VOL. XVI. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY , OREGON, JULY 4. iq < ; notifv tl avoided roads and never approach­ at once ai l ,!■ ed a dangerous section until I was l>e taki'ir tu c sure 1 was safe. On approaching a ¡500,000 ;;cr a where I sr-ction infested bv Indians SAVED HIS COMRADES EROM BEING will h" thi entr front I Could get a long view in KILLED BY INDIANS. this acti n i i t would dismount and take a large Cet C.! Mal heu., I.-r sagebruih and hold it'in front of JHHIiliiilTlI Illi II Lake an 1 C Ì me and crawling on hands and Mis Ea^fteaces la Carrying the Mails and stati d in aie.ii. knees would riconnoitere the coun­ tafertasi Messages During The bave feneed entire try. I often found Indians in this Indian Wars. and are u.-eing t manner without them seeing me, vale ranges an 1 took another course. They (PMdDtLaney in Oregon Dally Journal) Jimmie Gentry of Burns is the would often repoit that I was com­ The Fo.-na.’i , moat noted rider of olden tinn - in ing on horseback and then when I would m ike one of these devours Non: hin. the Pacific Northwest. His I health —I f< — : ; la wall known by all of the old- asound them they were amazed, p ‘psi.i Cure i • fienere «"3 is told today thr-ugn- that is probably the reason they called me the "Disappearing cine thill en ., 1 ■ out that vast section of country. digestiv - org i., : > Now more than 70 years of age, Coyote.’ "But it was on Powder River late nud (rm -f > he mopes around the town of Burns in the Yakima country that I con­ the kind oi i■ from day to day, lives oil the 1-, ,.i nerves and f. I that ia going, drinks the best liqu rs sider that I lid my best ride.” said T have often done dol 1 iy- tLt i and ia a welcome guest every «1,, - ,-. the old m in Natur -I. s i though it costs him not a cent. He long rides and good ones, but 1 Dyspepsia. :i nd ia very feeble, hie fortune has 1. ng never saved so many human lives stomach and ve aince disappeared, but the good ns when I made the ride, or rather cured by the u ■ people of Burns and Harnev coun­ escape on Powder River. I was a by Burns l ie, irnoJ ty will never eee "old Jimmie” men. er of Col. Shaw’s volunteers Can ' and a detachment of 50 men was auffer. mi lef’dZB T bil.; Jimmie Gentry was born in Mis- ient ollt 0,1 a scouting expedition, leriL, ® ¡urne. h.-a. adii '.'•»u/ h n ices. aouri in 1832 and came to this We had only gone 12 miles from n rivh-TW He camp when we reached a sort of country while a mere boy. rfir -ir,1-;, !g| Services at n Science •1 on np| & never weighed over 130 pounds basin .-.irrounded by rimrocks. We * «ninni¿9 Hall ev . y suini ' I in moi •'I. Bua.® and weigha leae than that auiouut had bandy entered the place when miier hrÀS 8 p ni. S ri ...it oven- now. He is slightly paralvzed in ’*>' war-whoops of 400 Indiana an- 'Ulder. 1 • ~~ -——- . inga at 8, Sul, , t ■ r Sunday, tbe lower limbs, but gets about aiiounc diliat we were surrounded, uark. iljé < iVIl, jiigiu,^. The type-setting machine which The Times-Herald hopes soon July 5 ‘ ti ,I town in his regular rounds of vis- "' ■- I1' -P a desultory fire, but d. Burnì. JH Hing and always wears a smile and l,,e " I1S in complete ambush to have in operation. Th-s is not the latest improved machine like Rev A .1 I rw , , ' Bhort l'tr^H . i the Mergenthaler or Linotype, but a Thome type-setting and dis- Harney th ? ' has a pleasant word for thus»* he ond we culd not do execution. e. B-S "There was no possible wav to tributidg machine. With two operators it will do the work of ten vaìluw f h IM month at 1 1 a. meats. He was known by the Indians! escape and some of the men actually compositors. In bringing the machine in from the railroad it was Sabbath -I: 1 . hnns, i«ht ear. throughout Oregon, Idaho. Utah, cried. They knew that we would be more or less damaged, having some very delicate parts easily brok­ I p. m. Bumg. Washington and California as the; killed within a day or two The en. As soon as these extras can be secured and put in place the P iHubu'tM i! Sunday sell Biirng. -’Disappearing Coyote.” As re­ Indians were continually picking machine will be started. ■i unddàS first Sund ,y f Ì H1 1 cently expressed bv an old chief of. 0,,r n li 811,1 t,lere bei,1K 400 to 1 off righi. S o'clock a m. O 1 umg. thoee days: "You see him and --d no chance nt them, the . cropufM and fourlh Sin • Burng, yJal theu yon fron t see him. He came ref,ult " e8' V emulate. Then board will be able to put out con- 12000 each to await further atten- iainoml nt 3 o'd < k p if 1 ’, r. wanii. B^ffl gallopinghis horse across the plain.-. ' *ri'e at the camp and siderable money in this way The lion by the Grand Jury, which vice'Very nd my. Miss. Ware was have 1 meets in October. district whose offers of bonds we atari for him, then we find him ' Lould " ” l ex l ,e d *"> ’ hfcl P frun ‘ e. <¡9 on li full At th- Pre - uo more. He sinks into the ground. " They would not come been accepted are District No 1, in prepared for the emergency and horaw. unless they knew of our peril and Clatsop county, which will issue Dan W. Tarpley, a Eugene notary Burns, Rev. A. t niart:- M 1 am not, and never was a bron ­ ■ar. «ni«. cho buster,” said the old man to a they h id no means of knowing this bonds to the amount of $35,00(1, and public, and Al. Walker, a saloon­ Devine servii-i i r..|no'.Qai since they could not hear our guns. District No. 2, in Wasco county, keeper of the same town, who is al­ Sunday suf,, i tsi - f gsiL' aljtegtl Journal representative. ‘My rt - "Th;' night I caught my horse, 1 which will issue bonds to the so Miss Ware’s co'isin, were on hand and *< :3D p m. cord was as a long distance rider e in rifih and pri pared to leave for the camp. amount of $3,500. The loans will to furnish the necessary bond, 10 a in. i-v ry and successful rider, in carrying rns. ho’s. alj The bnj’s urge ] me not to gof be made at 5 per cent interest. The while Mr. McKinley, less thought on k-i': ki» Preaching the mails of early days and in iplit in >i'ie oi lit* 9 I There was but one outlet and they usual rate for mortgage loans is 6 fill, will be given until tomorrow to i-hiircii ver. 1 carrying important messages fr n, V ìi il. hflTjJ knew the Indians bad this thorough­ per cent, but the board does not supply ways and means for a teni- iiiorning an i -ii hip: ufl place toplace in the shortest time. ht CiU-, T 9 ly guarded i bey said it would be j find borrowers for the entire fund. porary release. school eV i ■ Then he told of his experiences 'fóri :, rtain di-aili for me. I told them The act of the last legislature After the noon recess yesterday prayer m-i-i- . f atile, ¿'9 in carrying the mails from Califor- that I , .lit as well die attempting provided that whenever any school the arguments of the opposing evening . iifht ear. :: ' d ma to Halt Lake, of carrying th 't. ■ I I ' - .. ;■ a - to die hemmed in, and district des'red to raise money l-.y council were begun, the defendants II. Narrr-1- ■ mails at many other points ill. ■ i., h : «atth -9 UNDER N'I'.V. lie e > u:i an ling ollicer finally issuing bonds, it should be -he duty making no effort to offset with tes­ mark, UH' 'fl countries infested dy warlike In­ tu ma, h-«"9 agreed ' ¡1,1' I should go. of the district to offer the bonds to timony the convincing showing . IH liii'o 9 dian tribes, of carrying im -sa ■ 9 ..,*••••• “I shall ii.-v, r forget that night, the state land board at not less v.hieh the Government had made n tiKii! i ¡¡¡et, WojH for commanders in the Indian cam- I dared n t tte.npt to saddle or than 5 per cent interest. The agnist them.—Oregonian. i - : iw 1 ìj 9 a .loi! . campaigns of this country, and a « ili, Bnr».«J brid! inv horse. I hud a hair rope board has the option on the bonds .. iiJmir^fl hundred and one other remarkable MRS. A JORDAN iilcrbifthisieH on him I had seen the Indians at that rate, and if the bonds are FENCES MUST COME DOWN. i rii», Oliz’al episodes on horseback. h rsi - grazing near the entrance to found to be legally issued, to ay i bit in n ij Ihirn He was in all of the Oregon In­ the p1; • and took this point for purchase them. If the state latici ti . Siir''i*9 dian wars and is as familiar a itl Edward Dixon, a special agent, tir ihrons9 my Cue. I started out from the board declines to purchase the k, nn-kTiW the episodes of these early time.- as of the interior department, is now h-iilc an-itJj campon all-fours, leading the horse bonds the district mav then sell IDiWB. h-!W9 in Eastern Oregon warning cattle­ • ish< <1 in - the average school boy is with his loft luì-9 I- hind I would crawl the full them in the market at the best . .Iewl»pa9 A. B. C.’s. He was a teamster at men and others who have fenced in • n< < t . l-tirw- !;*9 length of the rope and then pull the I terms that can be hud. the battle of the lava beds and government lands to tear down the • horse up to me gradually, letting ,,!'r'lRv helped to haul away the dead after obstructions. Those who far! to I’liis hotel is central I • • Xt- \ t, in uraz as he came. By working Must Appear before Federal Grand lun. li'-rae.' ' the famous Canby massacre. II- obey Dixon's orders will be prose­ J xpcrienceil l.ii ,1 ord. -■•t.k. ui - k 9 t. dimisly in this manner for several • .ffa,^<9 waa practically an eye witne-s to cuted, both civil and criminal pre- • • • • • <0 nd is well furnished b-s. hsB' 9 h-inr- I I idle 1 the ground occupi­ The troubles of Horace G. Me- c edi, gs being institute I that terrible tragedy. He wa.- with uni», li“1*19 The in- 'dating waiters ed by Ike Indians. I saw them Kinley and and Marie I, W are, for-, r st » s ructions HI noun Kl given V VII 1/1 Dixon ADII II are I explicit i: A pi I t I L the first party that ever struck p • i; iiiwierjìr-8 -t n.d.i._ . .1 sitting diligently on ' merly United States Commissioner He in instructed to remain on the in the Canyon Citt mines and irst la guard In fact, I came within a at Eugene, have apparently just be {ground r r. 111 t 11 tirili r. n ■« 1 I <’ aiis>irii.t<.i..4 and rm personally sup'rintend familiar with the developin' t ' (II« i few f ' , : them. The horses were gun. for at the conslusion of liit-ir 1 the work ofcattlemen in destroying PATI « I I every reeou,ce of the country. H- g' ,z ng a i' everywhere and they I wo days’preliminary examination : th>- fences built upon the domain, ie also reliable in ineinort ,n l n, -;>.ok my horse fur one of their yesterday afternoon they found In the event anyone refuses to obey statemon*. and what "Old J,mmi- own. themselves tied up to bonds of I hia instructions, lie 1» instructed to tells io regar n d as (iospei truth JOHN li DAI.Y “When ! got beyond them yr u I RANK It.COFFIN. \ His long rides are a part of th ought 11 h ive seen me ride, ■ history of the early Indian war- -imp t the ground afire, I In 1879 he rode from Silver R im reached carón of th" main band in ths Harney conntry to a t ' , I at ,| tv lire ill we nr- OF t on the south fork of th'- J . I ved a» I ••• th ■ Indians a sur Biver. a distance r.f 121 mi Accounts oí Corpo- 1 - Jim Dump»' physician once li. 1st h i ve never f I’ - jm L, f«ii in. 11 hours He was «-arrving . Wi­ " gyHnwEm Said hr '• I’ll hi re no wrvftirtti. or • i sage from Gen. Bern ir > to G ■ —' ‘ dr»'jght oe pill." T .ri I. a.- st I I d wn the old A iMIl Said Jim: "no, ho.yon’re Pf NN MH., Howard He made the trip ■ ;> X «C on the shelf, in ,!>’■ ■I.,— » n- he lontmur-d: N«. Ilk S. I . ,e: Canyon Citv to Camp Harney fr. 7 I You who car» others, I i. i , orad» were the most I I curs yourself." queollv iu those early day- n, a I J Then Inn sent up soma grateful I t of boys you ever saw c S'A t / v rtot/Z f’ez' day. The distance was 75 mi: l\ " Force " to him, They tiMik me from my horse. II ■ That s what he need»," I hi. bank Is Insureds; He rode 700 miles, fre rn Vi g —A I qeoth " Sunny Jim." Hue it w.,.. ail over, and c»rr >-d KODOL City. Nev to Salt Like City 11 me i 'i- th- crop until 1 wae daya. On this trip he had rive li- d . e I Oreg >o Vulun KODOL horses and all of them fell <1. I - -•- r • i- o.D >f the kind of from and'- him, except the last, KODOL which Was as good as dead wh- Tie luadyaczteers. OTC» he reach« 1 Salt Lake Citv KODOL trie giar.ds and gives t&na to the "The se. sret of my aucc-oa,” sa I dig-ist /e orgar.s. for doctor the old nan. "was not * much : MO'i ' •'? SCHOOL DISTRICT!. KODOL and patient. say extra -dinary endursne* mi mi Of A. the heart a f ••» ¡»gon g about the luiitt-r action. no.risrz>« 1 . r Two .clb-">i di.tr have maile telligenti I always aavt d uiy feeds the brain. (>w money from bores lor emergencies when epplicatia n to I’Orr re -sdy that I» t KODOL ’ n fund, i easergei s arose I put my horse I he irretìhicJ'ie st nte - ■ - - mar ' "» y z people vsll 11 lo their 6 and vaak peop e s 4 t, to the full lie t I li 11 t ■ p-iss under th»* act of th e last .eg,»! atare, tWt *41 O3f> I bodies all of the r .jriskr-' lamed In the food the /eat. through Indian cou trie, a I 1 WBA ami th -e ipf liesti, i» Lave been e ». B. F fyspe’ ¿ A mud ■ r i<( other die never eamrbt in u «< Bernes »hr ff .CO S»< * I tfM vMeb sabs fst t. wlU , •“■I Vau.-i not take > i. f «if* • rscie *r» 'uaiiHi|( pr* parat’.cMia to »»»«>« »iv Er t- C- »«» itt 4 Ct CillC AM ç me. Bbey offered me an ex* iut«í* fmit: ' he Mme source ' : ut t re W-« and rt se.* the «tate land Burn« Brur I r*fo»r it. When I frtv m* that eled 1 <_r-« ht.. Ce» GENTRY’S BEST RIDE C ; T ? • J'S SAS' SERS on SHEEP Sheep Dip ck Leaf c on Hand. e positiv ly ; ; r mtee that we can and supply gro- ¿ny one curies cheapo else. Oregon Fe Ontar ding Co. regon, 2E3U.Z z Special Accommcd ' H ir i iREGON . ■ •vod.cit5.on. ¿velini? Men, ' I ; . inei.l of »11 uglily renovated i • of polite, accolli­ ti,e host. C < l ION. < .«»ti 11 a. ( 'AHIIIKII muled. I • q<- I ’ . * fhc market fjrtC9. ll! burglary bree” 2 r, It J W'l» KB I DB* T i L -GON <1 l lu 11 V l< I null' >1 N Frank II I Carpen- : Î.4T, ( ashler. «< jea. aWNJ.