Notice of Final settlement HAYINC SEASON I J. N. Rice, of Linn County, fath-l siderable shrinkage from the hard THE TEACBEtS' ANNUAL MEETING. er of the unfortunate young man, In the County Court, for Harney la with ua and we have everything you need in the im­ drive. By driving young stuff and Mersey Ceesty lattMate te be Held •» Claud Rice, who was sent to the County, State of Oregon. plies during that period- Bring or send in your ordw. allowing the stuff to recover from asvlum from here something over a Bares Sept 7-M. SATURDAY. AUGUST 15, 1W8. In the Matter of the Estate the trip the following season they vear ago, is in this city. Mr R»c® of Arthur Blanckley Patin can be put into better condition us his son died last June I To ths Tsschsrs of Harney Coun- informs i We are prepared to fill them in every detail with the vM SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Deceased. he is here to look after some^ and i£o direct to market as finished ty — I take ploasurs in presenting and of everything. Alao a new lot of the latest styles and f a< i One Year ............ 32.00 Notice is hereby given that Hix Mont hi 1.00 beef. to you this announcement of our property belonging to his estate. Three Months Thomas F. Arnold, executor, un- ............................ 76 In this respect the P. L. S. Co. annual institute, bslieving that you ' der the will, of the estate of Arthur JULIAN BYKI» - - — — MsBBfer is more fortunate than the small are deeply interested in whatever Potent Pill Pleasure. ’ 'Blanckley Paton, deceased, having LXT1TABEBG- de stock men of this county—that will maintain and build up our The pills that are potent in there filed his final account as executor By the call issued for the assem­ company has ranches along the American Institutions. No factor action and pleasant in effect are of said estate and that Tuesday bling of the Eleventh National railroad where their stock can be ha« more to do with our beneficent DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. W. the Sth day of Sep. 1903, at 10 -------------- move on I > work public schools “In 8. Philpot of Albany, Ga, says IIH5 IliWC num than «u«n our jr». — —--------- Irrigation Congress at Ogden on finished. However, , this I o’clock A. M. at the Court House, r*. . to .L I »k. r\f fbfl makUPI 11 benefit the the education of the masses lies the “During a bilious attack I took one September 15 provision is made their part w ill be a in Burns, Harney County, Oregon for a large and thoroughly rep­ smaller men in this county, as it hope of the nation.” Progress de­ Small as it was it did me more has been set as the time for hear­ ZEXaolcs, Eu.clc'board.s, resentative gathering. It is an­ relieves the range to some extent mands that you attend the annual good than calomel blue-mas or any ing of objections to said final ac­ county institute The purpose is other pills I ever took and at the nounced that each board of county giving the stock here a better Ca.rxiag'es, IBu.g'gles. ding ( to prepare teachers for more same time it effected me pleasantly. count and the settlement of said Commissioners,the Mayor of each show. I estate. thorough and systematic work All TCUO CARUOADS JUST ARRlVF,ygen city, not over 25,000 population, All heirs, devisees, or parties in­ The Times-Herald assures Mr. who expect to teach in Harney Little Early Risers are certainly’ an he we each Chamber of Commerce, ir­ Thompson it has no desire, what­ county this year, or at any future ideal pill.” Sold by Burns Drug­ terested in said estate will appear Complete line on hand. . J and file their objections to said rigation association, agriculture ever to create the impression that time, should attend. Old teacherB gists. final accounton or before said date. society, livestock association, so­ there are no fat cattle in this sec­ should attend to keep pace with the Thomas F. Arnold, ( ciety of engineers and agricultural tion. As for outside buyers com­ rapid advance of educational pro-1 FAIR WEEK SPORT PROORAM Executor. — Binders, college is entitled to send two ing in. The Times-Herald has on gross. Young teachers to get delegates. Mayors of cities over more than one occasion, been in­ training for the practical work of First day—Maiden race for Har-1 Mower« Notice to Creditors. 25.000 population four delegates, strumental in getting cattle buyer» the school room. “No teacher has ney county saddle horses that never , run for public money, purse $. 5. ■ a right to be other than tbs best and the Governors of each state here and can and will do it again. machine Oil, Binding Tuitne, Wire Rope. All persons having claims against One-quarter mile dash, freo for twenty delegates. The Harney County Live teacher be can, and tbe institute Pare Manilla Rope. J. W. Kelso deceased are notified e nei all, $100. Harney county should be rep­ Stock Association will also work will help you to become such ” Day — One-quarter mile that by order of the Honorable Second ring Graduates from the eight grade resented in this convention by all on that line and at the proper dash for Harrev county saddle County Court in Probate for Har department and other advanced noui means. While it is possible each time see to it that buyers are here pupils are hero offered a golden op­ hores that never run for public ney County, State of Oregon, dated >dd« organization will not feel able to to recieve such stock as may be the 26th day of March 1903, the portunity /or review of the common money, $50. send the number of delegates pro­ ready to go to market. Three-eighth mile dash, free for undersigned was appointed Admin­ »ohool work. It will be time and vided for, by working together istrator of the estate of J. W. Kelso money well spent whether you ex­ all, $125. SUMPTER VALLEY COMINO. several representative men may Three-fourth mile heats, 2 in 3, deceased and qualified on the 5th pect to teach or not. We certainly be sent. The county court,board appreciate the loyal support giv­ trot or pace, for 2-year-olds, free for day of August 1903, and to present J. W. Ellsworth, a staff correspon­ en us in the past years and assure all, $75. of trade, irrigation association, such claims either to him in person Third Day—One-half mile dash, or by mail directed to him in the stock association and the city are dent of tiie Baker City Democrat, you that no pains will be spared yettei care of his attorney. Thornton entitled to two delegates each, was in the city a day or two thia to make the coming session a most free for all, $150. inter Three-fourths mile heat, trot or Williams, Burns Ore properly veri­ making a total of ten. By work­ week Mr Ellsworth was here last profitable one ^ham year repiesenting the Democrat Hince last institute I have been pace, for horses bred in Harney fied and vouched for as required ing together and making provis­ Calie and gave this section sotne good permitted to visit your schools and county, $75. by iaw within 6 months from t < ions, at least three and possibly writeups. The gentleman informa note the work and good that you Ropin ’ contest. expiration of the publication of this five delegates could be sent, Let us that the Sumpter Valley Rail­ are doiug. Most of your number Fourth Day—Base hall, Canyon notice. this matter be taken up at once, road is certainly coming into Har­ have taken a very deep interest in City vs. Burns, for cup. Basket First publication daii-d Anjii-t I iarney county must be repre- ney County. They now havs large your work and are striving hard to ball, C'ar.voii City vs. Burns. Purse S, 1903, in The Tim' s Herald 4 sented. contracts signed for extension and make tbe schools of Harney county $25. Gun club shoot $50. weeks, 5 insertions. Last publi- are pushing the work. what they should be. You have Fifth Dav—One-half mile heats, catiion Sept 5, 1903. As Mr. Ellsworth came in he manifested a willingness to carry 2 in 3, free for all, $125 J. H Oard, The Times-Herald- hopes the found large crews of men at work out tbe plans as designated by this Three-fourths mile heats, trot or Administrator. farmers of this valley realize the building grades. The railroad peo­ office. In a largo measure you have pace, free to all, $125. Estate of J. W. Kelso deceased. importanceof making a display of ple have increased the rolling stock proved you aptness to teach and Sixth Day—Three-fourths mile grain and vegetables at the com­ to more than double and have These wheels are guaranteed by the manufacturers for ability to govern. 1 have observed dash free for all $150. SCI ing fair. The government wants bought large shipments of rails Friedrich the tailor will be ready year. Call and get pt ices on our new stock. with pleasure, these essentials, and Relay race $100. next week to take orders for suits to know what can be raised in which are now being sent to the am more thoroughly convinced Seventh Day—consolation purses. A fit assured. N’o charge for al­ this section and we should make front. He says they certainly than over that Harney County I Conditions—All the above events a special effort Io show it. mean business and at the present possesses en ebls band of instruct­ are free for all unless otherwise terations. rate will reach John Day Valley ors. ¡stated. In all races, five to en- A SPECIALTY. this season But while you have been mindful ; ter and three to start, but the PLENTY OF BEEF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Mr Ellsworth did not know what of the beet interest! of the school, Association reserves the right to Major Bonta was doing in regard while you heve ever been zealous I hold a less number than five to fill, LARGÌ UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. ( Lawen, Oregon, Aug ’J. Burn«, Oregon, June 26, 1903.1 to his proposed electric road. WBPAP in tbe greet work of educating the by reducing the puree in propor ­ Notice it» hereby given that the following Editor Times-Herald—In the iiHinetl gettler has tiled notice of his intention youth of the county, and while you tion to the horses entered. All en- to make final proof in support of his claim, and Times-Herald of August 1 I noticed DeWitt It Tbe Name. that said proof will be made before the Register have kept pace with all other for­ | tries to close at 8 o’clock sharp the »»nd Receiver at Burns,Oregon, on August 27th, CRDA1 an article commenting on the out 1903» viz: Hd. Entry No. 1237 of William .1. When you go to buy Witch Hazel ward movements, we would ask you evening before the race. Califor­ George, for Lots 2. 3 and 4 and NE‘4 SW*. See. look for cattle through the coining 36. Tp. 25 S.. R 32 E W. M. winter and their present condition Salve look tor the name Dewitt on to give us and all school authorities nia Jocky Club rules to govern all He names the following witnesses to prove ,OC8 . n i his continuous residence upon and cultivation Whether or not it was intended to every box The pure unadulterated of thio county more earnest support I races, except weights All BgCCi of sail! land, viz: Adam George. Horman Ruh and Charles Johnson, all of Lawen, Oregon, and apply to the stock in Harney coun­ Witch H.izel Salve is used in mak­ and more efficient co-operation in | horses to carry not less than 12o Min on Lewis of Burnn, Oregon, W m . F arre , Register. ing DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel Salve, the future than you ever have given s and pounds, Troting or pacing races ty I do not know, but I can any that from what I h ive seen from which in the best Halve in the world before. Weaek thio because more will be governed according to Na­ train working cattle on the range anil for cuts, burns, bruises, boils ec­ io expected of the teacher than ever tional Troting Association rules. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Jay ni different cattle men I have convers­ zema and piles The popularity of before. There oeems to be no stop­ ¡The relay race is five times around I’NITED STATES LAND OFFICE.) ■ton w ----- RESERVED FOR------ BI'RNs, Oregon, June 17. the track; five horses; change ed with 1 am satisfied that cattle DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, due ping piece. tbe ti Notice is hereby given that in compliance Do your duty and success will horses each time around; rider to with the provision r of the art of Congress of are fully up to the average in con­ to its many cures, has caused num- June3, 1*78, entitled “An act for the sale of ' innett erous worthless counterfeits to be crown your efforts. Ever keep in change own rig; saddle and blanket timber lands in the States of California, Oregon dition and that Harney will turn Nevada, and Washington Territory.'' as extend ies las ofT her usual amount of beef stock placed on the market. The genu­ mind thet there is no “middle of ' seperate; saddle citched with lati- ' ed to a’l th? Public Land States L\ act of Augtst They will have s um-thing to say next week. 4, 1892, Roudolph R. Sitz, of Lawen, count? of road" .1------ You in school work. go; choice of bits. Entrance fee Harney, State of Oregon, has thie day tiled in this fall if we have the buyers to ine bears the name of E C. DeWitt tbs this office his sworn statement No. 201, tor the >'ither handle them, what we want is A Co, Chicago. Sold by Burns : ere either progressive or you are ten per cent of purse. Money in puichase of the w1» NW*4 W>a SW‘4 of Section 15 in Township No. 24.H, Range No. 34 Druggists. retrogressive, Y ’ ou are continually races to be divided as follows: No. e wee buyers and by all means to prevent E. U . M and will offer proof to show that the i land sought is more valuable for its timber or growing or decaying. the impression going out that there ished First money 70 per cent, second stone than for agricultural purpose, and to es his claim to said land before Retrister UN REWARD. It io hoped that the same spirit money 30 per cent. The Associa­ , tablish will be no tat cattle in Harney. and Receiver of this office at Burns. Or tron. On A the 26 day of August, r"'?’ of earnest devotion will lead you in tion reserves the right to change on He Wednesday, You are no doubt well aware of names as witnesses Joseph P. Rector. i Jaco i .ohn L. Sitz. Philander II. Gray and John C. The above reward will be paid to ¡the school work during the coming : any of the above races in the event Gray all of Lawen. Harney Co.. Oregon the fact that certain men of our • Mik Aiiv and all persons claiming adversely the county do what they can to keep anyone who finds horses on the , year, that that has so greatly mark of their not filling, also to postpone above-described lands ar»- requested to’ tile I their claims on or before said 26 davof August outside buyers out anyway, and I range ami will place them at some 1 ad the year that ha» just closed any and all of the program on ac- ' 1908. ------------ . _ - OMeasmesM——■ _ j W m F arre . Register. think it is certainly to every cattle convenient place where 1 can get Your attendance at the institute 1 count of inclement weather man's interest who has cattle to them, branded as follows: R E on will ebow that you welcome the >r par sell to have as many outside buyers left stifle, or figure 5 backwards on new school year ...AND... clift. As was our objset last year, the turned this way as possible left stifle $5 per head will be paid. institute Ibis year will be a schorl And as for the hay crop, I can O. O. Dutcher, i wen speak for this section There will Burns, Oregon of methods and inspiration. As teachers you should make scholas­ be sn average crop harvested this Affords the people of last and Central Oregon all the opt iesda If you buy an article at the City Drug Store and find it Fat lit Yau West. tic preparation elsewhere and come first class modern Business College. It is a home institut! r bis Year Yours truly, i in any way unsatisfactory, bring it back and get vour monev every course involved in Business College work Its rates a-e the rork . to the institute for helpful aid and Grant Thompson Persons troubled with indigos-. ' back. 1 do not, at any time, want vour monev iinle-- you as chargetl elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students »1 lion or Dyspepsia can eat all they | devices. Il is earnestly desired at any time. Instruction at the College or bv mail. During the The runes-Herald is glad to want if thev take Kodol Dyspepsia that every teacher io the county, ae i are satisfied. 1 am not sentimental about it: I know it wi|| months the College will conduct a orge t pay me io treat you well. well ae those eipecting to teach, be get an expression upon the condi­ Cure Thu remedy prepares the' tion of stock, the range and out­ stomach for the reception, retention, preeeut the flrat day and remain ummer ormal chool HEREFORE if you are wanting anything in the throuought the entire cession. look for hay from such a reliable digestion and assimilation of all of I line of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, perfumes, nuts Your duty is required by law and For teachers sod others who desire a reviewiog or prepara’ man as Mr. Thompson. The the wholesome food that may be ' candies, books, periodicals, or anything usually carried bv a your duty to yourself and pupils For specimens of pen work, and foil information on Rn«ine«. eaten, and enables the digestive article referred to in the above jects. address makes it essential that you im­ i first closs phirmacy, give me a call and be convinced. To oi gans to transform the same into was dipped from the Pendleton the kind of bloe living out of town, will be glad for you to make the XvX. S. ïPxlrx., ¡1 City Drag S- -e head-quartet r» while in the city. Leave East Oregonian and was published and strength. Sold by Burns Drug you for accomplis hi ng better work by that paper on authority of a gists State Superintendent J H Acker­ 1! 1 your bundles until you are ready to leave town and th< j will Bums, Oieg-orx. cattle buyer who had not visited man and Robert C. French, Presi­ , be taken care of. I! this section at all. From the local published in our dent of the Kaetern Oregon State ex xxoistoxt Normal school will conduct the The article stated that the I’. last issue m regard to Chas John­ 11 L. S. c o. ate duving or piep.iritig son's arui. one might be led to be­ work of the institute to duve all their beef stuff to lieve it was the fault of the physi­ Iu arranging for this institute I California on account of lac k of cians that caused the trouble. have tried tn recognise the real LEWIS * DIBBLE. Propts teed. We learn that this is not This is not the case The fracture □cede of the teachers. Everv effort Special attenti true. That company is driving con­ was in fhe elbow and was quite com­ has been pat forth to make it the beet and most instructive ever held to transcient cui plicated, so that it was almost im ­ siderable y oung stoc k to the alfalfa in Heroey county, end ell that re­ freight teams. possible to reduce. The last opera ­ fields of California, but not on the tion was for the purpoee of Freeing main to be done is the regular and lack of teed. By driving young Horses kept b>j up adhesions in the joint which bad prompt attendance of every teacher stockout and allowing them to week or moot io the county. This we hope lo caused stiffness He is simply looking for remain on good pasture in close I have some of those good things Dr H S Brownton and bride proximity to transportation for a FIIST CLASS LIMBI I net ltule programs will be »ent arrived home last Wednesday even­ in the line of Grocene time they realise more for the to each teacher in the near future ing after spending a month at Port Hcping to eee ycu at 3 Fruit. Feed and I’roduc on the Hay and lirai animal. lanu and on the coast We are morning of September 7th. and carried bv on hand They have found that to drive glad to welcome them borne Dr. wishing tow oontinued success io fat stexk to the railroad and ship and Mis Brownton will be at year work. I remain. W. E. HUSTON Your patronage *■ Yours vert truly immediately to the maiket does b.une at the Presbyterian South Main St . F ’ J.C Bartlett, not pay so well, as there is coo- neat week Co. School Supt »♦»»»••'••** Jimrs-lfirraid. F’rooti. G-roceries I Dry Goods, Clotty mm ~TI Dain and Acme Bucks. Deering Howers and Buckeye and Osborne nt st> JX/Xetolxizxe Extras. New Stock of Bicycles I I Tii GEER & CUMMINS. Burns. Ore. MILLER & THOMPSON I CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLE® - CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL- S T . , “ONEY N S