\'O. ,y> VOL. XVI.J SCOTT ELECTED PRESIDENT Sen kt THE PRE Mil M LIST HARNEY C(M*ITY FAIR Following is a complete list of premiums to b9 awarded at the TSf 0REÜ0NUN EDITOR HEADS THE Fair. September 1-1 to 20 inclusive: LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR All premiums will be divided as •follows: .'■evenly per cent, first PreaMeat Will Have (ieaeril Chart« «1 the premium. 30 p-T cent second pre­ mium A cert iti-ate accompanies Exgaslilaa a»d Direuor-tieneral kaala«»» Maaatemeat. each premium slating the grade of the prize awarded Ten per cent The uirecio.-s of the Lewis t a tul cent of premium will be charged on dirk Fair have elected H. W. t all entries for prizes of $2. 5D or S-sitt president am'» II. W. Goode | over. niyisiox *— houses d ii-«to! »general. A reieofttion Draft Stnlli iii. $20 inlopltd by the board authorizes Sweeimlake Stallion. $20^ tin- new director-gem-ral to visit Jackass, and colls of his get, $20. S in Francisco, Nashville, Atlanta Mare and colt, draft. $20. and New Orleans, where expositions Mare am! colt, roadster, $20. of practically the same size as that Best team of draft horses planned for Portland have been hel l, ami consult with the officers mules, $25. Double driving team $20. wiio in-id:- these fairs a success Single driver, $15. Under the resolutions adapted by Best reined saddle horse $10 tlieboard the director-general will have charge of the business man­ DIVIHIOX 11—GATTIE. agement of the exposition He Bull, two years am] over, $20. will give practically all of his time Milch cow and calf. $20 lo the work and will be entirely Beef cow ami calf. $20. responsible for the administration Iti VISION < —SHEEP of affairs at the exposition grounds Tin- president’s duties have l,eeu Ram. one tear or over $25 lightened considerable. It was de­ Ewes, ¡>en of three- lambii, wool, clared that the president would be $20. compelled to "sit on the safety! Ewes, p hi of Ihr«* lamb**, for valve” mid to consult with com­ mutton, ». mittees, tieads pf depart inent,officers lie4 tfreee, $10. of the association ami in a general ' DIVISION l>—SWIXE way keep in touch with Exposition! Boar, on»* year or over. $7 50 affairs. Brooding mow and |»ig8.$5. Other officers elected were: I N. Fleisehner, first vice-president; W. DIVISION E — Pot r.TKY. 3. Wheelwright, second vice-presi­ Trio of Brahmas, $3 50 dent; Samuel Connell, third vice- Ohnehin». $3 50 president; Henry Reed, secretary; Hamburgs, $3 50 First National Rank, treasurer. Leghorns, $3 50 Adolphe Wolfe has filled the Domineckers, $3 50 position of eecon l viee-president Plymouth Rocks, $3 50 and auditor uf the Lewis and Clark Pair Turkeys, $3 50 Exposition. Had he been willing DIVISION E — EARM PRODUCTS. to accept the responsibilities of the |>osition, the directors were inclined i Display of sheaves of grains, all to elect him first viee-president ’ kinds, not lees than five sheaves of and ask him again to take up the each. $5 duties of auditor. Mr. Wolfe, how­ lOOItis barley, $5 ever, was compelled to decline both lOOIbs wheat $5 offices. lOOtbs oats, $5 The board of directors did not Display alfalfa, $2 50 elect an auditor The question has Timothy grass. $2 50 been considered several times and ' Natural meadow grass, $2 50 there seems to be a strong senti­ Corn, $2 50. ment in favor of selecting someone DIVISION <• — IIORHcTI.TI RE. who will accept the position of audi­ Display 1 pk apples, $5 tor and devote his entire attention 1 pk peaches $5. to the accounts of the Exposition 1 pk pears, $5 Company. It was decided to leave 1 pk plums, $5 the question with the finance com­ mittee, which will consult with the president and secretary, reporting at the regular meeting of the board on August 14. i No successor was elected to W. W. Cotton, who resigned as direc­ tor of the Exposition Company. Mr Cotton’s plans for the coming year will take him cut of the city most of the time, and he could not devote the attention to '.lie work that lie itelieves necessary. A special committee a new member of a member of the board. A special committee of five had lieen designated at a previous meet­ ing to take up the question of th»- organization of the hoard, and its report upon the best plan of organi­ zation was adopter). The commit* tee recommend- >1 the election of Mr HcoU a» preeid -nt. ai d defined his duties as those prescribed in the by-laws of the company. It was explained that the president would not he expected to give his attention to the detail management of the Exposition affairs, that this could be better done by a director general. A business m in selected from the business wien of Portland, one thoroughly in touch with local affairs and able to give his alien- to the busine«- management of the Exposition, was urged A salary of $ 5»x> per month and expense« The committee rec »mmende-! H W Goode as direttor- lera!. and the recoin- tnendalioas were approved Mr. Goode will assume the duties of his office Ol S*ptrm»>er 1. but in the meantii ie is authorized tn vimt tboos >'dies which hav- hel<1 similar a>p tioas and «tudy the plan o$ fce-r' .n they followed — Orvgnnian Up-to-date *bie priem . I, prut, g at rrs* i, DIX1SIOX It—GARDEN PRODUCE. Bushel Onions $2 50 Turnips $2 50 Beets $2 50 Potatoes $2 50 Tomatoes $2 50 Cabbage 1 doz heads $2 50 Sugar Corn $2 50 Squash $2 50 Display of Kahlrabt, Carrot, Kale, Cauliflower. Mangle-wertzel etc , $2 50 * DIVISI«»* I — DAIRY PRODCCTi. Butter ♦ '» DIVIATO* I — HANDIWORK. 11 I.eVt us, t ’ ■ ‘-ent . f the i. t’nilntv ol it v I \ D lout th Silt'd o' : . e t h i cl Burn«, ‘ \ Hie •- •'' ?«•• > ! !»• • I.• •• • I ;ii.d f.>ui 11» of t-:|. 1» • »lit || !11 Up iii . .- ,ih’ 1» V TV S ibil till II a I< >i! x M <•\I i . 1 . i-: x II) . PMogrr ' ter, 1 o.i I :ii t:iu| liihR :: I mi '» t vic- s a i tie I 'a pt is» i • 1st ai.ii 2nd Sund.ivs Hii-i i vpiiing Sunday < '.! »o| • v« ry Sin.cnv at Ila m [Haver mfi-’i'i^ t very li:iii-'!n\ \ mini! Cl « \ ! ’(IN. I it I Io County Court of the State i f Or, con. I.it I lie t 'uni t y of II , rue \ III III' licit t' I "I* I he Es 1 "I \ I 'eh I < : , I 1» I > i eased \ I o .1 a mi •: (‘: >i |; and Y| a it Pel ¡1 brother mol si- til of the above num.'ll A lieu 'I' Clink dcii ased. mnl lo Axii- nml Elizabeth, sisli is ol the above oaim'd Allen T t'taik deci ;n,i <1, win real iiaiiieH are un known, nml lo nil persons ii.t .ested ill siiiil est'ib ' $2 .50. Specimen by tie Specimen 1 Display by work $2. Display by flowers $2. Pencil artist $ 1 1 Architects . artist $2 Putt I hi vi I . Exhibi’iop : than ten p ’ Rustic Still; feet in B i; plants -Ÿ 1 ». E x h i I lition ol than 2" v i DIVISION ’ Loaf su It ri Hop rising 1 ■ Potato yea ( ■ Soda bi-, o' Assort'd Larg- - t ■ Largest ' digests what you eat KODOL purities, strengthen» and sweetens Ute stomach. ----- ■ KODOL cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, and ---------------- all stomach and bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates the action of the g»s- ---------------- tri. glands and gives tone to the digestive organs. KODOL relieves an overworked stomach ---------------- of all nervous strain gives to the heart a full, free and untrainmeled action, nourishes the nervous system and feeds the brain. Y L ZB-u-rris Hotel f t I ■ hing. gramar. l-ook- ' c vil government I’l . .-i'llogy, geography ,1 < 'illilv Siipoi ¡i.li-iidinl. $5.1)0 RI M ARI). Special Accommodations for Traveling Men. itbinetic. composition. This hotel is c< ntrallv locateli nml under the management of an " graphv. The building let- been thoroughly renovated 'Mie nbove ri viri! will lie paid to experienced landlord. B lany. plane geonu - anyoik who finds Korses un the imi is well furniahed 'I'he ilining room Is in charge of |H>lite. accom- ’i history, English litera- range ami will pince them at some modating waiters The tables tiri fumi heil with tin- liest. ■ ■ i -ychology. ' con venie i)t place when* I can get irst lass ak n c ? ‘ <>’ \n PAPER*. them, br.ii ded as folloWr I! E on LONNEC I ION. left stifle. or\‘upir- 5 I u’kwards on _• \\ ednesday. August left stille $5^1, r h'" i I will bi- paid • k A. M , nml con- \ <>.<». Dutcher, 'il I riday August 1 I. at Bums. ■>< face lit I ' Iwr by one |-er»on $2 50 Largent •,,<) ticat display of Pho- of th- Digraph- F-r one person $2. Autumn leave« drawn in waler color» $2 50. Sea no*« in frame« $2 Job pr Sign painting, work by artici KODOL In i li N mile of I h ■ Still, of t )ti - I KODOL ls th® wond®rfuI rirn°dy that is - ■— making so many sick people well gun, full lire hereby cili d In lie ami and weak people strong by giving to their pp' ar III I he < 'oliuly t'lor I of the bodies all of the nourishment that is con­ State of Oregon, for the County of tained in the food they eat. ll irm v, nt the Court ro in thereof, Buttles only. $1 00 Size holdinc 2’4 times the trial i at his Home at Oyster Bay. size, which sells for 50c. t the city of Burns, in the County Frcpar.d wily by E. C. DsWITT 4 CO.. CUICAOQ. I llnrney, on Monday, the 7th dm I lamination . , FIRST, SECOND I.HADE I Burns DrnpgiM* >f Sept, mm r, A. D 1 !MI.',, nt |u i KRTIFICATh'S o’clock n III , of that day, then and ■ Il t by given that the \\’>,lm'sd:iv pi ern 'i' hip. histo­ there to show cause, if volt or liny | • mlent of Hartley ry, orthogrnpliv. rending. of you have, why a uerlain instill-; ilfcWit*’- j u Salve Thursdav — Written mi limit tic, I bold the regular ex- inent in writing, presented to the' For Piles, Burrs, Sore.. f applicants for state theory of ("icliing gr .mn.ar, phy­ p ipers nt Burns, ns siology Friday — (ieogr.ipliy mental arithmetic, "bool law. civil govern-1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT inent. i/ Wednesday, Aug- PRIM ARY « Eli I'll l< VI EM. ■ l ek A M . and coii - Wednesday — l’- i.imiti hip or­ iI 'Saturday, August 15, thography. r< olir/, -iritiiiiietic, ■ cli i k. MB”. A. J< >R !>A X, Proprietor. Bl ’ R X S. OREGON Thursday—Ait ol V! i A - I < a Mil I » h First National Bank OF BURNS, ORECOW. Auottnls of Corporalioti', l irtns and Indi» ¡duals Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. r.fi- U . Ji hn l> Ihily. Frunk K < »»tfin. N I . • < •iinfitii*- II M ll»»rhHt. < V llaiii« - IC. J. H'm loss by burglary or hold up day «>r night not a blood heater 4 J ? ot- ONIAHIO OREGON A I -, •< ui 111 - <>! < -<>i J ■■ >r. < 11< >n ■ e*< >1 i<• 11< « I. ir w—IS Ihil\ William Jones, Frank R M Alexander, N I Carpen* Irnlwil! II. I KM. I awliirr. 1 d d d 7 t 5