vast cost of construction ami the * DEPARTMENT. va.**b uubi ui v> ■ • = » ------- .SUMMONS, WE ARE NOW . unknown colt te r ere . f rrc amr- tho Circuit Court of the State of :ion, added to the doubtful sue. ess Oregon, for Harney County, Rccei'iing our Fall and UmkrJ Oregonian News Bureau. Wash­ of th ' works, makes the <1-part­ \V. I.. Marsden mid J W Geary, in£f of all kinds of Dry Good^l SATfKDAŸ '•'iVEMBttilJ 1»M. partners, plaintiffs, vs. William ington, Nov. 9 — Secretar» Hitch- merit fearful of undertaking such 11 Gibson, defendant. co qn si« «1 to s< tt!" io, cash or i have « un -i i .g to *ar next*« clamation \*ouhl l.e attempted by any other ollir'al to screen offend­ on the Oregon Short Line, w hen he '•fore Jani 1903 ‘•¡hid” Springer is r« c private enterprises On I he other : A K. R kharas erà in office or out, to boom set­ camo to this city this week, and he fo in a “ vere attack of • - v hand, II' Gri en’.- report shall show 1 G eo L. J a . mes tlement or facilitate. It is theii considers th • trip a very tiresome the state s 'lections to include othet | Anton Egii is a • I: >• business to enforce the law with­ lone, says the T eFgram. than aiid lands, the secretary will typhoid foyer at his h mi out fear or favor, and to leave , “Il takes two nights and one day either cancel the selections < r re place. A liberal r«’wnrd will be paid f «r their skiits dear of fraud of leni­ to ride from Burns to Ontario," lie turn the request to the state asking Hon (' W. Parrish left Tuesday tie- return of u light brown dog with ence when future generations hold said Inst evening, "and the paseen- that th«' lists lie modified to include ■ • the stag«' for C iiiyon City vvh re white neck, fuco rind feet He is their niemeries to strict account I ger is nearly tired to death by the only arid tracts lie o s 'o attend court which con- rather lull and looks something!.ke time ho reaches th i railroad, as it for the dis.ippeai ance of om once a shepard. M I,. L ewis . v in s there nt xt M■ ndav OREGON LAND It '.lull's ACTION is impossible to sleep ou the stage, vast and always mil easing valua­ and the road in most place, is Strong representations have been ( ble public domain.—Oregonian rough enough to keep one holding made to the interior department, Gn tn ! on. which leads to the ccnch.sion tiiat '-*^-0 cents. The passengers,hoivever, ning in directions to encircle areas! the press, so will have to wait a do not caro for the prie» if they of 11 iw di M-rls. It has hem repre-| lew days more in otdei lobe in col lii obtain something lit 1.« cat, sented that the approval of sucli iii st class shape. The Times- and would lie glad to pay a dollar lists would practically ¡emter these A lint* condition powder tb it wiJ keep H er.lid has added ov ei 13,000 lbs stuck healthy and in g mil condition I lor a decent meal. inoluded lands valueles , or place of printing rnacliinery and type Will make hers lay. falt' n ducks, ‘‘The rolling stock of tho stage them under the control of proposed geese, turkeys, makos chicks grow and when it all gets into working company consists of buikbonrds. contractors. 11 is possible, ut course, Ker Jis horses, colts, calves, hogs, shape .mil the -pi 1 le.iicd out of dead 11 x wagon* or any old thing that the nature of the country is and slier p tree from worms. McClain & Biggs Proprietors, J’.tirr.s, the way even the oldest iulibit.uit in the shape of a vehicle. The is such as to make it necessary to« A sure curse for heaves in any ye will not know the ,-lieet. titre is $k'> which is considered that the eeleetiens u.-sumc this uu stage. Carry it with you. This Stable is located on the corner of First and B ffrw nil great religious weekly w ill soon cheap for 11 150 mile stage ride, a* usual shape, as one official believi s, Supplies-iiutii'.ive qualities to skimmed or and grain on hand* Has competent help, IT tins a Job W*-’ stage con-.psnies usually charge 10 M< enter its sixteenth year of coiitin separator milk. A quick fattetier. but this is not the advice of the de- 1 era te my pail of the Country lion« publication in this thriving cei ts n mile. Will cure the severest cases ef colie. Horse ­ purtiuent. If Secretary llitebeoik “We are very happy over in Lecontes convinced that intending men should u ver he without it. liuig audit is considered a“stand- 1*1 Burns, however, and only feel our contractors, are attempting to cor­ Fim-st liniment for «I l>V.” With the new ma bill iv man os beast. solation wl.en we want to take a ner large tracts, under pending in( just added it can serve its patrons trip to the outer world Our peo­ state seleeti i;S, lie will unhesitat Hi much better ami will continue to ple are mostly etoekruis' re and so improve with iis surroundings ire not anxious for a railroad that inglv turn down the s'ate lists »« keeps feet in and as business justifies. Its would settle up the country with SO riiOFT IS PRIVATE ESTEliPl.ISES bn, f g'ower many leaders tire invited to »¡ill farmers an I crowd the stiick to the made. Cures T he Largest and best equipped hotel in Hydrographcr Newell, of the and see it in its “style and grand- wall. Everybadv is doing will geological survey, who km .».■ more '¡’he rooms are large and comfortable. Tabled CUl” when in out city. If v ou now. and such might not be the about practical irrigati. 'i than anv Best. I’irst-chiEs bar in connection. L ptod«^ have enough to pay vour sub- case aft< i population liecomes m ire other man. told The Oregonian ci r- CIK|“O Curt > ; 11 <•< ll»r C tl!^. saddle pa 11.w. etc . while I1EADUL ARTORS FOR HARNEY CO dense. . respimikiit yesterday that there sciiptiun bring it along loo. □ wLl 4 W vm if: lb ¡’i >1 A'k those who have used it. “The county, however is in a very had never be, n a slice ssful irr,ga­ Ontario, Oregon und« velopcd state, and there is a in n pr ijecl luumhid by private \\ bile Bums is growing tapiil large 1 amount of U nd that might be capital under the Care act Every protection tmm v« riuine—sure d< alb t 1 lad bugs, etc - ly and pushing to the limit as a rendered i productive if farmer* out proved a financial failure O il M. F’. tzgkkai D, P resident F. S. P. ie I'ES. StfT‘ trading point, it could and would would take hoi,I of it. A portion of ot'O.tXXt acres feheted by the of Harney valley is self-irrigating, State n. the Porllami will 1V t t e hnill. 1 .’.4 school where thorough work is done: wb*** p*l*rs are the only iM'.es we care M VIHile i'■ raidrrs N hi* just itiognmon. Bimi.rl« men 1 read regularly," i s I wtvs given; where confidence is dereleped: ocm broilght to »s•ar lo in .<1 ■ 1 th- Tr ' C 3 f* fqn ; r c ecasv: where penmanship is at its best; , stenographer*. have been -s ind - more will be. Ox-.a all the • > 3' A. P ARMSTRONG. Lt 0 ■*c ■