Notice to Credito««. Oc Œimcs-ïüratd SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12. i'ÄB. ed to speak to Owen. lie was armed with a pistol and demanded Owen to apologize for insulting his wife. Owen claimed he did not insult her, when Egbert com­ menced to beat him over the head witn the pistol. Young Alberson had seen the pistol and told Mur­ ray. The latter rushed into the store, and seeing Egbert beating Owen, drew his pistol and com­ manded him to drop the gun and throw up his hands. Egbert dropped the gnu on the end of a counter, at the same time Owen rushed at him with a knife and Murray shot, the ball taking ef­ fect at the point of the left hip and comming out near the spine in the back. The man will recov- er. Justice Callow held Murray under $iooo bonds, Sheriff Al- len brouglit the prisoner in and as yet the bond has not been furnish- ed. TEACHERS INSTITUTE. Harney County Again the teachers are the guests of Burns, and everything is being done by Supt Bartlett, the Instructors, and our enterprising citizens to make their visit here a pleasant one It is very much to be regretted regretted that one of the Instructors, President K C. French, of the Eastern Oregon State Normal was not present, as it was the County- Superintendents intention to have him here. ' ADMl.xL • ■ Mrs H E. daughter L- Monday fr Drew key ■ ‘ All persons having claims against n .nd , , little | j W Kelso deceased are notified : iUr!7 ■ ,‘thatbv order of the Honorable ney County, State of Oregon, dated : h. I -tale of \\ il-1 the 26th day of March 1903, the In the MatI One Y< »r undersigned was appointed Admin­ Six Month« lars N. J e i - i deceased. Three Mon Thu To all wh< on it may concern: istrator of the estate o! ■■ ■ • K Il tli- un-1 deceased and qualified on the 5th Notice is le .11 l.f A N HY K H M aullar j t - . has this 9th I day of August 1903, and to present dereigned. 1 a,..,, been duly I such claims either to him in person day of Sep ' II,u 11. C. Levens, j or by mail directed to him in the The little extra put out by the appointed b Times-Herald last Monday met County Jud- ..f Harney County,| care of his attorney, Thornton idministrator of' Williams. Burns Ore. properly veri­ State of Oref LEVEi with much favorable comment MONDAY. the E‘tatr- .f W i; lards N. Jorgensen fied and vouched for as required from our prominent business men prsons having' by law within 6 months from the The Harney County Teachers deceased and and the public in general. The i Estate are here-, expiration of the publication of this claims again-' Institute was called to order by people appreciate «uch enterprise Supt. J. C. Bartlett in the Business by required t p. -.ent them, with notice. and The Times-Herald is pleased College at 9 o’clock last Monday the proper vouchers therefor, with- [ [ First publication dated August to assist in all public enterprises tue date of this 18, 1903, in The Times-Herald -I morning. Prof. H. A Dillard, of in six months fi anti will continue to do its best to tid ad ministra* weeks, 5 insertions. Last publi- the Burns School, was chosen sec­ notioe, to advance the interests of Burns and ; tor, at my 1 " f residence in catiion Sept 5, 1903. retary. I larney County. Burns, II ri ■ ( .unity. Oregon, or J. H. Oard, The morning session opened with The Time s-Herald realized the Parrish & Rembold Administrator. New and Elegant J singing conducted by Mrs C. 11. at the ofliv impôt tance of letting the people Leanard and the following institute in said Buri.-. Estate of J. W. Kelso deceased, Horses I know that, although Floral Hall lay> week » Dated thin''th day of September work was .xken up: month. • cu all stm had been burned, we would have 1903. Reading by J. H. Ackerman, See the Lace Window Curtains JOHN MCKINNON KILLED J.... -: n J okoensen . a fair and as there would be no State Superintendent of Public in­ at the Furniture Store Nothing Administrator. issue of any paper until today, the struction, and Father Doyle. After nicer. the 9th con ­ The Oregonian of recess, the sudject of Geography impression might get out that the Cor. Main and tains a press dispatch front Santa was taken up and generally dis­ Administrator's Notice. fait would be postponed or the Rosa Colifornia stating that A. J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. association be in no shape to re- McKinnon was shot and instantly cussed. UNITED STATES LAND OFPK'E. ! The afternoon session was given BURNS, Ore.. August 29,19033 ceive exhibits. killed by A. Garred, an escaped Notice of Appointment') I Notice is hereby given thnt Mart Baker, of to methods of teaching language The extra was put out volun- lunatic. The dispatch says that I Burns. Harney County, Oregon, has filed notu r • of Administrator of the I of intention to make proof on his def-crt-ian E. W . M.. he instructor. I Deceased J fore, the Register ami Receiver at B hi ik . ore. agement and without one cent’s with a friend when Garred came on Tuesdav. the 29 day of septeml <-r. Prof A. C. Finn gave an instruc­ prove Notice is hereby given that the He names the following witness-> cost to the Association or anyone along, pulled a pistol and fired the complete irrigation ami réclamai ion oi said tive talk on the subject of reading John C. Freeman, Julius ' hamller. lorn else except the regular advertis­ without winning. The bullet pass- This completing the work for Mon­ undersign'd has been appointed land. Allen ahd Joseph N. Thomas, all of Burns, Ore. WM- F abrk , Register. ers. it was sent to every sub­ through his heart Garred made day the meeting adjourned for tin administrator of the above named estat' — that such appointment is good his escape anil a posse was scriber on our books. It gave an day. by virtu< of an order of the Honor* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. after him. a t ount of the unfortunate fire and Complete li TUESDAY. abb-, th- County Court of the State Both men are well known here also assured its readers the fair UNITED STATES LAND OFFK E.( where John McKinnon was sheriff Ths teachers convention ivi. of Oregon, for the County of Har- Burns, Oregon, July 9. 1908.i would be held, reaching the peo­ for two terms, and was a highly re­ opened this morning by singing the 1 in y, duly made and entered in that Notice is hereby given that Joseph N. Thomas of Burns. Harney County, Oregon, has tiled ple of this county almost a week spected citizen. Garred was ex­ of intention to make proof on his desert national anthem “America,” after behalf.—that the date of said order notice land claim No. 323, for the SE11 and S\V1 t X!.1, in advance of regular publication amined here nt one time as to his 20, Tp. 26 8., R. 29 E.. W. M. before the Reg- i I 1903 and i • Sec. which the following program was i - the 19th daj i Isler and Receiver at Btirne, Oregon, on I lies day. hd sanity but wan not committed as the carried out by the teachers: that tin undersigned has qualified I day the 29th day of September, 1.03. | He names the fallowing witne-s--s to piov< The Times-Herald ig here to dispatch states. Garred was com­ The subjeot of spelling'was intro­ tfieri tn d t an4 XW 1 ,. See. x. T . I . I:. been hidden in his mother’, home At the afternoon session Prof ver li' I as by law required, accom­ E., W. M She names the following witnesses to pr..\e in this place. He liad not been M, E. Rigby read h very interesting panied In v-. r.« if any exist, her continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said lauti, viz: Charles t ronin. Ere-I I ii • , Mountain Eagle seen by any one in all that time, paper on. “The Value of Comnier and I Ii .d d in within six months | Hugh A. Martin, David W. Cox. al! of I’.iirn.-, but today his mother becoming Oregon. from th" -wit, -iturdav the 22n-l man in her home and for not notify­ “Little Mchool Marm ” tronage Success to youlboys. Prof Tinn took up the subject of day ot A> . -ml the consecutively ing the officers There is much indignation over Arithmetic and gave a very inter­ -uete.'l ; _ f ,r regular insertions 'Paxes will become delinquent the affair, and even though he is esting talk "on*'the necessity for thereafter, ni iking in all five in­ insane there is a belief that Garred practical and thorough work. sertions Hid ending Saturday the on Oct. 7 and the penalty and in­ will be roughly handled when ap­ 19th day "l‘S. jitemiier 1903, from terest will be added after that date. prehended WEDNESDAY. which last named date the said Taxpayers should bear this in The morning session was opened six months period commences to JOHN GEMBEKLING mind. CAMIILE. by singing the[song “Oregon,", after i run. Jeweler. Optician manuhdqH Sensational advertisement may till a which the following work was tak- These wheels at c g uai I Enizraver. J. p. Dickenson theatre tor a single night, or sometimes 1 en up: Another Kenefit Performance. i ourne ‘1 Fine Watch Repairing A Spe­ year. Call and get pt ice. .By Administrator. even for a week, but when people throng History and geography, A C. Thornton \\ illiatns, cialty. into the theatre week after week and l’rof. W. 1'". Werschkul, whois year after year, as they have done to see Finn. His Attorney. OPPOSITE. THE at present conducting a music Camille during the years since it was , Biisiness Forms in Every-day class in this city, will give a con­ first produced, there must be some potent Life, Prof M E. Rigby. The afternoon exercises were cert at the end of the term as is reason. It is not far to seek. It is be­ cause Camille portrays great emotions always his custom. Two years and consequently gives opportunity for opened with song service and the ago Ins , lass gave a concert which great acting You can't have great act­ concluding work of the institute was well received and highly ap­ ing without great plavs, and great plays was a* follows: are only built upon great passions, over­ History and Geography—Prof. preciated by our people. This whelming emotions The instinct of the A. C. Finn; Penmanship, Prof. M M e 1; just received a consignment of our Fall and Winter Dry year his pupils are farther ad­ public in these matters is unerring. The ii d- Linings, Trimmings, ready made Skirts, Waists, Fasci­ F Rigby followed by a general di- vanced and the music will Iw of a box otlice tells a story that is beyond nate i »uting Flannels. Ribbons, Laces. Muslins, Calicos, ready argument. Plays like Camille appeal to cussien of the subjects higher older. ma le < thing, Notions; in fact everything that is carried in an The secretary’s record reveals the the intellect. Object to their problems Prof. Wetschul wa> asked to as you mav. you are forced to think fact, that 20 certificates of atten­ up to ' ,te General Merchandise Store. We carry the ...A contribute a part of the proceeds alamt them They draw- ever playgoer, dance were issued. fiom the concert toward the town from tile- highest to the lowest, because Resides the abojre the following they sweep the gamut of all the emotions i lock fund ami he readily consent­ of w hich the heart iscap.ilile Laughter, exercises were held at the Baptist As well as the Affords the people of j; t ed. < >ne half of the receipts of tears, intense dramatic tension, enthus Church Monday evening: first class modern Businc Vocal solo, Sam Meharry. the concert will go for that pur­ lasm, tear all are evoked; and liest of every course involved in all they bring to the swrface human sym­ X ocal aolo, J. G. Harper. pose. 1’be matter was brought as charged else where 1 pathy that transcendent quality that Prayer Rev A. J. Irwin. Of Dr,— ti ,D nd Trimmings of any bouse in the county. This at any time. Instrv t before the class last night and met distinguishes man from the brutes, and months the College v. Lecture. "The Trend In Educa­ in a hnitt- i by » v ry dress-maker in town. with unanimous approval and en­ makes civiliration possible. Plays tike tion, What Is It.” Hon J. II Ack­ rr, t , taftr to naHtt Cait and w these .«re not written every rear Abul thusiasm. Those taking part will cur ish them, and what does the stage lie- erman. SQO(... mittedly the higln-st type of dramatic the music line, ever given in our jects. address art Tin- 'problem play" so-called, are ed and great interest in educational city The concert will Ire given nothing more nor le*« than the tragedies matters was manifested by those Prices Louies Than Ever before. Thin m I. iv , Sept. Jy. ol nrntlcrn file So I ong ns life present in attendance. these problems, the stage will assert its A Resolution of thanks to Supt de ZD-^XJTOZ-T. Sxxr right to deal with them - Florence Hit \Nl»IO MS SHOOTING J H Ackerman, was passed i- Roberts, in S F l»r.imatie Review Tlie Tini"s-Hw en was supposed to have in-' Kennedy, W A Luce, t < ho»e t-t "st“' ” “’7' Slad ‘°r t0 Crane, l ewis Part. K S Hickman. suited I gbcrt's wife and Egbert Fred Woods Horace Johnsun, alt Gowan, Ktbsl McGee. Ross Kern D. ug > re head-quarters whtle in the city. Leai e went to Sin} th'* store where of John l*av and Henry Flak of Mrs A Cote and Mr« M E Rigby r ou id,es until you are ready to leave town and they „i!, Ow en w as sleeping. Egbert met Prairie City. Kbl. Joues, Frank J Run of, J • I.m e. Oliver Johnson. J. B French Up-to-dste jvb printing at reas Somm} Alberson in the store anti and Joe Johnson are expected this able ptiCMi asked him to step out a* he desir-, evening. LEWIS & Special accommc a ZEZaolzs, X-r TU10 CRRLiOAl Dain and Ac*- Deering i tovi Buckeye K/E- I ks. ' ~. New 3tc. ci Just deceived Fall and Winter Goods CITIZENS BEST ASSORTMENT CORRESPOé BEST QUALITY S ummer LflTtST STYLES AND FASHIONS S. ; Í I 5C« S S