EXTRA ‘•“i. Bn-, 1 mem-J! H’-ari3 rUht. • Burn» -J’ > ihvu.^.'V' left er 1 rd. Bum, c "ff left eg. 3§ >. B m . , wr I «ten J Burn, v'1 ' either-. J »How (on .’3 oe lederà <2 We.5 01 ’fi| uff ritta,*} '«11. «V, a 1». BEe | Hie, Cl® nder he K) i-lltìl ear.u left ri rop in rip; t. N’trrwt itile Th Burni,kJE Ktt'iieau. it her hip. «S under Mtffi E Burnsfel don riitt'^y '• etttk. hr eariincyS head on ’ all iniauif rford. Bu-. k, under in shoulder. * Dylan, hods j : marine down, >4» ifieid. ¿Z? Ider: eitttt^ ear, short nfl dock, '¡ins a uuf't • " attle.s* , »sin, EXTRA BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, Ì903. FLORA HALL BURNS TO THE GROUND SUNDAY Three Small Boys rind Coal Gil And Start Fir : on the Floor. also Hank Anderson. way from the race course and ex­ Racers in Danger. tinguished the blaze. There are Several running and trotting several wagons standing there be­ horses are stabled at the fair longing to the hardware firm of grounds a short distance from wher ■ Geer & Cummins, who also have the Floral Hail stood and tor a much machinery, hacks and bug­ while it looked as though the gies in the building, which they stables would catch as the wind have been using as a warehouse. was blowing in that direction anil This firm intended moving all their the be lt was intense. The horse­ machinery to Flora) Hall imme- Had the men finally got their slock out and Idiately after the fair. President Donegan Called a Meeting of F'tir Board in a few minutes the wind shifted fire got a start in this wagon box. Yesterday Afternoon and a Suitable Building which was partly’ filled with straw, to another direction. the whole block would have burned Their Seco.id I ire. Now Under Wav for Exhibits. The same Inn s that admit start­ in lading th Flench Hotel and X. ing tile fire at Floral Hall previous­ Red Front Barn with all probability At 10 o’clock 1 > ■ ciiiu..' ' dramatic club had some scenery in ly set lire, in three phv ■ s. it, a wag­ spreading to the opposite side of of the i the street, in which case praet ieall v on box standing in front t................... an alarm of fire w turn I in and the hall but that loss is slight. \\ bite Front Barn, the same dax the whole of the business portion of as The building is a total loss the quiet Sunday with the people A M I ’ yrd happened along on hi- our city would have been destroyed mostly indoors >r at church, as­ Mr. Smith had allowed the insur- alien policy to lapse on account of sumed a very exciting and lively nrnnnr:*::::::::::::«.::::;*;;.::! appearance with men running hat- a raise in the premium which he less in the ¡direction of the Fair considered unreasonable. His loss grounds, while'.he firemen with the | is m the neighborhood of $1800. clanging engine, and hose cart were Mr. Smith had worked very hard and put money into the building tearing toward the scene. Great column- of smoke could that might have been used to a be seen raising from the burning much better advantage, but he had building and [before the firemen hopes of making the annual county reached the place the roof of Floral fairs not. only a permanent thing, Hall feliin r* -- - had ■ “ “ ■ and was a mass of >”'1 •’"«* ,la5' » payh’K proposition. FAIR U ILL NOT BE POSTPONED CRSH STORE, Haines. In les.- than 5 minute- 'b- could ill afford the loss, F i after the alarm mb ■«! th, build­ Fair Will be Held ,ar i[i ing was falling With the usual energv -, <-i i is, Bonn i and uniir There was Reon-,n., horn. The two little hip: miri. • in bad condition hi ear I aid aged 5 arid ing of the f-ir a ne week nwa , Bum« 'ark,»» vt j leit b *1 TE’vV right «r » matt-b. on. Rilfi i-« anfrrto rm* it on- How fortb non. cat’F'i, a, %lud^qY -M*? > .>tfrirh’<* left. Fk^lHpll i pbell>«n4 Ark < ilder.'in« », Burn!, t i) righi er • :h. Burnt t crop ant’K The Popular place to do voar r rading. Free Free Free ■r; osti -• IL v. Burni i« IHWC -r whir itraid -man, B;'-' three artk.o.T ^«11 , under. - ¡1. » n. Bums i I ,r.g an aderbi: before b 1 at tba was one niasApt hSOD. Srf' -. bar'll , . 11 a Hash and it nark. ).-.ftsidti> 1 miracle those Srrrm^tì caught it tie, fl.t> ■ on left ear,de«/; ■ ¿li.lxwrjl tile window > : mart • nga \arro«i underi*- th,- Forino itely tl 'tnldifig hing if time „_5r-iet ot carpenter Joel Smith who u.pl xsdin makiiig repairs, b hiding ’W pens ,,-is and stalls for stock, etc for the ,Fair Association preparatory to r» '•"v—v ®**v'««f exhibits next week. His •>r h -g w||| not exceed $75 The local e put to wr - ructur- this morning, Will br finished in.an.1 1 time an xhibi- tors are assured protection icom the o from and most e mifortabh* er»- > of »hi Lid elements of their produceand si­ ck. Jacket- and Children's • ',„i ll M. lUrton of the Burns s Mid- AI-o list.net anil - Ik »'nr ! ing o. CM11,' forward at the proper Our Shoes give tmiver- .1 time with a most generou ofier mil 4 told the board they couhi have made of 'fie l,e«t of ' enable i rough lumber for ♦•> per thousand, Eadie-'. Men'«. ( l.ildr. s and Infant'. -h">- th»* , and single surface for $X 50. Teams were started to the mill for h uore 111 inlier today. C. A. Sw.ek | has offered a team free of charge for the purpose of hauling lumber, woar SCHWARTZ ôc BUDELMAN. hfp ill. nn. £•: eft **, MB