and lh< mountain lang»' « xc< pl in ii few instances, is about cut off ftom the sheepmen of Morrow, SATURDAY. JANt’A KT 17 170« Umatilla, Sherman and Crook Counties, as the permanent M a»ar»r JILUX H YKI» tiers in the mountains have hoi s.-s and calile of their own to eat "P It is s u'd, and repeated, and re­ the glass, and they a. em to be iterated. in many parts of the more determined 'han ever to country, that the pi ice of heel keep the prairie sheep from com­ ca'tle on the hoof has fallen great­ ing in. ly during the past few weeks; “The bunc.ligrass lands are be­ one estimate is 40 per cent since coming loo valuable f ir sheep September. If so, the but. Ix rs range, and are gradually being and packers must he making big transformed into farms. liven in money; consumers say they the sandy levels near the Colum­ hi vent detected any material re­ bia River many settlers are locat­ duction in the retail price. T ele ing, and I loo'; for irrigation sys­ tems Io turn tin se sandy wastes into fruit farms and I1.1v fields. They can bi- no longer used as Eastern Oregon has no kic k w mlci range b. the she p n n «IS coming Poiiland and (hr Sound they have been heretofore arc clamoring for her f.»t steer.*; A (¡real nrtty-itVldlU C’hina 1* eating bread made f»orn her matchless flour; Omaha .md Chit .«go are frying Imr mutton chops; Texa-s is baking her spud* and (he world ih spending rnone) made from her gold. What docs «he want with a United State« Hvnator? Let those enjoy this lit­ tle luxury that are not so bounti- fully bk-HM d.—East Oregonian. THE FA Newspaper T he European dandie- lie . (I- Ih . opting voine»»’# wen one firm ¡done* hi b rn ike« lb, < xmj corset# each \car fur these* fellows. T heir shirts arc all ruf- flch aild frills w itli 1 hoic e em- broidery and feather ^ti'chio^ ;;tlte ;h stockings are silk with silk on them together w itli oilier f >in 1 needle work They paint and powder their faces, they put their hair in curling p ipers of a night and of a morning use the glass just the same as then »ister. do. I.-.. „O regon union P acific g I dfas ’ i» w<»i gobi <0 evcty n*an who Marlin ••<>> Brra.. Bnrra. doub'e h.. ' »Ithei blp; rattle, rarilrarkl. , , dor . .t*" ¿E7CJCJ<2 rish, ear. «.rail..»- f,„t lu left. nattle’Ki rt.H jaw: ah.. branded ritt le S on right.15» o I. Hilnaledeeker. Burn,, hc.raea.on Iu' aholllder: eartie,., on rlgl.r aide and Iiit, ..r "n.p’ir’lMt’.*'" ' *1‘t **r’ ‘■ro,’ """ half P-—----------- ---------------------------------- BURNS SAWMILL. < oluwibia ltl»*r s t r :i m r r <. i" i in'' I'aj Lauding*. ZbÆc-CLld.iïig'. The r.'ll is dtuaud in one ol 3;30 P Hl Monday Or, . n I a., Pavton ,il Way-Landings Wi ll. & Friday. it« ru Oi uon » coituiti n b*dit*N of Pine and Fir The p oprietorh have sp..r< • no « xp* rise to | ut kil’d> ul a a » PIONEER WHITE LEAD I. a \ Mil k 10 «Iieep- the I iit.d I lu It - on , ¡titer bit.: eartrarg, t ,,.,, ri , ( rar. .pill tn under .Ideut left: t»ud«»lnp, B id no, Oregon I i ' L..-.L ir tY !elt '«•» "'"1 ' <• I* Rutheihird Burn», caitl«*, har 2 on le t Si kyjb“u'^r' *:f ri^hl l-‘r; ”1 n X J Ì I'.-rtl.iuii Corvallis and tv. y banding« Mi< har! Mo. Ian horses, ITion Jef stifle; cattle • on led hjp; mark, riwht «ar with flsh hook ef> drooped down. Jughandle on brisket. Th. s W ingfel I. B»i.-ns. horses, ® (chainlink ol. If it sh.nirtitr, in tv. Simeon left side; murk > top off .efi ear. snort overslupe in right. J. h: t rad.'... k. ,-ilvie,. h r«e«. H-s on the lei1 «" t er, raft . t.n rtgltt auie; mark cron r'.H.ket, ,eri lf". ■ «'»lap ou j HELLE Ù & FOLEÏ Proprietors BOHNS, OREGON Hl»«r Kraks h fuh ol ee« k. nil a: i' .als dehorned 1 il tn Hiparía to Lewis’on. Shop opposite old Brewery Sat rfaeion Ml work Anne wi'h neet.if'R aid di-pitrh. A N. H oar , ÿTS'il IV* i : b a call. Iluntirigt'in. Oregon A. L ( BAIO. Ag’t. Portland. Oregon .MOHLER, President. gum -it veil W K Stnilh, I'n-ra. cattle. XI on right aide- mark. «put It, rl.tht ear. nettle on m.,». G IIu. «t.elh, l.„ri t„,ik. on H h| «ule. mu; k, , r, p ai,,| ,pIi, (1, ea< h ear "snI s-rnot. I.eul., tattie »aik.rt.|. anti I urt , r( ,Jt in si. on right , (.ru„ aide ,,'j hall r r. p < n rial. ...rupano .0 H',1'.'!'*' “'¿'J' fltarter clrcleScn eb btp. r a.ka, r r. p ell leit ear, hole in right. ; < '.tamor d mt r tm left hip; mark- *p’i in each ear, m attie tin er eh n. P !> M ?h Me amy. BUr, horses, reverse Lon • ► 1. v .< a Wi bi'. ]vft hip; inonhear h i.i ini. ,,n . ante and mark, Midrw metal ta * ” l'p-to-»<». 71 bar ot, atlffe; a k. I nr Itm led til r. mark, tlllderbit iu left rat. under ,io) e itt right. »¡i'.e1 '¡at'i'ih15-“" ! ’.,U '•""’blued on !eit All aiders given Wairtun vvoi k done i.i a satisfactory manner. Give him a call. prompt attention. kJ”'" «■> on lett «boulder: i He. j <-•! irit hip; maik, < r. p and under half i mark«., snal.'uw mrk right ear. split left P’ i , •. ark"tJ; ¡.thrtX . MI.LEnS'.OECKtiOSÎ MUES IN 13Z itOUBS ru s "r- JK ,WO ”,U' “n “ bip; d?r Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of '■"• x"rr" *■ «. ’■ w combined any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ f . r'i L7"" Y ■"■»bitted ..n ability of same. "How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents . m r , f ui k. upper hair < ,.,p in left. ar. i red’? a!',’,''' ,l-1" « -Bon lell»ht.ulder: Hlt.t ear, . -K bulotri on nail right. I Ip ,,r ,u.e: n g;,, «.«P crup ou off secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. I raeh Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in 'I'",1 ? ""-be', "'tn. -priuf-. rattle, rar T he P atent R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted ■ « al, ► ■ . . maik. . Bilk t hiu. -.1.' Illr -utm. hurra, horao. rtj on the left by Manufacturers and Investors. I on'n r. t atlk. rtj on ri.h ab.emaik re it nt ¡«it ear. iw» underblia tn liyht. " Send for sample copy FREE. Address, t'ldx. Burt a. lu r attle, on left hi, mark tj. -urn paul each s; ear. v .UitTon leit VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. Evans Building ’ fa '. I g. ’. h. ran«, ,F on left slid« rattle F on right hip, 1, a.k. It) per halt, right rär’ . ? r "«;••• Xrrr.n r tattle, nitric ah.te on loft "ark. in. t r half < r, p rigM tar J w ui.,,. hurth..r. i . k I rn M B t k m„ . Xarr. rtr a. Till, rmmbin. .•k'cr.t' ’ , h‘e. 'lr ' "" left Hb»; * M. rr >p Hi.ti tm. < r ha'i < n p in Jvft ear nu- ier. it in right, dev lap under tnr«.»r, * NATIONAL SF5MNQ «ACMITE CO uv i.'.'oxn" a *. NauYark. e F* c ‘*,,'1.. BELVIOEHt. MX. ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING 'V CNTKI» TftfSTWO Till 111 X .1'1 W oukn tn travi I and « iv. iti»r f. r ui.i e«tal> i.|n- r< I« Iran . an i i n vlo-r «elf addressed I'anipr.l rnir’-pr \ddrras Manager 355 Caxlou Chicago Tint Rational Bank * CAIDWEU. IDAHO LILIPUT COlapaablo Pocket HtorfAMtv*»;»»' \|>|MUiitit.-* ARE NOW CURABLE bv otir new invention. Onlv those born deaf »re incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE. SAYS: B altymokk . Md Marell v* topi . Hei n? entirely cured of deaf ne«« thank« to your treatment. I will uow give you aftt” *t •• x <>f t-tx ca*e to l«e at yovr «liarrction \ five x tr* 1 r x right ear begau to and this kept on getting worse, until I lost hearing in tht« ear entirely. it a treatment for cat irrh for three month*, without *nv «ticcea» conmtlted a num- among other* the mo«t emineut car »proahat of this city, who told me that n could help me. and even that only temporarily, that thé head notaes would îearing in the affected ea- would be Io*t forever. advertinemevt accîden a’.’.y tn a New York pnper. and ordered year treat- u*< I it only a few dar« according to your direction« the notx*ccaaed. and eka my hearing in the di*eaacd ear ha» been entirely restored. I thank yoi eg to remain V ,-ry truly tout « F A. M ER M AX Dmadway. Balt more. Md. >/b.c: i,:lrk. under on it. rat h ear. .:enlap . u brirket. t it i-i|'nnrn',':rHl ’• ftFcr mblned on o f left I II. n,,u lira..1* h ' *' U"Jl’ •*“•* 1,1 r,»bl. »1. the traile marks ■nd tibels. \ Gener t! Bunkint Business In.iisMlrd raiLAi'gt riti a For iur- I -ieo'?el't,1'd r ri ter* COHH ESH tNDKNCF. INVITED <1 !'«."!eri:S!"l,h' N"rr""■*• borer,. HSon right kK'i \har, ♦•armark, under half rroDMitd de'**“'* *" “r Jnxlmndle slid 1 i .form-'»tioti cal' on or address KING & S’AVEB, P *••<*« »» e»*n **■ " I (« hiau Smith, Ims, horses, t u c P rhrht ieg B >„d i..ff ,h. u: (itiarter ler; Xtie ..uaru lutl.i H ulWMB gradually Inking ■ 't sheep already and «i.i goon until cattle sheep out as »beep rattle out 20 yratg ago indÄ^!''* •>w». ii'ihesil itingh «•’ th. < »uniy Al­ lomo ', Iron« the aland p’ml el ex oiioiiix , i p, cron and * soiir i> A ear- f c rop r’ibi ’ Hr in lti? Hl. HOWARD «B-UI I The Famous CAfH RACKET, Ontario, Oregon i.lor to nil ethers ’rrcspectlve «>< price. Catalogue tells you Write lor one. \\ .1* W .Is aim J It Bunyard. ; on (urk left tn^ira. bin ... mark«. r-r..|. off Burna, left ear, rattle. «»allow ’ J f H,rr‘'-' - b“"»». cornu,,t...c on both ttipr; artuarka, under h»1 ’ /, aud n uudr rl i: iu Leb < e»r. t r . "p other place". match th" rallies wc are giving iu SHOES and ^'<>ii cannot (),, .in Cay (> a. n> t,. rp S J. ni »nd W.y I 30 p tn Exc< pt Eie« pt holding». Sunday Stint’ i\ Scientilic fln>«ri«K. ipp >: D»t leter C'etner», Burra, horee». PC on left fte; rattle aauie ot> e that bin: ennnerk. IT1 .nd H.ilt In let! e.r, .„.¡low fo” Wd under bit iu right. 0 '«“»r* $16-35 / ... Dozen» of ;irti< lee rm t.iir 5c counter that eell els> u here for 10c miti l'tceach; Many articled on our 10c counter, firing 25c in' KI»". fl , ■■ ■ every 5 da) ’ 8[. tn i M oney Ex Sun T. w. i -ill in >;itllld’v 1’1 I'. II Io start a I )»ir i.i w tmok * nt tl< M aki 4 I’ <>r |75 fo no \\ h v RPiid to Chicago when you can do as well at the Xll -ailing tlatc-s sub j ct to chai g". For San Francisc t B K Porte-. Horn», rattle, he»rt:lsr tt.r I. ••ra'h licnrpon l.-ft hl|.: earraerU, unter hi. 2 . Mh ear. t r..t.. ff either ear. «»Hie Lerween >> . Knr’;»r“*e •l,d tortbwe»tc* Why j a*. 2 START A BUSINESS OF VOIR OWN ./ 1900 .Motii l J1 M’iiifhe/iter Rijle......... S4 1ho;.-Ih ml .V Homi Stori ml mh inf, $00— Hom ijino.i Srtrihl .Machine C Sunday in the Republic. I be price « f the S.inday Re­ 0 EAXand RIVER M I1E1H LE public by mail one year is $2 00 I ioni Fartlan‘1 For sale: by all news dealers. Lsrg. st galvariiznd wash tub 9.5c; chop Low)« 23c up Io 50c; a gn lU.c-v. Jtnrn». r utile branded bar nr »I h 111. < C..I c-fe.l, <.n .-er, left under hip: e.rmsrk. j.erhHli ri>|. ■ . off I.if hilt , r.'c,?!. cithl (•>•. »«nie on left «boulder k.,..! ..U'5rr‘i *'“* '1“u”y •'•"»«•«»ikorth»;,“ The Place for Bargains. I fey SltOt^T LlNf Stockmen in Deer Lodge val­ b'^it iinatc, pity ¡nt' mail It t‘ II* \oil wlmt to do ley, Montana, have organized ii Mucre, lú’.lv Send »gains*. I he smelters of that lot and w<‘ will rend you tl ality. The dense smoke Loin V i ht »bio monthly joHfii these institutions, it seems, settles < fsti hv Pi ni (sin*«. I’n, Box ovei the valley in such volumns Ilr R on L akr , .M inx . that stock suffei injury. No Coiikei'.s Home Journal (<.'!>:■ sections of the country is free cago) piescnts in its January i> from its vexatious conflicts. 'Die sue several new departments 50 YEARS gi ratio need of the west today is whic h cannot fail to lie strongly experience a beitei umici standing and a more attractive for women and gtr’s. thorough respec t foi the lights of Noticeable among the new fva- others, among the captains of the lures in this popular magazine great industries. T here is room aie "Practical Lessons i in Lace­ T raoe M ahrs for all and there must be regula­ Making” and in the making D esigns of 1 C opyhicmt * Ac. tion ami jtislic e for all. Rrtidhig n »ketch »ml «HwTintl* "C’oiffme Ornaments.” It is an- qtl.c .lr Hn- ert .l i < 1.r . * nounced that the hist of a senes ilo.t* iirï'lir .'o’ ii?’" ri 11 rtitlln-k J Walter Wellman, the vetei in ol lesso is in I Lime Millinery Will ncwsp.iper cones pomlent, men- be presented in the Februny is­ lions 12 “great senators”- -those sue. Otliei strong features ;ue A limi'1»'"nu II usl to liuit. lei abolish the ollicc of D.stud The Washington correspon­ dent of Portland makes the statement in n h to that papei that the pieriilvut has let it he known that, if con giess shall lo enact some anti tuist legni.ili.>n before M uch a, he xs ill .all an extra session, I hat, a. i oi .ling to I lie < <>i pon­ dent, has >tm I c.l up these svila- tors w ho have been sul.ti.u k the issue, lie that the piesulent pie are in earnest and that soiiic- tlung must bellone V misi .pieni I. they aie* casting aloni lo VC can be acioniplished. If ilici hope to e vaili public to nation tbcl secure the « the subj.-c t, CASH RACKET. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a mai e el oí c modern newspaper enterprise. ? The Orginization of its news ct-r- * vices is world-wide, compete in c every department; in fa. t, superi-i or to that of any other new spaper. ARD k. 5 I lie magazine sec lion is illus­ A i: Ilio- 1 I Mt M III IH I I' I- fro» trated in daintily tinted colors aod ¡(»part for Fr„.n H»ntin»l»» *’r» 2 splendid half-tone pic: urea. This S dì l.. ki 1» tirer. F’ "1 section contains more high-class Worth, Unisti», K»n c aas City, S' Louis. 7 literary matter than ¡my of the ] 45 u.m Cldc»go and East. monthly magazines T he fashions : illustrated in naluial colors are i especially v.ilu ible to the ladies. ' Allantic Salt h ike binii-r I' I *» Worth. • laah i K ■ w 'Die colored comic •ction is a Ex I 9 .»» t.'ity, 5t Lrnii- 2. in . TIi- funny genuine laugli-m iker fa n tn i artoons are by the best artists ; T he humorous stories are high *t Ô 12:35 class, by authors of national rep- p; rt ii . m. 1 illation. tulli Milwaukee. < hi Sheet music, a high-class, ■ago i nd East- ulur song, is furnished free > in packages Grists no men "un inferior package »ii— rwrr spoils the floor, L.*e-s soft, and is $ t- t- - < tn ii* s -•’J, • ward. 1 uh r. ho rm a. bar II on left e on .th h p. r. ark. t rop off w w Drown.Flf» b.• ••»••». h. r»e eh*»« i.n It- t ’aw. touiii a Nth ja«»i rjt.'iniK W tm the Tigni a irtr. nr O n right ahouMer; »pear a* r. »» h.x k . n*d Kiron.: on leit «hu ulcer. r»nr* ». h<»* »r». > rii A oo l*ft stifle Itti hip: mark, iron >>ff and i »ui !>.-x folk ii> ’vii came. . ». an. nr* . < »» T " . J Y »nm v invd «n -. p »nd slit is right ear it l.b »-♦<>** <’.» . J. c. »rnth .n ■a. K l M»k. *vn»i»l man»*«'. ..-a, I*..ii >fl • Hie. a-k »..uare emp »ff ’eft ear. «a t e on left mw < H V. rely, ttnmn. buran branff«g CV an let. ah. ul. er .paa* Habt'I ■ si.'l. «n ■- ih . r. « la ear a aa.. hell waiVa h.r»e< ♦. ar ,e.l rlíe ‘ l e era . h • a ¡.ran-le-l lay bar ... - e* . t ,-r ■■ > patite rame rm < ma • . nuuth r ot off )efr. and upper ■ T* » r -tST F-.4 > • er«*' RE«r. S.i-ae braaff bar r I her I. '■ . . ■ V ’ J making *1- * • a k n < pa. • .-r on let- .an « anta ■a- r..n .’«r'l’l re. k rao anSer- I a a - a i I -....,» - lab: a)»> IV» an4»rMta ’.rah ear 1-a-a- •< k < Raje .aly fry CKt .tCU t CO.. 5cw Tert. TV e« Effff.ld ocajfceMa«* *fc»iwn «i