li.il i of allowing . hil- . «.n 1 'll in wealth, in teil>|Hir.d Thou shah remember ■wi an iw fu' I'he to thy-cd ami family, but to the 1 at 1; 8 Ih a . and a b i «ih I of the town matter i- . in camus, primary convention, and w . • ugh thei o the I’hicugo- Porti ml The fashions Special colors are 12:35 a. to of on is a AND SlIUlEcN and vote every time H I m u shall pul the interests Salt Lake.Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan •as City, St. Louis. Cliicato and East. 1:15 .i ni i. - iltldkiixl Ac bim « Bixtxvnton. I >1 X FlH |>s - 1» M Mr l'B fi' in euch en \ urit LE., dtfrbit fti J VV J. ,,t rep- •-«. ! ml Wall. Walla, Lewis- I -t Mail ton. Sj nkane, Mimic 12:35 1 la anoiis. St. Paul, Du- a. in. llutii Milwaukee, Clii l eago end East. Re- OC’EAN and RIVER SCHEDILE lout | ■ . , i u ” ' ofEducu . ea. Saa d W -ent]«.' een f i ■ i ' ley to out t r'—“ ^Are C( PENN MFG. s p tn All sailing dates sub j ct to charge. For San Franeisco 4pm every 5 days. WlllamMIe River. 6 a m. Oregon City. N.w- 4:30 p tn Exet pt berg. Sab ni and Way Except Landing.«. Sunday. Sunday. ik m< nI1f f it t: . •©»•ei'.n <• (»J on right Fi.tc: murk, «i* it in J.AIH! “'-k Jf- , J PD Stille: < f M'.'ii .- ,*»: '"’■«■•• " '-»r. .. left «I, _ 11 ’ : fcbic; inur :;i. n l.t i-ket. H .a ' ' -■"’-■••• leftaUn.. •■i"’in,TH I. , d thei rreoflCJj'' sj I ’ ighb ia'J* Id tn'l bi i Judins*-®/,. The . pib * re lock on k en.p m ; bil| shel ,-.«M >ur litt . ichit; ‘leuule ■to vol * KODOL: 5222±, «iigestve organs. id» lir KODCL " 'nt up jk-d i’ j» Her 1 A on left atifle " • ’ r<»P "ff an«i 1 ’i ‘p -‘»Tuhincd o:> ' • rop «mu «lit in right car ■ will ' ’ TW EAS Lends. When ove st I it u '< 'o K# tari tn if 1 « ........ ‘. Nc « ombilic«] N« i omblncil « hi i I ’ •' half « rop in lob < -u the tti Wl child. — ' , ‘Itsiiüe; rattle • • < -•'■■ '•■. qtç • cir- iu Jo < '.’If In left « ar, uu «!«. t bramì on right gfit v • 1 ■ ■ ■ - .71 I r. :• on stifle; •: mi . k. underbit in left ’ -immt ange by pr. '.iinMit Coll«^^H a i and soi’ H EI b’ ! coinbinu«l on left btii'v; eattk 1 '' i' 1: 'r .":•!« nm !j f i -t in Dall duWn n; ‘ i - • Sitie ot heat!. lower part lopm d C H « Johne. .«.i. - j .• ' horRcS' °« left shoulder; '•alHe, b.J 8p. m. tiiliimM. III,., . I p. 111. mark, < : 40 M onct Ex Sun. T . 1 ” Astoi la am. a — ------ Wav Except Sato rd'y Sunday. Latidinc-s. •Vi m- . — to start a 10 p. UB. 60c t. day ht -?s, i.i ..nr bil in ri it; h. J \ WilH: From l-ortlsml of !l' f'Se I. on 1 hip: Houk, metal tn- '• .-■alt Lake.Di nvcr.Ft. Worth, Omaha. Ka >ns City. St Loni- I llieago ai.d Fast. a: feeds the brain. md « rSp- • 111 > «, bar < on the left | W ai.mrttr A lanOiiU Klver. : ¿ stope ou It“ and «■;.< : r • ... Burns, hvroea. S bodies all c: *•-•« •'j’®*. en ¡in , v*r, mach or nndrr- tained in th-: ■: - -t-’’ a mil tingti rnHr-^brLt»*l,,^’,c ■nt m»l Leave Leave Riparia, «■ake Klver Lf»i>t’i 1 20 a in Rif iria to Lcwiaton. 8:30 a in Daily Dail in iu li it oí M la U1 A N.H oab , Huntington. Oregon „ . , A 1- CRAIG. i *s*. A g t. Portland. Or «tou * A L. MOHLER. President itr f« Anr J« e u ■- tious rtt ••••••• w astso -T ri - tworthy MEN V»! A.'MEX to travi! and stverti-r f. r , er- genera' eicction "An high-cl.U;- t Miglc to the interest* in e»t 111 tin A » J. a. UH.P. L 1, fl. y. PUi’-hlAX AllRIVK from 6 a. in Wlilaaiett» ltiv»r. Tm«d,y Portland Corvallis Thun a . and M ay Landing. Sat «»I I hmi sh dt vote with an eye see that th- i.iw for parents to h>.it lint, st HHIHI.ES «roui Huntington Ore . Ongon City, Dayton ind W ay-landings oil ti* in their « .niimumlv. power to keep up tlu icgu k OREGON. i > Any p irt ••( the rvuntn answered day or night. that not w ithin the i ■ ;.ot!..r This » ami mdii idu.il. no excusi •, CM temUm <■ a ;,av Oregon. »•* I an I 2, Burn* II .Ill «lor .. r. literary matter .1 ■ ia I atte.ition girtu io all chrvnic dtwaM. con­ Cal but -ciiding t! ai in a part of the community. « XiU««« III t ate and ' tt tl u hast duties not on!« teachers ate section cont. it:.- OREGON. k\ I). BURROW ri¡Y>i< i \ n ani » si in. f . ox parmi- 'iniviiie.ii in iighteousness. «Iren to rem . OI» «lull |M< CXI'. trated in daintily tinted colors and ttr n... a r business. it* puri'.'-e the building up of the n d w - idy . - jobs BURNS. big- w'ini ami deed and cash .'ubscnj'- no ittemi.li.i AND I'.'iioM P ack ■ The magazine - ection is illus­ y.ARSDEN à GEÄRY. l*b\ Metani and Surgeons. thy ll kc. p- the cln d behind t . ns every cutci prise that has fm eiict t ot - MU!' -KJ», ,hl»or who has i bigger hou-<- <> Half atteti- . i shaltsee the defects ol communitv, i abs. nl fr tn lì' \ ¡’■nt «m n w ,m . d is dam e is w I'h vu and aeek to remedy them i 1 pupils of the pul’lii -i h i I couiagi i in ---- Ail in tact, superi- | or to that of an' other new spa per. g ild to every CEO. s. SIZEMORE. légitimai.. j ATTORNEY, . It tell» i i v. .......... O regon . it auec -I HN.*. Lami l>u*in«w. and Uval and we will « » r pronti 11v attended to. Valuable C enti ry I both aa individual ami as a' unit tn . > . mg an injust to then b ; t th< n.: t s an c\> h ---- every departm. i < ’lut.-'. 11. Ix*onaril. A . loRNEY-AT-l AW, t attention given tn Colice­ .START A III X. li >n- and Real Estate matters. OWN Notary Public m the bu-iness of this town is thy life. the .«b-eiii e of their children I school oil pelt \ ---- OREGÖF vices is world-v. l hi’u shall patronize the iii- dtisiiies of this town to the exclu-, H irns , O regon . Cur r. w i su n of those o( other towns, for Ol’.ee in Times-Herald building «| , i .. > shave, but it w n'( on It- g.llCs I I’ the next pi w ---- RNS, news ser­ Flu hunu :. i; class, by at; I illation. <>. A ■ It EMBOLO U. \X. P arrish Sheet mu-a. .1 PARRISH 4 REMBOLD, I ular song, is furn 1 .1 \th»rney«-at-Law, 'Sunday in the 1<- Hirns • uh I (’imyon City.) Oregon. The price of I* 'ill ] t-i'iv in the court« of Harney and : . i-iiuti. s ami in the »upremc court oi the public by mail one \. . < . hu 'I t »>• in U. 8. land uffier. For sale b>. all r. vv itiiin i'll dllgvi s :..-of be Inas . «1 w ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, B «nterprise. newspaper splendid half-;■ ;.>■ pa ima-. Biggs & Biggs of NOTARY PUBLIC. liie i.d'ovvni” new vommamlim -ms. , it ail . DA1.TON BIG«.- Burns, - The I’.isadcna Star has evolved Yes, but . .r e will dislricl ' W BDiGH, marvel The orginizati railway ticket, a Town Booster's Ten Commandments. going to i. O regon . a monthly liiaga/ Practice in all the courts of Orc. illustrated in n 1....... i.-- ■ containing twelve an- 1 .db < (ions promptly made. especially valu;. . x pi; - in copper and a soda The i ' lore I con w te bottle containing some glHU'l S W. MILLER, .in; id 1 he King. cartoons are nutci.ii ki-r, I1 1 O regon . ! T h . ointon W illiams , t . ' t xi i government - onice in Citizens Bank Building. X Crocodile's Digestion onio i: " a > : i Mentii Ct ■ I ice ■ I I b i • • I 1 Hull I’ ciii I Vu! ni TULE < IH« I I N., i \\ Meet« vvi iy Lui: ! . A fir eat Newspaper. W. J. COLEMAN, Ex. ai|i nakvsi g«. | : ‘a V’"'1'1 '*• llur.'1”’ horsw. =■ (elialnllnk) ' “ kr: : 1 ■ •••"- >>'* lefl Hi.S. ;m„rk , crop uii icft v;.t, siiort <>Vi.islopc* in right n'.1“' - I'-,'«’. -..nihelcft RTK, crop ■ I ■ ■* ■ 1 , k K :. . , : ; ninrk. ........ in left, Ccwlap on 1 ■>«’«• brigket. W E b'inifh, l-tirn«, c&ttk». X I «>n right «idc- n,:l,k / Io enr, v .i j.Jge.11 1 ,C- o E„rn,, , |B„. „ j M A . LIIUM, cri.p all«] «put ¡u Vllrn eHr< ^hnon T<-. v ! r , Bun.F. t ;jt!.■ - h . . :i riffhtbi.l«' ;i- ■’ '■'■•■' -i •- ■ :• : in ■■ . je r|1 r .,,,.1 uuder halt et. p n-; riu: G Kribs, I ! «jii: r:<. r circle t.n leit liip; mm k«- t tío, hole iu ri -,h . John i H .i-es, ¡>aj* ou tigiîi 1 stille: eat’ •'-ir ou left hip; mark: F]»lit in <-.,« death. to While Soo is probably exager­ i.:o HURNS LODGI Nt» 17 \ ti I .Meet« c\ ’-r> h< < «ilei a 1 |. ■ t • li i. !;■ >.i ■!> i reputation at he locai news rinting. a piling up, when sheep literally other * The Harney < ounty l ive Stock Association will i n ■ • ven Hundrud «ml i iHy Dollars lu- wai I forth® anxst an«! < ouvietion of anv p®r- «U.I 111]. »on or persons who kill, steal or drive oil’ any Il L 11a bori-r*. imilva oi caitle • el. ngiug to any mine- 'lbs, urei her of lite Association. 1 h« County « ourt also I shorn, 1.1 ufTers nn n«i al rc . H'l i vo Huudred an.I blit? Dollais. M. 1 knwu k . Pres I J 1-1 G. W. You’s« . Sec'y, Burns, Oregon, half er, i, pllANT» 0 1.« IDPRESn eF MBMBKK8. $500 AdiHtkD I Reward. W H Iu uCiditUir. to th© • •11 1 oiler I.'. q U ‘ in I underthesamecoii- J W -1. I di h'i’s for horsei crop a:... branded horse s!« .«• stille, baron both c r - ei. her : D H : . . . j jaw, ice' 1 ."..I...1 In ■- < > 1 . ■ anyjda," counties. Rang'*. ■ Harney. Lake •.:.,] crook counties. Horse's ventedwhen sold. Frorsca sold lo pas.i 1 hr.iugh !bin section will be re­ ported in this paper, If uot .1 rvp irtf!, please write or telephone The Tibiet--Herald. Main B «. 1. nums, Bui .18, ure. Ore. W. VV BROWN, Geo 1» IE; . . Burns, ca'tle branded Ear UL | with H I. <■<»•!»»<•'•»e»i. ji right ’ i LLlAMs G, e jaw; also some branded circ le N on right side s- e ne: O I. Shiiigledecker. Burns, homes. 5 on lef shouhii r: cattle. . on left aide; earinark. un­ ] arge der halt c rop in each « ar. the b R J W i ¡finis, Riley, horses, UB on the left I h '’7l ,1'• ;• * 11 '•’» left hip; earmarks, crop > ot! I« ft c t; . i nd«-r lia.f cn.p otr right, wattle uw | 'Ier chin ; t. • ■ ' an hritu.ii-ii sst crop and un- ; oats ¡ derlHt in left < .r, urtder liait crop in right; nls«» cattle JT on left ribs, « rop ntnl split, in left .-ur i .’OSSMA7**811 under half crop in right. i .eevin < ri. >nivc on blu; i.-r- 1’A A . \T IVRlili out a H II Elliott. Narrow«, horses. ’1 h left combined on Í I left stille; entile I li enHiuincd on left Bin............ mark, upper e I o ’ “ ...... '■ ............... •• ’ - - ’ mnrk, hlope du each ear, wattle on chin ! ~ -HB tail and bell collar. r. j ‘ ‘0ftl Sylvc-t.T-milli, Narrow-, lior.ek.HBoil r...„ • ntn! a._ a n I.-L,-; cuule V l.ar. . nrinark, lin.lcr Imll crop tween dvwln'l'."1' ’ " '“C11 l'ar i'lKhaiol!'- un.I ! !'■ • 'I'lniUr rlri le S on r « 11 11 'I'l I :. ""III.1er: ralilr. qunrtor < . itlicr In,.: cnrtnarK, eroi, ol! ri-.bt «nr.-:. ■ in mi.Ur lvH; I A K 1 (in,.; Bum.-, li, rsra, Y <>n left k-z and ‘ ' " ■ I ■ •: li .nSli .-: „0-0 I.. . lel‘ ’*•“ ,’! ■': • ki • '-r ' hair on left hip; eaimarl;. ear droop-d «(own, left tn: slop- I»»k'tonmlF In •H on npjHT side; wattleon Jef side of reek; all animais dehorn e«i. p ,,,! 11 ''•■"■I- Buri -, cattle, bar .» <* h-it : ‘’'--f crop Fight c ur; horses bar 2 on left shoulder. 'i:ii*' Y" ' ‘ ■ ' - ' vine services the third and fourth er'- - iy a large band was being Sundm ( of each month at 11 a. in. diiveii down a steep dedivitv to and 7:30 p in. Fabbath school at w.itcr. The leaders jumped over 1 (J a. to. every Sabbath morning f-mu Mofhvrwht i I. ¿ I . < ». j;.- Afolt, INI. kNI» I Oin.l • M. < : k . , . . 1- Hull John M. Bmilciiiiin, I. i »V FOLEY Proprietors, i j>. m. < I I V. Mayor, Recorder. Treasii rei, Mut slot I, point. r-u R<-v A Irwin will preach at and I:miiey the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. beefsteaks. Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 1 • Win < llOM cal I h.Ilk . - buh N' prunes, four dozen oranges MAHNEV ' IltgiHf'-r Re« « I ver tom. Science bunches of celery, ten pounds of ■ I !.. Hh I ' But: Pit N.-WI I!. !of sugar, twe lve pounds of corn : NINTH JUDK IAI Cuonty Jmli:«- Clerk Trsasurcr Hurvcy or Sheriff Ahh'MHor School superi»■!<■ t• • 1« Stock I iiHpectoi Childr a ’ .eds Center Tables, Com modes, : ses, Pillows, ¿Hum Kitchen C b ti red of tlour, fifty (rounds O . a . District Ju : - District Attoi tn The HANDSOME MIRRORS, IRON BEDS tei do i of Animais addressed the Oa. Year Six Months Three Mon: .► < A iMew Line of J| G CHAIRS and ROCKERS children to see that they go to interests of any individual, clique s< hool and arrive there on time, or ward party. unle'S ihere is some valid reason 10—Thou shalt boost and not to ihe i outran . knock. ïhe í i im 5-fi ftu ’l* r’ ut»y M. i;^ Mp, 1 . . tft. rt( * .-t>