BURN>. HARNEY COL N I'Y, OREGON. JI 1.Y it. VOL. XVI. AMONG accepted. MANGE THE HORSES Accounts of Treasurer Miller found to be correct and appears — ^.‘TCH IMPORTANT BLS4NESS TRANS- that at this time be has on hand THE DISEASE IS SPREADING OVER IN available for the redemption of "n*i, acteo - annual settlements . BAKER COUNTY. k 'IE NT Y COURT PROCEEDINGS Accovats at tke Various County tWIcer* Eurt "aB approved •rofo" he road contract or J. \\ . Buc- n.^ Alton and J. 0. Cau lfield having I. horv, •. completed and the road mast- __ 4 '■Wie? •"1 iinviiqe examined same and re- TOnioiing it well done and according wb w oi.tract recommended the con- ors» ¡j.’tors be paid balance due them ejnu.'eri d that balance of $l,l »0 be for the Short Line is between $lt'.. 000,000 and $11,000,1 ML net ine!tid­ ing tin inital payment on tin lets.- of the Sult I. ike terminals. B - tween $6,000,000 and $7.000,0(H>. b, tile terms of the sale, are to le paid county warrants $6330.89. to 'he Empire Construction and other companies for terminals and Pacific Cable Completed. Chance for Stock Inspector Io Stamp Out railroad line in Southern California. The Contagion -Mam Animais Are Affected. The Pacific cable was success-1 ALL ALONE." fully completed at 10:50 o’clock It is not news to everybody but is tonight, savs a press dispatch of jujy 4 0BHtern tjn)^ hy the weld- startling information to some that Oli ia-t Pridav night T he moon w as shining bright. ¡ng together of the eastern and an epidemic of mung, in horst - I as western links at Honolulu, on Isiard broken out in Baker county. In I saw ti young man w liking, all a lone. the cable ship Anglia, thus eom- fact, it is stated on good ant lim it v, that 100 horses can be found at tile >1 ’ ’ 4•«>'* IN" In I much trouble pleting the entire line of telegraph 1 .1.1 vi i “. postmaster, nt Wat son Or was in the city this week returning lì. in Portland where h had I een summoned by the serions illne.-s of his sis'.. r. M s. \\ oodlai d ot Wei-, , who is at the Portland liospii. The lady is , aecept- world in 12 minutes, and Mackay’s investigations of the subject. ippeu* . r 1 The next Sunday evening Net many weeks ago lumpy jaw nlUtto be Beat. stoma, h and digestive organs are i reply was sent round the world in Another young man was grieving Kkn^theubner Bros granted a liijuor in cattle was found in Baker county Stile cured By the use of Kodol 1 nine and a half minutes. lie returned from the south side.J and steps taken to st imp out th In Burns Druggists for a period of six months The first message sent over the .ill alone Itquoritl Wild Horse precinct new cable was one from President disease. it is said that lumpy jaw His heart wn« broke in twain Religious Services. nu.tasbe $500 reward ottered by Mrs Roosevelt, at Oyster Bay. to (¡over- is often spread through hogs, as the He’ll never go there again ;le, z Cltrcesses m ruing d i '. tied ’’'‘‘“having beeu deposited with the sage from President Roosevelt to be more contagious than lumpy jaw Service Wrdnesda v even­ c«ttltl,tg treasurer for safekeeping. Clarence II Mackav, president of and much harder to get rid of. A i out,g loan wh ,se heart was loud S p in ings at s. Subject lor Sunday Horse breeders are becoming la rm W ent • 11 > I he !i i 11 -ii il al me i, r«tt!i «ordered repaid to Mis Devine the Cable company. Mackay's •Lily 1:2, “Life.” ¡,'an.o to grade I. impshire ed oyer the situation and sec cm I of She said V ill hay, I.... .. tight message was followed by a i.umber A oil cairn, t io.ik, U i ight them after dismission of the mall r ight*111"*' awarded to J. E Johnson and of congratulatory messages from H<*v A .1 Irw pi will p eattle.sr. Varien for$15B>. A bond in the governors of the states and yesterday agreed that only rigid And Ii w. nt Io tic* S ,,| House ail II.tiiK v the \’ix{ S iiihiiiv p Off lift it II lone. iii«>nth :i' II a. m. mid 7 n^hoiMfUm of $3150 was accepted with other public ollicials to Governor inspection and a system of quaran­ tine for the afiectcd animals, or Sahhath school rv< ry n left hip ¡' * ' i niEm .apJ of health authorized to encircling messages had hem set tv of th:“ trouble.— Iteniocr .l. Sunday school nt Hnrnev thè ”k.L,™iinto the matter of Mnallpox for noon, but the weather conditions lost Sunday of each monih at 10 A Bit Expensive. at Honolulu were unpropitious and . Maie ,r'ewse''- o'clock a in. Ont In* comi, third .i^P-rtofJ. W.V andvrpool. nup- the event had to lie postponed. and four I h Sunday of elicli monili I lull it does net always pay to iD, hona jr <»f road district NO 1 ’• ap- nt 3 (/clock p in l’reiiching ser­ ;nbi:niL’L , | appear loo indepen lent, < speci.dli right • 1!M)3 and A correspondent who signs him- I lust rated by a etorv told by the llurns, Rev. A .1 Invili puntar Kansas City Star. A former Mis ­ .boneApril 2, to having 27 coyotes self ■ I). \\ II.” writes entertain- \\ X tip; mix . I >, vii i crii, llie i Idi d and folli t li ir.uoSeKg, allowed warrant tor $ >4. ingly as follows: ‘ In one of the sotirian is mov serving an a judge a visit ! igiiter, Mrs N. U. Siindnys of mieli mentii nt I I n. ni. i'luris'-.nd of F. 0. Jackson as road ai t;elf‘s io the Nosegay column re- in Oklahoma. A gamble) was tried nurn ; While at | and lo p m. t*abbnth s, boni at before the judge and convicted of '«i/nmv’l,or ol Strict I accepted feretice is made t< the high heels Og deliym .1 (o I!. IO m. every Sabbath morning H. M. Horton ami (teo. D. on the boots of Texas cowpuncher- playing poker. lie appeared in ■ ! til! Ide -I Short­ trrom.:-» ’ court dressed in a flashy st) le and l’reachin” -ervices al thè Baptist attle. ic y as sureties. and vanity is given as the reason cattle.- ( »alario l’hurch everv Ist md 2ml Simdav- /¿„wj and Hankiiis rep nd $oO rent for the high heel This is sou.e- with plenty of money in Ills p ek morning and c.ening Snodai ^?’rl wis Ai’.ams ranch, it having what of a mistake. No doubt van- ets. apparently Ulicotieeriied a« to -eliool every Sutiday >t I I n m. ,»*k'«vTou11^ that heirs to estate ex- itv figures in it. for the wiiter has the outcome of Ids trial. Looking Can Be Built With Appropriation. praler meeting iv.'rv TTiursdilV Bun».to<1 same had note-cheated to been witness to the fact—seeing over his spectacle« the judge, in a J on rush :•* ♦ t squeaky voice, said: ".lim stand ■ evening. UNDER NEW i The eiigim-or who ha« 1«•< Il oxam blMh* heel« so high that they were braced ‘‘Jim. ining thè proposed portage r.dlroad ' hwi .»rt of F. C. Dibble, supervisor with -mall iron rods on the inside up." The gambler obeyed „.-Diet No. 2, accepted. f>nt to return to the real use of the have you anything to sav before 1 mute bel W, ' il The Dalles and Celi­ »arrow» -v» Barnee, road supervisor of high heel—for it has a use. \\ ,• pass sentence on you?’’ "No, sir " lo is of tir- opinion ili at thè a|- lllldgTWll, lenndbv it No 10, reported and same aR know the broncho, some of us "Jim. I am going to fine you $bn proprintimi, $160,000. will he soffi -------” "All right, judge,” inter­ cient lo builil tlie rollìi. Thi.'iaeii- t bip or > pproved. by reputation and others bi ex- rupted the gambler, hero it i- in cmirnging, and if ibi Siate l’.oard *CC“,I,A of an error of the perience, and know he is, to say tim my hip pocket." "And give you feci llial they can rc|v tipon il tliere © W»H l!'"1 “ least, a trifle unreliable. On the 6tt days in jail,” continued the lleed b, Ilo Ione de|ay in gettili/ tu I I , e,,„ B h»itcn»*->m the thecott,, county ‘y to school (,i dis- *' Mui'lles used in lit the West a u ♦ t the I ■ ■ > u email, • «a n I I judge. “Now-, look and see if you’ve work on thè mini, and pu-liiug ilio ’.„X*®- 1. $10 Th.- treasurer or- |igh( gtjrup ()f iron is not used. In ( Imtilv dai preferred for o , got that in your hip pocket too" completimi a« nomi uh po“-ib|e The iderMl”'*" trni,sfer ffbin gener-d fund I, its place making itili,ITmln fin­ is the large wooden stirrup p-ople bave demanded it; let t h< in "isf'^'jnonnt. also $' ?:', to the citv similar to the one used in the cav­ ished in e.irbon and platinum Bant,*" Will it He Built? bave il, ay< thè Telegrnm „• on MH ’US. fleets. a liti hotel is cent ’ Il \ if.it’' ni u » tn.i » 11'< in* I t of Hll alry, but mostly without the I, ath lhu $50 fine of In-e Wil-on hav­ er guard over the front. and it is i I n-1 a nia I.col’: process Un* experienced Lindlm*!. 'Ile l ud I ha- I n tIr 1 >*iighlv i» noviited , .» . . . . .I •. 1 ne ('mi.-tniim.it • >!» of t he 'ale ■ uf Hon. H< t-rv Blackman, repre­ en turne^over to tire treasur here where the high heel has its extensiv' lv I'ir t , |a work airi B well furnished I h< fiiiiin,' i itili i , eh i« ' I polite, arco Ul­ . . the Oregon Miort Lire s .uth of sentative for the bate of Oregon of credited to the general fund, part. and sat is fact ion ginira i.t, ,,| The wMen stirrup »s fw> , . . .. lin» l.iting waiter- The table* an ¡ uni h il v. it h 1 he !•• *1. • wa* ordered tr .' -h i red 6 large that an ordinary shoe a« ^alt Lake ( lty. is hi lieved to me ran thel.-wi« and (Ink Centennial • .. , , . a r:iilrna<| hue »nto (’entral <>re ,f>. ami St Louis Exposition, was in fund. . wore would slip through, and it •. ar hi fin.tny: ii • ir if i* r» I rt< ! the city I •|e,.|ay. Hisvi-.it w ill« i" matter of pet J Jois not take much imagination to * th t E. 11 Harriman will - » div i I cur. -amples of Malheur and >d ’.S others 'picture what would happen if at KODOL wt .1 y, u sat tie- funds rec»*iv. irif> . ,f r enffthenf I. I KODOL • r from the saddle and one foot le or Clark lino, tin uric i.’-i Ki’ • denied. > — Ontario Argus ——- and sweetens the stomach. JOHN h I» il \ i i i « •> t i \iil t., t t i , . caught in the stirrup With the cures indigestion, dytpeosia. and KODOL alt 1 -«rk. est«TO3 Dibble having removed high leel this i« iin|s>sailde, for the I II A N k Ii, < < »J- i I « \ Lt l't \ t 1.1 f < i M I \ t I v uh it stomach and bowel Troubles. aid district N. 2. Henri foot cannot go ali the way through MWf. h«*11 the action of the ^aa- KODOL accelerates was appointed supervisor 8o vanity is not the whole r. trie glatrda and gives tone to the d^estive organ». c ..... I him. of the ■owpimchers high herd " 'f . Johnson ap|siint> a| |«iinti I roa.l KODOL re..eves an overworked stomach ------------- / a i.erv'>.s •,’raift gives to U«** «or for distri. No o t > «tic Atyttllld bl Corpora i .imih -olii tied. the heart a f JI, free and un^ratnmel^d tscertaiainf Elevation '• 1 t* , action, nour ■ hea the nervous system and ■or >** aller Grav rem v>-d Jim Dumps on Independence Day, p maf» _ feedj the Lra'.n. Said: “ F orce freed ua from Eng­ WE V7A •ui u»^ Jiexrin» from île- i, port of A party ol («tfiernimut «ii.vev- land's sway. or. • ,*/•rt» thaï Count i t ’erk •• i- or-. with (' II S. inner in • mi- ■ . L I . ..1. r. It .1 Now independence let’s declare eo I îh w 4 t Hains» Hin From indigestion s tyrant snare. eonW»’ ed for and pni i fie- trea- ir Were in O.-itari I this We. k Tti-i are a: d we r. p loft I Good friends, shake off this despot bodies all of ony by bimcoll tej The earn ing out a line of leyel« grim. lalr.ed In th« cT/rr te ( ult/ifi/ ausili d th- wn« «pprove I 'trtCff. Twas ‘Force’ that freed yonr was begun al,..ut three year •Sunny Jim. ’ " * rrport -howed lhat ail at Portland, extending by I lii.4 batik K in-or< d .tini WNIfc >r l»*it. tur > »»r . ":..|eT«^jta»lle<:l*d bv (; M,' !!e» a» Dalle«. Peodletoii. LiGraml" MM lor»! i «'V»r to The down I,, Huntington, Can’t A large stock of Black Leaf Sheep Dip Always on Hand. We positively guarantee that we can and will supply gro­ ceries cheaper han ny one else. Oregon f’orvvard ng Co Ontario Oregon, MANAGEMEN Photographer. Special Acca H rst C lass B Men. 11 C onnection . First ^aiional Bank CF CU ¿EC OïM, KODO lit* . ........ ■’ - p|" 'V- ’l |«er's party te gun their hontUnien | r-h oed front Hm.tmg’ot, From (io « r»f the rout*, e ta)ill»h elev , o 11 a»- ne Va« apftr . I lion marker*, etc. and i- :t.'n rd tfl. Expert« «h’.irej dence »ha< the Goverrm, ÎÎ'« d> print Ut«** . d corract • pj>r veJ aud able piicr« t..C^* 1er ree TU BcBdjkHfar** ter J 0 YEARS’ ' /PFRIFNCE always oa duty M arku hu-”. 4' •tv*. Scienti!ic -w-’v OU Co. » -1 •‘-••y r I - New . b Tori •. Wwfc ; -•