! Ed Howard wa< among Drewsey visitors this week. Before buying your meat see Levens 2 acre grain pasture just opened on the Davis corner south of Harney. It is impossible for us to make per-onal mention of all our friends J. R. Jenkins and fan. v are in who have attended the fair the the city taking in th< fair past week. fdl AT Before buying quarters get prices at the City Mar.. J. F. Mahon and family been taking in the fair t! Five more wagon K . i goods just arrived for Lun Dalton. .... Mrs. C. J. Melnt..-h 1 urn?. ‘ Miss Mayme Cozad ar tl of their sistei Mrs. Wm F..: r- our Job printing—The Tin Heme made lard at winter’s Market. Home made lard G. W. Young has good pasture market ! at his ranch 3 miles below town. Home made boneless Supt, Gilcrest of the 1’. I. S. Co. the City .Market. i has been in the city for the past We will not b«' ui ■ j week. quarters of beef — Levens A Mac Chas. Parrish Jr. came over from Mrs. C. A. Byrd expects her i . : Canyon City yesterday, bringing line of Fall Millinnry next v- k. over some traveling men. See the Litco Window Curtains Mr. and Mrs Alva Springer were at the Furniture Store Nothing up from Narrows Saturday and nicer. Sunday. Born—Sept 111 to Mr and Mrs C Dr. L. E. Hibbard and family E. McPheeters at their home in have moved into their new home this city, a daughter. in north Burns. Pencils, tablets, Miss Harriett Brown, of the sponges, etc. for the school children Georgia Harper Co,, returned Sat­ j at Jorgensen’s at cost. urday from a yisit to San Francisco. Wm Levens and wife will take If you want a good pair of shoes, their departure the first of next try a pair of Asbestos. They are j week for Southern Oregon hand-made.—Schwartz A- Budle- Henry Blackwell came in tin man. j first of the week. He was accom- S. W. Thompson and family have | panied by Ed Allen, a mining man moved over from Drewsey and will of Baker count v. remain here permanently. Mrs W. E Huston and little s..n Now is the opportunity to buy Taylor .arrived home yesteid v clocks, jewelry .cards and stationery from a visit to relatives in I li< cheap. Jorgenson's closing out Willamett vail \ sale. C. G. Guerney, A. J. Stephen All kinds of dry lumber now on and others of the Canyon City ba . hand at the A. K. Richardson saw­ ball team went to Narrows yester­ mill. Also stair railing, window day to shoot ducks. stool, etc. C. Beary won the first prize at “The Woodman of the World,” a the shooting contest this we. k. $3.50 Shoe for Gentlemen, manu­ The participants all did very poor factured by Buckingham A Hecht shooting and refuse to allow us to Sold by Lunabunr A Dalton. publish the score ■ BROWN’S BURNS OREGON Something New in Sable flannelette. Velnatine Flannel. Beautiful line < Vnolens just received for Fail and Winter. ' w and Complete Stock of Ladies’ Garments— LATE AND ATTRACTIVE. Our large Winter Stock in every line will be Complete and we will be found keeping pace with tht large increase of business done by us. Our buyer is now in the market and it will be to : : advantage to call and examine our Goods. ! Notice to Creditors. J. H. Byerley and little daughter Mrs. E J, Lampshiie left this All persons having claims against left Monday for their home at New­ morning for Eugene where sin- will .1. \\ . K. I- , deceased are notified port after several weeks visit with spend the winter with her mother. that In order of the Honorable relatives and friends in this section. She will return in the spring to County Court in Probate for Hur- V. G. Cozad and family have look after her stock interests. ' c v County, State of Oregon, dated been the guests of revatives and It is not ioo early to get ready the 11 it h day of Marcii 1IM13, the friends in this city the past week for the big vocal concert next Fri­ iinder- -ne.I was appointed Adliiin- Vic will have a duck hunt before day evening. Those who don't go istr.il,., .>1 th. i- tate of J. W. Kelso he returns home. will have but once to regret it, and 1. 1 i-.' l uni qualified on the 5th that will be whim it is too late >1 .V ..f All; n t I'.MO, and tu present Inadvertently we failed to men­ Mi»s Myrtle McKinney, of Afton, -neh claims eiilier to him in person tion that Mrs. J. W. Jones and family had returned home list Iowa, a niece of C. F McKinney, >r by mail directed to him in the week from a visit to relatives in arrived here yesterday on a visit In eare ol his nttminiy. Thornton ] the latter and family .Miss Mc­ William Burn Ore. properly veri Washington. Kinney will possibly rem tin lei ¡'¡•••I and v.iii.'li.al for ns required Mrs. Lee Caldwell has 1 gnu«- to i all w inter. I \ law within (1 months from the Baker City after her daughter Dorn c pirat ion of the publication of this Tom Murry and Chas Owen li ft and Vella Mace who were dissatis­ notice. yesterday for Silvi.-, where they fied with the school there and wish­ First, pubi’. Hi n dated Align i Igo to assist M. A Modi Kring down es to return home S, inti;;, in Th*. Times Herald la large bunch of I’ I. SCo beef •leek' a ii-ertions List publi A. Egli and family have moved which will b ■ driven 1 > Winnemiie- 1 i ll’liotl Sei in from Wagontire. Mr. Egli has . cu for shipment .1 II Card, bought the Jack Dennis resilience Rev (1. W Black and family ar­ Administrator property and his family will become rived here List Saturday am! the . K'l o deceased permanent residents of our city. r< verend gentleman fill' d the pul­ Goe. E. Davis, a prominent at­ pit at the Baptist church Simd iv torney of Canyon City,accompanied II< v. Black informs tis the extras ri^Àt Aoro. .///■». . ,Z XOTIt I Sold by Lunaburg —— that have tannini so popular thority for the statement that more ture. Take notice that by order of th* J. D. Combs is again in th - with th«- rid' rs of this section. hay was pul up this season than GIVEN AWAY FREE—During \n- County Court of the state of Oregon Cfi'tion buying cattle H Writ«- 'hem for mything in for several vears. gust and Septeml«er N. Brown A for Harney County the undersigned * panied by his daughter Mr- i- 1 tiro lino ot harm m , -addi' a. A perfect drug store re«juiree Sons will give away free 10 Smyrna was dulv appointed this the i | ,j . chaps, bridle, etc . if nut c< Mosier. be many things to make it. First the Rugs. These rugs are handsome of September ItMJ.'J, Administratrix vi-nient to call. inr 1 The two Luce boy- v. 1 will to buy the l«est Next, the in design and will beautify your with the will annexed, of th» > -t.it- Th- v are the sole agents st»-'" panied the John Day tr ' know!, dge to know when you get homes. Ask for a ticket with every of Allen T. Clark, deceased; all this county for Security Sto« k s / were called home , it. The further knowledge of know- cash purchase. | -id of the most popular rt- Diamond Valley, Harney County. series of religious meetings. Matti- n of Portland and Mies interior. Finest Oregon, or ul th«« otiice of Parrish Esther Schwartz has been announc­ P. G. Smith arrived home the cigars, billiards at 'd. This is a surprise to the many latter part of last week after an A Reinbold, nt Burns in said ciun X- and expert mixol friends of the young lady here. absence of over a year in the east. ty Dated this 15th 'lav of Septem­ The date of the marriage han not Phil and bis brother Harry did not Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. K- ber 1903 been set. Mr. Mattison is connect ­ their departure Thur-1 n expect to be gone but a few weeks M ary A ed with the Portland Journal. when they left here with horses to Idaho where they « Administratrix with tl -d Dr. L E Hibbard will leave market. Harry was married dur­ home. Mr. Kony nexed. 1 M day fir the Summit of ths ing their .lav and did not retorn county for many y • ■ St> n M ur.tain to hunt “Big Horn” with hie brother. 1 v esteemed by all hi- or Mountain Sheep. The doctor The beet wishes of th • ; Chas Owen has laser« 'ip fr .m 1- arna there are a few of these ani­ nd h county accompat ■ 1 Alvord for the past week Mr- ma!» in that section and as they ff» 1 Married—Laet > : la Owen says the story of the shooting are ven rare he is anxious to get 14. at the home of the bri l at Andrews in our last i-- ie wa- south of Barr.* M only one side of the case, Mr. >t I Wagon«, Hacks. Murray having waived exarnmi- -tudebaker th and Mr. Jame- I -< 1 Carriages, 1 Buggies and Buck board« tion and bis defense not being g v n Miller perform t z 'j are arriving g now and selling as fast This statement is made in justice The bride is a da gi. (> them in. We have to Messrs Owen and Murra- as we can | Mre. E. D. Rak- r a l M «• two car U nm I o of these goods here should have »tatted then that only lar voting lady Mr I and in trains The best stock of the testimony of the pr'>«ecnt .n vaqoero forema \V xgonii and Vehicles ever brought was given. Mr. Murry is i w out Island ranch so : W. E. HUS7ON •»an« tn P.t rr.« Call and look at goods on bonds with Messr* M M. < .-b- dent of this OK r I .even if you c do n >t desire to bay at iag. Thos McCormack. J I. * ’ The Tiaeeo-H» raid Sen time Geer A Cummins and J. P Rector as «uret t lb* pr»*-nt grain laliotae C. H. VOEGTLY Dea er in the above