Schwartz & ^udelsnan ---- ----- -------- I—WW—W Garden sreJs in any quantity atK ok b « d: p .rtu'i city Stu d.-.y, having ruine to attend Wednesday f-’r Ontario an I !' the burial if Mr*. A. McKinzio lur Thursday »-It kb. ù il I II 11. l.'.S lhr< e hundred cal-tish with wliich City where he p * on busiue* II •A.a'it’ ' pl t"e Sundae evening Dus.-making by Mis* Hopkins i to slock Silvi» * river, provided will be absent ten days or 1-" . is! id ■ : M> : ; • v. }••. ‘n- Local News. enough money could be raised to at the home of her brother. weeks. ■ d ir. our last i« lie. pay the expense of conveying them Mr. and Mr*. Grant Thompson W. J. King was in the city Tues I here. Mr. Panish t ok the n alter dav. were up fiorn Lawen Thursday. up at once and the amount has J. A McCune took hi* dt parture been raised with the exception of a Easter Dyes al IL W. Welcome ¡ Tuesday for his home al Weiser, I f.av dollar* and' th’ project is as- a a ■v C>. Idaho. : isured. Tho Tiines-Heraid com­ Mrs !!■•• ltlevii- i* suffering from : I Tents, wagon cover*, stockmen's mends Mr Parrish for hi* effort* ■ tonsilitis. canyas btd covers and camp stuvis and in a few years all our people A. K, Richardson was in the at Geer & Cummins'. I will have occasion to thank him. .« city Tutrday. /B urn —To Mr. nnd Mr*. LN. *« n /Link Hutton, tii" Wngontire i) Buy your garden seeds al Hughet in this city Sunday. April stockman, is over on buriness V'.ogtly A' Kenyon’*. 5, a boy. EASTER OFFERÌ CS bile we have nothing es­ pecially new in the line of goods this week, we invite a compari­ son with oiliers as to style, make and i >ri. < We iysglad I to show our goods. , We are now showing some of th(‘ nobbiest shirt waists to be found, also ladies’ ties and stock I È collars, men’s ties, hats, shoes, ■ ? etc, at right prices, too. • lOur made to order suits lor men arc most popular and satis- fac lory. Ask our customers in regard to them; you will find not rrA; J the best be-si ci dressed, but the £ only happiest anc! best pleased men in Harney County. We have CUT THE PRICE of Wo* l Blankets and Quilts. You can buy now and save money >■ I will stand until Juiy 1st, tha following Stalli :: : a Dazzler, Broutu* Inermous or Brome F Crowley was .-ein on our Ed Jordan was circulating , liras* seed fur sale Geer A' Cum- streets Thursd iv. among his old friend* a few days munin* * this week. Extra quality w hole Cod Fish ■ Order yotir clothe* from Friedrich J 0. Bunyard was down from for family use nt Huston's. jP thi Tailor, he know* how to cut Cow creek one day thi* wick, lb Mrs C A. Byrd ha« received a S 1 and make them fit. 'informs us farming ba* begun in portion of her spring millinery. Ml i Ql Win. Altnow. the well known that section. Alva Spiingvr spent a fi w days »” stockman of Otis crejjk, was a call- Mis* Gladys Hopkins i* prepared in our city this weejc on business M:er nt this office yesterday. to do dress making. She is located Geer it Cummins have something ’“I W. L Best and Eil Laughlin, ac­ at the home of her brother, V. J. new to say in their ml. elsewhere. companied ly their wives, came in II qikius. (’. A. Spurlock, one of the ranch­ from Silver ere» k Weiluesday. J.D. Billingaly of Ontario, ar­ er« of Lawen section, was in the The clothe* that Friedrich, the rived here on Wednesday night’s city this week. » Tailor, iiiakia right here do not get I stage. He will be here for several Fine wall p iper mid late styles out of shape after the first rain days on business. > at the Burns I'm i.itnre Company N storm If you want to show y our form store. Price* reduced. a? County Cleik Rieder issued a to the best advantage get your :... J. C. Freeman was in the first of marriage iic« r«e Monday to John clothes made right here at Fried­ the week, having come in as a wit D. Thomas and Mis* Grace Git- rich's, the Tailor. «< tings, both of Drewsey. . ness on land busint *.*. ' N. I'. Carpenter ha* disposed of I- Onion set», garden seed* and hi* intereats in the Electric Light, z Mrs Simon Lewis was quite sick the past feiv day*, having been at­ garden cultivators nt Geer & Cum­ Ar Power Co Tim other members tack! d quite suddenly on Wednes­ min*’. ( all and see goods and get ()f (|lc company bought his stock. day night. The lady is improving. prices I»» fore vou ' uv. I / , i j /“Mother” Bowen i* ut present N.'thing builds up th’system M <■ :ir <■ agent* for\\ . L. Dougla* «topping nt the Oregon under the Men« Men* ?2 “'2 átl 50 Í3.0G -. 3.OC $3 -’3 50 mot amt ■'?-! 00 cue of Dr. Marsden & (ieri rv. and give's new life better than meat and malt, The best ran be Shoe*. TI ■ e Best mi erirtir II» r eM s having become very bail hougat at II W. Welcome A* Co’s Scliwm lz A Budt-lrnnn. again we are sorry to state. John H ush was in the city a few J< i.kins mul family came ¡ Wall paper furnished and put on days this week, having just arrived their Hiippv Valiev home the wall for so much a toll, accoid- home from Missouri where he spent Titesday and wtre guest* at the ing to qiial tv. bv the Burn* Fur­ the past winter. John said he en­ l'othig - i few duvs tliÌH wet k. niture Company. Call and ste us; joyed himself w hile there mid hud Geo. Tuekcr and fmiilv in j we iiiii save you money. plenty of sweet potatoes, 'po*r uni town from ITuppy Va'! y. (J. orge Mr* t'lias Newell has been very mid persimmon*. He left for h s inforni < u* ih d he lliinkingof nrik- low the past tew day*. Her physi­ IL'ippy Valley rain h Wednesday. ioga tiipto Britifh Columbia this cian. Dr. Burrow, report* lu r im­ «umi.ii r tu lo >k ori r timi country ' CALL ANDSEE THEM proving, however, and her friends fn»tant ntti iul nice at her Led doctor h ila. enjoyable visit with boyhood a»*o *ide. We urc glad to state the Li lie tail' Hi .era di (Termi ciate*. but was very glad to g't lady is sumo Letter mid her physi- frolli..i I <>i her p*ll*. back t > Hnrnev Valley. eians are hopeful of her recoyrFV. weaken the sy-lem, Idlther Tudor was quite s< ri'".sly tome lo I lie ,i«*m-« |,v a uii-ing I In* F or H ath — I will sell inv half hurt Wedneulnv by a lio-.-e falling s'ir't'oi* ni d i<--,«»• ii>,< ih" I vi r i nt ere* I in th* black - mil l> « hop ami on his left leg while working cattle , Io ib".fu1! tie I i" umico of it a fun' - tool* “itu il'd on «outli M.I'U «(reel. He waa brought to thi* citv and lion* natur i v.— Burna I) ugg «H h I* o the whole of tin- lot tog*ther| Dr Mars'len made an examination with in v r- «id. nee prop'•' v with' and touiid one bone broken in the EX Ei I 1 RIX' NOTICE. two lots. W' ul I like to t’ude for1 left leg. Dr* M*r*deii A Geary Notice i* hereby given that the stock or sell for cash- reduced the fracture. underdgi e I ex.cutrix of the estuti Hrant K* person. Since the balmy days of sp iog of John W. Jone«, er that Voeg Il (' In ven*, Judge the County I uce and Lottie Peterson, Justice tlv «V Kenyon c trrv not only gir- Court of H irin ’ fouiilv. Oregon, Miller | erforiniiig the ceremony. den tool-, and firm tiri 'h cerv, M> i day th'- i'h dnv of M » |'."i ; The ci.ntraiting parties are reai- Was appo..'till uh the ir ohp unique window display which is a rough trip ha'.mg <■ urn by ttay ti(Hm to «nid report.if any they have. very appropriate for Easier time. Dated this 4th d»V < f Aprii 1!W>3 of Prir.evilb. and Silver Lake, arid A large willow basket partly fil'eil El MA A. JoFg*. came i-, on the northern stage from Executrix of e«t. of J W. J 'ne», with rgg* i« so placed on its «id* Pr'.slav—Lakeview Herald. deren «ed. a* to appear it ha* lipped over and W e would be mucn pleased to show -you our line cf dress goods uitable for Spring. Some very beautiful j- things in Organdies, D’mities, Lawns, Per­ cales, etc «^”.-4«r . 'ew-xarr--.«*_- .--a «wwau. House i'hai:ii g tin ■ is near ut I and ll.e g. ■! iioiise keeper will be considering the proposition of a new car­ pet and a change in the wall paper. Our new line of Carpet and Wail Paper samples are ready for inspection We can quote prici * that cmix-t lu 'p but pl- «■•. The patterns in loth carpet and wall paper are I'.lj.l. and a* we handle only I y «ample, cor pri<' - >•<■ m b lower than where a large is irive-teil, Pi i le- it iv. . the pnrehnst r a large e-sortno i t trom which to ch v.*e. BOYS’ SUITS Besides having a large ass.ortm.nt cf suits f r men w.- hive s me vety handsome stales for the br js. YVe ir.v te mo hets to inspect them. I hey are w 11 mod ■ and hav the wearingqualilies. A number ci styl- to choof e from. Ah o Hats, Caps, Shhts Underwear, bhocs etc eLOVHS^. Our men ard bojs clothing is worthy of inspection. The cloth is mad: by the be t mills and the garme.-fia made by experienced tailors. Th: "MOUNT HOOD" Shirt made in Oregon bv white labor. They give sat iation—that’- why we carry them. Try one and you wear no other. UNDERWEAR FOR SPRINC AND SUMMER. D-’" 1 gite- « Il «< i j o’l reduc’d to *11 : pT year Thi* p-iq. — ron i« f > I mi cui Ml. 31«' —do i "t de'ii V — sei I u- Ml - ' i I - ige at ni ce ¿nd you will receive th» D-- ' n •> v t.v mail one year. STANDARD PA 1 1 r.RN-- lire the Lest. Curt & little mo-e, but It w ' j IV y u to use them. CROOERÍES O uf lite cf Crccircs teoft-t be cxce’kd We cunt ycj to gi/e us yojF Spr rg crdcr. We can grease yea. Call 3cd get prices. Cur s’oek is complete. MAIL URPLRS SOLICITED 8CMWArv hi* eon Dalton Bigg* ha* lioughl • the C. replete with atli.tic design«, and wh > ha* «lient the pi«t ten I’. Rutherford farm jn*t north of the latest weave* nnd most rear* traveling over all part« of the thia city Mr. Rutherford ¡eft beautiful coloring« Our Je- w -t arid the It "ky Mountain», Thurwlay for the «rake river «ec­ /•»//• j *»/ the tasty anil subdu­ hat lieen under the ear» nf physi­ tion to look for a new location. ed effect« so popular with care­ cian« f>r several we«-k«. «offering Th* Judge and bi, estimalde fami­ ful dresser*. Our O^rrinlhtl; from chronic trouble. The old ly bare Been resident« of thi* «ac­ kte«t style* and perfect til; gentleman i* a very interesting tion for many year« anti their many ( l>e»t work inansliii» and finert and genial f-lluw arid the friend« friend* will lie sorry to learn of quality at I<>«<-*1 price«. he ba« made in our citv ar» sorry their contemplated removal t > eari^r fnll n/ierltj he is confined to hie bed. We hope other porta. However, the l>e»t FRIEDRICH. THE AII.OR, tn eee him filly recovered in a wi«he« of their neighbor* «renrnpv- Burt»*, Oregon. •I - rt lime. ny th»m. mtmmmumnnu . "nr nr ;; C ¡ " ",f .. .. Winters li, Kaladar, Dock ' ’»<>< ib'i '■ f: til Look for dcsei ioti u J ¡mi !ici: ' ' n s iic.vl ir< < k For FediFrci s amJ further ¡ o: li •/.' ' . rs coll on or a ild". < i isi< i g el Sum- mi r Die.- Fabrii * in IVe will lie pleased to have you ill i n u* be or’ purchasing nr.d e x a min" oti r gned a ml a.- ire you court u* tr. .lint ut and proc pl alt; utrm. N. BROWN & SONS. Tho Pioneer ?V2erch inis of H arney Co 9OQ9O*)O(*e ««eoe j m ** o o o M u & o o • Q o r» O ('om ‘ in and see us about your F cl rm SVIachmery., Carden Toofe, Etc, WINDMILLS, PUW/-S, FLOWS. /) ¡H 7 <77r/ '/ bai/il ■; U VOEGTI & KENYON A Mew Line of DJNÎtMC CHAIRS and ROCKERS HANDSOME MIDROBS, ItJtO.’J 3EDS. Children’s Iren Beds Ccn'cr Tables, Ccm- modes, MatttCFses Pilots, Lenolium, Kitch n Gil Clo h 7 I L i'< «t designs in Wall Paper Com»* in nut] Fer i> * ’ Xt w I h i I it r I i v i BURNS FURNITURE CO, ' ^¡9» S I H o n ¡¡to l.atwit add Newest Things Vù.rr, / I F O> a THE TIMES-HERALD Gives ail the Io« ne^'s Job Prtvdn?;.