The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 10, 1903, Image 2

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    Siu Æimrs-ïurattl
Washington, a sentiment whicb «
infer i» borii of a misunderttand' condition» and n««dii
1 ART 10 Iftl
■ «unir)
• eh ws ras
gr«t to sav. is being av.dly propo­
rli* <1 l.v th-'H« who havo tmscrupu-
lou» «mfs to attuili.
Il i utsociation <|.»ir«» to pre-
The d If ■ 1 *• b**tw«eo th*-
tf i< ih ; ! loti
selling piof the be-t beef cat­ M.IH H- tl»H i *1»
tle is all ''It ,0'1 per i ent, s.T. s ill- tu ili»? FortR. i
Breedei . p- '■ *. .1 .
\ prin e. faci»»:
unr more than $1000 or by iinpria*
onineiit in lb* county jail not less
than three months nor more than
"lie year
Sectmu 10.—That any sheep,
cattle or hor-e.s found rutming at
larg" in any county of this »’ate in
which the owner do»-- not reside
and no permit has l*een i»»U“d
tburtfor, *uch •' wk bull b> treat­
ed a» esir.iv«, ami it is made the
duty of the stm k impector of-uch
county to take up, advertise and
s-ll such stock in the innmier
pr..v bil
in la.» f '' th« sii
Reeei’iin^ our Full and II inirr ¡¡outlx, consist-
in<J of all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries, Etc. Onr cfoslc of ladies d/ rss
ojtih'f /iaiinel.s, ladies and child tens under"
ivear, I" d i is a nil child reus shoes are uiie.vcell-
ed. H ? invite you to visit our store, inspect < ur
Stock, obtain prices. Tie guarantee satisfac­
tion in every particular.
First— That
sidération of ’
ha* b*-, h und i
« "ni i
pr<i»p. ritv of
per<»>b< and tt«»?
m ate ri tl iuier-
protection of t
est» T hat ilio most important iii-
E .;c tii-.'j Oiice.
diittry of
"f thi.»
this «olire
entire section and
the one up .0 which our continued I
N »t
is »iert* >y
that in
prosperity depends i« the live-stock
pu i j* h . h «er ’<> ai» '»rupr (Ji)iy and
industry, that it ha« been the only
rejtilarlv mil»* bv the Hon H C
factor in the s*ttlem*-nt of I llis
There sei-niH to be ;i determi­
D > !ers in
L-veii” U unity .Ju in- of H *rney
pioneer country. that it is at thi)
nation on the p.ut •,( many l.a-t-
County, th** iiuJerfigned E.v ct'tnx
firn*- the v* ry Lack-l-m e of our
ern Oregon li'i/.-nst > ^gravate
uf the E'td’e
material wealth;
for th
the vexed range que: tion. With­ follo ving r'.a'oiis
1 • hi
out doubt it is oue of the most . the e«l abl i s h 111 *■ - t
(> » or af’.^r Monday tin 'uh day
Fere-1 I!
of January 1903 I ifTer at private
serious lor al i -ues now before I serve would most
- ile, for ca-n,
ca-n. t thv following de
the people, i attic Imi si's and it:
Crockery, Glassware, .Winir'Ik, Pbirps.'Guns,
-'■ri' ed property belonging t" »a.(I
sheep all I elong to the priieli-ss | In th>- present un.l»v.-l >p«d con
A xr, munition, Fishing Tackle,, Paints,~ Doers
,-l.l'e to Wit. the undivided olii
resouri i s of tin- di-li t. They dition of i h.s coniti v 111'- o!
Windows,-Garden Seeds] Etc.
are all taxable j i< p. ity and bear tim «oil fir p'lrelv ngrioul tu ru I
(»of T' k 4 in th' city of Burns
their just bin ili-n of ex pm st* purpose i- pos-ml" to only a v. ri
II i-ney County
Sn]? an nt» for Rid’-.-Ericsson Engine»
limited ext'-rit. and tn it in fin- in >.|
Oreg n t annot legislate an indus­
I) ed thi" 13 h I u of !>ev rn-
fu» >l«d lo aliti, s; tb it im'nsns
try out of * xist.nice, neither i an
Only Tir Shop in HarneysCounty
areas, owing to i i lilv, uupr.idm-
she tolerate distiirbam es
E MA A Jo.'sKS
livimess >f the soil and lh« alc-nc
arise from the absence of
Exe'-tltrix i»t J din \V Join - E->
of transportation facili tie», « re utl°i •
so there you are.
i lie more you |y worthlenR for any other purpoF
discuss the in.liter, the lai ger it than that of grazing; that the sc-
DAVID J. ”11.
erows. I..i-t Oregonian.
| quireuient of land tinder the sev­
eral acta of government is in fur­
X dice is hereby g ven. That
David J. Hill. 1 ¡r>t Assi*» int Secretan i f S'. . will i i- inqui-h that
therance of live-stock growing pure­
Burns is not the only place ly; that lands already acquired, position this mo : h ;<> |. -t ouïe United Stati-.* A 1 i ■: -r : 1, S ; z-rl-ind und"r»ign> d Mortg'iifee. in ptirsu
, C' t’(h*d as Fust Assistant bv 1 .in i- B Lotnis. at anc« of th« terms of n certain chat­
that the “citv dads" have to and yet to be acquired by the set­ 1 1« will be
tel Mortgage made, executed and
wrestle nitli the drunken Indians tler would be next to worthies» | present Lui’ 1 Sta’e» Mi ii ■■ T to Pori ; g i'.
and delivered by one Henry H
Dr. Hill in s belli thè office of Assistant
question, Pendleton is trying to without' the accompaniment of a
i-1 of State for Ma«tt r»on. • of Drewsey, Hannev
lessen th" think evil among the | “free runge” upon the public do­ i longer time ’ i.i’i iiny of hl * 24 predece -r-
• p i ig Mr. Seiv- County, Oregon, to the undersi ned
noble redinen and now compel main. That any delimitation of the ard, and durio • peri* tl o f diploni.itic '¡ii ' . Th ■ assign- Mortgager, on the 12th day of Dec
them t » leave town before night, "free rang«” would be most disaa- men! to Hu it.: • L’ ' i • u idrrstood to la- pl.-;
; to him, not only ember. 1 s.t-'i umi duly tiled in the
ft appears that Pendleton is situ­ 1 trou« to all live-atock interests; and for pi-rsonal at id fatnilv 1 ea-ons, ¡i » « ¡ i'c: t
t pre »ent at Clerk's office of said Harney Conn
nnc, but b
ated (tmilarly to om iitv, as the further, no system of reserve, of school in La
«ir ihr ¡ - *
■ .>•■ . ' : opportu- ty, Oregon, on th« lflth day of Dec­
leasing or,'of private acquirement
nities for p.rosi v Li! UHi of C •Ji.Oil .■■¡lUti.ll Ui ! in u hii li he i« deeply ember. 189a, the terms and condi­
East Oi egoman sav.s: The com­
i of the range can do else than de­
They will have •omethir.g to sur next we«k.
inter ested.
tions of said Mortgage have been
munity ones the Indian protec­
stroy the prosperity of the Bloik-i
broket, by a failure to pav a cer­
tion from the moral lepei and growers Again we insist that the
tain note descril>ed therein together
who goveri.ment cannot put th« lilim b-, fmrviny 1 h»* s - iiuh
And alzo t ii ■ fur- mit to herd n“ such stuck.
with the interest on said note, will
wantonly and boldly parades his grass ranges of tills section of Ore­ ther good pol «■ aud j’i.vir
of tho
Section. 5. — That it fhall be un- on Saturday, the Bid day of Janu­
Crime before the people
I bis is gon to a more profitable use th in g<»vernni*fiil’d <»l»?<i¡.i!:’ »■ U<ÙI dirrrt
lawful for
who is a resi- ary, 1903. offer for sale at public
the mail to whom the people that of maintaining upon them the inturiiuition a? ¡I n *. h < x ns*',
a nd (lent of th
oH :iiri;z or hal ing vendue for cash, on the premises
should say; ••Before sundown, thousands of cuttie, sheep and not h*nvi"tf m.l.x ■ » • •< t i • turn i.*h charge o
ep, inttla or ti the City of Drewsey, Harney
go.” Ibis is thy rial danger;, horses that now make up one of the “in h bv indf p« nd> ti* . \.r» and at fl r •-», I
them, or permit County. Oregon, the ch-itt.'ls de-
this is the element whiihmali-' I meat ifnportimt values of the re­ private exp« u j . b it j
them to >
•. >- jermit them -cited it.-aid Mortgage as follows:
ciously tulles with the peace and sources of Oregon. And most concern bulb to th»* g \ r r-.n .1
t> ;r .: 111
>v f th- unoecu- <b e dwell ng h use known a- "'ll»
safety of the i itizen .mil this is strenuously we insistj that perfect, io 111“ peeplt* of t • ‘ t
p eil laud.« of this stu st except up- lb nrv H Masters m duelling” sit­
freedom of >he range Jis an abao-l
the man who should be sought
on unoccupied land» i lying rlhin uate on NFj NFf S-c 26, Tp 2tt
lutely niiass.iry condition.
THE RA.XGi. LIV. it ! A..
the county in which the I'.rner of S., It 35 E . in the said City of
out and punished.
With these facts before us, we
-" h >’ ■'.< r--' !«» ivirhout first <>b- I >r«wsei. Or< gon.
cannot contemplate with compln
Folio* ing i<» t h f 1'1 (< xt < ’* hr i. ; ng f in the ■■ 'tiiitv clerk of
Dat. d thi« 1 oh day ef D-c 1902
“Prosperity has gi tally increas­ cency the formation of an immense 1 rung« limit l-.!l h 'liu’i ¡,.1-d . . n j*r
■ i'"ii"’y in wiiii-h it is proposed
J ohn D. D aly
ed th demand for good horses, forest reserve, which from present pnr»*d by îîf’p't
dt .'»udì
> herd or gra
i .«-k. a per-'
and tin supply is not equal to it.” in iicalioiia, is to include within its <»f Wallowa r »«mtv, I i who a
’■ ' '" herd or craze such stock
•ays Harper’s Weekly.
“We boundaries f* rtile valley», groat 1 he introdit th** nrxi
« ’•
within that county.
ni“ hv hi ’ •
are horse poor not as some peo­ riingea of uiountain. entirely devoid I of th»*
S- i ’ir>*i 6 —That tl he | r;nit re-1
\ 11 '
ple are land poor, because they of forest growth, toil richly covered
X lice in here v given that in
quired I y thi« ict «h h ï 1 ! br i-Rued
haven’t enough I iimsch .
l'Ol wi h forag. gra«.*e«, largo stretches ! of x<:i7Ìiikf Htoi’l; upon th- r i
,.v ff
bv • lie C'innly elerl • f the varions purslanes to an order n a
:• p n i
year« aftet the p.mii of 1893 of a sparse growth of a scrubby tills Nt.-iI»» and to pr« -v
.cutintn s i f Illis »tn when the p ir- ( C. ¡.-v.ii«, Judge of the County
thousand., ol people who wanted bull pine forest, which has no com-' I fo* vinlnti’-tiN h^rr
. tv desiring «uel • p rmit > lia 11 pr?» Court of Hurney county, Oregon, value except for the domest­
Bo It cnac»«* I by ’!|A pnop’<‘ of . nt to «m b cm
Torn nn
D» cein»»er, 1902.
horses muld not afford them.
tiiosr« placed iince: our care «il rece ve the best of attention.
ic use of the «ettler W.* are alarmed ' ’ ht» nt ali* t f ( h , .o, ;
statemi nt of lb
i and numb *r
But with the icluiii ot piospeiiti
fresh stork and« m.fcrtal I. li»(I} ,g* pr(j-alf{1 t0 glve
SoctitH» I—That r ‘•hall h» Uli ot st
at III« milking of n reserve which
«tuck H.
l- d to hr ratigfd
they to grow again, and
thus threatens our industrial life, lawful tor anv pt r- u tuiun <*|ae h
’he public the very best of service. Stop with us.
!*h » >untv, tog» ther
I 1 ■■ in Io bleed them and further prevents our dev lop- having rhrirg“ f anv nh •> 1.»
rl' with
■I propertv belonging to the
r«nn th** stock
iig.un. But it takes at least live ment by discouraging the building ’ho Rame nr permit Ui“in t<
■ctor troni
• untv in thi»
« of John \» . Join -, deceased,
Ve.ii s to 1 aise a horse that is of a railroad into this remote sec­ ' herdud on the Ian 1« or p >-s» m -I
irh stock ha.R
What is known at Block
31 m < t ”
ready loi the 1 market, and the tion.
eiiiima of nlhi
X I n. " 1 l.v • iid uiRpector,
b’ eeili i ■■ got bi hind. T he ile-
Xotwitbstanding the protest of 1 the Rame nr
t »hr d ite of Citi : Itu.-ns, Or, ¿on, on the f-d-
mand lui» outrim tin s-ipply ami every interest allect. I by the pro- Upon Uiiipp:
h i-’ imit, and lowing b ran« to-wil; One fourth
the pin, of gooil hui ses lias in- poai d Forest Keserve, e fear that one mile of’ he
îr fr<Fe front a«l in- < ash. On** fif’h :>f the remainder
¡an t
« I l .1 ••> <• I < ■ ■ i : p,.. \
l itri V are our rights are to be ignored, and • tlie owner «
î .’ gn ni dÎNctters, to b» paid each year in vi arlv in-
about 1-i>o,xi boire» m our that ttie making of this reservation
b»* the fre requirvd st llment» of that amount, pur-
e of
lami, of .m i stimateli value of is alreadv n settled fait. In this
ciia« -r to give note« »ecured by a
The largest and best equipped hotel in Malheur county.
event we ask our representatives
mor g ige on the property »old for
$tn|j,i,x>-.’.' ■>.
1 <■ lin pi ov nient
—That t h*
to demand for ua that the most
The rooms are large and i mfortable. Table service the
dt freed pavm •ills.
of thai sto. >, is a » ( i » impôt tant
thorough investigation intofhe local
Best. T irst-c'ass bar in co'.nection. Up to date................
Ei. ma A J one *.
mailer, < spi'vtallx m thèse ilavs, conditions be had, and that no per
P* to ih« * rrk ¡»suini
P it I thi« 27th day of Decem­
w lien I I.i.qii . h I-C pool, too, flinctory drawing of the lines of
owing f **, to-wit:
ber, IfO'J
,’« t> r heal
and re.ulx to takv tiom us an» this ll**aerva l-e |«rmitieil. That
Ontario, Oregon
n*l j Knitted;
sui pais -upp \ of gooil boises all laud» which are purely range
thaï «e n..n ionie to haie."
land« tie e »eluded . that all private
u know wh«t you
get at the
ti pwrmitt.d
h ildmg» be also excluded, that
tn th»* iti­
li. F ttigfrald , P resident
F. 8 R ieder , S ect and T rea
n emit sh»
tESOLtnOX tHÎSsî I ORI ST Ul O tfH this raaervation !•*• confined to the
• d thvnfi and the
B ig «» A T cbne « A ttorneys
higher rang»« and water-shed», »nd
kind • «I- < k I’ernot
h J t
-T-rj-ZA/ay /a ZA» h'n»
« b • *r nn » ling of il r Bur­ include nothing but commerciallv
^acstexxx Cxeg-on, □Title
no permit »hall
IH') 1 01 niti >
Agiowt-r !» \ hhvkir - valuable timber.
CrTJLQ,X3L3a.t37- CO.
!■ ngrr tune th.n
' 'S-****r r oftftfr.
We would also reco'ornend the
tlou, li* Id January 3,
the fol-
0.1 it.
INtJORIH > ratel >.
ml-er following V"**'
lowng I» ■ ' .it ï w.ut in.ivfd ami opvn|ng of the reserve to homestead
and Title Guaranteed
fu ter ft, tSfftf49^nry.
entry upon lands which am not
h h
unantiu minly adopted
RvioiVei I, That thi* Association, purely forest lai.d», and which of
i is'- the county
To a.! Lands in Harney County, Ores
r«-» y»/Z*»«/z-ar*r/v/#.
reprywiitmg .1» ltd
the IIveat H’k necesaity are included within its
• a counties f
luleie-'.- ot . 1 < of
i>f th
th»J :: g<»t*ato, k. limit».
keen a record in
'Druf óftrft 9/
Bought ind S.-- d on Comtnitron.
gruwitig -
et Ihey >11 eanrrs»
Thi» A»»oeiation also destre» to wit hi i* i'n n *
«i ter ot th» time
Other in Bank Building.
sttrry .
by rei liti-"i l> ....r r. prr*enlallve» have brought to the attention of thf* c’niif.tnt or
. * i«« i* d, th» name a// t. t tes.kt trtpt
lu_* 1 gr<»s i.» utt« r disapprovai of th» government' the good public pnnatMorjr chum
-• of the per­
sst: 'a.'»
policy and just re of otWaining di mile of I hi» b »ui
is i»sned the t*iim-
H» -.r» >-«,*-»Z,,»-rrr'.M4,>>.
Fori»', ile-eli
. i that It requoft reel information concerning the !• nnhn »" n to t
•■"«» permitted
ihein t ■ u- - e» v • '. rt tu present above facts and c n litionr, as wll W'M*h tr»**
»*"» •
a- • " • rec.irci
lite foteriimrnt i< ■.» carrying into as detarmining the «xact tract« f in« n» \v
cle*k •h«ll pAV
H. M. MORTON. Prop.
gffe<'t a uie.i»ur« ‘ib. i in * »rr» te­ land to I m * included within the Re­
«- -»r at the
• peci i»
lawful ft mt
t'i t
a i, tint of
deval< |> n>ent of tin» country, »n<l t’ c « a*i a» Io be aide to disc >m of th* »
:•« th • month for
- done: where th. rraww, B
• II »•. C
••£ »* • »rri*itu|>orl«nt mJustry nate between land* vain« e lor IK eharg" n
-l> ; in* receipt
where bookkeeping
• litafi thi*
growing tiiyt-er—-which is the
brrd |ha
h Uujht exactly as boo
Fwrthrr, tliat ibi» Associât on jeot'of the government—an I ' . I« Upon h -
».,»• with appratì. n,i..i> thè g’ow- )upon ’which no ti'u’nr of c. tu- Within tl
insh-pi» at its best; where ïïi;
. -,
»’ • ol th*«
Ipg »liUtii«iit m favor of thi» rr- n.«rvial value evergr«w. itcw grows taioitig
. » -bit's- egçsandpm-
‘nr ever will grow, and which are th«» c» tin
C - : .--Il there .ir CaUicra« fcw
dn s i»:i kituietoW E Hastou
therefore wiJ* of any ohjratsin r**lto b- rj
ai t;.e Durkbetiuvr I uildn g
well fed in ■ f v. :!1 yell lor it. lit
three time-
1 -uh p r pouno
as the 1 1,mm >11 scrub hall fed.
That's why theii- is no profit in
A tirsi
grow ing n i ub 1 Utile
class dairy 1 <>iv is w orili lin ee
times a » mm h as a common sciub
whether to ieii or to keep.
> IlIACmraER.'T'
i Liven Feed
A''' BR0THEItTt >X & SOX,
Prop s . 1'u ms. Oregon