BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, APRIL VOL. XVI t!, LOOKS BLLE EUR i.ARNE\ Ll-r------------- t CHIEF HYDROORtPHER SAYS WE MAY alfalfa and segregation of different classes of the rabbits, so the com­ pany will not have to il pend upon the natural or wild supply of the animals. Tke settling BE PASSED UP. 9-- up of the ' Eciu country, and the wholesale destruc­ tion of the jack rabbits will lead in Gover-anest Real) to Pay Reasonable Price a few years to such a decimation For Water Kignts on Irr gatioa *••3 of the indigenous animal that not Prajt ct--lostrucili>a>. enough will be left for the food sup­ The Oregonians e< i r>■¡•pondwit ply of the eats and hounds in that ,ob■ ’L- - . fiom Washini't n *:iy-, Hydr, gra country. This fact the company Uli pber Newell. <4 tlx Geological sur­ recxtgnixea, and from now on the vey, has direct« <1 hi- field e:.gih« ers, animal will be systematically bred M on njd on nt v. J R iSSGlJ filth<*r. I H, rtt(*f, rfTffli inai i. ¡4 ■»i nMitfj rishi tur| iippmiiM lUSrtfTnrj’ in lei: ijd nt tn m -71 lir J k.Uliúaá 1 roinbiiJ mark, uta Iwv.er *J on leit im SUM MON 8. No. 6295. Re •'Hr*. he coudl’ion of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BERNS, In the Circuit Court of the State of at Burnt in the State of Oregon, at the ck »e of Oregon, for the County of H>ir- AGRICULTURAL DE?*RTMtNT l .PERT buainrM, April 1903. ney. BBSOVBCBR. COMINO WEST. John W. Bigg* and Dal­ |>«.827 02 ¡A>ans and Diacounla.. ....... 6, JW 00 ton Biggs, composing the U. S. Bon* t to secure circulation Ml M Premiums on I’. •». Bends 312 50 Co-pirlnership of Biggs Re pc m pt ion Fund. Will Ex peri incut With (iratses to Determine Real Estate. Furniture and fixtures 4.297 20 and Biggs, Plaintiffs, What Varieties Will Withstand 300 00 dut|*ei'se, ......... ................. vs. 8! ‘ .fiL0 IS Cash and due from Hanks The Dry Climate. C. W. Rann, Defendant. 1Ò To C. W. Rann, the the above Early it. May Dr. David Griflilhs. INABILITIES. I25.U» no named defendant: Assistant A r stolo_.i t of the De­ Capital »tock peid in. I.2M0» ¡»'urpiuti In the name of the State of Oic- partment of Arricu , will go Undivided profita . 1.0M C2 gon: You are hereby required to Nationul Bank Notes r.A'OOO into Eastern Oregon and Washing- 1<50,6Ó1 Deposits ... . .. r-. appearand answer the above com­ tonjo take up the study of the WILL THE RANGE who are examining th«' withilrawu in enclosures. range problem, and continue inves lands in VmiiilL* aid Morn«» One of the first results of this ligation» which be made last year Counties, inth* I tt< r < '*••< k coun- ,-yrtem will i •<• the rapid improve­ in these two slates, says the O.ego- try, to give'sp e a altei.lt u to ail ment of the meat—a result iha is nian's Washington correspondent. claims of indivi tuals .ml compa­ sure to ct me by systematically His work last, year was more in nies wha own or claim to <>xv: prior t eding ami watering the labile and the nature of exploration than ex­ canal rights in that vicinity, .nd freeing them from the annoyance perimentation. He discovered that to determine whe'lief or imt these of being hunted by wolves and dogs many cf the valuable ranges are rights, if they exist, will interfere and from the deteriorating influence being utterly destroyed because ol with government reel« unit ion. If of eetni-slarvatiou, which they are overgrazing of sheep. The owuer.- the pn ject ss a w hole proves to l e subjected to a portion of the time of the sheep in numerous instances practical, and ot.lv fh.se private every year. apparently have no concern for the interests stand in the way, Mr future and use no discretion in con Newell says the government will HANEY COUNTY ARTESIAN WATER trolling their il cks. be willing to pay the owners a fair — One of the important works amount f lhai can withstand the dry climate pay a fair price for an» private Value to persons interesteil in ob­ l'o (i-termine this, variou- sorts of property that may be absorbed or taining water for domestic and ir seeds will be planted under differ titihaed by the govet nuiei.t in its ligation purposes. ent conditions. Efforts will he also irrigation Works, but there are to The Harney artesian basin em­ mud-, uud« r his direction, to re­ many available sites and so many braces roughly th«' region drained store parts of some of the ranges meritoriou and attractive proj cis by str.-ams Honing into Malheur that have beer, des.royed in the awaiting attention in various stales ami Harney Lukts, and includes past through the carelesSix-SB of the that no work will be undertaken peihaj.s two thirds of Harney coun sheepmen. His work will m t e where attempts are made to hold ty, the length of the basin north on a large scale, but only sufficient up the Government .-ml sotith laiiig about IB*1 miles, i to demonstrate the values of the The engineers have discovert«], utxl its breadth east ami wist ap­ different varieties of range grasses in the shoit time they have been proximately 50 miles. A rough I and to give the stockmen an oppur- on Butter creek, that the irrigation estimate based on the general map ■ tunity to see what can be done on works attempted in that vicinity of Oregon indicates that the area well governed pasture land. Dr. years ago!.by private capita! were within which artesian water ma» Gritlilhs says there is no denpirig not practical. Their promoltis be expected III this basin is about that the sh-epmen and not the cat­ contemplated taking the water from 1000square miles, but this includes tlemen, ore responsible for the Umatilla River and distributir.g it Malheur and ilamey Lakes and overgrazed condition of the Oregon over the low lands, but no provi­ tin« swamps bordering them. and Washington ranges. To his sion was made for storage reser­ The Whitehorse artesian basin, mind the responsibility rests alto- i*, in wit 1 Otari ■ voirs. Inasmuch as the water level containing perhaps 30 square mile- g< (her with the sheepowners. ear. ip!i al in this Streem is exceedingly low |,,f good land, lies < east of Stein I •: < . The woik of Dr Griffiths in Ore-, M.ul in the summer months, when wa­ Mountain. The apparent shape ol gon and Washington is in line with ter is necessary for irrigation pur the rocks beneath the valley ami [similar work that is to be conduct­ poses, their scheme would never the presence of warm sprnga seems ed elsewhere by other representa­ have profited anything. to warrant a careful test of the ar­ tives of the department. There is i The ech< tne roughly outlined by tesian condition» of the valley, with a desire, if possible, to formulate the Geological Survey contem­ a reasonable « xpectation of obtain­ [sufficient reliable data bearing on plates the construition of storage ing flowing water. I the range problem to enable Con­ reservoirs ior impounding the flood Professor Russek insists that all gress to take some action looking water of Umat’lla River an«l a wells drilled should be cased with I to the enactment of a law govern­ number of smaller streams in that iron casing ami that the records of! ing the use of the public grazing locality, and holding it in reserve all wells drilled in these artesian! lands as well as a law respecting R taros?. until summer, when it can lie dis­ basins should be carefully preserv­ grazing within forest reservations. hcv ; Kiri. I tributed as needed If the investi­ ed, ami sugg« sts that, in every state i irket. When efforts have been made to h. <|Fcp» 4 gation and surv. ys now in progress in which artesian basins occur, ■ I ip ::n. secure such legislation heretofore, ri iht, M«I;xS on Butter creek are satisfactory, laws should be enacted prescribing replp has been ma.le that there i* ■•f. -Mr and the projtet is eventually ap­ that every artesian weil w ben not not sufficient information upon Ilf lilp.ff' mniv iii.»4 proved, cic ir of ail obst teles, there in use shotilil be securely closed, which to l.ase intelligent action It I». right «'I ’ll oh MIM i» money enough in the r*clanni- that every abandoned «iriliboie iii Is to supply this iiiforni'ition that i. tion funtl, says Mr. Newell, to war an artesian basin shouhi be com-' the department forces have been t. ,v V wfl r. p in iff w rant the prompt letting of «amtrac s ph t ly tilie i with tmp-rvio'ja ma­ scattered broadcast for the coming rthn>»t. • Mr. Newell »ay» that becauee of •rst 9, bariljl terial, and that the ol.»ervance of reason. The importance of the :.p. the controversy over (tie wan r tins- I IWS should be r gor««us!y en­ rang«' problem is realize! by the W W I *< J right» rm toe S. I vies Ri, < r. in I ar­ I - rrtn. Agriculture Depurtimrit. and it is forced : my county, the go» • rnairi ' < ng. also appreciated that the longer it h «'» I»3! ruiii.ina * j rieera will prubaldi pass over lli.it Is l.egie« leJ llie mote s-rious be­ Purchise More Rolling Steck. ri.-.w r;A I comes the problem Hence the ri At *1 project, f.jT the present at .east I -ar htrdM greet activity al this time. ti illffBM^I Private capital, se- tns lo d< ng I h Su tipi» r Vnllex railro.t I ha- old«. I all that lean lie < Xp Ct .]. Ill view fr..in the pu relia-rd I from tl«r <) -< i. Short of the di »«r-''id «■ ««.-- s-’.-p- Lit r fill i.ar ow guag- eq npment arian and canal ngn's **.\ hotel keeper tvnfebing the rna- loti-r cuuipinv and wil. chinerj of a bie ocean steamer work­ ut th» cotti ni» «i <•• tu in«.»-• to poi»rt. to ing in mi£ocean received a mental sng Tè CAN JACK RABBITS. Th • quipment pe«tion that resulted in the mrdern O’ rgmi at once r.”b register.” »aid ( . G. Eakin r ' 1 it - COfflfilfit* of 191 pieci » ai <1 wan • n O ••The inventor of the fir • - i*h Th* j. k rabit canning industry Rtcurrd fir e<>m-thing I ke f-VlOUO -r .-'«ter v as ‘Jake’ Kit tie. a h< t* ’ ’ -*p- ». I orf *• ’ of Da v? rn. (>., according to •’ » n- of Echo ha» l*eit incorporated, ♦ r.* City Times He Aa»«.ntb « :i\ to A Sweet Breath. under tin- name of the American ’’»♦rope sereml year* ajpo. wl.en be w as te-’ to look at the niuchfnerv t>i* H»re <* ('..Id Storage Co. ray* th«* is a never failing sign of a h-althy • H-d the steamer that mp * r. r Baal Or gonian. Th- incorpora­ stomach. When the I Tenth is Lad I ' ' r# him acr .-s the sea. The chief tor* ar- H. C Wil’i», W, H. Boyd the stomach is out <■( order. There I "! U • eer showed t* e bote! man the ap- tie number < f and E R pt-r. and the capital is no remedy in the world equal to Dar»! **« that reci*:*; rev* ’ •*. inn« • f the propeller ■lock i» placed at ♦.*>0,000. Koiiol Dvsfe-p-ia Cure for curing ••‘Why nrMtblrTt :’.r »rime ¡¿ea bea Voder th- authority given the indigestion, dyspepsia and ail r • li ir x t<- keep *»ack <»f a < ath bc - !»■ » itxlitu'i n by tlie incorporation it stomach disorders. Mrs Mary 8 e- tint?’ the hi te! mwr ««Iced. *1 am » n • y way t<> Europe, and »' rre « f mr c, will, a» t« Tiuaine»» < pportunitiea Crick, of White Plains. Kv writ««: e-r,’ : • e* niiffM be r bbinff rre E?rE in ¡£ d-veloi engag-d in the canning "I have been a dyspeptic for year« naif.-n. It I euuhl invent r rr- l.i/e F * and .other | r-paratii >i of other —tried nil kinds of rt medies hut *r l per a r*a«h account I w Pi r . • Y J engag- In a g n-rai cold »forage use <>l Kod»l I tiegan to improve ,,t fit* ”t took an early steamer h- rr.award bu.ioe- Th-company ia making once, and after tskmg a few bottle* hr un«J. prep«’ t in. to engage .y.temati- ■m fully restored in weight, health “The m ¿em ra»h rtfriMer 1« the re- T’ • 5* rally in th. propagation of th- jack and strength and can eat whatever • ■ t 'f *’e >«.pn th* Dayt'ifi hotel f man ra’irht while *af h*nr the mi- «■ rabbit, obich is hereafter to be I like. Kodo! digests what you eat r trery f an -««an •learner. Of off ria •nil unofficially known and make, the stomach .west — e* irrr improremen»« inea E rpjrHfera ire r>a r ,n I. >r-. Burns Druggist». and r » the taire yC J «* mg «hart» A «» ’< f r l»’innly swear that the above statement is true to the besL^>f inv knowledge and belief. N. U. C abvkmtkr , Cashier. Correct—Attest: C. C ummins , il. M. H orton J. W. GEARY, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this ICth day of April 1903. C. li. LEONARD. Notary Public for Oregon (Seal) Cet Our Prices on GOODS e can Save You floney LINSEED OIL LAMP BLACK SHEEP PAINT plaint filed against you ill the above six entitled action within weeks from the date of the first publica­ and if you tion of this summons; to so answer or appear, for fail want thereof plaintiffs will take judgment against you for the sum of $171.76 and .interest thereon al the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 21st day of Our Price on February. SHEEP SHEARS 1903, together with attorneys fees and costs disbursements ol and this a. tion, being the amount of the DECLINE OF THE APRON An Article VI hielt Feminine of I» Now lint Apporci Little Worn In Public. It is about 40 years since the popu­ larity of the apron began to wane. At that time no woman's wardrobe was complete without an assortment <»f aprons for ail «ort> of occasions. A black silk apron was the acme of elegance and propriety, and any non­ descript gown could, by the addition of the black silk apron, trimmed with a few rows of black \elvet ribbon, be dignified and adorned to the utter sat­ isfaction of the wearer, says Wom­ an’s Home Companion. An apron had rather a wide field of usefulness when you consider that it not only ¡»reserved and embellished a new gown, but it aiso concealed the defects, and added dignfty to an old one. An apron was always en regie. The best dress was kept clean by its use. and the daintiness of it repre­ sented all ti e feminine traits. It was a regular banner of the home. To its strings the children were lied. “Tied to his mother’s apron string«!” Contemptuous expression of subor­ dination! And yet so much sept intent attached to it! Whoever was tied to his mother's apron . st rings was com­ paratively safe was in his mol her’» lend. M«-ther’» apron! The bab\ «as relied in it. < hiitii.-b tear« were dried with it. fhe li< lb’Tx.v s u-fd strings for reins, and the litiie girls played princes« »ml trailed it« ample folds behind them, real ladiev in wait- ing to an imaginary queen. Those were «• nle-newoman ¿a V<. Knitting ami needlework were fvin- ¡nine occupations. It was previous to the day of higher education for worn en. It may sound far-fetched to »aj that home sentiment waned with th<- decline of the apron. Th“ latter unit not have been the cause, but it certain­ ly kept pace with it. 1 have the writ­ ten statement of a man to the effect that a snow-white apron tied nestly about a trim waist had power to at tack the masculine heart at its most vulnerable point. After that say there is.no sentiment about an apron! But mar. cherishes sentiment above thing* of which the feminine mind has no conception, and hi» heart has been many times'ensnared in the muslin how that i ied at the bn< k of his sw cet- heart’s waist thi*- bani’erof trie home. The last was about the man of « gen­ But the man nf to-dav eration ago. has the same sentiment latent. Jo*, printing—The Times Herald ’ complaint herein. This summons is published by order ef Hon. II. C. Levens, judge of the County Court of Hnrnex County. Oregon, dated the 27thdn> of February, 1903. w hich order ri- A large stock of Biack Leaf Sheep Dp Always on Hand quires this summons to i>e publish­ ed in The Times Herald, a weeklx newspaper published at Burns, Ore­ gon, once a week, for a period ol The date of the first six weeks. publication hereof is February 28. 1903. ('. A. SwKRK Attorney for Plaintiff's. Religious Services. Services nt Christ inn Hall every Sunday at Scienci . 11 a in ami 8 p in. Service Wednesday even- | ings nt 8. Subject for Sunday I April 19, ‘ Probation after Death.” Rev A J. Irwin Harney the 2nd will preach at Sunday of each 7:3O p. m 11 a. in. and month at We positively guarantee that we can and will suppay gro­ ceries cheaper than any one els? Oregon Forwarding Co Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 p. tn. nt Hartley the first Sunday of each inouï h al 10 Sunday school Ontario, Oregon o'clock a in. On the second, third ami fourth Sunday of each month nt 3 o'clock p in. Preaching ser­ vice • very second Sunday at 8 p m. the At Presbyterian UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT church Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor Devine services the third ami fourth Sundays of each month at II a. in. ami 7:30 p. in. MRS. A JORDAN, Proprietor. 1’4 It NS, OR E< ¡ON Fabbiith school at 10 a. m. every Sabbath morning Preaching service» at the Baptist church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, aixl morning prayer meeting 11 a. in. at every irxod-citicrx. Sunday evening school every Sunday Special Accommodations for Traveling Men. Thursday evening. This lintel is (•(•ntriillv h.cah'd aiul lindi r tin* innnfigonMTt <»f mi I ho building h - l»< • n thoroughly renovated experienced landl<»rr xvrit-r a »pl-nc M h-n nrilering a »inglx ring. *tat- wh-lli-r for man, woman, or child r C onnection i uM’IA I I it, ( xMinr.it, A ( *. WI J.< < >M T, As-i.i \Hiin it J ohn n haia ria I BANK B.l oi l IN, Vit KODOL relieves an overworked stomach ■ • ■ - of all nervous s’rain gives to the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous system and feeds the brain. I n First National Bank OF BURN3, OREGON, KODOL *’ wonderful remedy that s ------------- muning so many si .k pee; e well and weak peepie strong by g.ving to their bodies all of the nourishment that Is con­ tained in the food they eat. Account* ol Corporations, I irnis and Individual Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. rT<«Kminr.r>- John 1» Pi'v. FranC It <‘..HIu. N U < ‘ .«rf-enh r, It J. < i.mmin-. H '• ll otoi., M Ai. : .leler. U in . ................... I VV, li..,rj. Bott:«» x.iy. SI 00 Sir« tirr«< ♦' - trial »re. which M'.isfor S0c. Joiiw, I I'ornas Ihivi». Frtw^ Mir bf t. C. btVITT < CO.. CUICAGO. S/alt nnH Caixty Wr«nH hufhtnl thr marttf Burn» DriiggUt». This bank is Inaured and w ill be reiir.b irsed for any Io»» b> burglary or hold up day or night PENN MEG. SUPPLY CO. Ms.ll» S. Fo»rtb Str»«l. PI1IUDEI PMIA. = LILTFrTT COlapsable Foclcot t • .H >1 IX Xli’MELLEN c A'lbNls * ANTED Burns. — - Oi'g-a Cloudv day» preferred for making -ittings. b » e ritll.ADBLPHTA Photo* fin- fn-t»<«t»n»o«’» procès» ere Plten-ivelv Pirst-cl*»« w. rk and aatisfactiow guaranteed Now I» the time of year von »Ixzohl look after vour blood. OF ONTABIO, OREGON. Ç FORREST BUILDING Go •o H W, Welcome A Co*» and «-t’Saraapnriiia, th» greateal LI'X h I puriti* r. 6 ncr .M AI.EXANIH.lt, Vi. > I’ i r-iioXT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK c UllPIJi STERlOSCOpE CO. inhed in car>x>n and platinum ff'Cte Ttc nr- Step«•<>,«•< q x • A J >|>:«t at um JOHN I» PAI.Y. l‘i;rsmr»T Thr |-ni .rt! •/<•)» wBI» the Mrorjr« »» V • || • • o*» •) h rk h r-’l-« «ri »liver «»e« •rf«»l>»» * '«■ >»«♦•»•»• ln< .0 V. F FhwI • \ <. » ..f •-» rm >. oxi’t *i on Hrul e»ef) where in let'er form. V \«‘Oi>iiht- <•! < *< »rj »<>!;« t i< »1» I iiin- :it»