A Great be protected from destruction. Sue Simcs-Mírraíd It is profitable in Newspaper THE FAMOUSz**^ this connec­ r tion, however, to m ike compari­ ■ ATUBDAY. JANUARY 24 1201 son with M a**»ar JULIAN BYMI) domain cattle as are in the boldly demanded a’ a any have region take right- Now that this species of usurpa­ tion will not longer be tolerated, effort despert there is a sanction of the law tier. to get fur the piac­ he called latid Il is now to The slot knien arestriv- leasing. ing to get in this manner the con­ trol of vast areas,under conditions to use the that will enable them land without limit anil less cost than would at a much be involved in its ownership. Livestock, interests of this coun­ try are large and are entitled to consideration. public also quite as to The whole theory ot protect. men’s contention is that the graz­ great West is lit only for the use now made of it. Granting assumption, that their reasoning lias merit, but that is not a sound it basis, cannot be assumed that the beat possible of made une is now the soil of Wide sti ck he« now given over to '.ban kets anil they are by small of general activities agriculture. In number of the the current Review of Reviews is an elabor­ ate argument Chancellor E by the Uni­ Benjamin Andrews, of versity of Nebraska, to establish the proposition that the preserva­ tion of the n.i i hi main some r quires ment fol leasing for i rr tnge- p.ibltc d - the pasture. curate as of th - beef supply Il is inne- il adds to facts, and something to the fame of the iiii- thor as a laine logician, it is but t facts, is that great a partial parti.il At best statement of The essence of the article the senii-ainl wliich it is concluded that the remedy lies •n giving stockmen »licit interest tn the public domain as duce them to T raoi M ir ::» piotect will in­ it from Anfnn* »«ndlng n »ketch »nd «’»•« •rirtlt .t may qn.tsaly asmrtain our < 1 m .n free whet her nn Invat lion ta prubn' ly in»:«•»»t m •«;«’ « tn- <.• ..| alrn-tiy ■ H • •ant fra»» «»'-leal »gancy fnr aecnrn.g 1 nfent«. tend to arrest industrial develo| - I'atant» taken on left ,iJe; 7 dor half crop iu each tar. T-Z tier ebin; also r-aitle brandedSe»«olSi derbit in left ear. under ball,-r«.’,, n, ’5 acoek in i nttie J r on h-ft nl.B, cron a
    » H left stifle; rattle Th coin Dined on left iQgiatc mark, upper »lope on eav h ear w »ni. « Boe«lw«i and bell collar. Sylvester «Smith, Narrows, boric« S The mill is situated in one of the* fine>t bodies of Pine and Fir timber in leg; rattle V bar, earmark, under halfI Liisit rn Ort gon. Ti e proprietor.^ have bp..r- no expense to put the read io ’lewlap' r P' ‘n e*Ch e,,r I woo eonditi >n «Ml speeia) orders reveive prompt atti i.tion P G Smith, Burn», horres, quarter cu. ¡ right hind leg and left shoulder; t attl? An excellent quality'« f ah kinds of luDd.tr always on hand For fur­ circles on either hip; earmark cnmói’4 I MQQt* ear. split in under side of left; twodn* ther i'lforumtiori cal’ oh or address A E Vaunt. Burn», horses. bone«. Y on left « S Young. Burna, . J < connertcd formet led on right shoulder; shoul.ler: >1», -------- ala, KING & - AYER, I’ropriitor». Butrin, Oregon |l ft Mtllto It SfllllllfltT »httuldt-r. ' Í <«-, He, Few.lei.... nn kmit ..I____ J enrtn.rk.rUhttoVd;<^d’^^; — ■ — ... — ............. aia .... « sitie of neck : all anima s dehorned. ( C ’ P Rutherford, Burns, cattl*. cattle, hart» bar 2» J _ side: eannaik. under half cron righittr-t HAI bar ’2 on ieft shoulder Movían, . ,1 Mic O" hac) 1 to Ct Hlr«* Trt ,.l. horses, ..;l . . S5on -- - ; left atlflt - , _ ZBovugrli. ZZ-aULrrx'toer, ZDxessed. Z-xxzxxToex, TS’cistio ¡azxd. ZF’lcoxirxg’, ZsZZcvilcS.irLg'. ' *“71‘ 8 HELLE Y - « i. left tip n »at slope iu right, na tl»i NOISES? -, t» •rtf B .'•JHlling A 4Q ; ,’ftt 8 . fu^i’Vo, toy *- ÙÌ,*’’thXX ”’e'J',h‘ •" b,«*n “ •“'* *nd U“ ‘»W ber If“'; "'.LrTì f7 ”*"* mo"'h« waho„t ’ >«« .„ecw „„.„ltd . „t,m. e se«« H, .pt ,1m tot »cite wkotoM metktt £'/,£^4^ XdX’l’°“'J igV* ?(i 5 -7’*' ? ~r hM been ent,re,y rw,ored ¿MedtrIiMÌ 1 iha-k occnfHition. •> " * . r V- • ' .»I • »I • and sterioscrpf co ’A D hat.te . HurTT*. he »«a. ball A ’ e*r W* n * »arre . r a-k ■ • • ■ k it. nsh- ear. awa.l.»,. in ie- '• et hip « k • « «:;«» a fork it -od J <‘Creaaman. Burns, ca rte, JT rofnbf e »..ie ..r li p; mark. < r«,p end all: ia rf ar.daiit in left. L I ' ark. Nsm.wa, hors»*. bar C on t ah on Ider. John Gilcreat. zp j *• Co.) Bora», wrrrrh , Un fattte »amt» o’ , «<• . •■I'tr.r. ■ r..r.r rt,h: j^arh-r • ope on .er: I ret t h-t.lenn I I t , -to-k <’« . j. c, t..i F. r.*'. ■*'*• f Insist on A Genero! Banking Business transacted r<| n ri«ht »Iwfl F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE. SAYS: r" ^¿ÀTInY0U CAH CURE —e-jr- INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLDflC, 596 LA SALLE AYE.. CHICAGO, ILL CALDWELL. IDAHO Otti on ’ on ¡«-ft yourself at home H.gbeit oí ill in Leavening Power—Li:e*t U.S. Gov’t Report T i HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. Our trnttmcfit cZorw not interfere with uuur COR R ESPI iND EN CE INVITED R on h Onlv those born deaf arc incurable fr À. M EXMAN. 73&S. Rroodway. Ba’timore. Md. J it ci • ¡rcs.TI ARE NOW CURABLE heart"f * /h 4\ .’Hirns, h-••»♦■». «¡Fccirbi ? h »• j F. on «físifle cal ¡« k i j pe; halt»iop i.fl ng " «a tmule shoe*nl di ..p fr, HgiH fMr. | by our new invention. , first national Bank r 1 DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ine,; e--e b t, t,ie % * left drooped down, jaghandle on brisket.’ J Thus Wingfeld, Burns, hor»es ° (cha- on 1< ft shoulder; rattle, same on’ leftsiar” crop oil left ear, short overslope in right John Craddock. Silviea, hoiaes. 8-8 on shoulder; (attle.S-S on right side; man vtt right ear, swallow fork in left lew brisket. W E Smith. Burn», cattle, XI on ritht mark, split in right ear, wattle on new. G Hudspeth. Burns, rattle. ■< ¡atora or »me; mark, crop and split in each ear. i Simon 1 ewis. Buri a. rattle SL on rtth I maik. crop and underbil in ’»ft ear tro v I under hull crop «-fl right. TG Krit s. Bur », cattle quarter cir. I .eft h.p; marks. < r. p off left ear. bultict^L .’uhn Witzeil. Burn», horse». * bar ot B —» stifle: caltle. diamond tar on left hip. a *pi mea h ear, u alt le un er i V ?.*Burn», horse», reven lei. a.irte; < atrle. 69 on left hip; u.ark, men ! in each ear VA ith lull name and sddte» \ arieu Rr. a., horses. I,F on right nifle i I.» on righ: hip; mark, crop, upperbita:» ¡ laaai deroit m right ear ?V.J.onri’ ,inrn* rstt I», quarter rir i j AU» righ. hip; in*, k. < mp «<.<1 sih in left ear. J on m right; horses same brand *n rij^ a _ w ¿.A ilpian Van, horses. 71 baro’aifl 1 « e. bar li. on let ri! s; mark,undtubu : $ Otile» ear. under slope in right. H Elliott, Lun s hors. s. 1H combintli( in« 4 M L Jobr.»on, < able, l K combined un ¡¿fl ark. -rop .11 right ear. iwu si»!i s m.d . I hr.it crop in left. J. W ’’ * T ■' ■ • ' arr< «. hoiscs, > cob : ¡ suouh.cf i cit;e. h M < vm;in d - -n o. ,e. i * k . k , upper t.aii i r p in .» Our fee returned if we fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of »ny invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents • - i u. v. Lu- ». h. .»<•»..Run j« a.. : ■ / secured through ua advertised for sale at our expense. « i r. 2B on riBht Lip <>r side; mark, c ' ■ Patent taken out through us receive Special notice, without charge, in h ' a ear. hole in right. B Bl T ur P atent R bcobd , sn illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted .'■Its l N ilnghet. Warm Spring«, atti «, .v- k on .t f; » ,f na; k. at e ui>< er < hh * ' by Manufacturers and Investors. >« hn Hipm an. Burna, hoist a, OJ on it * r^ll Send for sample copy FREE. Address, «. on.oer: » atile. OJ UI1 right sine; ma;k.«P lefi eaw, two unuerbita in right. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., r. *,*<<»»■ Buri ,.* «,«»■«< a. x». cattie, 87 »»li on left .. hl» ------ - Ki: Olí I i »M » r. »am v vanti «* a - -r., »» — r, «_ h o. _ tell . (Patent Attorney»,) underblt in eat ear, * jaw B Evans Bulniing, WASHINCTON, D. O. J i’ Dirken«or. Narrow», horses, ar.vib a.the; tattle, bar ihiojgh diamond on I k U'ct-r; n.aik, ui.oeT. it in ea< h ear orai tied on ieft side and hip l< aesit». Nrrrvws. horses. R baron Jef < a . e. name on left hip or »ide; n ark, -i i. ii e*. h ear, ceuhip n brisket. BEWARE of Imitatioa trad« mark« and label«. . 4Rf\ ANP HAWffi SOPA in packages Costs no more "wa inferior prekisre srxL— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, ind is imt wrsALr pumt in fa wrU. AaJe tot!/ by CK AOI fc CO., Rkv Tark. 1 <- r « **«rw e r I on 3 ft h;, mark, nnder na J -«*• -a .1»» a) , u; „ -a-rl., r « t* ' ■ * ' «' ' above < arlle. -ru.e »e- •» 1« rna , ,,, ' • T . ■ ... , m.-l oir ,»rt ear. tea tie on left jaw ■ H rrttj, Dnrna. horaee »tondeK'® • i left tn..ulcer S Balkier. Mirier rattle, to on le~vk»^B «n n a -nark. iIH>to - wan.«, h.rw«. m on le t rille I « R.««nerc t tone. b.>toto btontlr 1 Jr ■ or either Jef* »hot» ■>’ or »ide. rwlo ca 'erm the demand for axil a»e t w bare , •!»« tr in auisG • k\rat» ahea I ol the imror supp'y, i« take i to met i that th« K»»RF'f RCII.DtN', gee it A n ic 11 <»< p o' i I 1» ut mu ad »! mu out bed is running far Dozens of articles on our 5c counter that sell els’ where for 10c and 15c each; Many articles on our 10c counter, bring 25c in Leave Raake Hiver. Low i- t n Binaria to Lewiston. 8:30 a m Daih. A N. H oar , Huntington. Oregon A. L. CRAIG, Pass Ag’t. Portland. Oregon MOHLER, President. 1 ? Casli Then men, it will be a long time bcf ire ' eaten iflUNN Ki). 1'""'’"“' New York ■'• '196» St.. WusbfSdt l>»i $16 35 \\ hv send to Chicago when you can do as well at the are tied up with leases to cattle­ of land supports only tt> S-J Head <4 cattle 3:30 p in Monday Wed. &’ Friday. Why pay $tôor $75 lor no ¡»etter Honeymon Sewing Machine............... no troulilc about the beef supply. ax sa to nv..t cattle, of 1:30 p m Kxci pt Su nday. Il K Porter, Burin, cattle, heurt b,, _____ r.toth heart left hi|.; earmark,«'»! eiuh ear. crop < 11 either ear u tt-t dH&f K even, range Emigrant creek am Burna. °Fi’> yei Feter Clemens, Burns, horse« SS* M ji fie . ante same on either?, tSL« J nn.| N. H in left eer. ,Ha:l„» dvU - | **” under bit in right. * ■ * I, C Grout, Burns. Horses TJ emm^ hip; t attle. Hip strep over the rum,"* « down on both hips; earmark« im I' J . and underbit in eaHt ear, i C.i.Beui M Fenwick, Hurra, horare. doubi.« I al baron left »boulder, t aril, i ??«S* -A.____ earmark«, two underbill in ea> b ... '' d Inanded bar T on right ribs e«'m,“ AiSLJr hall crop in left ear. to.-m„k a.».raor J H ltUi.yard Burn». < attle. 7 on left, T^X«*r-i mark., crop oil left ear. ,w, , ■ gup«. Put J >Po i'i,'rL eJ' '«nir “u“ pn or. left shoulder, cattle, haii ciici«!Mfl derl’ii to’U"“1"**- UP,*rhn have irrigation to reclaim the laud and abuse. This leads naturally it is est tn om national legislature, namely the plan for dialling legis­ assumed, to tin- land leasing poli­ lation which will, to some extent, cy, though just what assurance of adpist the t tin stance are the census figures quo- right to feme ot re-tiut the pub- ted. With the proper cot ie lions III U-l rol g< »\ rn uncut I. iik I« or to haw llivin tn 1. itgc tra«is is one anti the area of e.uh state a llied w hi» lii the convv n iu i in in n t the table is here given : gic.it V Illi err 1led ill 1 un a : squar«» Nttinbi Otlll'l > oh I 1fl Oil) Ui.« tac., a ol u> raiira. rattle A’*t na « It- it - bin: g in .nit t < int, i e-i all t «liloriiia M. .4 .«to. a. men in the nutlet, it 1« Coterado plain th.it ■ »mr intanine will b. Idaho 1 - 4 Kan**« é7* lining;hl b«.fore 4.1 Il» L ' ligi « 'W .It Montai • no tro that.mt lime lo «et tie thi h» or«* h« troubl» *<»iuc ijuv'.i'i’i » a«te Nts M*«|.«> .\n\ v^i»I.Uh»n up”« ’L«• »*ia< « M muM I h * v\pui I va ! l«» b<-, al tir-i, * * h afiviu a uifs.itisLu t<»i \ .i* l angr ci'iuLih rs Ortfa”' iteti ih Dak .<« ililfrr w grv.iily in ditferrnl 1ft aa tioiD» of ihr couiiin. Winne« I tah mui » »I Sih er Staile. " a*bibgt<»a w rvaaiag 4 1 hfSt* f OxsiaNB CORVRiaHT» Ac. Efforts toward land leasing are grazang belt is porting livestock; from 1 p. in. Except tíunday. WlllaiaeK» Kh«r. 4:30 p m 6 a. in Tm nlay Portland Corvallis '! uesday I Th ni s & and Way Landings Th uri» & Sat. SuL massed in not showing as is done in the wist, killing the grass and depriving the country of the power of sup­ 40 SO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE mui h gi eater of the overstocking Our n. w book ent iled cctt.iin channels to make a great there, anil in addition all the pro­ ducts and ■Salt Lake.Denver. Ft Worth, Gmail», Kan ■as City, St Louis Chicago »nd East. extent handled by the loial mar­ now snppoi t rd are i But they arc to farms, wliiili will have more live- stock Chicago- Port I nd Special 12:35 a. id the Western ranges. as go from range stock will some day be occupied the square head to A 1900 Model 22 IV’inchestei Ih/le, ■■■■ $410 Drop-Head Meir Horne Selcimi Machine, $35— This I list go to the shambles every year Oregon or Montana, or even of Nebraska. TIME Mill Dll k> Frani Huntington Ore Columbi* Hirer 8 p. in. Steamer*. M oney 1 Ex Sun. To Astenia ano Way- (■ ‘ uturily La I. dings. mile. Of course, it may be said M akivg I deas ’ is worth its wei »¡it in 10 p. n’. that the beef supply of the coun­ gold to evety man who wants to start a legitimate, paving mail order lusinens. WtllMieU» Hirer. try comes from the Western Oregon City Ntw It tells you what to do a ml bow to do ranges rather than from the fai ms berg. Sah tn and W ti) it niece fully. Send us 50c today Landing«. of the Mississippi Valley, but too and we will Fetid you the b«iok. and a much is usually made of that valuable monthly journal one year free j 7 a ra n iilamettr A Vaiuliill Hirer. It is probably true ( KNTCRY I'l lO ISIIINtl I’o., Box 73, Teil day statenii nt. Origin City, Dayton that as many animals bred in the II fro . n L ake , M inx . Tabid y aud W ay-Lauding« Ar Sal' states of the second foregoing the stock- ing country of the splendid half-tone pictures. argains. irons t 1 23, Gun« mut iî voii- r- trated in daintily tinted colors and Depart fer i age of 23.4 has interests that are important AND UNION PACIFIC square miles of territory, . n aver­ general the But range states, Th» Harney County Id»» stofk . will pay eeven Hnndred and E dt» uard for the arrest and couvhtian-i ’■I »on or persons who kill, steu or Arf! *■' horses, mutes or rattle belong bet of the Association. The < <.u-J offers an additional reward < f t J. ’-J ami Fifty Dullata. m p***," G. W. Y oung , Sec’y, Burns, Oregon, k| BRANDS AND F. u ADDSke» w eo I) Hsgev, Burna, cat . 7^ wj h HL lunneited. on left hit, .i®*“ p-r haif crop off left ca;, . ,’ r;«..- «to, »«trie >i, (1„ , " uf iiJn.'ri, ’•‘““O- *i«> « to .M* L Ro Lirgr-st galvanized wash tub 95c; chop howls 23c tip to 50-, H g,M d chop knife 10c; Dknl Mea' nnd F" d ' hoppera $1 45; Cove ed I!- Hr. 1 R-..—« 75<- to Nr each- 22 in n-at raws - iw 95( ; Nickel plated ~■ i'i.<11 99c; G-!., »' «l,:t< «•<-ar ".'I R"Vhl ,.270 « 1 1 49,62« advantages by The Place for OREGON SHOFÇT LIME section contains more high-cl.iss Number cattle. literary matter than any of the »73.306 Alabama The fashions x »4. û ; û monthly magazines Arka'.sas 3,104,>4Q illustrated in natuial colors are' Illinois l,ikM,47K Indiana 1,499 VA especially valuable to the ladies. I A tian tie '’alt Lake.Denier.I l Indian Territory b,7 C3 J Iowa The colored comic section is a Eipros Worth Omaha. Kai Kenlueky 2:10 lana City, St Louie genuine laugh-maker. The funny 070,295 Louisiana Chicago ai.tj Faat. n tn J,87 g ,40M i artoons are by the Michigan best < artists. 1.M71 KA The humorous stories are : high Mini esot a Wall Walla. Lewis­ <0,919 »73.Kw MiMiSSippi . C»,i37 2 97-1. 49 class, by authors of national rep- Missouri tun. .'pollane. Minne 44.4C4 2,0tt ^18 utati« in. Ohio ¡□peli«. St. Paul, Du- 9.2 1>3 Tennessee .. 42,g — Th« Tore» I’^j