1 know P iud twmer- »j* STOCK HOLDERS MEET. have about as mudi use for that cially; that Or« / m surrendered uf reoru > - publish- 1 portage railway as a clunaman u ,„ fc , Lu........p...- an. . -no Stock holders of the Citizens . has for a cue—both mighty handy pose»—to her .¡»ter stau- on themed in Busine-s College incorporation met SATURDAY. ZEBKCAKr JI. litó newspaper published at Burns, Ore- j for some other fellow lo take a at the college halls on the 26lh ins* south, years ago, and th“1 gon, once a week, fora period of. ! hold of and use as a lever to beat — ìlaiagffr This was the first annual meeting our recognition of y ou as our “dad of the first one to death with. But then this of the incorporation. Th" meeting pohtically, all our albgience ends; six weeks. The -- date . y • turn to publication hereof is February zo, pait uf the state is not considered was well attended about tbree- ■ that we are cumpe.led to The establishment of a half­ C. A. SwKKK a part of Gregon any way, so we fourth» of the stock being repre­ • our foster parent f>r ibe neces.-ary 1903. Attorney for Plaintiffs- | million dollar packing plant in aie kicked arid knocked around sented. A friendly spirit existed I means uf support She who pays Portland means much to the for our t-eef —r j without any regard to justice.— and tho business was transacted in usMimuaily ranges of the Inland Empire. NOTICE FUR BIOS. ■ 1150,000 for our mutton, <50,0001 that good will that ba* always char­ Lakeview Examiner. Our stock will now be turned to fur cur horees and mules, mid «250- j acterized these meetings. Notice is her by given that the that place. I Constitution and by-laws framed 000 for our wool And incon*id-| Governor Chamberlain has eration of tho foregoing, the parly County Court for Harney county, by Sic efarv Dalton Biggs, was vetoed the bill raising the price of the second part, (Lake and Kia-j Oregon, wijl' receive bids at the Every incorporated town or discussed and adopted. of school land from $1 25 to $2.50. court house at Burtie, on Friday, city in the state is authorized to The following officers were elect­ math—we are it.) agree and do the 6.h day of March, 1903, for the The bin looked harmless enough pay to the aforesaid annually, ed to serve for the ensuing year: maintain a public library. Under on the face of it, but upon detail Hon. I 8. Geer, president; ’A B. $400.000 for goods, wares and mer- Construction of the Island Road the provisions of II. B. 83, which examination the wickedness of the ¡Johnson, Riley, tir«t vice-president; chand.se, and to her railroads one grade, including bridges, according o has become a law, the city coun- measure is exposed. The pur C. R. Peterson, Venator, s>. ond half of this sum. for bringing these lo the plans and specifications of c il of every city is authorized to pose of the mea-ure was to “set vice-prewul rit; A'ly Dalton Biags. goods to us, saying nothing of lbs said ruad now on file iu the office levy a tax at any rate that may­ up” lieu lands that l ave fallen secretary; C. E. McPheeters,assi-t- immense sums paid into the same of the county clerk. be deemed advisable, Opon all down by using forest reserve base ant secretary; Dr. II M Horton, source for transporting our beef,| It is the intention of the court to the property of the city, for libra­ mutton and wool to their markets contract, under this notice, only for that purpose, trea-urer. ry purpose». Many of us in this section have that part of said road beginning at Board of directors: I. Q Geer. Rev. A J. Irwin, F. O. Jackson. ancestors who formerly resided in the south end of the survey at sta- '¡’here is a remarkable signifi­ .M jsouri, and before will consent ti in 1 and ending at station 39, in- [2 It is a poor way to retaliate fol Chas. Newell. Dr ¡1. M Horton. cance in the fact that i.'inge hois- . to make a change in the channel includmg the bridge across the R. , people to kiil the Mock of a man es aie becoming so scarce in the of our commercial stream, you will west branch of Slivies River. who was supposed to be respon­ Northwest that the government Bids for the construction of the have to “show us” in a more sub- A Ticket Nained. sible for the tearing down of finds much ditli ulty in proc.11 Ing stautial manner than by mailing road grade (including bridges) for fences from 40,000 acres of gov­ that part of the Island Road lead­ sufficient cavalry horses for local Quite an interest was taken in artistic "Monopole labels.” ernment land in Crook county. You also say, “that we are en­ ing north through what is known needs. Horse raising should be tho in'iss meeting held at the court Mr, Brown had to tear down as revived and bands that have run house last night for the purpose of closing you a postal card, which as the Lainpshire Lane, wjll also much or more fence than Ins w a x you kindly till out and down should be once more the nt minating a ticket to In- voted on return to us, setting a date at be received and considered by the neighbors, but from reports lias at tho oily election next Tueid.iv. which our salesman may call and court at the same time and place, lost 400 head of his sheep which pride of Eastern Oregon bills. Dr. J. \V Geary received the num- i show you ‘Monopole hue”. We specifications and plans are on file East Oregonian. were shot by revengeful people. in wet : when you are prepared to at tho office of the county clerk. t ¡nation for mover by acclamation, Tne county court reserves os did h I so (i. W. Ch vi nger and buy whal we have to sell and de­ Conkey’s Home Journil foi Simon Lewis for councilman, and liver al a I-- a freight rate than we right to reject any or all bids, Hereafter road supervisors will are no.v paying, the goods we re­ take their offices the first Monday March contains, in addition to its \V. A Gowan for treasurer. Tin- quire, then, send your man with bond in double the amounts of in January, instead of the first usual cpiota of interesting depart­ names of L WoUenberg, jr., and the grip, and you will find US contract will bo required from re , ly t > assist him in fastening it successful bidders. Monday in July, following their ments for women, several special J. G. Saxton were placed before F. 8. RIEDER the moating for recorder, Mr. Wol- onto our trade. articles and good short stories. election. This change was made Yours truly, County Clerk. denberg being th" choice by a ma­ Among the latter is one by Ebeti in the present law by the legisla- jority uf 7. Robt George and D February 21, 1903. turn of 1903. Another bill that E. Rexford. "A Belated Ro­ malice ue” is the title of a new seii Jameson wore tho candidates fir SUMMONS. passed this legislature was one city marshal, the former receiving lai by Helen Clark Palmer, A "fHK B.G.iSST »KS6AT.O.« B T SUT WHBltK ’ ’ amending the law requiring the the nomina'ion by 19. We mid under­ In the Circuit Court of the State of with splendid article for women appointment of county ruadmas- stand that tho "boosters” will be Oregon, for the County of ilar- lalZiTPVT = excellent illustrations is on beau- ters, so as to make such appoint­ on the bdlot with a tic kit by peti- ney. titul window o; iidens bv Etliel COl-A.p3a.bl3 Poolsst ments optional. tion, whic! h will probably be as John \V. Biggs and Dal­ j M. Colson. A charming two- follows: K. A Miller, mayor; J. G. Stereoscope Apparatus ton Biggs, composing the (step for the piano is by l i.imes I Laxton, recorder; John G nib»r- Th-» .all.-Bt Stere, »cop- will! the »tronieel C.i-p irtnership of Biggs ..J.ti. al effevr IIIgiib fi..ieheit in different col­ The information is icicivc'.l| Robertson. or» will! rich g. 1 »u4 »liver .leeorati. 1.» ling mid Simon I.".vis,cuunciluien; ami Biggs, Plainttris, ■ I u< Hiding U, V 1‘. l’h«ty»r»»'h». from the Idaho Statesman that VleMb of hrt igeDHii- FKI h ')M,> bl.H- 1 D Jameson , marshal and W. A. vs. Sent every w here prepaid in Utter form. the government, under the new AGr/.lS WANTE1». Gir.vrin, treasurer. Al! llio names C. W. Rami, Defendant. The scalp bounty law war i e- irrigation act of congress, has p-opoidaro representative I u-*i LltiPUi STERI6SC0PE CO. To C. W. Rann, the the above 1 pealed by the legislature It is withdrawn 750,000 acres of arid FORREST BUILDING less men .mid it will be a nice race 1 named defendant: • reported that had Simatdr \Vil-| land in Wyoming for irrigation P hiladelphia . T’lie property owners need fvel no- In the name of the State of Ore­ li.mison held up the bill in his uneasiness, for it makes no differ gon: You are hereby required to purposes. Chief 11 ydrographer committee the governor would | euce what ticket or set of men arc F. II. Newell estimates that this appear and answer the above com­ ! have been prevailed upon to ve- elected our municipality will be in land can be irrigated for ^Goo, •1OOO plaint tiled against you in the above -a* 1 . , , ,, . by the erection of a dam at the ' to the portage rcnnl bill, xvh.c ‘ rife bands. entitled action within six weeks I . I (carried an appropriation of fiOj-: Hellgate. The land to be irii- from the date of the first publica­ No Deal With P L. S. Co. gated lies in three counties and I OOO. Tli.s appropi iation had the 1 tion of this summons; and if you slTPor‘ of •’>* legislator» west ol | is the first and most extensive c___ fail to so answer or appear, for “One of the largest cattle deals under- want thereof plaintiffs will take operation of the government irri- ! l*’e mounla'”9 "dl* ever consumated iu this state is J standing that the scalp bounty judgment against you for the suln gatiou plans. Will Oregon reported from Harney county. Il law shuuld go. Just who made of #471 76 and interest thereon at government irrigation? is given out that \\ . D. Hmilev. of '•■■a the rate of ten per cent per annum such n trade is not known, hut Burn»; 0. E S. Wood, of Portland, I the threatened veto to the port­ mid M. K. Parsons, of bolt Lake from the 21st day of, Februan, Fam F isk , Proprietor. Examination of the livestock age railway bill had the desired t’ity, have purchased all the stock 1903, together with attorneys fees situation in the Pacific Northwest TAis ¡hop Ao» jutt been opened to the , effect and the bill was reputed. and rancl es of tho P. L. S. Com­ and costs and disbursements of public and tolicitl a ¡hare of the patronage brings two facta into prominent 1 Senator Williamson should have pany in Oregen, the consideration this action, being the amount of the IIAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, light, »ays the Southci 11 Orego judgment, demanded in plaintiff's takfri I “long chance” anyway. named being $2,000,000.” i SHAMPOOING, ETC. complaint herein. man, of Medford. Producers ot When shown the above clipping. We do not believe Governor This summons is published by­ beef and pork animals should put NEAT BATH ROOM Chamber í n would veto .pit bill W. D. Hunity, who is at the Im­ order ef Hon. H. C Levt ns, judge a better finish Oil them, both fol Everything drat dan and up to date. perial, said; There is not a word <>n such grounds. of the County Court of Hurney their own profit and for the re­ of truth in the statement It is pute of the bnsiness. On the f.ais from start to finish. Wo Evcrythinx Will Tiru Greca. other hand buyers should lecog- i«v.' not made anv such a deal or m/.e superior finish with a »upeii- 1 to the credit of this 1 excel- 1 the deal was reported, an 1 did not «ade mountain» must, aliti Ihr lent organ./. ,.ai. While 11 is not | know anything about it until his muidle ot next May, bv construct­ undci t o.l that the affair is 1 to be j return —Telegram. ed in the foillowing manner. I’liv p..i titulai ly, it is ex-1 post» must lie »ix and one-half pc- ted tb it guests will tcmembei I Some l erte Faul». feci long, not less than 4 in« lie» it.!« 1- e ,. i.l i 'tom». No doubt1 111 diameter, »el ui groumi two ;i« vn w 1 dominate ill the dec- ( The following letter from a Lake­ feet and not mole lhai« 32 kit o:.it is of the hall and that the view meteimut, winch was pub apart Not I. . m that tin er w ii US. 11 < • : ish.p of the lodge will also lislied iu the last is»u < of the Ex­ A fine condition powder that wi.l keep aminer uf that CUV, gives a few the lowv: one a feel trout gi « J twill slock hetillbr arid in good condition. ' « ate’' to a certain extent tacts that the bu-itiees nisu uf the second *5 UK lu» turn fatten dnrks, Various committees will soon be Portland should make note «if: "i":.;:”:;L; chick» grow • nd the '.hird 1 j im he» (1 <>m api mted to loi'k after every de- valves, hog», .Venn. Wadham» A Keer Bro». «>nd. At .1 distance uf f, «/, I tail ol the affair ami the dancing nd sheep free from w mis. 1 ‘ vii.l.ind, Or , U 8 A. iw ceu posts false jkis I s must public may expect something out Gentlemen: placed , reachmg to the gro X" of the ordinary on that evening. We have for ackiiowl edge- and »c iii’civ fasici «I io the wire. — _1 Supplii- antritivs 1 ri’i’:-- to skimmed or uient. vour letter of the 9th lust, ■vZCt-l • UQU separator mi k A quit k fattenrr. A pole J im lie. iu di.iiucti'i or » The prirate hank of \ enlig •. written on the iui k of one of vour bo. id C -odies wide may lake the Neb , did not open for bu»inve.< on ■ Mon.•pile" label», exiling our al- f*^fx**f» zw j 1 «■« Will curs the »svere»'. care» of colic. Horse- w i I w vUl e men should 11 ver be without it. I th. ..addle wue aud the 22d ull. A pl u-.«r«l g'vmg 1 > | Unlion to the “beautiful and art;» lies was posted ami el ite bank ex­ .tie’ cilvct of the la'-el, and, inc«« aminer is in charge II h «s been tentally . to the h.gli standard of currently known lltAl lhe bank va» , It» good» therein repreeeuled. all »iiirlrt.uk the question: I lately etubarrtM»« I Í. r the ready of which l»«s received our cartful Softer.» the I..-. ( ai d keep« feel in “brom whom miad when was lire ! funds. »» several vf Ils «irait» tend con»iderati >n and attei.iion condition Quick hoof g-owe». < beg on legi'l.ituie given the in­ gone to pro Vet The dry ’»it. It 1» unf n lunate that we are so Very he»l h’i»ter made, Cure» formation that the whole of E.i»t- I hope vh»l the ruO ar .«»»nient I» only «ilua:»i that tour | 1 -p siti -n ran ring’.one spsvi-i. etc. tein Oiegon wanted to trade off leinpora’y Mid lb»l the president, I afford us >.0 iwrvtit, otlwr Ilian Prevents I low! p- |«nn from ■»ire cu'». ttc; heal- quickly the «»alp bounty taw for The who went OMt f r th" piirp »«- highly c... r I reading 1: .«it-r. C e« ‘ . «•»•;!-.«•. k--’H »tc . wh- • I m»r be succea-ful in raising th» A fill- meuring the exp nsa of 2 Dalles portage railway.'" u-i ig t e an,>:■ al A«k th> .* who have used it, funds mcr»»atv to re pen Whether this uiloi mat ion I «vnta in p vtage, nece-ssrv 1.» lai given or not, the tiaile h.i» y.wtr proyoMtiou b.f«r u», you Job printing—The Tituw-Ueia i have oreriookru the fact that ae made We. ol tin» section, will . r ?tevi m fr ru rermr •—s ire J*»th tu bed bugs etc oe ïiinrs-iterald THE CAPITAL SALOON, Bums, - - Oregon. Hopkins & Hunter, Harness and Saddle Dealers FOR Security Stock rood. Poultry Food VJorm Powder • Weave *N^j|JE Remedy Rheumatic Liniment1 Pinkeye and Distemper cure Hoof Remedy g Caustic Blister Antiseptic healer Gall cure : 7. “ Carb olized Disinfe t ? .7 .:: STOCK-TAKING SALE! About the 1st of March will begin taking stock and until the time wll cluse outjnmny useful articles for Less than the Articles Cost. I We need the room for our spring stock. The Cash and rooa are worth more to us than the goods The more we sell t|.( less we will have to invoice. Now is the time to secure b»'. gains. Call and see if we don’t mean business. A fc tl GEER & CUMMINS Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Windmills, Pumps, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Paints, Doors Windows, Garden Seeds Etc. Sole agents for Rider-Ericsson Engl neg. Only'Tin Shop in HarneysCounty. ------ RESERVED FOR MILLER & THOM Tliey will hivre something to ear next week DOES TÜIS APPLY TO YOU? p Enr>r-k wbo read this will und.-i.bredlr profit by it. I-. iiyo»r duty to yourelf or to your family, to get y nr n»-.P.m« „;d dru». .1 he City Drug Store, be«»(1»e everytbiug th.t line is of best nu dity, m.aiiLctured by the most responsible flrn.s, »,.4 e.l wi.h Ihi most-XAciog care by experienced »nd r-..fk-ier.t ph .rn »cL-.s. E al.o keep in stock »t »1! times a full line of n il. t » tfilst, Perfumes, pocket book., pock -t memorandums. M»-i. ,IH, . -rh ..1 mp- 1’lm»,».:!!0.^!^. c»„d>e. nm, e-c. AIso trus-ei-. syringe., »<> pea- soues. biindaaer. plasters of »11 kinds. A number of guitars, banjos, vi-.lin-, and » flue upright piano. ag ’r for every periodical publishd A portion of your patron ig.« so’ici^n. Vi e don’t want th« ear-.e. We believe in living »nd let live. THE CITY DRUG STORK H m HORTON, Propt , home to OU Fri noy t reco» Bri Gram muni L. •ball the « Go ed th Rant TC gon 1 ne»« whili HOTEL ONTARIO. FRANK SMITH, Propt- The largest and best equipped hsitel in Malheur county. 1 he rooms are large and comfortable. Table service the Best. First-class bar in connection. Up to date................ HEADQUARTORS FOR HARNEY CO. PEOPLE Ontario, Oregon. A. who Vent week tom Be P. L hour Mrs Glad ratal A. M FtTzos.RAtD, PxEsinnrr F. S R ixdkr , S ict asp T rim B iggs «nil Lands in Harney County, Oreg« gran io w «bai Bought and Sold on Commi»» Office m Bank Buiidmf v - m th* th* Jun in ol will WARS ANO WASHINGTON. RORTLANO, CRCG0N The school where thorough work is done; where the t .« • tert •jeays given; where confidence is developed; where bo-ktvp« '» Uught exactly as books are kept in businere ; where »hortharf » nunteeasvj where penmanship is at its best; where hundred»» «e rmgrap-rere have been educated for U-«. where thousands more will S,. a ail the C,uloo5* S| A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Sea