Coaaly Court STOCK-TAKING SAI .r— DISSOU TION NOTICE About the 1st ol March we will begin taking Mock |h, that tin>e will dose out ninny useful articles for q W Less than the Articles Cost. Ts Cslcbrste Aasivtrsary. DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Planet Jr. Seeders, Cultivators A Sweet Brealk. JOHN GEM BEHLING CONTEST NOTICE OPPOSITE THE I' T IE CAPITOL BARBER SHOP ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ’'«’H.TPts NOTICE ----- RESERVED FOR«— FOR PUBLICATION MILLER & THOMPSON.Bu EOPI.E who read this will undoubtedly profit by it. It is row duty to yourrelf or to your family, to get your medicines and drugs St 1 he City Drug Store, because everything in that line is ot beet quality, inannf.ictnred by the most responsible firms, and dispensed with ths ® most, lacing care by experienced and paofieient pharmacists. i some a|,o keep |n stock at all times a lull line of toilet articles, V* perfumes, pocket b oka. pocket memorandums, stationery, school snp- iplies, school books, candies, nuts, etc. Alsu trusses, syringes, au pen* sories, bandages, plasters of all kinds. 1 I- Al w i’- £/ F C vawiï * A number of guitars, banjos, violins, and a fine upright piano Your patronage solicited. Siulh Main St, Burna, Oregon S AG’T FOR EVERY PERIODICAL PUBLISHD. ® A portion of your patronage soliciten. " earte. | CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE We don’t want the We believe in living and lat lie,. THE CITY DRUG STORE. H CT). HORTON, Propt , Burns, Or, ' ...ANU... CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL HOTEL ONTARIO. FRANK SMITH, Propt. The large« and best equipped hotel in Malheur county. The rooms are large and comfortable. Table service the Best. First-class bar in connection. Up to date................ HEADQUARTORS FOR HARNEY CO. PEOPLE. S ummer N ormal S chooi HORSES WANTED TRISt H A DONEGAN Proprietor» Burns, • - Ontario, Oregon.