The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1903, Image 2

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    its line 150 miles south to Bend, in
• Knight
southern Croak county, and has tht-
f. voted it.
. Court Jentitr
assurance of f l.WJ.OOO fimn East­
Judge Webster made an ex-
. . Clown
ern capitalists if Portland will fur-
ten-led address, tn the course oi
. . Clown
jo.wt. Just how much th«
which lie declared it a mistake to of the season and one long to l.e
.................... Ccein
I. tween t tie Co umbia
say tl at the irrigation company remembered By the participant,
Country Squir.-
Southern and the () R Jk N , into
M «KSK«*l
JI MA > bïRI>
was the mask ball nt Locher’»
could dictate to those who <>wn
tl.e interior if the latter give, all
Hill last night. The hall was
t ,
, . , ,
the land. I le .ls .-ugjested tit it
t. has Johnson
Ifa freight to th« big line, bam-
crowded at an early’ hour ami
1 lie legislature h is appropna'.-
.' ifr id ,’’
i j. ,
it n i;;ht by wise to appoint a
p. rs the CoJumoia - .uthern tn it,
ed ^-100,000 for a poitage i :.J-
although the weather was extreme­ Frank Gowan
road at The Dalles.
commission to draw up a bill to
desire to pen. trat- Central Or gou,
ly cold many la lv spectators were August Gilbert
be presented at the session of the
is a matter which the busim-ss men
there uml enjoyed the different Fred Hill . .
J'S.-H’ JailKg
legislature two years hence.
features v -ry much. Ta re wer-i Will R >b rtson
will endeavor tn determine
1 rank Jutn- a
A bill to repeal the ■< alp boun­
E. E. Lytle said he believed somethihj like 115 maskers—the A!l«n Jones
ll i- the intei i .I. of the Ci,film
Swell e.ion z
ty law passeri the lorn ■ !...• other tin: people doing the tri ¡gating largest number m the bi-tory of Kldrin Jnhri“m
Ida Southern, if .’ ¡.owed Io follow
.................... Clean
day in a bun y.
1. .-'.ci u Oi... n should be entitled to the control ,,ur intle citv
Tom Maupin .
its plan, tn extend the main line
. . Cimvn . — r— ,
member.» tried iodo -orni tiling of the land, at least until it was
south, throwing oat sbert feeder, o
Some unique customes and char­ Brass Byrd
. Clown
but They were neve given a svlti d upon. He I’efetred brief-: aclers were in evidence and the Billy Corbell
as th dev iopinent of trade condi­
'p.inish <'aValier
< barite and were outniuni i t rd l-y | n to the S' . lion making it com ju-lg1 s bad a hard time to decide Cariie Parker
and eventually to
•. Dtide tions warrant,
a large majority. It i» kn v n I ulsury for people to he uctualT’’b° were entitled to tlie prizes for Oscar Swain
line <1 wn the De-
......... I* ace
teat sustained character. Claud MyGee
Alone that river is
that the law was alms’. J to a c< i
•i ttlei s before they Could acquire 1 I the
................. Face echutes river.
tiie ideal route for tapping Central
tain extent, but it had ... om- p n ssioii, mi l ilhts'.r.iced this by There were Chinamen, Japanese,
...................... Face
Hank Felton
Oregon. It goes into the very
plislied much good, nevi riliclc-s Idcilaiing that prospective set tiers Irishmen, English dudes, Dutch-
' . pa uish Cavalier heart of toe territory. The only
, man, Mexicans and if fact every­ James Vurion
Joi key
might come here from the East
Jimmie Buckland
thing imaginable.
objection raised to building the
A meeting ot the < x cuiive and make partial payments but
......... Fisherman
Mrs M FitzGerald was awarded Hi mer Reek
road now is that for a distance of
committee of tin On g- .. It i i ,;a that under the Williamson act
thu pi ize lor tbc I.e-t so,' iirn-d lady (Trover James-- .
5'J miles, more or less, there is no
lion Association will I h-HI < n tiny Would not l-e able to do that. churiteler, remesi tiling a Japanese Fr-d RuCine
trade ti rtilory from which the line
C • h
February 20, to cottii In ll. dif­
Mi. White stated that he was i.uly. T J Garrett an "Blind Jack” (i McGee
could draw for supp .rt, while the
ferent irrigation pt - j '
I ef<
pn -ent as a delegate from the was a easy winner for the gents A V Racine..............
i xt. nsiun . f (lie present Columbia
it and make recomiiieiidilions to irrigation
convention and lie be­ | prize. Tin! ileclamn of the judges T. E. Morgui
Siutli rn line draw from
the government in favor of the lieved section io should be amen­ met with general approval Other, 1 E. Dale............................
every mile it coveied.
most feasible, s.iis .1 Poitland i x- ded so that the land should be who in re strong ci-mpetitors for Fred Hr >wn
1> 1» much easier to induce capi­
Ray Di-kinson
1 liange. Well, that . mniiUec given only to actual settlers and llie prizes were Sam Parish as
talists to l.tnld a road through a
who led ‘ Blind Fred Fisk
fertile country than it is to build
wasn’t swallowed up in a then only whin they pul it into Cap Kunnaday”
Jack ’ around with a stick, Mrs Loren Hembree..........
up a canyon like the Deschutes,
wave as was predicted.
II ultivation, ot improved it.
Pearl Vulgnmore «• "Blind Jack's — Hurlburt............ .. ..
it will not derive any bene­
Squaw” sustained her character Ed Moore ...................
fit until completed. But us the
The vote for U. S. Senator re 1
wi 11 and was natural as life
Mrs. Hancock
Ctinjun Red nr.d Gun Club.
trade of the interior grows in vol­
mains the same from d iv Io d iy,
G \\ Waters, repr. -euiing a beggar Frank Welcome.............. Carpenter ume through the development of
A number of residents <>f Can­ woman with a "hand organ” and a Earl Swerk
notwithstanding tin fait that tin-i
the country’s resources a direct
F olhali play-r
papers |>tedict t.irtlmg ihni os! yon City met at the county tieas­ big play card "1 am blind” waft
line d th • Deschutes will be­
The Multnomah in er's ..Ilici- list Saturday tor the one of th» amusing and »ell »ua- Boo!» Smith . . .
come a necessity to handle the traf-
delegation still mi.limn It.m
purpose of organizing a rod and ti.ined character«. Julius Chandler
ic with more ease. Ot course, it
about from one to anotliii Holt­ gun club, say» the Eagle. Tem­ as 'Encle Sam” was,quite a sticeess
wouid pay to t uild the road up llie
land man and people don't know porali organization w.:s effected | and Fred Fisk as a chinaman s al th- start, liut it re-
Tiv* construction of th»* portage
was typical
There were also
where “they’re at.” Johnathan 1 by the elei lion of V. G. Cozad
■ quires s’veial ttm. - us nmchcaplt-
Hume very nic > costume, which road, the opening of the mouth of
• al a» will be need, d til ■ o’.h r way,
Bourne is still wo: kmg in th 'i liairin in and A. 1> Leedy sec e
llo* Columbia and the cxtHnbi »n of
were much ad mired
and will take long, r to g t returns.
(lark, Im' it i- thought he will lary. A committee of linee coi.-
Managers I.- » is A Smith nr-1 a raih-'id ¡ntoC Or»goo, .in*
l..«iy mir coveied i>_, the uih. r
soon show his tine h ind.
Btn ; 1 - isti 11 g of A. ! >. Lei dy, C J. .Mc­
commended for the manner in now absorbing th“ uttfUtina i.f the
lunle tiruUr* ivfVt uiii iruiu like rich
I lermann is still an unknown Intosh ami Olin L. Patteison,
which ilie affair naa conducted, heavy c-»nirn«*rci i nu n of t o* r ate
quantity and keep- the politic . up 1 ,n i <• appointed to correspond It iva, n sueeess in everv particular, and ti ie nalustriul worl.e's, sirs Urr
on uneasy seats. The
-’em to with olii, ei.s of the Oregon divis- socially and linaucially, 120 tickets t! ie Portland Telegram
The port
." r U. lx —On th night of Oct. 9,
age ro id pK'jeel d pen i- lip. n tin ,
• eel Binger will “cut .■ .me ii ” it i hi of the National League of being sold.
he decides to enlci the i i e
The Tim s-Herald man was pri­ lieti.>11 i f ill'’ Ii gishllute >11 pissing i.'ij. loo lb nr K ■ y, on Deep
Xo American Sportsmen and ascer-
pirants for the Lite (' ng essm oi tain the necessary requirements vileged to lie present and t ike the 'he Gum bill; the dip-ni 1 f :he, cn k in Stein, Mountain, oat
. u a
ri i I li>■!
i )i -trip in fue- , ’
Tongue's place hop., hi will di
of a Im tl org intzatioii tn ord. r tn naiuos of the maskers as they came Columbia channel is in ll, ■ lai ..!- i.r.ii.di d iiiol v. .’cd with HF mil
rush nt the <>f 'he government a d
tide to take senator.
II would become ;t member of the (talc or- III, but owing to the
b fi .oui. i r
liiforn pion leading
was unable to gettile be
1 started
• ■-' • year,
.. .r and ti e last to the urn st and eonvietu-n <>f the
be a good for O k gon in ganiz.ition. 'Flic same commit­
wii >le list, Following arc those he pr.j i t oi l receive the lu'I a'tei.- tho l. or the r. Him of till- lior.-e to
either place.
tee was also instructed to coi res­
tion of the loisii’.ess men ns s m .1- 11. il. B: owns ran: li near Dia moral,,
o mght:
pond with J I. Krause, of Pen
the excitement now e. lilctrd into will h>- lib railrewarded.
Mt -'.- ami s
From exchanges we |earn that dleton, and file a applica­
the 1- gislature ilp s out
tion for s >me ot the lai ge number Hugh Witzell.
The ..pi lling of Central Or-g .n
tile Noitlnin Pacilic
of trout tiial aie to be turned F M Jirdan
by railroads, in I he opti i . .of '.usi­
has an rye un Oregon
N iir^e nes, ni. a, is ns inip'.ri n.t 1- eliti r
loose 111 the streams of Oregon Chancellor...................
and w ill likelv pt olii b\ any (le­
I’at of the other p* j. c -. 1 !.. y . e
Fred Haines ............
lay that may be < . him d by ihe
Torn Allen . (Tin's Whist I lull fully aroused I" t .■■ i.. » its of
preseli' i (implicated aif.iirs ho
11 nry Vulg.iinore Ind,nil Squaw giving it their 1.' . . ..' I ntf. niioi:
obituary .
tween the Harriman people and
Jnpai.tie I nly ,h s yt- .r
As nil ,.lv -ugg.-t o
C H. Viu gtly
the Columbi.i Southern, in which
Beggar h, the Telegram, ju t a- s..on : ií
G \V Walers..........
Died — ¡'rdiru.'iry til, 191'3, Jessie Ü D Rusk.................
the (oi in er ai <■ preventing the < x
( i \ |>«ie the legislature ¡id¡.air, - a commit­
Ernestinu Haves, daughter of Bui W Y Kmg ..........
tension of the latter. It appe
NI g I r S 5 tee uf hu-iness n a ] urp. s>- to in-
lev and E bill Hayes, of Lauen,
nlso that the business men
qui'e ti to til m
f .- du r mt s
Fasi- F isk , Pioprietor.
H C [.".nard
Oregon; aged (I years, 5 months Peter Ch iliens
Portland have ;.wakened to t
for retching the te r.t iry and lend
7le< //."ft lot ¡litt! berti Oftenulto
a I to h 1 eVer I
'. It I, i -jest jt'iltitr noti tot idle <l ehare of the patronage
fact that the inland empire 15 and .3 days.
M FilzGernld ...
To|»v open !he country t i tr i le.
wot thy of a little allei
n and
'A c ri gr< t to chronicle the death 1 Frank Otey
The Columbia S ith rn will In
. .
Black Doniiim
they will investigate the railload
of th- eldest daughter of Mr and Brudwell
given due cons deration.
matters and possibly help to pen-
Mr,. Bailey iiayes from scarlet A Jurd m
Foley r, m aíítadj t hl, baa inc rrpor-
diale it by linatn i.d aid.
Ersrytkiitj rlatt mid tip to <Lite.
fever. The little »ulTerer lingered O Sager» ...................... Flower giil ated for the pur|>. ■ ' if extending
extension rd '.lie Columbi i S mili­ for nearly three wc-ks anil hot with-i
Ml'Sb S.
< i n to Bend ti ould not mater ¡ally
standing the utmost care ami at-
benefit this p u tieni, ir Miti m. but Iciitioti upon the part ->f her devot­ E lvth Miller
Ch imie rnriid
Dancing girl
it would be the meins of b eg ed lianiils »as unable Io survive Ethel Sagers ...
Oe íimrs-Kttraíd
F 91 Jordan
Henry Welc 11. -
Claud Smith
Marion Wil.- :i
Frank Atider-
Oacar Cavamier •
Erne it Reed
Ches Carter
About th. 1st of March will I -gin taking etoek and
time wll close out mai l us. ful srticits for
Less than ¡he Articles Cost
W” need ili' ro III f" -’»r ^l’fiug -tr-ck. The Cash un<|
ari worthnmn.......... » thau thè gooda. Tha more vie ,t|| *
], ,S «re » ili hav t" involile. Noi» ¡stile ttm- lo eecurg
giiin» ' all au-l ei e tf we dim’t meati business.
3 t
Dealers in
CrccJ-ery> Glassware, Windmills, Pumps, Guns,
Arrircnition, Fish’r.g Tackle, Paints, Doors
Windows, Garden Seeds Etc.
Sole agents for Rider-Ericsson Engines.
Only Tin Shop in î larney.eCcunty.
------ RESERVED FOR-------
They will have «muell-ing to say rrxt week
ii’g us to the atti lli . n of the rail- the ►< rious complications that su- Agne» Ward . .
|HiV<iied ii|w>h h«r disense
The Alma Marshall
l oiul people.
'fever attack-<1 the child with more
than rgniimtn severity, and was of Myrtle Hancock
The Oi egoni.m of 1 eb. 9.
Fot tune teller
a most malignant type from tin Vada Lyons
toi tally, says in part:
.............. M ,-k
I l.ea R.diinsoii
This is not the tit st time tl t
Jessie wa, a child of marked ’ Stella Hagey
private iliffi icnce ■ stm din precocity, bright and prettv, and Ver i \t inters . . .
the wav of publi. pi 411 ss. Ni, 1 of such a nature a* •<» win for her Al c i Hamilton, Queen of M -rni j
would this b, the fust !■ ..e that ()he ]„„, ,,f n[| „ha knew her
Iler Veva Cowing . . Red Riding II o I
private diffctcuii
arc t. iced to («.ss will reach many heart,, and Ora Williams . . Spanish dancer
aient ine
yield to the demand of the public; het lereavi I patents upon whom ■ Nanfe Cross . . .
N nu
foi, of comae, it is m t < be jJ , thi- ...ilulmii falls su heavily have
mitted (ot a moment the thu ,v mpalhy uf tbi,
Little girl blue
Goldie Duncan
great sl.ltv id Oregon is to be luuility
Cota Rusk .......... ....
bound and g igged f. i a petty
Dancing girl
Na. »f’S
Lhiirc inwtl br|
I < quail el.
y,leen ' f Hr .Its
: Vina Ru»k
Mer »ft »f tb.o, •'•i.|ti.»a of the
ti t ailioad that w ill gi e 1 "
A ■ ■ ■ A ■
bly dii ret «
tmiim. dmn belvv e< n At Bwma I« the trflflQ vf t»re<A»n. al ik
m «I Jr.sir Met lain
Fortone tri er
Poitland and th it mat «ect i’ii of • «•I ara» Fv*». a,
Nannie Maupin
.. . Night
t villi al and Sou
k « i < )
. t I s>«na a»*4 nta«»«a •
Japanese l.idy
iw«î. Lennie Dy < r
V ». I' vih a »• ar- ure ews u’ation
Any ngi e« .i n.t
in. u_; i i tin
mi *A
Pr* mums on I’ *•. It«li4s
F auci ¡h«**
Way of nidi a . ns iin.n t o I
Repemi»'!»»»A > u»i
111 M Agnes Saver
4 14 ♦*
llg.UIKt pu' h« |H>IC\ .11.1 g oil . Ke. >.»taw. lurn.-wr- .« a ».lu «•
cash and <tv. freni
M'liac, and ought to b, disregard
Foe'.e Sam
Julius Chandler
. A)
cd. It the C< in
i > .1. til
M verni ba lit
Ray linker
cannot « mo..i d .
tl. it
Hsrrv MrCI . n l< A C basket I all
will enable it to « vtciid its line,
Cl tl • i It
that ta it» iiiKt.'ilime.
It i, not
Lee B’evcns
for that (-i on to 1« tubbed <•!
I * ‘A* 1 Wm Sunlhi.l
what It ll.K l: a. but I 111 Kt ,u
T»rr or •• ?r<.o\ .
Bat McClain
ylAO m F
«« k k si.i .1«
old pe«ni
».f he a'.wv ; Fred T ismonil
L x • I
I nemesi b»«h «•«’ » h ^ h » awMriSw im .» ’• Clav Clemen,
the opet'ing of till « >.mti\
• » .««♦!•• ta pue
l«sW m > .....K ia* I
rev S.niih
a*4 ua<L
• «rases- «••..»
Fran, s .Ander» All . ..
Jmlg« Webster, K. L l.ytle
S . ♦ U lem
Marvin Metres
and Sainurl \\ hit. wcic b. f.'K
’ F rank W »e-n.»n
<’ .an
thè !«gi>'.«t ir >ti g 1 o ii>mnnt-
It 11 nd Jack
T. J Garrt’t
. ..c l w o toi ni.i.
♦ m M- »*■1 •
Sam Parri«h
tat Kam',dai
who Lave
J M Tackabery
So«! »
u . i i
Geo Water,
E<1 Nl«*an
U n »
i 0 Ki! ?
HOPE ni ■ » «1 ths« ‘Ai? r¡:<b>ubie»li y ¡ r« fil by il.
j r • i r « ' or
\ <11 f«i:-.i!y
\ ; «■ :r
ii » * a:-«J >'
The C’ i ' a l»rn¿ Sî<.rv, littaiist-vwrytl.iDg u th«- tint* i.< «»Í bett «¡n IJ',
tn-.muf îctnr« tl • v ihv
res: »<n‘ b!».* fin:«*, and niNp«n cil wi'li
most • xariiig care by vx erk i.tin’ and pai ficiei t i h.; ru íicis’S.
r T j
’also keep in m » k at -'I time* a 'nil line of t- ¡1 -t a tn es,
perfil Kt s, pocket b.;*-k>, pocket men <-ramluin?, siaiKuierv, n !i oì Hip*
•.-lit «, school b. ok*, ca tli> s. nu s. e c Also iruM**, s»\ ringe% s” lM‘n’
bandages, plaster? of a I kimls.
A t nmber of gn t-.r-», bar j •*, vi«»lit»--, and a fine upright piano.
i’i ros tv. RY Pi Rl >i UAL PUBI IS! 1)
A portion of your patron.^» pn’iciten.
earte. We bu.ieve in living and let live.
We don’t want the
H CG. HOfxTOfl, Prcpt , Dunns,
TRÎSCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors.
- -
ZKZs.lze Tlxis ZEZeaä.q.u.ä.ztoxs.
FRA&K SMITh, Propt-
Tlie largest and best equipped hotel in
The rooms me large and comfortable.
C'N «
Hopkins & Hunter,
First-ci.iss bar in cortnectioo.
Security Stock Food.
Poultry Food
Worm Powder
•' eave Remedy ■
Calf rood i"
Colic cure
Rheumatic Li '¡ment
Pinkeye a'd Distempei cure
Hoof Remedy'
!. ■ \
Caustic Blister
Antiseptic healer
Cal! cure
Carbolized Disinfectant
keeps ft et in
h- (
n> ide
ir .n I r| ., I tf
¡’•rrent, Idr*.*.! p>i..m fror?
* in rwls.alr; I m al» quirkl,
t'lirvs all cejiar gal'., o l-iir » »Hs. etc, whi!»
_ 1
V»k ihsaw wlw tiare n.ed ;»,
!’• rfret be,
Ontario, Orc^on-
M. I», rRE’inxsT
A lì '«- l ondition )»sder th it a t 1 k n
stock healthy »ml tn g. -•<! condition
Will make I ci * lav. fatten dock».
g i «e. turkeys, nmkos < hicks grow
Keeps horses, colts, caire», hogs,
and sheep free"from w< tins.
A sure curse f r heave, in any
s’ - jo
Carrv it w ith vu
i.tit’itiv.. qualities to ski'.t.nied rr
lepsraier mi k. A qwiik,
W drure H e « v.
css« < i f colic. Horse-
ii i n »h n’d never I e without it.
h i” st lininent f< r
man <'s I e»*t.
Up to date..................
Harness and )addl? Dealers
Malheur county-
Table service the
F .’ Rin-rx, Sin ASH
Sastezxx Oreg’oxx Œitlo
G-vtsbiantv Cc.
1 N< ’< Hil’OKATBD.
Abstract» Furti.shed and Title Guaranteed
io all Lands in Harney County, Oreb'rt|
Bought and Su'd on Com .misst or.
Office in Bunk Buikiftf I
The school where themngh work is done; where U m If**J
always given: where confiJentse j, developed; where bookkrvp
• are kept in businew, ; where »borthx-iA •
is -------
taught ---------
aa » books
made ea«v ; where penmanship n at its best; where hundr*4» •
L •
■« * ’. ’
- :
have been educated Ibr «we • *
. re will be. < »pc.i all the year. Catalog«* ••