A New Line of $1000 dining chairs and ROCKERS START A BININE S OF VOI •> accumulated endeavored to make a commer­ OWN. quiti- .1 n.i e little band by this cial asset of his influence in a po­ practice. It is needless for us to litical way with the Indian war Our new book entitled ■' 40 M oney SATI.'KlIAY Mi.r-I I'««. st.ile ilia' this I* wrong, but the veterans, whom he pretends to M aking I deas ” is worth its weizht in qiit'SUon i- how can this, together serve only that he might betray.’ gold to every man who wants to start a HCBSCRIPTION ft .VI E> legitimate, paying mail order business 'with what we will term actual Out» Year I.' '*■ Is lovely woman’s method of It tells you what to do and bow to do stealing anil »hipping ,,ut of the Hix Months Three Months Send us 50c today carrying her money “in a safe it «ucces-fully. !■ until i st< | ped.' It s i ms Io and we will send you the book, and a u- that ilea -u^h organiz i ion anil M ana if or J LL I AN II V II I » place” changing." It sounds very valuable monthly journal one year free that as » n a« possible is the on­ unusal to hear of the St. Paul C entury P ublishing C o ., B ox 73, ly w a i woman who had $7500 in her Oe íimrs-Muraíd. stock at all have b ustle. • TATK -OH«.,OS I. » SetlMtQIB / u T here is a chance to make war / Congressmen A ,M. « raw ford. really a fearful devastation when Attorney General ( ham lx*: lain. K Governor I. 1 Dunbar. make the wurid laugh i yr LeOnard Wood is put at the Herrefary ol State C. H. .Moore. Treasurer »¿up’ Public Iustructlon• J. II Arle»miau repot tei > |ie<1(| t)le army. Pills may take J K Whitney •tate Printer arson L'i’y, and was on duty l ’ « t I. |)e nlnOM place of 1 pjstols.-Atlanta . K S. Bean. / < . Wolverton Supreme Judgmi one e evening in the city council ljourna]. ) F. A. Moore when the session w.is presided | NINTH JUDK IAI . DISTRICT. M.D Í’LIFFOKD over by a municipal statesman of District Judg«* Two years ago a Polander out Wrn Miller District Attorney exceedingly pompous manner, .in Nubbin ridge swallowed a ( Ircuit Court meets the Third Monday in April and Fourth Mondaj :in Oetolær. who cherished no great fondness; a .......... u Last week he gram c. of wheat. E H Test far the young Clemens. '1 his Joi n t - R<* p reae n t at 1 ve was attacked with a fit of cough­ J L. da nd Joint Senator councilman, ordinarily of no intel- ' ing and coughed up a fifty-pound COCNTY — HAKNEYJ r * * lectual resotirses, became I 11 l * | )t* ” sack of flour and 100 pounds of II ( |jM‘!ia f.'tionty Judge F ,H Rieder lessly confused in a parliamentary ■ Clerk bran. Truth is mighty and will R A Miller 1 raaaurer tangly. Finally a motion was j . . . -^-e- purveyor Tom Allen prevail. —Hartford Dry Spring. Hh»tri if J. E l.oggan made to expunge from the records , Assessor j <’ Bartlett H«*h(N>l Superirtendent Newt Hoover Stock Inspector ./KJ Williams a certain matter which the pre- i Coin mi ss loners A Pennsylvania expert says I « T Miller siding oillcei w as extremely anx-I most of the beer brewed in this < 'utility < <»urt meets the first Wednesday In January, March. Muy, July, ‘¿eptember and ious should not become a part of' motion hav- Country contains sulphites of lime, Mo vo m bar local history, 'l’he tartaric acid, citric acid, benzoic HOOT li. ». land orncr; ing been seconded, was eagerly acid, tannic acid, salicylic acid, Win Far re K^gintei Chas Nwwell passed. Kecel r»r arcolic acid, kalrum medda sul­ BURNS' «•ITT “The matter has been ordered phite. glucose and juniper berries. .Dr J W. Geary. Mayor, expunged,” declared the piesid- I, Woldenberg Jr. Recorder, That seems like a whole lot for W. A. Gowan. Treasurer, ing councilman, “and the clerk 1». Jiniewn. Marshal, the money charged for a glass of [Harn Motherabead, will proceed -to expunge. It < F. <». J a« knoll, Councilman | Hi mon Lewi» should be effectively wiped out. beer. I G. W i levengtr. Meeting» of the Council every becond and obliterated and totally destroyed.” Fourth Wedn«•••lay. The young man was hunting, He paused to notice the effect of 1 his sentence of “Where, gentlemen, Th« Un* i. \ i .«mu n„ » I »Hl 1.H1 u,1L1|* «■»i'1".' -a •onori.. -* - „.hu*»« HANDSOME MIRRORS, IRON BEDS. New things arriving FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. burns FURNITURE co , PATENT WRITING RING -T'HE most important improve- 1 ment of the age in the art of SHELLEY * FOLEY Proprietors, penmanship makes the poor writei a splendid penman in a few weeks BURNS, OREGON by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Europe Shop opposite old Brewery and America. Sample dozen as- sorted size« sent poet paid for $1.00 All work done with neat.iess and dispatch. single sample 25c. When ordering Give us a call a single ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. 118 S. Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA. HOWARD SEBREE, PRESiOENT \ Al I I V « \MP No Mtvli ever) fimi uml « W A G owrii , < lerlt a |, “T. A < )i egon, is W I • w n mat in most i « i .in ti II w l>u tin behifg« 1“ b< i au li animais of - - Oregon. c . n U h k newspaper of dCQ^a Jht t f ! ■■ - •' mui sc ait v O regon S hoiçî L ine vices is world-wide, complete in every department; in tact, superi­ or to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illus­ I trated in daintily tinted colors and This Ontario-Burns until AND U nion P acific Depart for TIME S( III Dll. ES From Huntington Ore AIIIUM from Chicago- Salt Lake.Denver, Ft. Porti nd Worth, Omaha, Kan Special sas City, St. Louis. 12:3.> Chicago and East. a. rt 0 partic __ rie s. rtiirBR.i«”- litili i - 1 '''; The orginization of its news ser­ Ki tiibrigh' ., «•« . . claim the fo md li split in oik li i nr, waltlew s goo I» M Mc.Mt ntimv, Barw.1 l»‘ft stifle; • n’llf, b!»onWti in ea<*h ear With full name1 lelect Varíen Bros., horod.LFi whicb LF on right hip: mark, ew water answered day or night transfer route from Burns to the Tcu«day ami now i .ene» th » exp >sure of, »*7 * P"'r “f Asbestos They are Oregon City. Daiton Monday Rooms 1 ami 2, Borns Hotel. Tuhrd'y and Wiy-Landing« W,.l .v railroad. who h i mam veais hand-mude—Schwartz A Budle & Sal . Firat-claM accommodation?, and H S Hrewntoa L t Hibbard good eating stations at convenient 6 a tn. Willamette Hirer Tut ?day Portland Corvelli Iltblvaixl Ac. Brownton, distances along the route. Thur* À and Wav Landing iur« a 1 YF.NTIHTR. !». 8. \\ ILLIAMS, Gen Mgr. Sat Sat. ofc. » Ire -loor east ,»f Tba Clttaaaa Rack Drewsev, Oregon. Burns. Orrron. Leave I. \\ oldenberg Jr . Agent. Riparia. W P name; < attic, game split in right I.Y -m left hlf J «‘«’reaani left side or hi and slit in lef L I.« lark, i ahotiMer. John Gllc w rench on b mark. tqViar -’ope on left Frenrh-OI. ermtenden urna, ho.ai rrted on je ft ear, de a ark aame t •»sake River C HIM tl AI Bums. Oregon 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE .Il tu.i lluil>st T s « î < M«a>, Dtasxa Co»»»«»ri Ac. A TV MM a •**«!! aa4 fswrrtvr mar « V car onntcu fvw vk«tb*r an ’•rtsua n anxbablv naiaBta.-K w ill a< pvratt tin , trom • Mn«ly <*>'nMaattal Raa4boo« « retarti f-v* « !«•< •■«< cv for wntrnfl txiaata Patenta aten Ö- «ak Maaa * Co. rwwtv. - •*♦*•. • T ■ darr* -R tba ita motliei •nd aller driving them Scientific Entrican. mile* ap.ut . place their brand up- irm«r I» e« burn«, m enterprise. A fresh assortment of candies PHYSICIAN just received at Horton's. a few mm i X' M V I ' ' HjMf AT BAY — cud t wee modern dea, I Judgi w E s I The Sunday edition of the St. marvel tiirfi)].. un- k. s). I ' . II ui I m • ‘ -ni«' inn Simon l.v Stage hine. be found .«till i>n th m A Great Newspaper. a ' wit ho ' 1 izatioi -!•!•■ . niiiiv! Iri *WUI imi J 'rii . uhier. j^g | Mi< I i' -i Ju ■' ■ XT New® h-i’t droopu'l n, jughn . . inaki ar, underbill »1 cattle JT on li ft riña, era,„4 Furti under hull crop in ri,hf. 11 II Elliott. XarrowalmaJ revea left alille: ■ attic Th eimniM!'^— min nr ,■« can I and hell collar. sister . P he S i OFNT »i ..i.... penil \V const M/ i’' sion ear. H|>llt m under aide of ief- X Th first Rational Bank PfiRRISM & section contains more high-class many \eais has made it a practice 1 Witch Hazel Halve is used in mak­ Attorneys-at-Law, j literary matter than any of the the ing DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, Burns (and Canyon City,) Oregon. Oregon Indian wars,” cays the which is the l>. -t salve in the world Aill practice tn the courts of Harney and monthly magazines. The fashions • rant counties and in the supreme court of the ; illustrated in natural colors are News “lie has exploited their. 1 for cuts, burns, bruises, boils ec­ ►tate. and also in U.S land office. especially valuable to the ladies. The popularity of in even \\.i\ possible and a >pec- zema and piles < 'has. 1 1. Leonard, The colored comic section is a DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel Salve, due ial ilispatcli to the Oregonian A ttorney - at - i aw , genuine laugh-maker. The funny to its many cures, has caused num ­ statesthat five different pension Careful attention given to Collec­ erous worthless counterfeits to be cartoons are by the best artists. examiners have been ordered at tions and Real Estate matters. placed on the market. The genu­ The humorous stories are high Notary Public. various times to investigate char­ ine bears the name of E. C. DeWitt class, by authors of national rep­ B urns , O regon . ges against him and that these A Co, Chicago. Sold by Burns Office in Times-Herald building utation. charges aie now made in upward Sheet music, a high-class, pop­ ’ Druggists. l'he pension bureau of Ooo ca«< » ular song, is furnished free every OEO 8. SIZEMORE, mill permits an attornei to charge Sunday in the Republic. ATTORNEY, The price of the Sunday Re­ $25 fot sei \ ises in pension i ases. Studebuker Wagons, Hucks, B urns , ..................... O regon . public by mail one year is $2.00. but r barges are made that Wood Carriages, Buggies and Buckboards Collectons, Land ____ business, _______ _ ___ and Real For sale by all news dealers. has collected 01 demanded much are arriving now and selling as fast Estate matter promytlv attended to. as we can get them in. We have iiioiv in numviuu'4 cases. •‘One of \\ ooa I' s acts of gross two car loads of these goods here W.L. MARSDtN, JOHN W GIARY The best stock of injustice to veteran» is the refus- and in trains MARSDEN GEfiRY. ing tu turn over to the govern-] Wagons and Vehicles ever brought Physicians and Surgeons. Cal! and look at goods ment a muster loll of one of the to Burns BURNS, OREGON. even if you do not desire to buy at companies of the early Indian the prtsent time. Geer A Cummins. wars, thus ili pm mg the veterans men by the brand alone there is a chance (or moi e 01 lc»s contusimi, of the pensions which tile muster In the geni i al i nle for thè pul­ loll would aid in establishing as following Burns, - When you goto buv Witch Hazel ■»ulve 1 10k for the mime Dewitt on 'every box The pure unadulterated G. a .R bmbold /iS /|\ $ to live off of the veterans of TUI E • IR» LE \o li ), of w M»«ta every fourth lin i.lay Martha Dalton. G M Jone \\ biting. Clerk We heat Wood, B W. R. SEBREE, C ashiir PROFESSIONAL CARDS. The V »Ith I I ...... per hull . r..|. ,,||* ieft right i n». » »'tl. on |tft ,h„ • Elulgnuit I virinlly.,|M,’'S of Hurns. 7 Or Feiert lorn. llont^h I fle: e»nt le same on either hit ‘J pond and split in b it t-ar, awalluw M uiHlerbit in tight. repot M Ft iiw i. k. Boni«, honety-J nl bar on I..¡i shoulder, ea-* a Newt earmarks, iuo nnderblt«iu braiwlml liar I on right rilsUä clam hall crop in l< ft ear. '9 ditio J II Bun yard. Bnrna, «nnit • J marks, crop ..fl k-ft ear,«wtH j “T J I’ Withers, Harney, hon« work on left I,... ....... . ......_ cattle. Jp mthnr either hii. mark«, ut,N ad va Come in and see us. LILIPUT STERIOSCOPE CO. NOTARY PUBLIC. grafter is belli: i( ”..t r.. ple4j* Ihr Inn. ' H.rnl«|, jjgji Wall Paper v’i'^r’^.rt (genre*.1 “pRI ÏE ONLY will you bale the expunged mat­ door for a drink. The drink was Stenographer and Notary Public HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, 1.0 O F. handed to him by a girl so charm- ' ter deposited and placed.'” B urns , - O regon . Mi-ets nt O«l«1 l’ellowi Unii, ev«Tt Hat urdas 7 Hop ni, I J Martin, N. G. Maik Twain caught the atten­ ing that, with a smile, he said:j Office In Citizens Bank Building. F <». J h < ki.Hi, Scrrelfti - tion of the councilman nearest .‘•Would you bi- angry if I should: M. F itz G erald Bl llNH LODGE NI> ■>:. \ T \ M . liini. “Li t the expunged matter offer you a dollar for a kiss.'” I rHOBNTON W illiams Notary Public Attorney at Law. nliiK _ in eeta every Sntmdnv . Mattoni«' Real Estate Agent j be worn under the i h.iirman ’ s ( “ No sir, ” the girl answered, with i .............. I. H \ Miller W M. F. H Hehler, Secretar y . WILLIAMS * FITZGERALD ••No one a little blush. So he took the I hat,” lie suggested. "No Ì oillre in old Muonic Building. ’ would think of looking there for kiss and then he gave the maiden INI ANU I (»ln.i: No. 70 K of I B ubnu , - O regon . Meets v wry ’I huri* hr ■ \ iitiiig In tl.c Brow it • my tiling.’' San I'rancisco Star. the dollar. She balanced it in her nil Thornton U llllitniH, < . c. John M. Budleman. K 11 - hand a moment. She knitted her DALTON BIGGS J. w biggs , brows in perplexity. “What,” HURNS I.ODGI Nvervmry m which the Oregon pitie of DeWitt Is The Asme. SVI.VI l HF.BI K MI IH..HI I Co . Meets r trrj I r I HII'I -I M i ' i I ih K'I h ' Flora Ihigi'V N (’ G. Hniltli, Ree. Src’v. mu : ■ ’ Jj ‘ Latest designs in Steivoscope Apparatili W. J. COLEMAN, '• ” «Mn9 "'■ '■l1 »500 Apdltion j Children’s Iron Beds Center T a bles. Com­ H eron L akk . M inn . modes, Matttesses •THE biggest SZNSATION EVERÏWHBRE Pillows, i Lenolium = LILTFTJT = Kitchen Oil Cloth COlapsabls Pocket annihilation. He came to a lonely cabin, and, j he iski-d, I being thirsts, he knocked on the - ■ «Hoi,. l*'oiu.. Alu re the Presidi it and I «mila are Summering. ' »'.»••'.ratea 'BA • V , v^ra. '. . u-r^._____ ___ 4 By a. «y* ‘Avrr. New u;. Jori 1 20 a m Riparia tn Lewi Daily. A N.H. •••••• PIONEER WHITE LEAD Is Ahsnlutely Pl RE. 4n,| will OUTWEAR BJ| other Lead-. If you«" loc^l JtnifT t »t «• «t «tuf F fet if. P Filler * Co. Pori land II Iden. Pas« Ag i ' L MOKI ER 9 th! ■en t Idi -ka, ex ici dot ron Seni ligi ppr ..UÍ