“Ah,” he said to her over their ice ci earn, “it is very sweet, but not so sw eet as you.” “It is soft,” I A New Line of DININC CHAIRS and ROCKERS ST ART A BININE ’S OF YOUR OW N Our new book entitled “ 40 MoNBY 'he returned promptly, “but not M aking I deas is worth its weight in ~ . -oft as you.” “.And it is cold,” gold to every man who wants to start a h< < ncluded- ‘-but not so cold as legitimate, paying' niail order lusiness. It tell» you what to do and bow to do you "-Ex. it «ucce fullv Send us 50c today md we will -end you the book, and a The Telegram pi inted a story valuable umiithlv ioerrial one year free - u‘ Nli I< uii-e', of Wilder- 1 ex ' ti hy P ublishing I’o., Box 73. vide, oi wa-.it NL. Wilder, of H eron L ake . M inn . R.imset ville.' who -aid that he had a tree in Josephine County ili.it w is li ilf petrified and half ;r< <-n Tne Eugene Guard say s the mm i- a liar, fl.it-like. How In- i- it fr in Wii lerville to Eu- «ni L"“™1'’ '«»ir ti, "111 J'“.’ "vven Hundi* ward tor thv arn* c HANDSOME MIRRORS, IRON BEDS. «Kill " “ re,e: f G. W. Y-.i X...Stfj,,ha.tj "Hasi.. and f.o u Geo Hl 1» Utigi Burn« ' nHl 1 with .... y, .-(-S r ;T- S per hit 1 . , right < * MMtt|e •»3 Children’s Iron Beds Center Ta bles, Com­ modes, Mattresses, •THE BIOGRST SENSATION EVEltYtVRBKE :” I Pillows, Lenolium, IdlLTFVT — Kitchen Oil Cloth 1 HU.I N-.:- a. left C l under l.lr in r|Kht. • ■ M l.-nwok. Hunuf. -3 albui .i i. f, earmark.,, t»., under!, „ ' B E half 1 ro). in left •" » J II Bunyard, Bum« . - S mark«, . r.q.left^1 v Latest designs in J I’ ty her«. Hamer k on lefr Tlie smalleet Stereoscop? with the strongest either l.i>. eiuniarki mLt ’ optical effect Ifighlj finished in different col­ derblt in left. "Hex n ors with rich gold ami silver decorations Martin hr.»,, Bum. fl mountings). Including 20 V. F. Photographs. zoi.tal l.ar ... either hit „ \ic.Vh of art (get . PHI E ONLY «11.00. rial.: . ar, ►» allow (0,/;,** Sent everywhere prepaid in letter form. Jaw; al... «..me l,rud«l“J;.'.1 J Reflections of a Bachelor. AGENTS WANTED. O 1. sliinxledec-ker. 1 Conte in and see us. ahoul.h r ' attla,5 „„ 21*« mark«,. 1O|, „d right eim? ; Tightly laced, loosely paced. New things arriving. tl crop off left. FORREST BUILDING Fre.l b. rmie.it. Barai < ’ I Two things a woman never can ahoutde: latrleFDohle^ PHILADELPHIA. it ter halt« "p in ekeh»*» du naturally are to smoke cigar­ R J M illiani», Rile, h ♦•t a shoulder: < Boa :.e - ettes and cross her legs. off left e„r . altle, nndl-rhJe^S I. rler.-hin: > l | h.,.au | eb ri X,' J The woman who sets out tore- mi sin, yet she wants an oil painting Stenographer and Notary Public side; mai k. cr«»p andqiutu« ì at four o'clock. - Simon Lewis. Burnt,etnìe « B urns , - O regon . ot heiself. Wednesday—Penmanship, his­ maik, crop anti underbit ■ • ' Office lu Citizen» Bank Building. under hall crop off right. tory. spelling, algebra, reading T G Kribs, Burnt, etnìe left hip; marks, crop off 1 1 When a man wakes in Kansas I school law. T hornton W illiams M. F itz G erald John Witzell. Burnt, hona. E Notary Public A General Banking Business Iransacted Thursday—Written arithmetic, Attorney at Law. stifle: cattle, diamond bar : B he thanks God that a I loot! didn't I Real Estate Agent split in ea< li car. wattle unir: ” I) M Me Mt namy. Burnì. 5» CORRESPONDENCE INVITED WILLIAMS a FITZGERALD sweep him away in the night, and | theory ( f teaching, gramar, book- left stifle; cattle, 69 on left [ kta ping, physics, c vil government Oflice in old Masonic Building. in each ear With full ntmercu ^ n g--ui.; to bed thanks God that Varien Bros., hortet, LFor; " ■ Friday — Physiology, geography, B urns , - O regon . LF on right hip: mark, crop.:., lit- w.isn't caught in a cy clone dur­ derbit in right ear. mental arithmetic, composition, J W Jones, Burnt, etnìe .ri' ing the day . Oregonian. ' phy sical geography. right hip; mai k, crop and 1.; . • J. W BIGGS, DALTON BIGGS bit in right; hortet tame bx . Saturday — Botany, plane geome­ J A Williamt, Van, hona’Bi cattle, bar II. <>n left nht:mia» A new gain «.... d Chiistianity try, general history, English litera­ ear, under slope in right. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, H Elliott, Burna hor*(j. Hi«B is becoming quite popular with ture psychology. stifle: catti«-. on left tide 'jfV ' HN8, — ---- — — OREGON. B Pou COUNTY PAPERS. right ear, left split in half v’ young folks, it lakes two people doWn against e>i«ieof beati. H Practice in all the courts of Ore. 1 iiiiiiencing Wednesday, August (' s Johnson, Van, honfc-'.bOn to play the game, a I toy and a cattle, SJ on leit hip; BirtW Collections promptly made. half cr«»p in right ear, utder::.« -ul. 1 lie girl gets on one side, 12. at nine o’clock A. M , and con­ <’ J Jonns«>n, Riley, oRkll tinuing until Friday August 14, at marks, swallow fork in ii< i In- Cluislian; the boy gets W B Johnson, ' attic.JK1"- | lour o’clock P. M. mark, crop ..it right ear, tvt^H -al the othei ide. he is the Heath­ 8. W. MILLER, lialf crop in left. HH«r. SECOND ANO TIIIRII GRAPE W A ( am pl -ell. Narrow».^ j en. I hen the Heathen embraces on left shoulder: cattle. I < i-aiTincAThs. left shouhb r: mark.uppers I e hi lianily. Il is a nice game; Burns, - - - Oregon. John Buoy. I’,urna, iwnee.- 3 Wcdnesd.iv—Penmanship, histo­ ll\ 11. cattle, 2B ou right hip or Depart for TIME s< HEID LES ARRIVE each ear, hole in right. ry, orthography, reading, fr«ini From Huntington Ore G. A- R kmbo LD U. W. P asrish Mrs I N llughet. Warm Thursday — Written arithmetic, lock on left side; mark,ir Sohn Hipsman, Burn#, to*’ - ions are being gotten «’til theory of teaching, granili.ar, phv- Cliicago- Salt Lake.Denver, Ft. I sh«Hilder. cattle, OJ onngt’»- Attorneys-at-Law, Worth, Omaha, Kan i Porti nd left ear. two underbltiinr.r r Lake to be ói culated siology. .it > Sam King, Burn«, cattle.*’ Burns (and Canyon City,) Oregon. Special sas City, St. Louis. Friday — Geography, mental Alli practice In the courts of Harney and j crop and underbit in Lake, Klamath ami 1.45 a m jaw. 12:35 Chicano and East. ■ rant couutie» and lu the «upre.ne court ol the illustrated ill natural l olors a. ir. imiies, protesting against arithmetic, - hool law, civil govern­ state, and also iu U. 8. land office. J P Dickenson. Narrow ’ stifle; « nttle. bar thronet » ’ --------- ■ especially valuable to the ladies. shouhivr: mark. nndeTW - 1 oaie Ion st reserve in ment. 1C branded on 1« ft side and Mr I Atlantic Salt L:ik(>,Denver.Ft. PRIMARY I FUTI1UATES. RoemSltz. Nrrrowi, bornii' ounUi ' 1 he petition is a 3:35 Express Worth, Omaha. Ka A ttorney - at - law , cattle, same on left hip«*, Wednesday — Penmanship, or­ Careful attention given to Collec- j 2:10 '.;*» City, St. Loui* p I. . bit in each ear, dewlap* ® ' ni >i’<-, and should be signed A Egli. Egli.horoeaLl«"| n tn Chicago ar.d Fast. tions and Real Estate matters. by cveiy <-ne who is against the thographv. reading, arithmetic. on right hip; mark, upper* Ingl J T Ware. Narrow«.catti-n: Thursday—Art of questioning, Notary Public dot .mg tip ot this county .is de- hip: mark, under halfcrof . Lak rep- St. Pau) Wall Walia, Lewis­ theory of teaching, methods and J W Biggs. Burns, bon« ’• wht B urns , O regon . j 12:35 COlapsabls Pocket •Stei-eoscope Apjniratus Wall Paper LILIPUT STERIOSCOPE CO. BURNS FURNITURE co , BLACKSMITH & WAGÜNSliÜP. i first Rational Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A Great Biggs & Biggs PARRISH & REMBOLD, W St/ W I Newspaper. The Sunday edition of the St.' Louis Republic is a marvel of modern newspaper enterprise. The orginization of its news ser­ vices is world-wide, complete in every department; in tact, superi­ or to that of any other new spaper. The magazine section is illus­ trated in daintily tinted colors and I splendid half-tone pictures. This section contains more high-class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions are NOTARY PUBLIC. W OREGON mm U nion P acific The colored comic section is a genuine laugh-maker. The funny­ cartoons are by the best artists. ! The humorous stories are ' class, by authors of national 1 ogutoi y to the sto. k interests and physiology. Truly yours, Office in Times-Herald building utation. tin development of the County,— Sheet music, a high-class, pop J C. B arti . ett ular song, is furnished free every Lakeview Examiner. Countv Superintendent. GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, Sunday in the Republic. ATTORNEY, The price of the Sunday Re­ Studebaker Wagons, Hacks. Silvei Lake,it is sani, possesses! B urns , .............................. O regon . public by mail one year is $2.00. Carriages. Buggies and Buekboards Collection*, Land businesa, and Heal For sale bv all news dealers. the distili, lion of being farthest are arriving now and selling as fast Chius. II. Leonard, away troni a railroad of any post .-Ilici- in the I nitedStates. While tins may <-r may not be true, Sil­ via I Ac is I So miles from Shan­ iko by the mail loute, and about 225 ft 0111 Felino. From the n< irest Southern l’icitic station to Silver Lake it i- easily 250 miles, and troni Ashland via Lakeview, the mail route, it is 1 than Ihnd Bulletin I«. li B Timmons. binedon l«-ft stifle; CUB* ■ mark, crop m 1 under derbit in right, dewlapu- - J.H-l II Howard. Htmiy* Hille: rattle. ■«<' 0’ kr‘ left ar,apllt in rixM. Mr. ing vati dow E i uni Pnrtliinil Estate matter promt tlv attended to. as w< can get them in. We have tyvo 1 ar loads of these goods here W. L. uni in train- The best stock of Wagons ami X chicles ever brought to Burns. Call and look at goods , <-ven it you do in>t desire to buv at , the pr-r.94«ntka4 Haa4b>v>* Pattata ••nt fra* • >aat Morn for aararn« Mtar.t*. ta»«"» ’at*- tSr aab Mann A Co. racataa • • b al cNarva. M tía < Scientific American. • smw Sundax S'rtM«! ton. Spokane, Minne T45 apolis. St. Paul, Du­ a. it. luth Milwaukee, Chi • ago end East. at Usher s Hall. air tTa«tratad rwì » " at aav *- •*- .«c ; a--^. four ». n-aa/B. >r »I larraat nr Tar»« a IUmCo. ””~—• New Tort fc»r.s —. • r SI . WaMwM. D C PIONEER WHITE LEAD I» Absolutely Pl RE. and will Ol TW EAR all other Lead*. ni u «mir to ui few if. we »-U w P Fuller A Co. Portland W D Hann--. Bun*»"1 cattle. samr <*n left W split in risht ear. «»al.- ■ l.V on left liip: marts** J <- Cressnisn. —- _ left ride or hip msrt. rr-t» anil silt In left 1.1. Clark, shoulder. rigR a fe •ql Cur wrenchon lift “me. mark, aq.iare. ro» off elope «»n left. Fren. h-Glemi , Easi » bail penntendent. F. ’ Oret Burns, bo «*«. Fen necte’l on jeft hip mtrB• I^k left «*ar. dew ap • ”t un: mark »amr as a Cola mark, «wall««« ‘,’1».,« throat. < att.e. T on Rlon off left ear. wattle •»« nece c. H. nwgti.v, rum*. left ahvulcer that EC Bulkier ' .-■< built light riba, ma | - • wattle; hor«e<. 4. <’. A- Bonnett. ‘ read on either left stmi etch bij- -or- ‘11" al tl elose elf »¿dressed ramped cnve'ope mark, com i** Addn is Manager. 355 Caxtoo Chicago Bldg ' Hi Kodol DysÇ/J*' Digests