. N A R M ' SUMMONS, L< st—Ou the _X>tb in»tC. W McClain lost a petition for the par­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Chrwtmaa. good* on k>p at the don of Gao. Miller between this Oregon, for Hartley County. City Drug Sfiore. city and Buchanan station. A W. L. Marsden and J. W. Geary, B obk —To Mr. and Mrs. Ren suitable reward will be given to the partners, plaintiff*, v*. WUliam Brown, yesterday, Die 5, a boy. . finder. 11. Gibson, defendant. «, - ! Com niisso ners XVilftnius and '1 o William H. Gibson, the above S tolen —On th« night of Oct. 9. Miller are both attending court 1902, from Henry Kelsey, on Deep named defendant: this week. In the Name of the State of Ore­ creek in Steins Mountain, one I Lovely Albums, Toilet sets. Toys, light sorrel horse with strip in face, gon: You are hereby summoned and requested to appear and answer branded and vented with HF on Games etc., for Christmas presents , left shoulder Information leading the complaint tiled against you in at Horton’s. to the arrest and conviction of the the above entitled action on or be­ J. H. Neil is in from Happy j thief, or the return of the herse to fore the 22nd day of December 1902, winter with his vally to spend the Underwear thac fits and gives service as well as R. H. Brown'* ranch near Diamond, pursuant to an < rder of the above 1 family. ving warmth and comfort entitled court based upon the affida­ will be liberally rewarded. See our display of Christmas vit of the pltT ami of date the 5th Mr. and Mrs D. IL Smyth came goods before going any further.— of Nov. 1902 for the publication of jin from their Happy valley home Out-Ory Goods department is fall of netu and stylish goods.— Schwarts .4 Budelman. the Hummoi.s in said action you I last Wednesday for the purpose of nnellettss, Outing Flannels, Wool Flannels. Pretty uaistlngs, In Avoid the rush, get your Christ- I being initiated in'o the nixsterie« «ill take notice of the date of tin figured and plain. lose goods now before they are of the Kebikah Degree of 1 O O F said order for publication as nbove picked oyer—Horton keeps ’em. Alfred Johnson, one of the popular stated von will al.o take notice that young teachers of the Citizens th • time in which yon are required Bring your butter, eggs and pro­ to appear and answer is six full ouool heavy saltings for skirts and Tailor duce of all kinds to W. E. Huston Busines« college, was also given a suits 54 inch uuide from $1.10 'O $1 50 ride on the goal. Alter the ini weeks from and after the date of at the Durkheimer building. tiatory ceremonies, one of the usu­ the first publication of said sum­ . The place to get your Xmas is, p •’ '■JBw * '' , al good spreads were placed before mons iii the Times-Herald, news­ paper of general circulation printed Ready made Flannel waists and skirts. Ladies’and Children’» presents at The Citv Drug Store. them. Don’t forget the number—H. M. and published weekly at Burns ’ Fijkets. Winter shoes for Ladie8» Men and Children. Horton, Prop Oregon, and also that the date of j WILL BE IN DREWSFY. 3 ..'.' ‘ ______ _____ the first publication is Saturday "Hot Coffee Joe" al the Windsor Dr. Brownton, of the dental firm urdav Nov. 8, 1902. Emporium can serve you with the of Hibbard & Brownton, will be in You will take further notice that ■ best things on earth Fresh East­ D.-ewsey Dece. 8, for a week or ten if you fail so to appear and answer ern Oyster* now on hand. day*. Those needing work in his for want thereof the pills will take j Byron Terrell’s family have mov-1 line should call early. Comforts that are well made and servicable—We have them judgment against you for the sum ed into their residence in our city 1 of Fifty eight dollars and the costs d at reaaonable prices. in order that their daughters may Eiecatrix’s Notice. and disbursments of this action.. •••s with us. Thursday. They were uuable ti gallon in said precinct for a period Hiller, in this city last Monday, Cbas Johnson, L«eCaldw.ll and l1"«1 al) ,h,',l‘,chir”r-v •,,d had . lofsix months from Jan 7th 1903; Henry Richardson returned on last1- boil*r « K,U ‘‘‘’P'’ tec. 1, a girl. Brit Kelley, Dick Fry. Joe Bank­ "no s on the wav in. Theoompany offer. Chas Owen, Lou J. Bosen­ La* Caldwell this week bought Saturday, stage from Canyon. now has machinery scattered all berg Jama* Mackaby, L C Chim , M. Byrd’* interest in the Wind- Wagon*, wagons; We will »«11 j over Eastern Oregon with not a jberlain F. E Cailson, Frank Lir Bar and i* now so'.e proprietor you* Mitchell, Rushford or Web­ whole piece in Burns. In this re­ son, F. L. Redon, Sid A Kertz Dell Dibble, accompanied by his ber Farm Bed Wagon; spect it is something like The ' Robert Doan, Frank Kneny, Phil lb and mother, came over from 3i Steel Skein ................... P I 85 00' Timee-IIerald, except that we have i Bush, Lubrio Gilbert Chas Fields •r craek laat Saturday and were 3J « ” 90 001 everything to start our new ma- Notice is hereby given that on e Hit 01 U,e C*»“«“- 3f “ 105 00 ehinerv but a few extras fur the I the 7 day of January, 1903, we will i engine which wo cannot locate. fr, W. L. Beet and wife were in our Send your orders to us. 0. C. Co. apply to the above entitled court I “ ” - ¡1) w illy a few days Ibis week tnak ng Oor oly the football t oys residents, taxpayers and legal vot­ "*ni S«« th« MV Adi of Waters <4 1 A Byrd, the proprietor* have fixed and their gueats as ‘ The Event". er* of Pue.blo . precinct, Harney Hagey, W. C. Huston. John Gem i up the new quarters in a very com­ Several toast« were given some county, State of Oregon, moat re- SIMON IMIS, J. T. UAHRXTT o F0P berling. H. W Welcome A Co. and fortable shape and have added a, .excellent vocal and instrumental leptctfully pesiuou your Honorable music rendered by those participat- A. C. Brotherton Jt Son in thi* is- billiard table. ing. Alter adjourning from the Court to grant * liceiis« to J C Tubie - / LEWIS <4 (¡ARRET, P rop *. T J Shields, one of the p*on**r^dining room they repaired to (Peterman to «ell »pirilijii« mall 'l0'"'7 A petition waking for the pardon residents of Silver creek, wa* a |>,cher'* hall where they "tripped and vinous liqtftx- in less quanti­ SOt'TII MAIN eTHEET. CO of W. D. Huffman can be found at busineas vrritor to our citv a few I the light fafitistit” until 12o’clock. ties than or>> ( in Maid pre- Thia barn ha. just l>een com­ Water«’ A Hagey s store where day* this week ’ „ 4/ month* _ pleted and my natrons will l>« Mr Shields has The voung people uf Burns should cinct for a p*i ‘dLd,idf ;im< Jho>* those intereeled in his release can siway« been a substantial and uot allow this occa.ion to from January-mli', well treated. Horses entruat- • o f>e the Holloway, R e>Aao.i gained by thia aounty in the fur- The Tmree-Henrfd will ghwiiy aid BARBER 8HOP th« finest reservoir plant* fn East- NotiO« I* bereky ffifa»- Dial ’ ‘Jterannri of irrigation is due to his anything along the line of enter­ Fu*i> F i « k , Proprietor. 1 ern ’ UM p- fit by SHAMPOOING. ETC. pf tb* utlit c hwrr onlv i»» B. k Mr. A It n<’W’• pr j- I.V ’ lTIOS FerryfA«)^ flret rlatt and up ts dels it niiw ■MMttb*. h« ba* th<»r- t 9 A>/t door to A*s( jv U binit'di with Tbr ai anal , ». awiy lb« rowtin« "o ad will among other thing*. 4reide «*> We nuraad thal baad whaw il ••• COlapaable PooMet ••**•* vaocc and develop The tboro igh • pastor for 'he coming f*ar. an falsiti and welebad it grr>< lo •"*teiNN<•*•<», » j Appisrntii« an4«w>viw«M< work of himaeif and R-» A J. Irfan, th* preeent pa«- ita preaant condition witb mach > n» snra'i*M fawrs^rrn • «d’h iM We ara «vi ih tbsae B «tjM* d*lsfatrv te th« convent.on tor. has held th* poaition for the ■aliafaclion >>«t he. and W i^^ee >>p «*•« Mia*« ib'itg* uve»« io' wi>- roRRK-T BUILDING ' UNDERWEAR i XMAS SHOPPING i At the VARIETY STORE i or ladies, men and children . bought to best advantage ¿ere. ’"MOregon all Wool Blankets, acknowledged «xi best in the market. 1« a delight. It represent« unprecudcnted opportunities in the way > I ( assortments. Our display will suggest io you a hundred sui able r Christmas present, for old and youug. You are invited to a perfect feast of magnificent presents of practical value. Our.assortment vf ' DOLihS, TOYS A>W H0VEL1TIS Has never been equaled in Burns. Now it the time to buy. CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE ...AND... CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Afford« Hi« people of Eaai and Central Oregon all the opportunity of a ftrat-class modern Buaineea College, It is n home institution covering every course involved in lluaine.« College work Its rate* are the aame as charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Stu lent« admitted at any time, luatruction at the College or by mail. During the summer months the College will conduct a S ummer N ormal S chool For teachers and other« who desire a reviewing or prepaiatory course. For specimens of pen work, and full information on Bmriiieas College sub­ jects. address ZsJZ. TZ. ZF’xixx-, □B vlxxx S, Oxegrorx. THE CAPITAL SALOON, S chwartz & B udelman , TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietor*. Oregon. Burns, Burns, Oregon. Z v Z cl I xo Tlxio licadg vtcixtcxs. rwilvhe Times-Jisrald NEW FEED BARN. ! - WATERS & HAQEY. ARCTIC —«► OVERSHOES & RUBBERS KENYON V0EGTLY & KENYON, —Dealers in— HARDWARE AND MACHINERY Crockfrii, (ihissiritre, Tinu'are, (’ntlleiy, Farm Imi>lrine>ils, II ’intimills, l’nm/ s, 1‘aint, (hl, Doors, W'iniloirs, F.lr , Etc. Hopkins & Hunter, J-laipe^ apd paddle Dealers FOR Security Stock Food. gm |. A fine condition powder tli it will keep stock henlthy and in good condition, Will make hen* Inv, fallili ducke, mrk.v*, m«k<>» chicks grow rOUltry rooa « <>< Worm Powder A sure calyee, hogs, worms. g g _____ __ fl -- IlOclVC flGrneCly stage curHe for heave* in any Carrvit with you. ar Supplies nutritive qualitie« to skimmed or 1^«^IT I 000 separator milk. A quick fattener. •• Will cure the severest cases of colic. Horse- ^^OlIC CUrC men should never be without it. Rheumatic Liniment " Pinkeye and Distemper cure. g g r ryi.ii.rlil Softens the hoof and keeps feet in glOOT iwemeay good condition. Quick hoof grower. .» DI ■«»♦«««• Very best blister made. wdLUSlIC DI ISier rii.glM.ne. spavin, etc Cures M • • _ _ . _ a.» _ *_ _ _ I _ _■ Prevents blood poison from Antiseptic neaier wre^i- ete hci».^^ _ 1 1 Cures all collar galls, saddle galls, etc, while w^g^ | j CUre using th« animal Ask those who have used it. Carbolized Disinfectant X-.u« protection from vermine—sure death to bed bugs, etc. A New Line of j||| DININC CHAIRS and ROCKERS HAND8OME MIRRORS, IRON BED8. Children’s Iron Beds Center Tables, Com* modes, Matttesses Pillows, Lenoiium Kitchtn Oil Cloth Lateat deaign* in * no* _ J..’»M ' (¡o to Hutton* for frc*h fruit. BUON’ FURNITUR’ l'r> It 'if P