She íimrs-ííeraíd. 4 lAII RbAY. Al Gl hi Brti itirrtos • »lie Year »IM Month* Three Month! Il I.IAN H VKI» 4 lion to sei ore the fulfill­ ment of iiligation plans, and in no better way can this be insured than bv meeting the representa­ tives of other states. lit Oregon, as one of the states whose arid land is to be reclaimed under the provisions of tl.e National irriga­ tion act, the congress is of espe­ cial interest, and a full represen- t ttion of capable and enthusiastic delegates should be sent to Ogden. i'lie ariangemenls for the suc­ cess of the coming congress— the eleventh are unusually complete. I tali votes a liberal state appro- pi iati..o, and Ogden citizens have subsi ribed a large sum for the '.line purpose. Flic people and the press of Oregon should unite in effoits to make this state’s share in the con­ gress a notable one, and to dis­ seminate the information regard­ ing it contained in our news col­ umns. (b egonian. I I I'ln production of poultry and eggs is the most profitable of all industries. A belli an realize 400 pel vent profit for her owner. File egg product in the (Jailed States will amount tw more, when measu'ed by dollars and cent», tli.m tin combined gold and silver production. The value of the < (unbilled poultry and egg pro­ duct would be nearly double that of the precious metal.« and just six tunes that of the wool pro­ duct. In a land of rugged, honest, leaf li -s pioneers, such as Eastern < tregoii is, there should be no need fm an appeal from the gov­ ernor for peace on the stock ranges. While the conditions on the ranges and in the range dis­ tricts do not warrant the attempt­ ed sensation making of Portland newspapers, there is need of cool judgment and conservative think­ ing. East (h egonian. I \ strang disease is affecting diet attic in the Molalla country, Oregon, .md many animals are dy ing outright. The first symp­ toms me bleeding at the nose. I Ins is followed by dysentery and death, and thus far farmers have l>< < ti unable to defeat the fatal opciation of the mysterious disease It is to be Imped that our ranch- cis .md »tockmen will make a spec ial idioti to help along the fait next month. In all likelihood government officials will be here to see wliut van lie raiser! in this »ci lion and .1 good display of pro­ dine will il<> much toward the government taking up irrigation work in tins sei lion An old soldiei ot Salem ,i«kes fot a pensión ori die gì ornul llut In was fiightened bv thè inuske- try and i .union.iding m a hot skeinii'h so that In« nervini» Sys­ tem w.i» 'batteivii. It i* likely that thè ih ri'HHi w ili I h - refused, o t iseiidcnt thè old «oldier h . im pienti of licite Irli.— Ex. ^idebu.ird» I OVERSTOCKED WIIH CATTLE.* ti< ns in Eastern Oregon. Over everything in Umatilla county the wells have Furniture 1 gone dry and the grain crop lia» i .1. C. Lonergall lias I olli ed up not mine up to expectations. again with another big shipment Eotent PHI PI lofeattl forth" Frve-Brulm Meat Some crop» in this section that Company, of Seattle, say- th • 1‘. o-t The pills tost have not had any water at .ill are I Oregonian He will -hip out 16 action ami p. looking well and will yield an cars over the W A < R t morrow DeWitt’s Littl- I average. The hay itop wii not 1 and Wednesday and the c< n-igu- S. Philpot of . be heavy but land that could not I iiH iit will total over d sl head One “During i ’ be cut (luring a wet season is be­ hundred ami eighty live bend of Small as it ing mowed this season therefore , ame ! m l B < m ■ f good than < there will not likelv be a »hurt- John I’av < i'. AU h • el f o Lin other pili» 1 age. | Johnson, of Middh Fork !'■ head same tini- it < i fioni Fred Martin, 10 head from Little Earl . Hi 'Footer, if Cam ' and th rest from ideal pill Sold Different newspapers have dif­ Itijie Lind A' t'attl ( ou.pany, of ferent ways ot helping llieii town the Cuman prairie country, and the Willamette Valley papers, espe­ Lisner A- Born Coinpan . EST K Y cially those at Eugene, sacrifice The cattle of the country are in all news to their baseball slush, poor condition as a general rule, From J If and the hatefulness and dishonesty and it will be worse later in the Barren \ all while strip ii exhibited is disgusting in the ex­ year ft is claimed by some of the branded lazy — treme. On the other hand Pendle­ men who are conversant with the with bar I at', ton papers are tilled with good situation that the .cuttle men vented with ■ in. boom stories of great crops, big as a rule have not raised hay enough 1 will pir I formation as to lcr ■ building operations, good wages to feed the calves they have brand­ Sin A. Ktuaiz ( ed this year. If that i- - 1, ome of and a happy, contented people. the old cows will be up against it I AIR WEEK 'I'd r Would you sooner live in a com when thi snow llie.-. niunity which raises hell and base­ There is about l t I . him stated, in all races, five ! any god gout ter and three to start, but tl. shields to defy recapture. Alter of Kodol hi is ,i well luibi 1 rt com Association r> •serve- the right to mend it to all sufferers Kodol hold a less num! er ■ , After various trials between digests what lull eat iiiii : malees by reducing the pur - n projet- the Reliance, Constitution and the stolillich sweet S . <1 I. -it. : . Hurns lion to the l.-r- Columbia, in which the former -Druggists tries to close nt y has demonstrated her superiority evening before the race, Califor- over the other two, the challenge nia Jocky Club rules to Selfishness is I he Motive. committee has selected the Reli- races, except weight All lltte.i ante, as the detender of A special to the i’eli grain from horses to carry not !'■«« pounds, Troting America’s cup. She will now I’aisl. A p. will be gov'-rm <1 proceed to Bristol for a thorough circulai I 1 overhauling. county to liai' the wlv created 1 ■' Troting A ssi forest re erve, embr 1 ho ; the great- ' ri 1 y " limes ar ' i V<3 horse-: ch er portion of the unoccupied domain the track; five The Spokesman Review had in the southern part of Lake County horses each time atound; to “shut up shop” last Monday, I L extended north so that all th" tim- change own rix as all the printers went on a strike liered region of Northern Lake Mct«‘ratc; snddl . 1 d,e.l 1 for higher wages, The Times- Comity will I " within tie limits of choice of Entra Herald never has any trouble with tile reserve. It is believed that ten per cent f pur­ its large force, as it is understood Illi« is n scheme gotten up by the races to be divided that when the boss has money the cattle-raisers, as their interests will First monev 7'' p r printers share it, Otherwise l»‘ furthered by -ueh 1 m ve vhil monev .".l> per <■> nt. Ide tlinae of the sheep-owner will lie re- tion reserves tin right to otherwise. any of the above r __ • rdt d bv tlie ml . 'grilling on forest reserves A ques­ of their not tillii 3. als • • 1 The Portland Journald is boom­ tion arises among people Ivre wl o any and all of the program ing W . R. Hearst for the presi­ are not thoroughly posted on the count of inclement w. >t|. dency. Mr. Hearst is certainly a privilege« aljowe I stockmen in for­ friend to the working class and is est n serves as to whether or not a strong man. but can he get the migratory sheep are allowed to cross nomination? It is not always the reserves during the grazing r> - in. best man who is elected or If such trespwMesare I rbidden. to most popular. extend the I ik^a 01m v :f t re­ serve from the present northern Hang a brook trout up tn the honndarv line to the'north bound­ White House, and Grover will ary line of th- county will shut off make a bee line for the Presi­ all ahevpdriving from Cm k and counties north of hen- tl rough dency. say half a dozen Oregon Lake County to |; t Nev., for pa|»ers. shipment to -ei'i Frauci-, u ,rkit .lew HAYINC SEAS( I tWWitt It rile Xane lit All ' ' verytlnug you neediTl Bring ■ r send in *l S ■' ]■ riod GtrocJ ( d- tai’ ,, *' Al ’ a new lot of the lategtM,^Jl □ode, ciot -TBZZTSG- de 1 è uKERi^' - s, . riag'es, IB-aggi* • • L OADS JUST Am Complete line on hand. lili Í :nie Bucks, lowers and Bini and OsborneM ». ■ , Binding Ttutne, Win (ure Manilla Rop«. line Ext? took of Bicyc » :;ii:'.ranteecl by the manufatte- ■ .1 and get pi ices on our new th . AND IRRIGATION “ ■> n SPECIALTY. CUMMINS, Bunt t iA ? •> * F|> UE'ERVEl) FOR----- & THOMPS IK' in- thing to sav next”* yf ff ff ff ! : I à I” ff ni ff‘ BUSINESS COL ff ...AND... H. ivi. HORTON, Pnpt.-J I S i OND jl NCE Stt. à - ntrnl Oregon al th* ût'' < "U". Il is a home ingi^ , ■ a College work Itsr**» • 1. >1« ai e line «ame StW I -¿e or bv mail. B«' • B CuMi'ge wi'.l conduct a » i X ORMAI. S cho i reviewing or pr»!*’*' I : ill information on B a’i** Um, When you go to buv Witch Han I IVrpotirf trout I <1 with Salve look tor the name on tion I'. - in cjiii eat ají Iht-y every l«>x The pure unadulterated wan' th ta- j i* i a Witch Haiel "alve 1« ured in mak­ Curt» Thi' rtni*dv prepare!« the ing DaWitl'a Witch Haxel Salve. ,i, : ii rvt'»-ptiAn. retention, which ia the l>e«t salve in the w <■» incrrilv i - keep things er»l —Burna Fumi ha» fared better than other »ev- I lure til ■ml )iric«. I' rm *♦* (ND FEED STlI DIBBLE, Propts r# S/mcial fo tran.«cient flt‘ / rei¿ht team^. rie s not cut- r MON-Y I \ V-5 - ’ I « fforne* kf’pt tret k <>r month- P W. E. HUSTOh X . FltST CLASS LI»®1 Hnyand ? on hand. Your pair -» >nth Main ?*t • xttxn: • * J