Wag nis, wagons; We will sell The dampness of the past week 1) R Thorn come over from Sil- has caused the freighters a little you a Mitchell. Rushford or Web- ver creek Wednesday. btr Farm Bed Wagon; J C Buckland v.as among our trouble. $ S5 OO ...AM)... gtnel Skein . 'Contracter Smith has the brick 3J “ *.H) (X) “ ... Harney visitors this week. “ ... It 15 00 work or. the First Nati teal Bank 3} “ A Venator was in from Crane Send your orders to us. O. C. Co. well under way. creek a few days this week. Bring your butter, eggsand pro­ NOTICE. Alt'-Tdi the people of l..i-t ai.-i Central < ,-g n all the .1 r rtiinity of a L. L Clark, the Narrows horse­ duce of all kinds to W. E Huston lirst-elass modern Business Colle--, ft is a home iastitni >11 covering man, was a business visitor yester­ at Durkhetmer building. every course -uvolved in lHainess Coll. w-rk l’.s rate s ao- the same To wh >m it may concern: Notice day. as charged el-ewbere and tin-ntetlro.1- aie the Stu lent.- sdinitteci “ Grandma ” Caldwell is living is hereby given that the under ­ C W McClain and family have ■ at any time. Instruction at the Coilego or bv mail Doting the summer noutlia the College will conduct a moved into the ‘-Grandma'’ Cald­ with her son Lee. Sha returned signed has purchase.^ from tlier ad­ from Waitsburg in company with ' ministrator of the estate of Abner well residence. Robbins, deceased, all the interest him sotue time ago. -—, W. I> Johnson brought over a of said estate in the firm of Daly A Underwear that fits and gives service as well as Mrs J. C. Welcome Jr. has been load of grain from his Silver creek Robbins, of Drewsev, Oregon, and For teachers nix I others who desire a reviewing or preparatory course. •••uying warmth and comfort quite ill at her home in this city ranch Thursday. For specimens of pen work, and lull mformution on Business College sub­ that he is now sole owner of the ---------------------- ---- _ — ---------- with what was feared typhoid fever. jects. address business formerly owned by said About I the only unoccupied The lady is improving. Daly >i Robbins. Bv the terms of O qf Dry Goods d»partm?nt is fall of necu and stylish goods.— building in i Burns just now is the Z l C. ZE. ¿Eeig-losr, ZF’xirx.., M. A. Modi, foreman ofoneofl said sale John D Daly assumes all mellettes, Outing flannels. Wool flannels. Pretty uiaistings, in county jail. the- i B u me L a S Co iaiivii« in the south the liabilities of said firm and al) ZZA jlxxx S, Orog'cn.. sed, figured and plain. z Mrs Bart Cronin, of the Agency er„ part of the county _ , , is here re­ debts and accounts are now due utid valley, is visiting relatives and newing old acquaintances. payable to said John D D-.lv. friends in this section. Dated at Drewsey, Oregon, this ■ U Joe X »V RlVVSUlbyy McNulty, v vaquero < foreman 3-js All oiool heavy suitings for» skirts and Tailor As yet there is not enough power j Gj p l g White Horse 1st day of September, 1902 suits 54 ineh txtidc from $1.10 to $1 50. to operate the electric light plant ranch, is spending a few days with J ohn D. D ai . y . U_________ c— satisfactorily. his sister Mrs Tim Kribs. TRISCII * DONEGAN, Proprietors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The little daughter of Mr and W H Ceci! and wife come in * - Ready made Flannel waists am! skirts. Ladies’ .-uni Children’s Mrs W. E. Smith is quite ill at her from Crane creek yesterday on a !P,diets. Winter shoes for LadieS Men and Children. In the Count) Courtof the State of home in this city. visit to their little daughter who Oregon for Harney County. ■T;_________ We were treated to a litt’e of “lite is attending school here. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph beautiful” Thursday morning, but | Rev. A J Irwin and family ar­ E. Parker. il soon disappeared. rived home Thursday evening from Notice is hereby given that by­ Mrs I’ M Cheenev was the guest Grant’s Pass where they had at­ order of tlie above name Court the undersigned has been appointed of her sister, Mrs Simon Lewis, the J tended the Presbyterian Synod. lUltl. Comforts that are well made and servicable—A\ e have them Administratrix of the above named latter part of the week. Joe Caldwell is fitting up a very Estate, said order being dated Oet. I at reasonable prices. /Mr. and Mr.-. N. Comegvs are | neat short order stall in the rear of 9 1902 All persons having claims having a residence built in the the Windsor Bar and expects to be against the said Estate will present the same duly verified as by law Is again turning out lumber and slti.iglcs. Dressed and southern part of town. ready to serve the public by required either to me at my resi­ rough lumber of all kinds, moulding, ami shingles in stock J. W. Saver came down from the -M'it.i,. dence near I.awen, Oreg >11 or to my in sufficient quantity to HU any sized bill. Large ami sawmill yesterday. The mill has The Electric Light & Bower Co Atty. Thornton Williams at his small orders given special attention. ofliee in But ns. Oregon, within si x been closed down for the season , l'-*s purchased a block of land just months from the expiration of tin Richardson & James, Harney, Oregon. For Young and Old. , T ; inside of the Sweek fence in the publication of this notice, which ex­ ' Messrs. Loin Sagers, A. L. Hunt- . . . . , , , „ , Eastern part of town on which to piration will be four full weeks, er. Jack 1>-tints and Pearl Young , , 1 <-. E Kl MYOM. after the fust publication on the , , , place their big power piant. man are nt the lakes shooting g i/ 11th day of Oct 1902. We bad hoped to have our new M ary O ahu , Dirtnet Attv. Miller and family . . i . „ . , , , machinery in place and running 1 Administratrix. to k their departure I httrsdav , , • . ... r : t. —Dealer» in— 1 , ere this, bi t as yet the freighters morning for their home tn Ontario. . . . . ... , have not arrived with the engine Executrix's Notice N. J Lewis, the “wet ’ grocer of all,| „om,. of the fixtures for the Lowen, is up today in company press. They should have been here In the matter of the estate of John ( 'rorkern, ( Ihtssiru re, Ti n irti re, (’utili ry, lût rm 1 Go to Hustons for fresh fiuit. , ..ilh Commissioner Miller to secure ; two weeks ago. I !U ;il t’lll euI V, li 'i ml hi i Ils, l'iim¡s, l'uìllt, W. Jones, Deceased — Notice < f Mrs John Culp is suffering from appointment. Oil, Doors, II ‘imlmrs, i.tr , “Uncle” George Duncnn was rrd. tvphoid fever at her home- in this Notice is hereby given, that let­ 8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF John Mi1 liore, a cat tie Ini ver from ■ obliged to return home to Silver ters testamentary were issued to city. Crook county arrived here Thur-- Like last Monday, having been the undersigned Elm 1 A. Jones. 11s ANY NEWSFAPEK IN THIS COUNTY. Ray Smith lias been quite ser­ dar. Th- gentleman is looking subpoenaed as a witness in a wate r Executrix of the estate of John W iously sick for the past week. We for calves. suit, He did not have timo to louts, Deceased, by the County g L. II. CRII I IN \. it. . stapi . i '. s SATURDAY NOVEMtt:It ». "■■■■■- understand he is much improved. t R R Sitz ani B F Attstnus were,''”'1 llis nume ron- relatives in this Court of Harney County Oregon, 0:1 the Sth ilay of September 191)2 I IL Holland, accompanied by among the Lnwen people tr. deliver ■ -eefion but hopes to return laler. Ail p< rsons having claims against Local N evvs. his family,arrived home from Ma! Cattle to the Hanley ranch this Family Kit-ords at the Burns said estale are required to present heur county last Saturday evening week . Furniture Store These records them with th- proper vouch th , at ¡< the ofliee of Piggs A- Biggs, attor­ L, B. Springer is reported on the were over from ; are something supe rior, because' neys, Burns Oregon, within six The opening .exercises of the A Cote and wife ;k list. Citizens Business College last. Wurm Springs thi» wee k to sec the they include a complete record of months from the date of I bis notice — "Scott Haley is a visitor from yjon |.,y evening were attende d bv Ultee’s brother, Joint McNulty. re latives on both sides of the- house Dated, Burns Oregon. Oct-11 It 1902 E lma A J ones . for three generations. Call ex­ •: We make a Specialty of arrows. : who is ill. I a large crowd. Executrix of E-t of John W. Jones amine and «e know you ’ ll buy. .«* .« CLOTHINC, SOOTS AND SHOES [• Thompson, one of the pros IIt-ceasc d Senator J. L. Rand has returned Dr Marsden ami son George Something every family should One Price to All. Mail Oi>l is S «liciteci. g perone ranchmen of the Drewsey spent several day« nt the Bear val Baker City. and wife left Mon- section, spent the past week in Icy stork rai e le this week returning have. NOTICE, uutttmttîîUiiîSitmtsittxttiJtti ... tn::::;« The Examiner wants wood. We home Thursday. Tiny were ac- 1 our city. Sheriff Allen i don't care a snap whether it's wood Notice is Hereby given that by­ ry with Etta Horton f >r Salem. W. H. Harris, of Alvord, is companieel in by Geo Bvran. on subscription or cash on delivtry order of lite Hon County Judge of C. _ _ E Kenyon and J. J. Donegan Judge Webster took hi.- depar- spending a few davs in our city JOHN GEMBFRLINH, : wood. Wood any body he kind the County of Harney, State of :::*I()UNI) ON Hili STRiiiil-::: s ire last Saturday morning for his visiting 1.is daughter Frankie who .left, here Saturday morning for ' enough to bring us wood. The Ex­ Oregon, dated the fifth day of Sept. • lev. « •••i-. < )[>ti<«itin rind talent, having tn charge r red K.tn- is attending our public schools. 1902 the“ undersig n'd wa» appoint­ ome in Portland. ' , . . annner is going to be a hot sheet ed Executor of the last will and A ini-mot aiidtnn of .1 lot of rm. I'.tmutivc'r. Mrs C A Bonnett has been the Chas McKinzie, who for some dall who was sentenced to one year winter—the fact is we must testiucent of Titos B. Janie» dec,d little things 1 must get al the l ine W alt li Repairing A Spe- in the penitentiary fur larceny of a t of Mrs Geo Shelley during time has had charge of the French- All persons having claims against have wood. Come on now. — Lake- I c. ialty. DRUG STORE h >rse. CJTY Glenn Routing Spring ranch in past weak. view Examiner. ’Ve’re in about the said Thu» I! James dec'd will F M Jordav, one of the delegates the same boat. You wo ain't læ- present such claims duly verified oi’rosri i. i hi I1. <>. this Catiuw valley, was a pleasant call Gns Hurlburt was a business Accordion to attend the K. of P. grand lodge lieve it if we’d tell you th«- number as by lav r«<|tiir«d to the under­ Comb aLisitor from Warm Springs signed nt the James ranch al Har­ liistrumr nt Strings nt Portland, arrived Itoni« last of good men vtho have promised us tley, Harney County. Oregon or at llritHli teek He was accompanied in by er to this ofliee this week School Books M irror The Windsor Bar lias been moved Monday and reports a delightful wood on subscription fur the pest the ofliee of my Atty., Thornton Bucket Book Mem. Bo.‘ks n red i Brown. into the building on the corner visit with eld time friends and Tim« Books pist six or eight years, Imt a» -non Williams at. Burns within «-ix (<’«) Gluaa Cutter SIMON I EIM«, J T. elAKKETT « *!»,« John Geml«erling. our enterpris- north of the postoilice. Caldwell relatives. months from the c-x;.« ration of this Finger Cott Blank Books 9 as we needed it woodn't tiring it. notice, said six months will begin Tooth Brush Magazines ng jeweler and optician, lies en- ,t Byrd, the propiietors have fixed A Grand Ball will be given on to run from tin- fifth lad publica- Nail Sou pa ft arged his place of business, to ac­ lip the new quarters in a very com­ ft LEWIS & GARRET, Pitot’s. ft Thanksgiving. Nov 27 at Ixicht r's ti hi of tin- same, on the 1 lilt day of Cloth Kt tfu E-TItAYKD — At Crate creek on “ ft fortable shape and have added a commodate his prowit g trade. ft Scihsora SOI Til »I MN STICKET. Hall. The building will be remod­ June 2<>, One black horse weight Oct. 1902. Bath “ O billiard table. G kokgk L. J ami -«. ' Fred Fisk of the Capital Barber Razor ft Hair ** This barn lias just been com­ eled and made comfortable, in­ about 11001b branded circle Son ft Executioner Lather “ Razor Strap «hop, is putting in bath rooms. G E. McMenamy. of Texas, al cluding a new floor Jack Dennis’ right hip ace of clubs of left should­ plete <1 ami my patrons will be €• Balia Match Box er. O' e brown mare w.-ight about ft well treated. II^Fred has a very t ■ nephew of I). M. McMenama, arriv­ I orchestra will furnish the music Horses entruat- Murbles Harmonica 1400, little Catholic cross on left J^’tany customers are «■ -11 p.«»«' • ed here l ist Saturday on a visit to e-«l l > me will receive the best NOTICE FOR BI I I.K ATION Stlverwarn 1 ’ iancj Al Weatherly, the Prince of hind leg with their treatment. Watch cf care. Huy 25 cents the latter. The young ntan had A suitable reward will be given Violin I N1TEI» -CTATW I INI« orru K. « Drewsey, accompanied by Cyrus BI KNW, <>n . «, IWJI.J Guitar Clock * * Mrs Frank Ilollidav was in the never seen his uncle and come un­ Ankeny, the fiarlier of that lively for their return to Lawen or Hurns FOR BALK. o BALED HAY Notico ip '•« ri ’ Your Patronage- Solicited. Cnm-ra to make fli'nl prf < -< ph 'V in this section perhaps permanent ­ Calling e. and daughter, both of whom are etc for a bath room to be run in Ilnrl.Rinn, for the nW T. Z2 ». K Copperas ( he c-kc ra r W M Sulphur ?r attending school her- Th y have ly- connection with the barber shop folltrwjnr wltneppr» t<» prove- Weston, Oregon, is an idea! home Jlc natnct Cream Jartar Ch' -» • rooms in the W <> White residence. Beautifully situated in the <»f »ttM ¡and. v tz-<»e.,rg«* Hat» *• WlHinmT Hops Soda Mr. and Mrs. A. B M i-on and town T iE CAPITOL Ge« rreic<»n. WM PAUKE. KrtlMft- Camphor BARBER SHOP Sweet ' 111 Thursday morning by private on. wllFTf* wheat is king. with pleasant Peppermint Spt« Nitro rpF.it E i - k , Proprietor. surrounding« and superb climate, vevance for the railroad, enroute Laudanum ________ MOTILE FOR PUBLICATION Paregoric Thin »ho/i han jut! brrn to th^ Essence Vanilla Insert Powder to their home in Portland. Mr its at.rac-tion« to the home-seekers i Mirri» h T atem laxo orrn r. » ¡tuMif* >t ■> t • i '■ '■ of lh> pat/’aHiiff*’ •■ f.emon Bertbiig Poison and Mrs Mason haw many warm ar« manifold. Il ha« a splendid JO BN-, <>rv , vpirt-ibvr Z’. i'.» ‘ Mottr» i» heryby glv-R that in coMpilanc« ” Buteana Cement HAIR ( I 1 1 ING. SHAVING, frien.ls here whoenjov an occasion­ gravity system, amply supplied bv with tbf |»ru»i»iwj.a th*a<»«>f Congrí» of Holders Pen» Jun«- ?, 1 74. entitled " In a« ’ fur th« tim mountain springs, and offers fre.- HIIAMI'OOING, ETC. al visit from tin in. a-1 well ns their i or lati'l» In Ho- * •’•» <«f * allfftrr.ia, or»«<«>n Tablet pencil« No ad« a» d * arhlrgt«»n 1<-rr|t««ry,' «a « ito.d h -,■-•slity wl.il» in the metropolis water for ten year« to home-build­ ed Eirri.lhmj •i Cigar« to a!l 'ba l«nd «tat' » Hr a« t of Aujruat N ut» I"V?, Nimrod < < it»»-»)», oí E • re getting in readiness to give its lion under pr .gressive management pur« Itv.öt It wiH only ccst a postage stamp to have our prices on 's., f» In T ■* t »hip i1» h k« ■-*-X.i .«F W. M i >h Hooka Fish Une wtll cfFrr pr«x»! t* »h««* that the land «ouahi Halve a g-trte <>n Thanksgiving Dav. —is here. Weston gave Io the and ta tnore Fftluable f a i»• timber ur •’ «:r than f«»r I Ha mone] ! >y « •gelrH*tti*ai t . »p« a» d ’«srp*a’ ’«ah t««t properly in th«« city — * »rrffs-n. Toolb Picks - - ,, T- ■>*I ~ ~I_ «■ ■" _■ GOie-psablo Fockat ♦» a'I <>1 Bnr ¡a, or.-r»,«« all the tncourtgement possible and the n»w Normal ground- At this arr* ( arl.ultc Ar id AL’ «'dall j'*”ftofe«-»mber. 19CC. Glyrerit e Cast« r • I • «I I- »t ftrr» ni «•■»!• WM. FAURE ReTr«r. • r* »trip adjoining cas« Tin.« s-Herald for an» tbit g rcroi - ed a valnalii . .$12 5b«i able. Fine to complete (Ire ground* case Cough Medie ine Etc Etc • > «I W u 5V L.IOO S toles —On th* night of <>-t ». building site- on Normal heights No r ÍCE FOR PE BMC AT ION sack - ■ 4 9° Western sutpr Rvf. I’ <»r.. out arid put it III B J. fr ->i Her.ry K*l»*y. oe« D«ep may fie cheaply had. with shade LIIIPUÍ STEfilOSCOPE CO. fSlTEb -r %TE* f A’-f» OFFb 7. • th« above a Pearl Oil......... Bort >9, •t ’ w , tHtoLvf L-. I üd | ■■reek in Stein« Mountain, one tree«, grading, sidewalk« and city I ■..? i 1.1 H.DIMG ’*• hft'« ■ r f1r»t» •!.»» fhft 3 4** P« High Patent Fi"’-r. . - • jl.f .-»er. I b-«’-«* wtth «trtpinf.e e, water free 'A s«on i« the place to carne i La» tlril M í » twteoOrdi l-HIlAt'KITIH A. •6c per tr» mak*- fli a í» a»it»p.'»í «.f ht» r !ai*-.an«1 No I Jap*»" R - • rar.«! I ei.-d vented with HF on loca'e and “erb« I your children." i; •• •«»'*. ftl ■ K ir.ft'ír r«-fet*e «b* K*-g • n| :•■»*«• lu • ' ,*/•«’ »» X - -«> - I- ft »hnotder lr>f<>rmatio«i iradit-g f>e»iral,le land may be h»«l f«>r a . *h, i » Ir H'f F ft»« !<*•> ftl f MrKoftort fr.r ti»« - < % F", • • % X • • ». ]> ¡e. , siti, < t to Market ('kan^rs th i g* trnv ng f-«r ths to the arr<*t arid conviction of ths reas’rtiable figure, cowaidenng its CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE RM ; INDERWEAR CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL " jr ladies, men and children • bought to best advantage ,-Bre. SUMMER N ormal S chool 'll’ THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, Oregon all Wool Blankets, acknowledged * e best in the market. Ixichiirdson & J ¿lines’ siiiJxrc3riJi±:Kzixr-.JL» i "•■■^ « - —««x>- ” OVERSHOES & RUBBERS S chwartz & B udelm an , KI Burns, Oregon HAL DV7AKE AND MACHINERY Orxtaxio, Oreg'crx. | DRY GOOD, LADIES and GENTS FURNISHINCX6- i NEW FEED EAPN. BOYER BROS. & CO Ontario, Oregon : DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, Horton’s Yo^rs truly. r< BOYER BROS. & CO H