Before buying your meat see Levens A Mai )n The Popular piace to do join ing. QUALITY, QUANTITY & PR CE Are essential to jilting orders lai _ • sin ill As to quality tve trill let you b the judge. IVebuy the Best only. Out stock /- T RRR 1 r> i ‘ I SCHWARTZ & BUD •BROW N S” Lack of Interest Shown in Government “ÌT1Ì.: X l lSFAC rORY STORI: Irrigation Work Oregonian News Bureau, Wash­ ington. Oct. 13.—“The |>«'opie of Oregon, in contrast with residents of other Western States, manifest little or no interest in the great gU-(>ject of irrigation,” said F. II j;ewei) of the geological survey, chief engineer in charge of all Gov- eminent reclamation ______ _______ ,„.i work. Mr. Newell but recently returned from Oregon, where he personally i in- i spected the several irrigation with- drawal* that are now being care­ fully surveyed by field engineers.. Mose Levi returned this week ¡rvel) ¡n the neighborhood of pro- j from Stockton, California, w here | p0ge(] Qovernmeht wor^g| he reports | he spent several months. the people are not interested in the ^Mervin Horton is carrying his j'n’*u‘led‘J®veloP«>ent of the region» i BROWN’S iWRNS, OREGON Call and s *e the I arrest Stock of General Herchan- dise in Eastern Oregon before purchasing your Fall and Wimer Supplies—We can fill your or­ ders for anything needed. face around in a sling the result of Tor most ot the reolaimable lands a baseball coming in contact with : ure located in regions now given up ' it. .entirely to stock-raising, and stock­ All kinds of dry lumber now on men seem to see no personal benefit | band at the A. K. Richardson saw­ in irrigation. The few men who are actively mil). Also stair railing, window booming irrigation, says Mr Newell, stool, etc. “are those who control large tracts , Jessie McClain and another girl of land lying under proposed irri- maae their escape from the Bovs gatimi projects, and these men are We are better prepared to handle your accounts than ever Call and see us ai.d Girls Aid Society in Portland working solely in their own behalf. ---We want your trade---l:verythinR to Eat, Wear and Use. last week. There is an absolute lack of public \\ m. Orr, a resident of Pine val­ I enthusiasm, however, which is ro­ ley in linker county und an old - •““•'kable, in view of the vast bene- lime friend of J. \V. Buchanan, was j fits that will accrue to the State of ¡Oregon as a result of the irrigation ' in our citv a few days this week . of its arid lands.” “The Woodman of the World," a Mr. Newell also commented upon ; 50 Shoe for Gentlemen, manu­ the Oregon representation at the; factured by Buckingham A Hecht recent Irrigation Congress. He , Sold by Lunnbur1' y Buckingham A Hecht any concentration of - purpose, ami , week, ♦♦ « I Sold by Lunaburg A Dalton. th«' impression left upon the gov- Mike Moylan has disposed of hi- /j. M Dalton ariived home Mon- ernnient engineers and others pre- holdings in this section consisting ot i day from Whitney where he had scut was Unit the Oregon delegation ' ■’'J” iieres of land mid several hun- r gone to meet his family who were had little interest in the greut work dred head of stock to Blackwell A returning home from a visit to the that was being discussed and plan-, -'lace. Mike contemplates a trip ned. 'to the outside accompanied by his Willamett«- valley. brother Dennis. Mr. Moylan has John Sweek played fullback in Home made lard al the Citv SP''"’ years in this section the Pacific Uuiversity football team I working hard and has succeeded in market the other day in u game with the ,, _ | laving by a snug little sum fol liis John Cary and Frank Stauffer . Portland Academy. It was a hot , out days. are in the city. game but neither team scored. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. t I c. . i • • fl- < T* Made dy the Thos. Kay W... ;■ Mail Orders Wil! Receive Pr m SUS OREGON IS ASLEEP. SE I) US YOUK MAIL ORDERS . COMFORT R , We have bought a large quantity of tie-- vance ai.d can save yon money on tin in the Best Mrs Chas. Roi>er is ill the city from Harney. Jason Bennett was a caller in this ofiiee yesterday. Dick Martin was a visitor from Harney Thursday. Clack Craddock an I -1'- >• son were down from Silvies II n.-d.n. Ches f Smith ’ ’ returned Tuesday evening from a visit to his mother in Boise City. 1 H. Holland has returned from a tour of the P. L. S. Co. rancher south of here NEWELL '1011. PLANO MOWER'S. BINDERS and HAYWE5 — ( Ticks ami jewelry at reduct'd | NOTICE’ FOB PUBLICATION. James Hutchinson was up from Lawen Wednesday on land busi­ price, at Jorgensen's. ips I’NITEI» >FATES UNP OFFICE, » City ness, He States there are a num- The Timss-jisrald M'r‘. BUR NN, Ore.. October 13. V.HKLl Wm Altnow is over from Otis ¡ Notice in hereby given that the following j ber of his neighbors who have beef creek. ■ps named acttlera have filed notice of Intention to nt ake tin a1 proof on i heir rop««111 <■ t Ininm L< (cattle they would like to turn oft' Woodie IL ôt fore the Regiab-r and Rccelun a Htirtis. Pumi HAS THE LASGSsT i i this fall. creek this week the City Market. <’HESTER H. SMITH Hd. E. No. 170». for HWL MW««. J SAY’—Y’ou save money and time Sewing macliine i See. 5. Mini NW. NP, • I oil, gun oil : 1 by ordering your suits and over­ John Hoss spent a few days with W. M . North of Malheur I al»< ■XTUKUAY IOBEI '7. I JOEL ff. SMITH, us this week. coats from Friedrich the Tailor Hd. E. No 170», for RUG NW., N’ - H Ask for pri< - .it NE', MEG', Hee. I. T. N . R «2 L Nice salt Salmon nt 15c lb—this a. North I tin y fit, and must lit. Any altera­ of Malheur I Hk< ket before bn . - Local News. Thej name tire follow wing wlinvaat«« to prove season ’ s cntch — at Huston's tion that may occur free of charge. their roiitinuotiM r< - "IviK'i* | > . I mltlvH tion of paid land, v iz : Alphi'im Venator I Mrs. C. A. Byrd Friedrich the Tailor, Burns, Ore. cameras at Jurgen- z Born—To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Henry Laddreth, <»f V« rm (nr, Oregon, Ernval Boirof, < heater It ti li t .1 il -mil: . I ber fall consigli un t of Burna, Oregon. The Red Front Barn is now un Mayfield on Oct, 10 a boy. x|and trinimeli ll M. Keglot.'r. der the management of Harry C. '-UflB’iT B°rn—To Mr. and Mrs. Mel Par­ See tin; Lace Window Curtains Geo. Winters, 1 Caldwell and Smith where your slock will be at the Furniture Store Nothing ker Oct 11, a daughter Ike Constant cani . f. in Warm I well cared for. He has good, coin­ i nicer. THE WINDSOR CAFE Quarters of beef sold by Levens Springs yesterd:. v. I fortable livery rigs and fresh Peter Andrews, Ed. Carlson and ■■'S. St- Mace cut up free. HAM BIXBY, Prop- Ifyou want I enjoyable I horses. A. Miranda are in from Andrews «.l i,. P. H. Gray, th Lawen postmas- I Open all hours day-.tight. smoke go t<> th '’liarma- II. 1!. Syme is in the city from on court business. Dril'Sffa ’er wa8 *n the ciLv today. cy and get mie .fi' ■ pipi : the Owyhee. He came over as a ¡An experienced Clef ,i> charge of Artistic crepe paper for fancy tors* *st Stationery, pencils. Slate pencils IL J. William-, ..panini by witness in the land contest case work, in roll or flat at Jorgensen’s this popular pía'' i u rything to and school supplies at Jorgensen's. bis wife and - I eat and drink Drop in and we : me over from j row pending before the land office. cheap E. L. Beede, I. M Davis and Silver creek Wedm ' iy 'vili: a load . Upon his return he will lie accom­ Short Orders a S dally Miss Mabie Gowan is teaching Hurns Frank Norton are over from the of bousehold gì < The family panied by his children Willie and school in the district north of this Drewsey section on land business. will soon ino' ■ luto tl ieir city resi- ■ Rose. place on the river. ^Dr. L, E Hibbard has returned “The Woodman of the World,” a dence. If you want a good pair of shoes, 93.50 Shoe for Gentlemen, manu­ Geo Sizemor- ■ 'i Emm-tt Reeo frem his outing in Stien Mountains try a pair r>f Asbestos. They are i *♦♦♦♦♦** factured by Buckingham TICE OF A DM INIHTR A TIO N table ware and’ oil r n v. lti- - at will to buy t get evening. Mr. Curry is traveling ■ept ». great reduced pr it Jorgensen’s. knowledge to it. The further nfítr representative of Fisher. Thorsen To all that it may concern: L. M. Brown h<- r-'.’ii i d home ing liow to ke Ar Co., of Portland He is spending Notice is hereby given, that the from a business •i-il to San Fran­ Then the L1VÖ’ cisco a f"W «lays visiting his brother-in- undersigned, Ione Whiting, was on HOPKINS & «iom<- - popular Hack Coart Stenograph ( i. B The power for the electric light ceased. an>l all persons, having with the riders of thi« ction family arrived 1. me M . dne.- iat plant was traaferred to the grist claim« against said E-tate. we here­ Wri'• • i.' i. : from Malheur c M - I or- mill the first of the week arm for by required to present them. verifi-| th- liti,- of hsriMH- “« ence Scoflield a n j r ■ 1 • n two or three nights our people bad led a, by law required, to me witb­ chape, bridle« «•(<■ . if n a home. to group«- around in darkness or in six months from .aid 10th day and venient t<> call. under th n. Th<- Wind Wai earrv lanterns. When asked the of Oct 1903, at Burns, Oregon They are tie- sole ag< nt V C Bated Or t 12,1903 O* ment of C. B Si cause one of the employ e* of the thia conn ree Ione Whiting of the most pc j' plant Mated that the ducks and Remede Administratrix. interiot. Fin« ge< > were x cigars, billiards| an ail the waL Al D- and expert mix left them vi M r* (lev Sb« I y /Dr Vulp n form * us Frank Whit IS THE P C? t brother Clarwnc » « i :r«g wa* qu seriously hurt I urn from Ontario wit afternoon at the limn- Carr slio was p on by beir >g a -cidentaliv hit <>n If lysis last moot the head by a ►l-dge hammer. We proving slowly. 'irc|er»t«r»l th • I they were repair- ii m ii hih mih HUSTON’S ,. Ex-Com miss ha* keen in the looking after a be and others which will b* h vHirt next WWr. | bo dietribwtfo- »is. Mr 1 nd M ft Tbev I butin : Remember our prices are lower this year than ever on goods that c in be sold lower. j : i I V EARING APPAREL urns. Oreg« win ter s I thlF Grain, Groceries, Flour Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in teason. ng the barn •nd and some one on* wa* 11| S a *I»<1**> Im ing spike* with *ls«)ge Lwewa. mer.. Mr M Whiling biting sl-*>pe«l to pick up semetbing just behind the Provisions and Feed a Specialty man who wa* driving. b*i> g struck. His skull was fractured, but lYr. All kind* of Fr**ah Vegetable* n Season, Volp says he will not suffer any lasting injury. t. i Durkbeimer Building - - Main i ¿zío// don't Aaur to ¡tnif atuay for HE J Airep tA* txlrni riyht Aoro. on any of my (///ac/iineiy, /« rrw nbtahea impoaHbitity to buthi n wnyon bailor tAan tAo ¡MITCHELL C. H. VOECTLY Dealer in the above. RESERVED FOR----- MILLER & THOMPSON I Ir \ will hn • Hornet hi ng to my next w»rlc I BICYCLES! BICYCLES! Guaranteed for One Year Prices $20 to $35 tirade f \ i; its Wheel oü want. I'm Qour llurkleKri' JOHN (»¿MERLINO, 1 n. 9 : I