The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 17, 1903, Image 2

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    She £iinr5-Xura(d
J i; l.l A N K YK I)
M ■■•(•r
, report and estimate than the one
sent in by Harney county. Mr.
Johnson’s work has been most
and every point that
Hon. A. A. Cowing having in­
bears upon the proposed project terested himself in the proposi­
forth. tion of public rabbit drives, and
One of the officers of the Associ­ raised enough funds to buy ma-
A great amount of irrigation
ation informs us that the work is terial for corrals, wings, etc., a
work lias been done in India dur­
highly satisfactory, giving every! public meeting was held at the
ing the last qo years, the Indian
feature in detail together with the court house this afternoon to ef-
government having in that time
area of the water-shed, streams, feci organization
A large crowd
spent $ too,coo,or<O on irrigation
Fira* St< loo list — I bear tbet yo’tr do|
etc. The local organization, which ' was present and much interest • ent toad sod hit Professor Suag'-oota
works, and as mu< h more in build­
consists of some of our
most taken. The meeting took the Any srri.;ua results?
ing railroads. Of the latter there |
Seem'd Sco-ntlht—Ye», the poor dog It
prominent and public spirited form more of a general discussion 'jarklng In fjitlu aud UreeKl—Cbicagi
are now in India about 25,000,
men, feels that Harney county'« than any regular organization, as Kewa.
m les, and they traverse the arid
efforts in this direction i will bear no minutes were kept and all had
A Modeat lleqaeat
plains as well as the river valleys; I
’¡fruit and think it quite proba ble
a say.
and the irrigation canals water!
that the government will take up
Jt was decided Io have the first
lq.000,000 acres of land classed
the matter as soon as weather drive next Wednesday, Janu r)
aa arid before their construction.
conditions will permit.
21, in the vicinity of the sink o
'That this work hat been profita­
creek, north of the Geo
ble is shown by an Indian com-
Byrd retiring from the business.
Lee Caidwell assumes all indebt­
■ ¿ 'in/1
False teeth made of paper is Sliaw ranch. A. A. Cowing was
men ml 1 eport just published,
which states that the products of the latest German manufacturing elected captain of the invading
the irrigated lands last year ex- achievement. If printed paper I forces.
Every one who possibly can
< erded in value $100,000.000, or can be worked over, many a man
J should take pal t in this drive and
the total cost of the irrigation
make it a rousing success, The
works. The railroads have de­ mouthful of bad news.—Ex.
ladies are requested to part, as
ed to build up big cities, and these
agencies have gone far to
prevent the recurrence of wide­
spread famine.
In 1857, before these improve­ .
ments weie made, the commerce
of India
was $72,000,000 in im­
ports and $128,000,000 in exports 1
while last year imports amounted
to $264,000,000 and the exports '
I well as the larger children.
Bird Rosel an extensive caitlu-
man and rancher who represents
large capital of Chicago, with large
stock and land holdings in Texas
and Montana, was n visitor to our
city this week. Mr. Rose came
tier« fur the purpose of looking
over the I*. I., 8. Co. Oregon prop-
ertv with the view of purchasing
both the land holdings and the
to $392,000,000, making India
commercially the sixth country in , »lock. By some misunderstanding
the world.
What has thus been the gentleman wna not met at On­
accomplished in India may be an tario by u representative of the P.
encouragement and serve as a L. 8. Co., as had p-eviouely been
useful lesson Io Americans in the arranged, owing, no doubt, to Sujit.
contemplated work of irrigating Gilcrest's sudden dopartore for
the lauds of our Western states Japan for the benefit of bis health,
j Mr. Roae telegraphed the head
and territories.—Telegram.
'office, at San Francisco but gelling
I no reply decided that since lie was
and guns must be left at home is
Receiqing our Fall and JHnter goads, consist,
ing of all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shots,
Groceries, Etc. On r ctosk of I a d ies di ess good»,
outing flannels, ladies and childrens under­
wear, ladies and childrens shoes are unexcell­
ed. IF e invite you to visit our store, inspect our
stock, obtain prices. JFe guarantee satisfac­
tion in every particular.
A M. Byrd, under the firm name
of Caldwell <£ Byrd, has been diss­
olved by mutual consent, A. M
is fully explained and set
veloped mtei ior dwtiicts and help­
The co-partnership heretofore
existing between Lee Caldwell and
edness of the firm.
L ee C aldwell .
A. M. B yud .
Notice is here’ y given that in
pursuance to an order made by H.
C. Levena, Judge of the County
Court of Harney county , Oregon,
on th“ 27th day of December, 1902.
I will on or after tin 31-t dav of
January, 1903, offer for s de at pri­
vate vendue all the following de­
Dealers in
scribed pr>p“rtv belonging to the
Estate of John W. Jotir», deceased,
to-wit: What is kn >wn as Block-
two (2) in Brown’s Ad 1 tion to th.
"Exc.isa rue. coti luctor, but 1 wist City of Hurns, Oregon, on the fol­
you’d ran tb<- train r aber »lowly ai lowing term.*, t,e-jv!^R)ii"t,fi.>nrih
>tiri h
far ns .M«-ad* ¡tie. You ttt, I've n jar ol
fi/l1^ affohe remainder
preserve, lu re, and m;< wife told me U Cash, One fijkll'
bi sure Hut It wasn't rbi'ieti!"
in vearli
to be paid
the older of Captain Cowing.
It is suggest .d each bring
I a biscuit in their pocket and later
Crcckery, Glassware,.Windmill^. Pumps, Guns,
Zrrn-.vniton, Fishing 1 ackle, ■ Pafnts, Doers/
Windows,-Garden Seeds/Etc. >
nts or that amount, pur-
st llments
ch user ti qk’jtive notes secured by a
01001» Igi*
“ un the property sold for
S<>£.agents for Rafif-Ericsson Engines.
the deferred payments.
E lma A. J ones .
Dated this 27th day of Decem­
ber, tbo2.
a Jack rabbit liatn may be sand­
wiched in and a fine liiucli enjoy­
jeh -.vinercxra
Only Tin Shop in Tfarney«Cotinty.
■" AC
ed—this, however, will be le t en-
•............ 4»....
tirely to the taste of those tak ng
Firemen’s Bal!
Two more drives were also ar­
range'.! for Saturday and Sunday,
January 24 and 25, for the benefit
I of the school children.
drives will probably take place in
the same locality with the wings
changed in another direction. C.
A. Swee’i offered a four-horse
team, ami others, no doubt, will
ba equally gem rous, to convey
"T id.ould thtkk jrour folks would bs
1 H. E. Thomj
James Smith,
swfudy carious r.hout yc ."
"Yes, inn .1. They’re afield l might
Frank J accori.
« VorL KveuUi* JuazoaL
Dtrncer la V/carlnar Robbers.
A chiropodist Mays: If a niriTi has a Al Welcome,
Wi». M cKihtiev,
corn, i ran talu» ’t out acJ relieve him,
[Ches SniitH;’.^^.
I.nt if be is hi : Hering from v.fnt 1 call
’•rubber for» r” I can’t help bitMfaiEj can
only pr-'icribe liberal foot bath tri and •
ipuxh .I of fbe cause of the trouble.
Rubbers F.hntiM only t o worn to l.cep wet
Rav Dickenson |
out, and they should be removed the m
rnent the v .m r gets indoors. I-’.-.iluW
;.v • y
John Sweek, Jolm Culp.
to note this gives n man wet feet in ii !/
far worse scuse than if he had waded
through tn ml ankle deep. It was the
trouble resulting from forcing the per-
«¡»¡ration (.» soak (he e ;< cki irs and keep , Judge Levena, ^Irs II C Leven»,
the feet perpetually <!.(.v’) that drove
Tom Allen. Mrs. Tum Aben.
rubber soled I <>< is out o’ the market.
Eveti loo«» rtiLberj are a o-'urce of dan­
ger and the <a • of many non? scriou*i
ri.oon committer ,'».
colda than they avert.
Harry Smith, C. F. McKiii __
Knowlrtlfce I m rower.
C I’, Lewis, Joe Smith, Con Wygl
An Illustrano.» of the trull» of this
Sam Parrish.
proverb Is found in Mr. J. G. Bertram*i
bookK2.T^-‘ Harvest of the Sea.” It
twit a monopoly of the extern
This ball is given for I he purpose
Rlvf Asberi fi of Scotland and England
ontb caiK into the hands of n man of raking fund* to eatablieli n fire-
whJjkvpt bis agents nt the principal alarm system connecting all file
station* nml required them to furnish men with the alarm bill. Come
hs 1«1I 'aets» hat came to their know!-
— reserved
for ----
school children of Burns to the
A flat-salary bill has been intro­ that near, lie would come in and scene of conflict.
They will have coruetbing to say next week.
duced by Senator M A. Miller, look over some of the property hh
Several volunteered their ser­
of Linn county, which fixes the well as the section in general and vices to put up the corral and
•ee what advaulagei it had for
salaries as follows:
wings and that work will be done
stock raising
Monday ami eveiyth ng will be
We learn that Mr Role repre-
Secretary of State................. 4500
in readiness for the drive YY ed-,
sent» practically unlimited capital
State Ti easurer...................... 3000
and should his people decide to nesilay morning.
State Printer........................... 45°°
Those desiring to take part are j
purchase tlio P L. 8. Co. holdings
••All laws in reference to the in Oregon it would open up a new | requested to be at the George |
payment of fees or perquisities to lepoch in Harney county. Th« Shaw ranch where the line ol
any of said officers shall remain I gentleman avked many questions battle will be drawn up and Iieu- 1
in force, except all fees or about different localities in Harney (enaiits appointed to take charge.
perquisities to be paid to any of ¡ county, its possibilities as to gov­ They should be on the lie«d ol
sail! officers by existing laws shall ernment irrigation works, railroad battle by 9 o’clock a m, as it is
prospects, etc.
be collected by such officers, but
desired to stait the drive as near
Should the trade be made we
no put thereof shall be retained
that hour as possible.
I understand considerable of the
TICKETS. «100.
by him, but shall be paid over to
The Times-Herald is much
land would in all likelihood be
At one of ulk stations In tlio far north
the state tieaxurer monthly, to be
place«! Oil the market and sold to pler.sed to see this matter taken the flsbtn- liail U>>‘< ii uiisiicoossfiil for
the grv.'nsf
of tin- season, and
credited to the general fund of
polonies or in traots of IGO acres up as it will b- the means of ex­ there was tu» pr<À>< et of iinpi ovetnent
the .state of Oregon.”
However, we cannot vouch for this.
v. lieti hi- Ic^Gyt Abi tile matter. I'pou
No salaries arc fixed for the
In company with Dr. R I). Bur the little pests. It will help and examining Uta ftggn: s letters from
that pin»* fir» «nine Ji ns Lack he
supreme judges, clerk of the st»- row Mr. Rose visiletl the Island encourage the farmers and better
found by a oomupdgki p of dates that
prime court, superintendent of ranch of ti e company and we un­ the chances for next seasons nt a certain, p>y*e lierrh -s were likely I
in t/,c tint of
to lie found !*■ arvordli« ^giy Instructed
public instruction or attorney gen­ derstand was quite favorably im­ crop
These di ives w ill be con­ 1 s agent to' Bend his boats to tlint
toj, Cfjarj, Smoker 't> ouiftio, Csntiy,
The section relating to fees pressed with the conditions. Hr
Horst s placed tinder our cate will receive the best ofattentirn.
tinued at regular intervals during
The flshertnen toughed kt »lie Idea
Vot/et artfe/ej, Coafll,
applies only to existing laws ami also asked The Times-Herald man
fresh »lock and comfcrlable li* cry rigs
I’n pared to give
the rest ol the winter.
of n man sit this some liunftreds of
not to laws which may hereafter 1 many questions about the French
miles n«ay nml tolling them wlieiV to
lhep ublic the verv best of service. Step with us.
Glenn holdings in this county and
get fish, lint as U s oiibvn Wer<- |msi
ft 9^njicak fnstroinen/s,
be passed for the collection of
tire they hnd to oln*y, and the conse e>n
asked if the property was on the ;
4 (» BROrfl ERT()N £ S()N
H A. Ci Win Basket Ball liante
other fees.
c^^t^eej that Ho,™ to Hay
quotioe ira» I lint they
market. He noted such informa­
. /Ar ffrst
iSter^t of Port-
lunrnlntr loadtsl w!ih '
It is provided that as to the
tion aa he deaired and took the ad-
The first
of a aerina of
five ----------
litnd earry.
state printer the law shall not I dress of General Manager f.usk ' of liaaket ball waspl».ve«fatLoch-
•~«ikcc • --
There are two very tlnoly prrpnrtM
nfiy^nt f/r a/i tA^ A00AJ etnsi^eri-
take effect until 11907. An emer­ I whom lie will possibly stop and see j er's hall last Wodnes lay evening
skeletons of big snuko« in the Nation
gen«) clause is attached, declar­ I while
while enroute to San Francisco.
¡between the Burns Athletic Club nl museum In Washington, and In
ing that it is nccessaiy fortlie im­
Mr. Rose toek his departure •ml Borns A mature Athlet e Asso­ milking them ready for exhibition llw
00ct9rt gfr9»9rtfl/te»nr r999t99epee-
utmost pains -.vere t iken to preserve
mediate pi ever vat ion of the public Diuradav morning via Prineville ciation teams
The game was hot the <artilaglDouM extremities of the eoot eert and a/tontion.
pea* e ami safet* that the art lake aim 8ha«.iko for tha railroad en lv contested an«! resulted in a vic­ r!bs. x\ iiich will» ordinary t vatmrnt
11. M. HORTON, Prop.
are lo^t
Without tliese little p!e<i's
effect upon its approval by the route to San Francisco to talk over tory for the ' funnel gang" as the
of cartilage the serpent** skeleton can
The largest and best equipped hotel in Malheur county.
the matter of purchasing the P I. B. A C. has been dubbed by its hardly be sahl to l.p eoiuplete. Inns
go* ernot.
The rooms are large and comfortable. Table service the
8. Co, holdings at headquarters opposing team. The buys were all much as they are the feet t:j»on whirl;
Best. First-class bar in connection. Up to date.................
"You hnv» one «<f the t>est breed in good condition and the game the nptilr walks, ns It were In fa< t
a snake walks on the ends of Its Hlie
The weakness ol the move for mg sections in the United Slates," • «I quite interfiling
Those who and In that manner achieves loeolilo
popular election of United States said Mr. Roae to Tlie Tunes Herald attended hope the bovi will be lion.
Home b
I ’¡ g
Isiwevi'i. like th«
“But your stockmen should more earefull in regard to rough-
senators hrs iu the fact that the man
.imi pytli n«. really h.ivr hhnl
proposal «.inuot succeed without
h'C*. ite .¿I» if y art* 4|tr1:c nn!!in nta
r/ l*)thonM yr ••».» know me const riet
the spptosal of those who win beef They should ship their year- pul Homer Reed on the aitelf just
mwl.lnn th :elr prey In thvlr t »Ils
|' lings to s oiie part east for tiiiiehiiig, liefore the end of the last half and
M. F itzorrai n, P kesídf . tt
F. S. R ieder , 8 kcy asd T rias .
In pi esent Those most
Tl.-y law i, » i «»oil g’aml'S. br I tiler
a» they would realite niu<'h more tiecar Swain, on* of the B A t
b!t<» 1er riflt* H-y wi’h r| dr nmny
successful in manipulating State
B igc . s A Tt user , A ttorneys
"You cannot turn off g n>d three tube took bi» place. 1 lie score Ut ta n . i It ri Jhwanl like ho»k..
hgislatmes have nothing to gain
»O •- H H r : '»«».I once sciasi n oell
and four vear old beef from tine aloud 15 to 10 in fevoa of the B A
lare llltlr »’ »n«r nf tli<»nciçlnc I» >»•
Fr.rn F ifk , Proprietor.
|>v going to the volets
And the
Mellon because they are al a dis C el the cloae of the game. Ta. ••U m . ly cboppaig off IL« bead of
voters have no wav of teaching advantage
shop h'tt ju9l b< f n opmeii to thf
Even though they I second game of the series wi I be
I SCO K 1*0 H AT K1 ).
public and f ‘licit/ a fhur/ 0/ t/.r patronage
th«’ I intrd Slat« s Senate so as to were »(all fed liefore going to the plaved neat Wednesday evening.
Abstract» Furnished and Title Guaranteed
get the approval of that hodv for a
•> »
I n, t be satisfac- provided the teams can agree to
I vxntrh » *etke.
amend rent
t< tor* as User more favored sections make the game leaa rough, othe. -
To all Lands in Harney County, Oregon.
store ?
Prop s, Burns, Oregon
Ontario, Cregon-
ZZo.stezxx Oxeg-crx. Tïtlo
GKxaMzitsr ©0.
1 hinge tin 111 mnt r < ! « hi'o'ing its 111 the finishing of prints beef.
wise the games may be <1««isred oil
• Wbyf Simply be*-au»e they
The teems that plived \\ ednes-
members. Seveial «f tl.e eilnbi-
tionv now tn ptogu u at state tap- uiiderso too much hatd^iip. A day were made up a» follows
B I. A. A. A.
H A. C.
itali w di teej to »tieogthen the steer that hu to ciltub th«ae moun­
«ause c‘ piu
distances to waler, lie is naturally Hibbard,
tough. Wbat weight ha does take Jaiuesou,
on got-» more to muscle and bone Gould,
Welcome A
• Slock that gn *e in » level Reed, H.
Engineer Job 1 soci bar tom-
Rol iJaon
s vs. k of »ur*e*wig and eoonlrv and do little traveling will
The (talarte IVnincrat »ar« that
«iwking a
— -1 and
estimates of l«e found much bstar. Ibe fleeh be-
8. William», thr
Silv es v.illey trarr*ott Mie wliwhl ling lender and juicy.
"No air." he conclude*!, “you * man, waa in that city lo*»ku*g after
huvr Uteti »mi by thè locai Irti-* 1
should not bold i*vf stuff here hit internat». Mr William« ha-
gatto» A»xi lation lo thè gvsvrn-
areali» »tupro«rd lha line
after they are yearlings
incrt elfi*tal». It 1* ».»feto aay
It was plain to the reporter that Ontario and Kurt»« and furnith?«
ihr l*r«t arc<>mluedati» n«
that no otlier counly in ili* state
Mr Rose knew in.-re ab-’jt lit*
ha* a atorc feasible irrigation eaUU MnlM this be d.d, so be under thr avverar c.tndiliona again
which all contractor! on the line
ptopwiuvn vr • m-wc complete laid nviltiug
I Lava tu cuntend
N diet is he-eby given that in
pursuance to an order duly and
regularly mid- lv th- Hon II C
Levena County Judge ofllsrney
C. inly, th. ii elersigned Executrix
of the Estate of John \V Jones de-
ceased will
Fr^r» thing i ••< rfat* and up to dal/.
O’ V.u! <r<x ¡9 r 9t nfrr.
T'IIE most important improve-
s -1 t
penniv'ship makra Oie po«»r writer
a splendid pent»»*»» in » (on sul«
bt the ns* oftbie ring
liy prominent College Pr*«idrnt*
and Boards o* E i K'*ti«»r h in Europe
»tn 3 a<»d
and Ar ì*nc.i. S.1 » |.k ¿ni n
of B i ms s-r’ed si
xe* «*«••
p«i4 for
• a ’ 2 V- U'lien erd« rir g
»ingl * sample
i>f INn-em- a single ring state whelher f -t man,
vornan, or ebi'.d
Fvcu m
Office in Bunk Building.
On or after M mdav the »th day
of January l'.MA offer at private
sale, for cash, the following d
•c-ibed property belonging to •» d
eel t*e to wit:
drd >n*
half lntere.1 in
6 of bl.vck 4 in
If srney Cnun tv
lHle-1 this 1 I b dar
her I'RO
Vo? ght and Sold oa Commission.
N.. II* S. FaariN Strtyt. Rill tOFLPIflt
The school where thorough w rk is done: where the reason ia
alw-ivs given; where c rfidcnce ta developed; where S ckkeeptn^
1«ta a-ht exactly as books are kept in business; where shorthand io
made eas - ; where penmanship is at its best; where hundreds ei
bockkeet -s and stenog-a- '.era have been educated for succcm ■
U.e; w’.xre
usar. » -n- re will be Ope.i a'.l the year Catalogue Crew