I Mr. aud Mrs. Robt. Biker are Soda water at the City Drug Store. now residing in this city. Ben Brown and family and Mrs Ora Hill and sister Eflie were the guests of friends in our city Tues- C. E Kenyon and little son have re­ turned from the mountains. ' day. Rev. G. 1». Doyle took his depart- If you need any sewing machine supplies of repairing done, go to ure yesterday for Baker City He expects to return the latter part of Beary. next week, C. AV. McClain and family were The AVindsor, under the manage­ in from their ranch a few days this , ment of C. B. Smith A- Co., is one week. of the most popular resorts in the See the Lace Window Curtains ; ’ at the Furniture Store Nothing interioi. Finest of liquors and cigars, billiards and card tables nicer. and expert mixologists. Mr ••■nd Mrs A L Hunter and AV. AV. AV. Brown, the AVagontire Y. King arrived home Monday from horseman, was in the city on busi- Bend. Mason Fruit jars, quarts and one I ness this week The personal elipp- 1 half gallons.—Schwartz A- Budel- ed from the Lakeview Examiner last week would indicate Mr Brown man. was a married man but he denies Look in the north window of the I the charge. Welcome Phamraev and see the The Red Front Barn is now tin- implements with which they com­ ,. before that section of the west years ami some of the oldest ones had many railroads. It shows the are still in use doing ns good work honor which existed between the as any new Machines. Full line of rough men of that time, who extras for these machines always seeking fortune! in the gold of that state. Georgia llarpi on hand Geer A Cummins. play Mary Brandon a strong Prof M E Rigby returned yes tional part particularly suit terday from an extended tour in In i abilitv Julian Byrd wi the interest of t he Citizens Business nisli amusement in the role of W ing Colli ye and Collegiate Institute Lee, aixl Miss Clare Swam will play He reports very flattering prospects Grace Bradon. The comedy is fun for the school the comming season ny, the play is strong, and the east E. II Meade arrived here Thurs­ unexcelled. New specialties »ill day evening from Alturas, accom­ be given between the acts panied dy his brother in-law, AV NOTICE EOR BIDS G. Robbins and family. Mr Rob­ bins went to work immediately nt Notice is hereby given that bids I his trade in the Capitol Barber will be received by the Uounty Shop. Court of the State of Oregon foi the Isaac Schwartz left yesterday for the County of Harney, for the grad Whitney to meet Mrs Schwartz and ing of certain parts of the County baby, Miss Esther Schwartz and Roads of said county, viz: Mr. Frieman who have been spend­ LAWEN-NARROAVS ROAD. ing the summer in Alaska. They i The first piece beginning about a expect to return home Tuesday or quarter of a mile south of the resi­ \\ ednesday. dence of J. L. Sitz and about HMt I’rof. AV. F. AVerschkul arrived feet north of the north end of pre Wednesday evening via Canyon sent grade and running thence City and Jaet night opened a class south 12so: Chas Lewis is again circulating G. B Norton and Win. Tait were Lakes, Acme Mowers, Dain Bucks, fa|| of 1;M)2 on ,llH WPH, ,,f si,vieH imong his friends in our city after brought before Justice Miller Wed­ Acme and Hadge Power lift Bucks River, between the lands of F and Sweep Rakes. AVagons, Hacks Crowley and the P. L. S. Co , and leveral months spent in Portland. nesday charged with killing deer out of season. Norton pleaded and Buggies ail shipped in car lots running a distance of 2tMM» feet. J. D. Combs Mme over the first guilty ami was fined $55.50 Tait I and prices to suit. Please call and FENAVICK LANE ROAD >f the week from John Day to re­ was exonerated. I get prices before purchasing else­ Road Grade and Bridges, begin- ceive the large bunch of beef he miig al the south end of the Lane Mrs A. M. Byrd accompanied where.—Geer A- Cummins. and extending for a distance of 'ought on his former trip. her mother, Mrs. Anderson, and Judge and Mrs H. C. Levens en­ .8000 feet to the north end of the ami her sister Lulu upon their return | tertained a number of young peo­ lane. Lost.—Between Lawen Adam George’s ranch, Friday of home last Wednesday and will ple at their home last Saturday There will be available for pay-1 M>t week, a black bound note book spend a few weeks visiting in Crook evening at whist, in honor of Frank merit on raid contracts, for the I. ii - l wen-Narrows Road $l(MMj.tjti and ——Containing receipts and n - Fn 1- county. AVelcome. A most enjoyable evfn- for the Fenwick Lane Road, ♦6e paid by warrant« re­ in honor of Frank AVelcome, who deemable in the spring of l'.stl Mead antes H B. Mace and Lee BARBER SHOP prizes, Miss Maude Norton and I S|*esitications for said proposed goes to Quincy Ill., for the winter aidwell expect to leave for Baker Earl Sweek receiving the“boobies.” work are now on file at my office The band boys and their lady­ ity next week where they accom- friends participated Later all the The young ladies of the basket Bids will be opened anil considered ie 01 any their daughters Mis- Vella On Thursday, September J. UWJ banqueters repaired to the hall and Hall club entertained their gentle­ nd Miss Dora who will attend at 1 o’clock I*. M. rate?1 "tripped the light fantastic.” men friends last AVednesday with a st0ir-hool the coming winter The Court will award the con­ Died.—At her home in Burns, progressive supper. Soup was tracts to the lowest bidder, reserv- Pun 01 VEN AWAV F»Ef During A ,- Sunday, Aug. 16, l!M>3, Mrs. Effie. served at the home of Mrs. Fitz­ 1 iiig the right to reject any aixl all 1st and Septem’ier N. Brown A Syme, age 31 years. The lady had Gerald. salads at II C Smith's, bids if they deem them trsi high >ns will give away free 1" Smyrna Each bid shall tie accompanied at Mrs. Dr. Burrow’s, cocoa CHO ugs. These rug- are handsome l>een in poor health for several dinner by u bond signed by two or more and cake at Mrs Julien Byrd ’ s, ice weeks, but her condition was not freeholders, in double the amount V design aud will I ■ autify your prep*'1 considered serious until the day of cream and cake at Mrs. Mace's of the Lid, an uurtiea. made payable >mes. Ask for a ticket with < erv her death. The immedicte cause After this round it was found Frank to the county for the faithful |<-r- sh purchase. of her death was perforation of the AVelcome aud Father Doyle had formance of the contract. F. S Riedi r. Frank Waloome and Ert • -t boweie caused by typhoid fever. eaten so much a team had to be pro­ I County • 'lerk vided to take the party to Mrs Dal­ lielda left yesterday in company Mrs Syme had l>een a resident of *• ;h Ike Schwartz for the r r d this place for several years, where ton Biggs' home where they were ——',’Z route to Quine i her sunny disposition and kind- served with bonbons and lemonade ♦<<11 spend the corning 1 inter in hearted interest in her neighbors On complaint of Thomas Daw­ ** .uool. TL — *- These two young men are and associates won her many warm son, G ft. Norton and a waman popular friends The funeral look place named Trixie Rustle were tried in kJ jtaong the best i and i thia section anunt.en.be red up- the return of the same year. She was married license, decency or anything else. If its Wheels ijou Wdof I m ipur pd party from th- excursion t to II II. Syme at I’nnevilie in 1889 In fact it has lieccme so rotten wilda of U m n. lunlain« in the B--idrs her parents one sister, Mrs. that the officers are determined tn Kur?f / of mom free game Dr Hio- M S Kern, a brother. Guy E Dick­ clean the lawless element out and » ‘ Oregon. "**’ <1 never tails to return,her h.s enson and her three children, Wil­ put them behind prison l»ar» if pos­ sible where they belong. liam. Carl and Rosa survive her - ada ew awb c- I JT on any Of ‘ right A ara. òottar C. H. VOEGTLY i xhe bove \ 11 l> IM47. > BICYCLES! BICYCLES! Prices JOHN GEMERONO, Gives all the Job Pi news