c> I JIlC iilUCS-MlCVilill. i”U' ul",l' i ‘ ! 1,1 A Great Newspaper F K E- F A the late volume, has been rclipsed by that of Robert L* ATI’KHA Y MA I'J il .S IVOr representative crs. 'I lii; Missouri Eegivatuii: lias enacted a law making stealing a felony. chicken This should give the Northern iepublican pi­ pers a good text foi long-winded editorials on th" disregard of the S .iitli for the rights of its colored 1 While the East Oregonian de­ of politics feature which d ..rsely discusses the suc­ cessor of a public before olili al Itis sFx kness t il.es i ven a serious turn, yet in the ex ent of Scotitoi tl>, no higher honor Mitchell's d could ionie to E.iltern Oicgon than the ap| o ntiiu iit >'gL 'I. 1’ ..11 Wall \\ ali i. I j vivaci >ui.” Yolanda ii nearly two class, by authors of national rep­ utation. yeais old, an l fears no one Imt Slii- 't mu»:.', a l.igh-i la< ., P°P- I her English govercss. idar song, i» furnished free every, Sund il in the Republic. In tins month 65 years ago ■ a< The prim of the Sunday Rc- 0 EANahd K1VEI! ( iiEBl Li hot n i.t a v.llage of Soin 1 set, hii e, publii by mail one year is Ip ; OO I Î nm Porfían i England, John llenry Brodiibb, l or sale bi all news deah r-. bettei known to the world as Sir i p. «i I Icnrv ii 1 mg. H,s n.uiiv place START A BUSINESS Ok YOUR 8 p tn liamlvt is a little out-of-the-world six miles from the nearest iiil.xnv and the house of l.is nativitv, w ith an advertneinvnt for somebody’s visitor teas, is pointed out to the A leai mil meilical si ienlist rises The last Irvingite rcnc disappear­ lie has a sme ed from the vd.age a few yens line foi St. Vitus dance, another ago w lien a gentlviiKin puixhast d submits that he has found a spe­ the robes in which lite ador w a • to announce that cific for leprosy, and a third < ausu 1 einai ks that ally Ii s from anything I e < an 1 me bubonic to plague by stimulating th ■ pituita­ ry gland. In the meantime the citizen who has a . .'<1 in the lie.id contiim 1 to sneeze anil Militili- along in the old way, ami not a inedii al si ienlist can do a thing Telcgiam. toi him. christened. Governor O'Dell of New Yolk M t::.n..< tt a ìj . J i 1 Hier. Or. gi n i n., fl'lli 1:. 1 \\ j_. -I. lading was present the other day at the heating of certain charges against Sheriff Kaiser of Eli.- lOUlltl. lie as1.cd one witness if l.e had ic- ceived anything for working hand-hake,” was for the ' j; ; ■■■ “Only ; the il.inr.iatic ticket. WUldmcttr IU it . 4 ttO p li. I’..ri' jnd (’nrv.iilis " ir -.lai I .<1 W .y Liu.7 g« 'I l ui- A S»t. r,o YEAns’ eXPEtiltNCC reply Lent e j uve “naVr " Irrr !.. xx ,■ t I pa ! ii 2u a in i:; ni.i 11 ki x\i«'.’i. » .'tu i n b., I.. hi V. -JLÌ. v E l 1 l'lur ’s all am body i an get out Triase M arss D esigns ot politics," slid the <» verm 1 Ti e editor of this slu et is lying CcevniGiiTS &.C Anyone tunnllng n skrlr’i n: I ■ • cripf > >1 nmv gloomily I 1 answer to a similar qi;,.,K'v nt»,«,rf'itti r i • < pi: inti 'i''«- -.li i ti <■; an on his ba. k with etile little pains y i 11 >n ta i ’ ' 1 • question .inoli.er witness said wi h I in I'm* 1 !••••• • : .-'ll Z f t " '" t I' . • 'It-. I* .'.•• T4 I I ■ • ’ . • emphasis. “ I am a < kinmr.it ” tf>f •off n ti -e, W it I Hl ! ( il ; : his spinal stairw ay, and all ovvi Sai I Mr.O'D II: * l lieix- is rias .11 his darned system, and with a to believe that you arc not al ne, A ItandHotr ly ti' t«t 1 ' 1 temperature of 180 degree i above i-nitti.iti i t mi . • i. it : t'lllf I '.'l‘ 4 1. 'll' .... I.-; for allottici gie.it man made the 4 •rr.'tr ÜNN - tlie .sea-level. And he (. els allot t same remark on one occasion.” in mui h like waiting slush (01 tins P a < W’l lien with the gaps feels like dam ing the < all-can. So il any of you readers think I wiite going to am am thing jovial this week you arc going In get Thitigs dun't I h 111 ci at. The tiuest wisdom iy a ns ilu'e detei mination. Coal I as lie. n discovered i 1 the x'.islcrn p.ut of the county inion- sideiabl ■ up in Ih's James A. < i.u tield. Cherokee up. miglili badly fooled. Imn woildimlil somt'bi'dy lurns thein quantity, and report» keep ii clu ig ui ot the li le pros- p its I ail by scvir.il parti's. I lie coal indications seem to be gener­ Nepoleon t. 1 lie crovviiing loi t une <1 a mm is tu be l oin xxiih a bias tu s. m. purs'iit, whicli liiiil» Imn in ploy ment and happinxss n ‘ ; ’ !\'..',ys close 1, th ! U: . jr-.;» i t’.c meat urn- I« ' th« n iHh eky r t. t». : fer n tdu.jci !▼•-'. Kt m u C'-.- jv l;s Vidi j p .-»r.r: ra MÍ‘ir:.» ¿ith nî’t»: : nr Ilf a", a ; utt cr p”• udder:*’ r f son. A..- - ' • M arlin F.ac Aah MSWN Heppaet from the mill, and extends foi a until development work will com in. ncc on tin-.' worse than nothing _■»• , Sidnci properties, and Smith. when it does we piediit that this «• m ,’, '■5- * ' . N ili lloil't do e. bill’ wllilh counli will lake liei p'aee among isn’t min fot', fot ci ioti il", the 10 d p o III. ng sei lions of th.' y n.’ll lai y iii - c II spi irli u’ rollini \\ esl. Ci 00k k < u l \ Join n.il. tu thè k.inaili, figurativi li spx-ak- iu'. Tbeiets a I'lli. lit bai.lwaic stole.».11 s an exclum-e Ile compì ened stolli.ulte, ami ,1 <>f paio in bis -mgi.al opera­ JLJáAIj pill-lilt, is lle'qu.dili of alienti in .lexer 1 Fi» ilut. ly Pl Ilf. ami will 01 I B EtH ait other Lea l . O o c o o • m iki i s awl, six more th.m xlomg xx h a iiilx.m'o and oii < Imlf ounci s 'l x oil g'a»s ami . w 11 c 1 li tei .d>< ut 1 In x e do, without a ll.ou^’il oi l i ne. e • a • e»Mtc ' J? • ■ s I h >< in Ile» loti;. Ite li.ul (..limili pei l i .ned t!>. ilagg' i »w<.llan /«' e . 6 mm ! .fr.o’. re' ».,/ C„ r c n o O <» V» - s • - - a vaco W \ vrr î » Ti. t t v < . th y x i n \ xi ■Mk n t«» tr.iV' . ai u ;v- íi ¡-< fo vi. t l. l» l*l'vd I «HLFc rf Fi'îpj fl Citiia. - ‘ > • ■;«i ' ¿7 '• a y< :»r ; n i » x ¡ « n-» •* a l j :» \ a le in i n»h. X o • • X. • iu r< n • i.- < o «'Frit :««blrt * ••« d »i ve’- pe M.n.1- r CiZtou lUIg Chicano mg bx .icxidviit. Aeytlrug I baie hi 11, begun is intem­ I am not HJWMO MMM. FMM-. .T « . WHO, ZDuc £2seel er, ZSxxetic' e.n.cL ^’'lcoxing' |WI li>xn«hl|i mnk<.« • Then he adxh-xl “lie < nlu’l i alt han f.»ix a,” »itigl * »»rnp|.‘2\‘ ]«»>r xxiit r Wlwn r.l, » • »iug!.-ring, »lat» ahtlhrr form» woman, or child PENN MRI. Si ¡‘BIA CO. X» IH f. > s«r:i S.-V.-I. •“ ’t i ■ p rably i ot onl SHI g , nlcde e'» • ettr. . ■ i . : i : . 'nding sketch an 1 deseiiption of M.t 4 ||>P in }tf: \ ion free concerning the patent- . x t „ , , '-arf.,' f, • ' lu «i» ability of same. “How to Obtain al’:.'. ’ sent upon reqnc t. Patents ■ iCti .• .1. ul .y i , ¡. ;¡. k 14 1 er r i ( r..pis| seem 4 through v t advert Led for salo at . .• expense. • " K e . , 1 JU'j ft. il. .f f . ¡I P : cut taken o t through us receiv • r ' notice, without charge, in 1 . • » . Tut: i ’. it - v r k: -.inn.an ilbi tinted J ■' ’.y circulated journal, consulted ■ ;í' : N ' 'I b-ci. W> i ‘i;t.;.<, by Manufacturers ri d Inv. »tors. ‘ ,• tr “431 '■ *• . ■' h . : ur; ►. • • ■ ’'J Send for sample copy Fir EE. ATI it - s , r: i . . t >J ri ¡; m irli ear. !wo uik .< | t»x. c i.. VICTOR J. EVANS &, CO., "» g i Kiitv. Bur; n, cuttle, < n left (Patent Attorneys,) '•pm.u uiit.vi it in « tu ii «; . »i d bi jaw. Evans Buliding, WwSmNCTOM. D. C. J i' I i. k«-i f. r. N’nrr.'V. h. In rms tfi L '¡.v; ' h H> v , bur th;u i-h iiui.t < ini «*• s !• u i.er; n »rk, u < «.TLit ii. (i.ih Drtti.i eti on !cíl píele unci hip K. p'-S’iz. Nrtror. a, horse«. R sroa ; • • unit- « :i k-j lif|> «.r fi- w.lt*. ' '" ii e .r. < ew lup . it brifket. 1» ! inne.i), t«t Puri «, hoiscr. <1 Ertali • Kit..-; » «i tl m.n.e . n h ¡ ¡ ip: ■ n ’. ¡ h ii tar, ui.utr blvpe in right, ui ARE I f'i. h. r!•<■«. J-' on f : ’ige ere 1 • V. : • X h , a;tie. t < l ‘ «• » vr l.:ti; < r. p in ‘ < lv 1 J W I i_gR, I nn F. ¡1.TF. F. Of. . ’’ 1!- i?e A î DEAF? H ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE BOW CURASLE by r I- XX '.nienti..!'. O:;'.v th- se km xleaf are incurable ' t : .b îdHi 8.. ' i . f . 1 • «• • ' ' A r . t< - . r b.p. .u • rhLtr I R, HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. - ■ F. A. WERMAH. OF BALTIfrORE. SAY3 i , 1 r. e . B altiitobe . Md March 10. TOOT J *r< eitmem : x,-. new rve J-™ Jit.-hlf.-.rUsauto-.-.r .rJtl; .k.rlc.nc.mi;r^otv unti: I l«t ' ,"rh ’7 ,1KC,„ ' " '.. ' y ie'- « •» . . .'...I.u ' . i tu .i x w York t- ner. and ordered vour treat- » ■ . '.' - -r- .in«:-. ». the „’^'^1 "¿4 '■ ° x'-;V. re.torxd :..h L.., 1 X ESMAX -J.S Broa.lwiy B-.lumoreMJ. inter;, ,- ,ritl, ,,nnr «««.rf orrMiwrfton. i ’. v . e • t '... ni " i' i «< k • • ; . f ► - •U UI. : .ik a. • "’n '*■ l’on left türk-; <6 ’ U gl.e-t ci ali in Le..-: .a^ rewer.—I.-. .: U.S. C tn’: K. c.t n t« ARf\ AHP HAi’ViEI SOPA in pa .’ t ».■ «• ; p fo>> T t T(rt< a-U ' r sr-ccr tvarrw»- rt Wuwfcr Ins sMIC -ao- - t esfCirT': -T .. — Ila*! Ut 1;’ ■■ >• '^■"1 . n ’ e. ! n S.mw úrk . t>r *rfi X>ìl n .< ft esr. ua t.eon left jaw eeí d .eft «h.-uher . » * ill « •i-H »t» f !.'mh.l p niiiax in a b .x w.ek- Eli 1er». >1 Sli.iw gi airly repiteti: “I . ncx- I*.' the u«e uflhi» ring <’x»l > g.- 1‘rrsiil. i knew .1 tellixx tv I o limiteli (ox. » bv • Ilxl Uo.tr t» <>f Kl.i.' x’ini. ¡n E.ll w tth a brass bud.” Here the •i>4 Ararnea. t -i t • »».il n 'ni fxir II ivi secretary pauwxl aiti I > .kexl oxer innort Comi eneral i 1" 1 I r. "IHI. und i ha f crop in ngi & ' ,px i x m i es tn vest ig it ¡.ti. I. c Grmit. Purno. Horp » hip; raille, Hip sirup , . <1 zv. n un boll» hipp; t U!; ,rl.. ami underbir in tm h i . ‘ ‘ 'Ua»- JB M Fenub l-, Buri r. ¿ ■ a! liaron l.-p shoubiv. la’i'ê i tarM.arka, t«.. unra-rEjis eg('k?¡ b’umb d bar T un right at,,- ** half < ri p in left tar. J II I ino.nl, B'in,». mark», < r«»|. ott left ear -na lo, P Wither«, Hurt cy. b. rn. <:lr It ft bhouJder; cuir r . i ... either hip: curniark*. tn ;. - bit lerlit iu ieft. >:artin Brc«.. Bur»»«, < Hn)e - ». o tul l u» on either hip. , ¡T6*! righi ear. Fwallov. f,.|¡¡ jH |t.zt 8rk,-ns‘ jaw; ulHr Fonie branded ■ ir l¿k, .__ «» i. -hi --h »'Ker. 11 « h ecause " " "''tizi !• rought IS COUI >r«x IM dei ha i i rop in . ■ |,,. are I« u i> iUiiii.'K. rii . ■ . lined i < i; linen « t 'I'l . . . .'I i • ■ i .' 1 i:: ,.:io of the finest boilu s of l’irie »lid l'ir Iiiuber il. ■ rn O, . i.. I . p "pii, i"ts h.i'.s; „ri 1 i.o < xpci se to put ti e read in in .".X.I'I , A ]| »;. I ild . .1'1 I', recxivi' j ron. | t at tel .tten < p '■ -luiib. i: im«. i,..r. eerets «’<•• I" i ■ :i . „ An ' X'-i lb ' t i|i::.kl'.' f ah kii.ds of lun.lt r ahvay t> <,h laid, l'r lur- ■ ' ''' Ii""' •- S'" - 1.1" ' ist nt - ... M,|.. . '» r i .f- i ai .'¡.»ii i n; oi. or ieblrr -» ' i reesei 'T' ’ -11 k, ,tli lough KIM’. S AYElt. I’lopii t I- Ihnmi, Oregon. " • >" ; 1 " ■ '«..r.. luusu i. ' . . - . ' I * iat. al ' '• “ : ii II a i: i ms g ; . rpi„| ' i r lliuherf.irrt. I nrr«. , ,i:lu -'xain >i'k. uii '. it in i, r. k“„: .-»ir L on .en ah ;t' t'iliíkct. Si;"P oppomtr* obi Brewery V» i: Smith. I h -. ». ratti».. yîon Sut »fncion gurar.teed mark, «piti in rlMht tar. wa !e.»tit<'»‘ '.11 v.i'iA ", : > x. : b i cit.i''»» ai d ei-;'it;■ at.d i-oerroii ia ’« [; ■i ;er hail » i. p, it rfgh*. ■ ’ '• ' ; R F. ' n:: t: .n .. J. .. 'A ;:z. I. purria, h . . i.: " :.ght 1 11 •' >| ; i. Hin, < r. | . uiipir.il ‘ i * :i-h. r.ir Ir o .'.'i.. f . I urna, rau’e. ■ usrtftf ?rin, MAIN ST.. BURNS • ! ■ r _ r r• s tu .ci r aI« •' v ¡ \ lit . ! . !H 1 , 71 hr ! Wag . n wo: k done i.i a sa: i-f.ic'orv manner. All .a di rs gii et • b I''. * ar i I. ot, len t] » k.tiBùdi • t . lit.i.er si,.pc ii: rig u. i alici.:i 111. H i !i;. i: ! Ur; ». }>.,)> Hi zoinbir.fij ft'." Give him a etili. ' ■' " - ■ i »-<: t- i i.- : R. i'.-- ■' ...r e ha xpeei 1 P mt 1 1:. ' ■ " i k i. b. ppoil A General Rankin«; Business Irursectctl .. I I i. CALDWELL, IDAHO 1 "HE HI H. «t lini»' t II l mil. l«< indent •a ed Secretary of the ■ I" Ti canil V Sa,xx if he intend xl RESKÄ S ^runge l.t.t.g'n', n^Lcixld.ing’- Is i li thè ex w -r iper» b. g ni Io Nell «I M UM X II»' oms 11 .11.,, tome h ttrrt. Zeo-CLgll Z-.vixxiToez, ' 1MTfBUiT1lou CA,( CURE IfOURSELF AT HOME —X’.T*- w \i .in BURNS SAWMILL "!>■ trr. f'„. „I x». a stauet, cmmm I'.- > ju »I «nd Uth.rw -e »tailing TitiFütntrts CA5R RACKET, Or.tr.rio, Oregon. mer.t. t Lx unti) he bxxaaie poutixelx perate in In» eating Pelli ips thè until it gold ime would d > limi go.sk lai s m. Y oi k a l nung i < xx 1 ..»!• h th" valili» we are giving in SHOES and ' I m i. I UNl-ERWEAIl » I ‘tlglc’lx'XX itimi m a , ih u», ind thè l..s c l i a luud.1 aie xli.'l givi T’hSL SB ii MACHÍNE CO, ; 'OAhAAY. J a-tory, N. . York. BELMDEKE. ILL. V.X.V^X.W.« • wwv The ones 1 vice ible, safe, I iin, h mmieialive,att.iinablc qu . - Hl melili studi and , Yon iÓ Ai ti inus \\ ,u il put one han.I to anything on whuli ti.. 11 ili ■ ii ci ed in h s iute* i n 11 ì I i. nil throw mi whole seti, cupe! '.ii'ss, |i b'.idv» of sin i.l k hai le« I)ii k. ns. peliknixc», ipsi icwsof xario is l iic ta'cni ot MKxi'ss is ti th.ng s'Zes, |i p.n-point“, 1 c-emhluig lliosc of a xtL, St ” in - to .1 . irrespective ..: in..,'. C ’ cue tells you wt.j. V, rite for one. New ill .1 who in a ham.in York hospital KC3« iih^'iuu.:,t.,,. Ourf'.". Nel er desert lour line of alent. c.mntri distance Be w hat n.Hin e intended \ ou for. of pel hips JOO im'es, varying in and 1 01 \\ il! succeed ; be nin thing width. I is oid\ a m liter <4 time else .mJ loll will l e to.COo tl 1 < s al h — --- ------------ , JOE TUPKER Sdentici column .is a .. .'.'U-". ... : i."ib". ' XX Y.. M. , '“M; HHA.IMAM, Kl. ‘ -x o II llB -ey. Pur- -, , , 1 x. i li ll‘. l'.i.r.i 't :• A " x • j , ’v I" re fur 10c M my articles cm <*ur 10c counter, I ring 25c in ■ . î j • . , | t,, ( | . ;.jr . v l eu ' "il can il" ns well ai thè \\ I,.. ; ■ . |______ , r Ito ne Semino Maritine, IVI.x ; ai ■« .■> 'ir ,7'> fo no beit'Jr ■' _■ • ■ (•...................... < ohi Dili I a Hirer M» uaierM. T., • -• • i » «na Vi .,v Lui.difigj». Willamette River. (). -g"ll I'll. 1 .’id p tn • rg Sal, ni ui'i V. y Ex, pt L. i..i i ; j -. Sun'lay. / .V />/. OWN. 8[>. ni Jio.vr.Y'Lx Sull Our ru w book t ntitled ‘ M aki <» I deas worth in v.f j i t ii - Sut'ii't y 10 p. 11 gint-s ( It t- Ili 5011 what to do and how to du it n. tn I'lX". 11 •• « iüh v < e .I iu • t d.i Sui.4 ix anil we will send you the bonk, and :■ | Valuable ui'H.thiv V» un ii < ne \< ar fr« • , C enti it y I ìijlisiiing C o , i><>x 73. H eron L ake . M inx . , ► ' i»'.. i.'TM., Ull.h» . K ]]"niclì‘Stfr Bij!!’................ <5 , H) ,/ said of her is th it Boise News. argains I iree-t -.ilv.iiiize'l xv.isli tuli 95e; J p I ■ avis L.'l • ep to 50 j p ,] I l.opi . tn *1 -la; elmi» koife lOe; Ideid Meat ,1 ti,, Bre.nl II nsi-r» 7' ■ !'!'• e:mh; 22 in men' fit«» g<>. 4 l.at'.i! saie !»•'<•; Nickel fi lini • t, J iipinre 0!)c; (i.-riii.in xxo. h xi'iiiriiii'l Ib.y il (irai.iteli ' r.r ; 1 get Poll’s »ad ir, : « il 2d; aa t.'i '.. <1 1 ing a Piincess, the worst ever cartoons aie by tin; I est artists • p tn C14 M»«a >r .fl 1.1 % N K V 1: l> Baker in the Baker i.s the new new directory. í G U S »