The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 15, 1902, Image 2

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    vast cost of construction ami the *
DEPARTMENT. va.**b uubi ui v> ■ • = » -------
unknown colt te r ere . f rrc amr-
tho Circuit Court of the State of
:ion, added to the doubtful sue. ess
Oregon, for Harney County,
Rccei'iing our Fall and UmkrJ
Oregonian News Bureau. Wash­ of th ' works, makes the <1-part­ \V. I.. Marsden mid J W Geary,
in£f of all kinds of Dry Good^l
SATfKDAŸ '•'iVEMBttilJ 1»M.
partners, plaintiffs, vs. William
ington, Nov. 9 — Secretar» Hitch- merit fearful of undertaking such
11 Gibson, defendant.
co<k expects during winter ori scheme*, especially until smaller
Groceries, Etc. Ou r ctosk of
To William 11. Gibson, the above
spring to select sites for the first jand
more promising projects have
outing flannels, ladie.s
irrigation projects to bs built bv i ■ demonstrated the success of gov­ named defendant:
iccar, ladies and childrens
the government under the general ernment reclamation. It maybe
In the Name of the «State of Ore­
Ten years from now the pres­
cd. B e invite you to visit
law passed last session The geo­ stated as almost a certainty that gon: You are hereby summoned
ent gobbling up of the public
stock, obtain prices. Re
logic 1 survey ts now actively en­ neither of these hrii« projects will and requested to appearand answer
lands for .ittle or nothing, by fair
tion in every particular. " WT
gaged in compiling data c ollected ! be undertaken for some years to the complaint filed against you in
means or foul, will have a veiy
bv its fiiM ag' nt< in the respect!»’«-! come Governin'nt reclamation is the above entitled action on or be­
ugly look, and the chief offenders
Western stiit-s. showing the merits, an experiment and Secretary fore the 22nd day of December 1902,
lind their families will have cause
of the several site* < xaniined. Hitchcock's business instincts lead pursuant to an < riler of th" above
to regret their perniiious activity,
roni this compilation the S« < re- 1 ; him to conclude that small experi­ entitled court ba.-ed upon the añida
if they have any regard whatever
tarv will be able to choose those; ences are the best.
vit of the pllfand of date the 5th
for public sentiment. The over­
Gov. freer has decided not to
of Nov. 1902 for the publication of o
shadowing fact about the public
call an extra session of the ligis- turns, both as to co U, amount of
ill? summons in said action you
domain, whether we are talking
will take notice of the date of the ©
lature. l our reasons were given land reclaimuble in proportion to
of timber, coal, railroads, sciip,
Qu te a little exeit« inelit
said order for publication ns above o
for a special session but the Gov­ th" expenditure and
irrigation, is that the old legime
stated you will also take notice that
ernor considers them not of suffi­ number of setth r- to
Dealers in
of limitless land and scarce appli­
it was announcid that a very rich the time in which you are required o
as a result of reclamation.
cient impoi tance. 1 le says: Lew is
ThoUpp' r D. selmtes is one of quartz ledge laid been discovered to appear and answer is six lull »
cants is gone never to return.
and Clark Fair appropriation can
the most favorable in Oregon It about 15 miles up the river from wa cks from and after the date of «
We are living in a day of pres
Welfare of the City of is the opinion of the geographical
Bums ami that some ul the rock the first publication of said sum­ 9
sure of population. Europe press­
Portland will not be seriously survey that it is one of'J. • most
assayed •'¡•«8.
es on our Atlantic seaboard, ami
mons in tho Times-Herald, uews- 0
jeopai dized by waiting until regu­ promising sites in the country. I he
Ti-x M irtin and James Brandon I paper of general circulation printed
our East presses on our West.
lar session to pass charier bill eomlitions there are such n" to in­ were ti e lucky discovers and have
Crockery, Glassware, Windmills, P^p,
The Mississippi valley pre:-es on
Referendum amendment is no v a sure an abundant supply < f »vater what appears o be very rich cl-'ims.
Oregon, and also that the date of
the Rocky mountain region,
part of the constitu ion, ami le i'" | a liieh cm be distributed over a We tind'Tstand several claims have
Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Pax
the first publication is Saturday
Farmers fioin Minnesota and the
lai ion is not needed to n: kt* it large area of rich but now arid been staked and that gold is there nrdav Nov. 8, 1902.
Windows, Garden Seeds Etc. 3 ,
Dakotas are flocking to Oregon
operative. Regular session can land, ut reasonable cost. 1 he de- in rich quantities
You will take further notice that
and Washington. We do not
If this should turn out to bo the if you fail so to appear and answer
provide for fiat salaries or other ip'irtment believes that money ex-
Sole agents for Rider-Ericsson Enginrt
need to advertise our timber in
Blue Bucket uiin.-s Burns for want thereof the pifia will take
proper compensation for state
the East, Lumbermen of Miihi-
' into the irri gation fund by settlers would he strictly in it us a mining
Only. Tin Shop in Harney Coum
; judgment against you for the sum
who would eag- rly grasp the oppor center and it would be a great
gan and \V isnonsin understand
I i f Fifty eight dollars and the costs
' tunity to secure valuable lands up boom to the country.
full well that their own timber
■ ai d disbuumerits of this action.
There is every prospect for on payment for the water rights.
With the diamond anil sappbir
1’hey air
supply is doomed.
T hornton W illiams .
Inspector Green, by direction of prosp "cts of Crane creek, the new
turning hither of their own accord, great mining activity in Harney
Bill’s Atty
, Secretary Hitchcock, is now iuves-! gold lind 'ii Stein Mountain, with
and acquiting land as rapidly as county next season. Some very
the necessary steps can be gone rich prospects have been located ' tigating the state selection- on th. some of the richest copper mine*
Upper Deschutes to determine in th" United States in th ■ l'ue’do
through and money paid over, and development work will be
whether or not they embrace land district, Harney county is fist com­
Justice must be done Io all these
that is ari 1, and otherwise subject ing to the frunt as a minirig sec
Notice is hereby given that the
applicants under till these laws.
! to selection under the Carey act. tion.
heretofore existing
Capital must be protected, Set- J. J. DONEGAN TALKS TO iELEGRAM if bis report shows the land to be
Shoo'd this 'latest discovery between A. K. Richardson and Geo
tiers must be protected. But
arid, and the state in the meantime
Burns Harney county, in this does not withdraw its request for prove as rich as reported next sea­ I. Jamis, under the thin mime of
through all these conflicting inter­
sen will ice lively times in this Richardson ik James lias been dis-
ests and complicated qui-1 ions til«’ 1 state, has the distinction of being such selections, the lists will be county. We have not as much
olviil by mutual consent. A K
the fi«th"st county sent from a
one obligation that lies heavily on
approved, unless found to be olirrr-
railroad in the United Mates, ac­ wise irregular The state would inf urination about this new tield as Richardson will pay nil indebted­
every pall iota: lie.ut is protection
we dr.-ire but hope to five our ness against the firm and nil ac
cording to J. J. Donegan, a business
then be expected to close its eon readers more particulars ly our
of the public domain and obedi­
counts due said firm are parable to
man of that town who is now in
ence to the law. It is not the busi­ Portland. He was obliged to take | tracts with the 1'ilot Butt'' and' next issue.
him All ' hose owing-aid firm are
ness of Commissioner Herman or a stage ride of 150 miles to Ontario, I other irrigation companies, and re­
r> qn si« «1 to s< tt!" io, cash or
i have « un -i i .g to *ar next*«
clamation \*ouhl l.e attempted by
any other ollir'al to screen offend­ on the Oregon Short Line, w hen he
'•fore Jani 1903
‘•¡hid” Springer is r« c
private enterprises On I he other :
A K. R kharas
erà in office or out, to boom set­ camo to this city this week, and he
fo in a “ vere attack of • - v
hand, II' Gri en’.- report shall show 1
G eo L. J a . mes
tlement or facilitate. It is theii considers th • trip a very tiresome
the state s 'lections to include othet | Anton Egii is a • I: >•
business to enforce the law with­ lone, says the T eFgram.
than aiid lands, the secretary will typhoid foyer at his h mi
out fear or favor, and to leave , “Il takes two nights and one day either cancel the selections < r re place.
A liberal r«’wnrd will be paid f «r
their skiits dear of fraud of leni­ to ride from Burns to Ontario," lie turn the request to the state asking
W. Parrish left Tuesday tie- return of u light brown dog with
ence when future generations hold said Inst evening, "and the paseen- that th«' lists lie modified to include ■
• the stag«' for C iiiyon City vvh re white neck, fuco rind feet He is
their niemeries to strict account I ger is nearly tired to death by the only arid tracts
lie o s 'o attend court which con- rather lull and looks something!.ke
time ho reaches th i railroad, as it
for the dis.ippeai ance of om once
a shepard.
M I,. L ewis .
in s there nt xt M■ ndav
is impossible to sleep ou the stage,
vast and always mil easing valua­
and the road in most place, is
Strong representations have been (
ble public domain.—Oregonian rough enough to keep one holding
made to the interior department, Gn tn
! on.
which leads to the ccnch.sion tiiat '-*^-<ggyrr7
‘ T here are stopping places every the Oregon land board acted blind­
Our Ing Cottrell Press is now
in position ¡md will soon be ready 20 miles or so, wln re one may ob­ ly ami ignorantly in tiling its selec­
to start. Some of the fixtures tain a meal and where the horses tions under the Carey net. The j
for the engine «ire still lacking and arc changed, but the meal is usual- selections in the Upper Deschutes ;
we haven’t muscle enough Io run ly a poor one, although the pritie i« are long, narrow sti ips of land run-1
• >0 cents. The passengers,hoivever, ning in directions to encircle areas!
the press, so will have to wait a
do not caro for the prie» if they of 11 iw di M-rls. It has hem repre-|
lew days more in otdei lobe in
col lii obtain something lit 1.« cat, sented that the approval of sucli
iii st class shape.
The Times-
and would lie glad to pay a dollar lists would practically ¡emter these
A lint* condition powder tb it wiJ keep
H er.lid has added ov ei 13,000 lbs
stuck healthy and in g mil condition
I lor a decent meal.
inoluded lands valueles , or place
of printing rnacliinery and type
Will make hers lay. falt' n ducks,
‘‘The rolling stock of tho stage them under the control of proposed
geese, turkeys, makos chicks grow
and when it all gets into working company consists of buikbonrds. contractors. 11 is possible, ut course,
Ker Jis horses, colts, calves, hogs,
shape .mil the -pi 1 le.iicd out of dead 11 x wagon* or any old thing
that the nature of the country is
and slier p tree from worms.
McClain & Biggs Proprietors,
the way even the oldest iulibit.uit in the shape of a vehicle. The is such as to make it necessary
A sure curse for heaves in any
will not know the ,-lieet. titre is $k'> which is considered that the eeleetiens u.-sumc this uu
stage. Carry it with you.
This Stable is located on the corner of First and B ffrw
great religious weekly w ill soon cheap for 11 150 mile stage ride, a* usual shape, as one official believi s,
Supplies-iiutii'.ive qualities to skimmed or and grain on hand* Has competent help, IT tins a Job W*-’
enter its sixteenth year of coiitin
separator milk. A quick fattetier.
but this is not the advice of the de- 1
era te my pail of the Country
lion« publication in this thriving cei ts n mile.
purtiuent. If Secretary llitebeoik
“We are very happy over in Lecontes convinced that intending
men should u ver he without it.
liuig audit is considered a“stand-
Burns, however, and only feel our contractors, are attempting to cor­
Fim-st liniment for
l>V.” With the new ma bill iv
man os beast.
solation wl.en we want to take a ner large tracts, under pending
just added it can serve its patrons
trip to the outer world Our peo­ state seleeti i;S, lie will unhesitat
much better ami will continue to
ple are mostly etoekruis' re and so
improve with iis surroundings ire not anxious for a railroad that inglv turn down the s'ate lists
keeps feet in
and as business justifies.
Its would settle up the country with SO riiOFT IS PRIVATE ESTEliPl.ISES
bn, f g'ower
many leaders tire invited to »¡ill farmers an I crowd the stiick to the
T he Largest and best equipped hotel in
Hydrographcr Newell, of the
and see it in its “style and grand- wall. Everybadv is doing will geological survey, who km .».■ more
'¡’he rooms are large and comfortable. Tabled
CUl” when in out city. If v ou now. and such might not be the about practical irrigati. 'i than anv
Best. I’irst-chiEs bar in connection. L ptod«^
have enough to pay vour sub- case aft< i population liecomes m ire other man. told The Oregonian ci r-
CIK|“O Curt > ; 11 <•< ll»r C tl!^. saddle pa 11.w. etc . while
. respimikiit yesterday that there
sciiptiun bring it along loo.
□ wLl 4 W vm if: lb
¡’i >1 A'k those who have used it.
“The county, however is in a very had never be, n a slice ssful irr,ga­
Ontario, Oregon
und« velopcd state, and there is a in n pr ijecl luumhid by private
\\ bile Bums is growing tapiil large
amount of U nd that might be capital
under the Care act Every protection tmm v« riuine—sure d< alb t 1 lad bugs, etc
ly and pushing to the limit as a rendered
productive if farmer* out proved a financial failure O il
M. F’. tzgkkai D, P resident
F. S. P. ie I'ES. StfT‘
trading point, it could and would would take hoi,I of it. A portion of ot'O.tXXt acres feheted by the
State <f Wiouieg, wluie most
pniglcss much bi tlei if our busi- "
Brims A- T i ’ rxer . A ttorveys
ness men would lend their ener­ being moistened bv the melting Carey act contracts have been
Sasterxi. Qzeg’oxi r^-'
gies togethci and it the light di- •nowsfrom the adjacent mountains m.iiir only 11,1100 are now under
neb and will irrigation, and the non cot wtriivt-
■ ertion. XVc have selfishness to
raire ant thing.
ing these systems lost In ivilv Mr
contend with
Men who don’t
"There is some t ilk i f the Salt Newell bolds out no 1 tv -.gem nt
Abstracts I’urnishcd anil Title Guaranteed
want Ins neighbor to pi «"per.
I.ike A Coos Hu«■ railroad being for the auii'ess of pr.j jeet* under­
To all Lands in Harney Cot^
cwn though it decs not interfere
built through Harney County, and taken in Oregitn under tins set.
with tin ii p.»itnu!.ir bus’ness, but
it would eonre to Hurns in all pro-
The interior department h.ts been
pethrps indircith hem-tits Bums
bal nitv Whether this road ever .reliably informed that if the gov- Children’s Iron B..ds
Bought and Sold on Commission.
Office in
is too broadminded now to allow tuaterialiies or not, however, is a
.ernnient construct* an irrigation
am cel tain individuals Io domi­ matter of conjuclurs with our |ieo- isvstemon the Prschutes river, a Cen er Tables, Com
neer, so thvv just a< well “pull in pl»
railresd will bs built int • the In art modes, M.Tttt.sses
their horn.” It makes no differ»
’Tortlan-.l Daily papers are three ¡of the rselai
Pi lows, Le olium
«•nee whethei a pu position oi a days old »lieu thvv reach Burns e< Illa II n r
business undertaking is just to the and the Boise papers are two days also
itch n Oil Clo h
: 1 I in that *• **101»
liking «leeitan pc «".»le or not, it old We ,|«a alt.'geth-r with Port­ 11ton At1 ■
i «
it is something that s needed and land. however, ami as all ««ui in­ uni r tbe Car« y uet the r ¿ího.iJ
deserving the pu'dic will give it terests are in Or.-g >n. the Porllami will 1V t t e hnill.
1 .’.4 school where thorough work is done: wb***
p*l*rs are the only iM'.es we care M
VIHile i'■ raidrrs
just itiognmon. Bimi.rl« men
1 read regularly,"
s I wtvs given; where confidence is dereleped:
ocm broilght to »s•ar lo in <iuc?
of energv and pub'» »¡»mt will
Mr. DotiegAti is <»n bis wav ti» , le; . rt tut ut tn r,(
make a suciv-s n Bin-«.
'„«it exactly as books are kept in busincss ;
Z lie (Times-*wrahl
quickly a tree could be turned in­
to n newspaper. At 7:35 a, m ¡1
tree was sawed down. Just two
hours later it had been converted
into pulp and paper. At io o'dock
the first printed and folded paper
came from the press. In 145
minutes the tree had been turned
into a newspaper, it now be­
comes a Yankee to beat that re­
cord. Perhaps it has been beaten
for something of the sort was
done in New York several years
ago.- Ex.
TZ75 L
23 Jv*
Poultry Food
Worm Powder
eave Remedy
Calf Food :. ■ii-'
Colic cure
Rheumatic LRiment
Pinkeye and Distemper cure,
Hoof Remedy
Caustic Blister
Antiseptic healer L.iL.GizVx,
Carbolized Disinfectant kii&Uir
A New Line of
and í ’ k OOKESS
R vsebu’g to visit relatives, an J he »Ct, 19 lik ' the Mi' k river
in M . n-
»in. ", • «.,->.<1 ■
1 th- Tr '
C 3 f* fqn ;
ecasv: where penmanship is at its best;
stenographer*. have been
-s ind - more will be. Ox-.a all the
• > 3'
A. P
■*c ■