AN IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION Bt. Afr e:i r d fi Id». A Great Newspaper 1 In: W illfc’l,r.-.■ i utu-titloii culled to this H ui'-y county »trike Lus Tire Sund.iv e 'rti >n of the St bi token active firm bv the thorough (Continued from first page.) Li>ui. Republic is a inaivel of ><, o - ju — will it ' 1 cy ’ i liutes to tlm development of the It is further stat'd that one of bi I section contains more high-class porti in’» Wertl.G. K."‘ Will lay $65 ir »75 to« no lader state and brings more people in the ep< cimen jewels taken to New Í - Interests of my L.rk by one of tin- railroad people literary matter than any of the Special (’lúea i> urei hast. Iloncymmi Swint? Aiocitinc 1:45 i in 12:35 The fashions J'7« »: ■‘'l'léluYV- company. Therefore, I nm not oj> experts wiii sold for $25 in ep .t monthly magazines a. ir. \\ by Pend to Chicago when ion can do ns well at the colors are illustrated in natural poind to government works. Mr. ' :i>h. It is Baid that tins jew 1 is BB*;,-i,» AM, , u "»■ especially V ilu ible to the ladies. \ 11 arnie Salt Lak« Pent »•» Ft. Newell has asked me for informa- a sapphire. 3:35 Worth. ■ A: :■ ha Ka « '¡h Ei? r« j *- is a The colored comi< s■ i tro < tion about the Deschutes country, The iisaertion is made in Burns [> a . ,:» s ( h -, St 2:10 11 z- n , „ >;l|-: » •’. Hips'll??"1 take in any wav to assail private ai.djiini will tell whither; The price of the Sunday Re­ 0 EAN and RIVER NCIIEDl I interests. .r t ot Soutlii-Hetirn Oregon is to; public by mail one year is .“?2 oo 1 F i nm PorHanti Feu» irli nur,, , ' : b all tie» ■ deal i». O' b'.r . ]_.f, g (.ni, ,,'0'''1 President Devers—W.- t have the real thing ill th-- line of, For enri' inu. i»... \h s ;.g’lali’H »ul' aim to injure vested rights. \V<- Simon pure diamond mine:, — i j et eh. g' . hair < r. u I,. w' '• wish to get v.ork donov.liero it will Baker City Democrat. ■I It I’ll, y«rrt Ilcr,,. START A BUSINESS OF YOl’R 8 ... l'or I'i .iiiil' • lii«rU, ’b.j.ur left <5/7* ( v< 5 da) n j be most effeetive. OWN. Krn/‘i, Mr. Williamson—Ami to have it CHY AUTHORITIES TAKE ACTIOS. Colombia Hirer 1 p. lb 8 p lu straciets. done out of the reclamation fund. l-Xel' Marlin ¡Ir. Bu,., H Our ’ w hook < nt.tied ’ 4'1 Mt.XKV Ex T" A^hi 1 ■ an* t\ Loss what’s coming to us if we Will Endeavor to Stop the Selling of MHI l'IV. ‘""t“1 i .Ceri,’;. JW •iit'im y Lauding.'* M aki ■> Im as " i- winth io w< i it in risili ear. «|„>v liq- or to Indians. don’t 10 p. li gi.l.l io .’Vi*, y man who want« tn start a ■ 1 1 ' ' ¡>er. S»,.W f Mr Drake—Did Mr Newell Pay order tiisinn-« II shell".vi : eut,r, ™ J1« WEUmette IF.rcr. I■ I'i'iuiiitp. pnvin.- mail I tin re were no plac.-a in Oregon ♦ X .it Pit) ?‘*W The following ordinance was crop off left. K i *"■ ">»■ i» It tell, \on what to do and h'-w to d" 6 a. in. O-rg. Sal. in an«i W .) ■1 3(» p io cept those taken tip under the passed ¡it the meeting of Frc.l Pei siedi. ISirr, ■ Ex.-- | t it siicce full; *11 d us 50e tt'da*. Kxei pt s. i. iiu.. r < s:e,.FDra:/*| L àìm I ì du - Suii'sy. Carey act? half. rop ni esili «, *■ Mmd.l ', the “dads” Wednesday: and we will ‘•end yn’> the book, and ■. I • ! hl- RJ Williams, Rite. L ■ I Mr. Williamson—lie spoke of rlu.ii .1., Section i.— any pcsin valuable uiootlil) journal •’'•• \car f-< ffillttuettr * Ya nth HI 3:30 p m ’.trieft ear. muter hslt«39 Hirer. others, y s. Blit fia encountered or firm who shall sell, give away i ENTURY P ublishing t’o , Box 73 'leT,‘’M": '.wlrhcL 0 Mond't Oi .» li • it », l’a\H i Ki? G & ? \YKK '.'■rie In ''.eiar. nnioh/lB opposition here. Tin-, is plain talk 1 or otherwise dispose of malt, vin­ V. rd. & -»T.-» left ng»» H eron L ake , M inn .Hid ay-L i .ding-» under half < r,,;. in rishi. "O friday. but true. II il F llii tt. Narrows hniK.I ous, spirituous or alcoholic liquors :«-ít Mi:,... .arç,. th ni:Roij rioNH adoptki ». ii.iii k. i pi i , h..,i-c pi, ï .. ri Willamette Klr*r. 4 :30 p m to any Indian or Indians, within 6 :i : ii suit I vil re lar. Ur.-dav Polli.luti (’«»rvail.s Syl'. i Hier 'mith, Xsr, „ , 1 The following n suliitiniis, > fl r< d the liiri s of the city of Bums, is CO YEARS’ 1 hur.- & eu; „ V bar. ,w,nlrt . and W •’)’ Lunàii g- EXPERIENCE .• h. rt.. < - k: ,.,t. in . ■■ U hereby decla'vd to be guilt\ of a bv Mr. Reed, were iiilojited: Sat. 'lewlap. . ■ '.iLIXLi à l'OLEÏ ’ Proprietors, Wh-ri-is, Th" counties of tlx- misdemeanor, and upon a < onvii - I’ <• Solili,. Earns her.-« J rib-ht bini’, ra.rl m Y l*! I, »re State of Oregon Iving « .i t i f tic (ton there »' bef le the rec vírele.S , uh, r lu,., LURNS, OREGON Snukr ’irer. vitr, spi.t in uuritfr stuc oí ¡t'; J l!i|orri. CnHciidc mountain prodtr "d. nc of s.nd c ity , be liable Io A E Von ,,r. ¡bin i.h,,.,,, 1 I ¡ : i .> tn I .- • •. ’ > ! ' ’ ’ ‘ ' 1:211 u in .1 < foin.ei :< .1 on ,¡4,, ,tiî ■ cording totb' ceiisoH of l!i lit. irr.iiu line i.ot esc t ding tfToo .nd Shop opposite old Brewery I» . V. left shoulder: i attle. wlir- J T rade M arks t-eriniiik, , ¡„1,; ,-ar ùr,y,p ¡ "Jy crops as follows: Wheat, 7,10 > ( 11' > not h si than $25, or by imprison­ □ eiigns All work ¿one with nentorsB ai d disf ateli. Sat'efacion guranteed nix îowan t liiutloj’ ubH-t I I A N. H oar . C opyrights &c- fitieoï neck; nil aniiaa’a-kt J bushels; oat“, 770,liK-t »getn v lur i' i ..:-' i Munn Co. icctivo not li ss than 25 dais, 01 by both iprckd ’-• l-'.f l.;> :■ »:rk. riihi n ;tb f, wit I out <•:> ■ t - c . in th j mid bui kwhent, 2IX) bushels, ng A. I. MORI IT, l’r. i i-i t. • Cri t.l'.,'. u ti.rWh, jllghai’.iilrx]^| Scientific such line and imprisonment. Th. » -.1 Inxlieùl. BnnaibH^H gregating 9,2.'f‘.f,200 bushels of ■m 1- f. s' 'a l e m -. ' Seiiion 2 That all tines im­ A handsomely 11' iMntfed weekly. T - vest clr- vrepe:; TiUL-’r.- grain. «ulntion ' i' nnv‘«•ie’Uit’o '-»urual. T‘*nn.«.Y4 a •onr: f mr emt*nr, <1. ^old byuil neoBth-cler’. •' -h' Ç:.: ' ’. !.. Sürla» Whereas, Tlx- prodix live capaci­ posed and .ollected in money ¡is fflUNN H ew York ' H-h ttltftrS ' «ï riptir car, t.»fulowfort i * provii.e 1 m iliis — ot (hi an. I* St.. Xt r.-hlu.p.uj, D. L. ty of Eastern Ore on unii: r iri iga- Lisket. ■ ’•»’ E Smith. Itimi, rattle lioll could l><> incren. < d tenfold, be paid mt > the lity trea.-urey, of • nrrk. m ri.Ju ear, G H ul ’ f ; et’ i . livrai, raitìf. which would no :m n grain crop ap ¡this city. One half of all such sote ; mark, crop and eplit iürê^H MAIN ST.. BURNS proximating 100,000,000 bu-hels money shall be paid to and belong Sono:: I c-.- is. Lwn.i.cWk¿M t. ia;‘i. ;• r.-..l umieiUi u* annually.besides dnii i ing,horticul­ to the informer, whether the in- g- n work done i t a sali-factory manner. All mtiers . given Uüüer bal.- < r< p cft I G K j i i f . EurtR, rattle « t A k ture and diver.-itle I farming on a fot met be an ollie er of the citv or i< j hip: XiiHikb. rn p cffWrr JHP prompt attention. Give him a call. ■ ■ ■ i John Purrs, h'-nsj’IsB Inrg’’ scale, thin opi ning to settle­ other prison who causes to be btiüv; cult!»', <’:idi’îui:d harutä^H ment a v st nteii now not utiliz d. e pii: in e:;< h tar, waîllfrtia brought the action or proceedings I) M Mc.'îcr niny, Bthri, mid adding to the material pros l'-r Mil!.-; . i .ï ter . in which such line or penalty in each car A i h full îiSiiietiUt^H perity of ti e i ntire si. te. Y'arien iîr. r .. ht.rges. LFcnrz^H .'hall be recovered, and shall be Whereas, Excluaivo grain farm- • un righi .'.¡c. n.urk. (rup»»M «terbi! in righi ear. ing lias been generally nluindnn <1 paid to such person by the city Otrr fee returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and dese. ¡pdon of .1 \V Jon; s. I, caitle.<;«>^H hip; h a: t r< p ft.itiiliti^B any invention will promptly rceeivo our opinion free concerning the patent­ L-h' in Western Ori-giin fur dairying treasurer witl.rn sixty days afte r • il H. rixi:L h. o- <• sume tau .H the same shall be ree rive d be the- ability of same. ‘ ‘ How to Obtain a Patent ” sent upon request. Patents I A V i’Lj;; g. V ît ., lauti.ti mid other branches of agriculture a iic. tri. r. i . ie : .-¡i>. secured through us advertised for salo at our expense. i: * ■ IHI mid for manufacturing, mi l unless city treasurer upon the certificate Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in H riiii’ir, but, g Ii..r»g.Etf i the eastern section is opened tn the of the lily attorney or the record­ • al i.e, ■ ,i .vit g T ue P atent R ecord , an illustrated anil widely circulated journal, consulted . J-l j»-it tt: J. lu «¿Ji *.3* ngrieu11rist there is grave dang r er of the City wlm prosecuteel or by Manufacturers and Investors. ■ iubt . tigttit m >.i t of brad. M C S Joh; roi», Van, kcneSjlNiM Bond for sample copy FREE. Address, Hint within a few years the state lie-aid sue h action: Provided (tiJie. bj ot. i<-i( itip; iniHi, iy £H ■ I- • i will Im forced Io purclia -’ from that such action or proceeding VfCTOR J. EVAKS a CO., C J J i .- îi : Ron, Kiley, («tlif.i , j (Patent Attorneys,} i’.Hrks. Lwidlo'., !'?rk in right t .HM neighboring atatM Ax>d products was brought or caused to be F. p , t alile, Evaiw Building which should be raised upon its brought by such party or that he WASH5?iQTG?4, D. C. ■ •.. ’V ¡ J. H . < Johi rup •" ht ear, iwj pj Œ half crop in leí:. B own ureas. W A t’a. n ph» li. N arrows, horW^B is entitled to one half sai 1 line. uî : left ßbur.Iüe: : cult!«, !>»• M Where;:'. Il is of the Utmost illl- lefi fchoulùer; i ark, upper The other one half of said fine Joint l'.uoy, J'.urnf, hu!fes.3«^H IKirtanei that the slate of Oregon Lip vr tide. shall be retained bv the city trea- take advantage v.itli mt delay of • nt h ear, bcìe i.t right. I Mrs I > Eu et, v.gnn v J suier and shall be disposed of ¡is the irrigation law recently enact d i'tck • it b.'ñ f. over r.‘p etiti uijtkti'ii iu each shall be- in force and effect from o i'.!. ;¡ . Aíüb'ECO., fiMM»,tint now m ailaiile for irriga­ .mil aft« r • i’ i-l- t er H..;-. >'nrr«I.E’’jN its approval l»v the <» !» ractery, 3.1 ; LLOAD’A AY. ite .e, :.'::i»rah tion work within its bordi rs 9 Nev, Yurk. r.CLVlDEKE. I'.L. fiiuUtcIt-r; ms:k. m deTii» tt may or. O ALL CASES CF D¡a:.'.e rrr. >«?. hftitrt, ' FHlDf ol: i«"!, hip IW^^B secretary <>f thia ns-oi iation l e mi l this 2Cth day day of Oct , tp. »2. O I, Ibstilutdy ITII!’ HAR' A a ■ ii ri t’a( h ear. t.ewlapet tv VNTED 'LliUsTWOaTtiY MFN AM they are lien I.v instructed t » tele­ 0 r> I- innemorc. Bnrnf. will 01 I H EAB all other 9 \Vt»M*N tn tr.iv i ait niv»rti>e fir old 9 r j Mií.e: (RUI*- rameo» graph to Mr E II Nowell, Chief 0 O t*’tab ishfd ht>u«t i f Folid fineanigl • il each ear. slupei» ' , ' 1UVe * “ ; ' L O ' ; '- v those i ’ cr ' : deaf ar - ¡ncunible. Lead . IJ OK NG FOR A WIFE. U O m se. st di* Sahn i m V ar n: d » x- 9 * llydiogr.'iplier ol the I'liiled Stati ■ Jeu’ r <■’ « h.-i r-rr- ■» A Fe’’. L'c’l. h. ’«?•. • ¡•VI -• s ail pa\a ‘ le .n ca>l . Su < a »\ - v:. righi hip; h a¡k. i ppew^ elt H'ltlr» >s. Erìnsr «rtlrety curri cf • - J W B ìkx ». Burna, h« recxOl*» V you cf r •.y cu - to ix»’•«♦ r.•_ y.. »¿Tif‘er*'!l wak tO roar l;caUatat’ X wii; jects under (lie pre-ent iriigiti.m W r liillir A ( o. Pt rtlnml o Viiriss Mar ant r, 355 C.ix.'e;: BIX if ill Ah hbtarv ut hr • x-; « a;..y my r.gtt ear c H K Tlmmci a. Na rn»wx -■egan to &ing, aad this kept c:i getting worse, until I lost *>ncd«»n ici?f \ M ..¡«.ippi man ««-ut II <• foli eving ir.y v -..-o y h : . Cl»iaa¿io law at Mieli point or points in E •-»- «.ufircìy I UtMkrVr. IJt 5 ’’•art. c rop and n- 1er íit‘‘r*7.1 imeni fór catntrh. 5 ‘*,r ? J ;cn{b *• l“tte r in ¡omwer I . n mali iiuonis.l mi- 't :••• sucre's, consulted s nrm. der. i: in right, dewiap«»«1® beraf phy»»c erri Oregon ss in Lie jml; n. i.t ¡1 r ierto»■.•.■ ’’•l: "1 indo,e tn.v pheil. greet r* ethera, thè tu? i is- an . r __ ■ nT- '* .'f wl»tNd methnt • I l:?jp me. and <_ _ Jo«l II Ho-ssrd, I.".-»’.>«*, e..n i . . r ,4V -T U.r.ttae heMauc.ic-. T.cuiJ then cea«-, «ut t;i tliv brat assurance of sin • -- i I w i 'i Me I oli Hewrlpti. na It .» ■ ivi ' • thè : fi-ctv.l ear r.-o: BtiEc: tariiv. same wi c • '* »’'“ever. I ' ;.cn *-rr a v >enL-.e r.cnt r.ccide “ I left ear,spin üi righi. Ile |. .¡irr, ni n,< t.rl :i ■ < n tre. .t After l bad cnlerM yrwlre-t- l eni tit. • oniy a fevr - H W Hrowm Fife. hortÄ ' 'io • f-tc * ' V . in : 3 thi ’tr'u'y/v^MT ‘ 4m-~ '■ ■‘■’à”«*" I tlnbl: vai • my bear?'« onh t i» te l’nrk; 1 ani ieri li: ■ . : • ' in ♦. ? oang bOrat s ”’i' rtih ..nd L lj turtciara Resolved, Further, that the co­ y truly yot-rK 1 i;n, eyea. Ortx.n 11 sir. 1. f.-ot r» s’Lre; lar - < ” y*81. * HC’WHRft Starei OOO..T , r WM(Tt< vwt.e»CTre<,T h • La7 <»»»d««'c, ’l operation ef the Ooveri or and S e- l.lgò w.ogtit IVO LI”», ini line.! to I h - W. S. itlHtt, C hmm I redi \ Mu. kl. r M 1 .iud retarv slid the i’-e -titer of i»re .-mi hi /h .'V I> Hanley, ¡'.un a. .< w ..wr , eai « piti. « l’.h ' I ni­ '«Mie. unie un RH hjP« constituting the State Land il ar.I. ni 11 - • •».il in right car. r I Eipinl. 11,. bui ha» Gut INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLR1C, 596 LA SALLE AÏE.. Cii.wtOO, ILL I i i on left hip; r ar*.**“** and of the Portland Chamber of A.i f 1 > Atten to Enny ti mineas. I sui i J < » rearman. Burn«,<**¿3 l'.ity Morrai. Ik'n Hon ’ l t us.© use Tobwcvo left side or hip. mark, crepa*- Commerce, the Portland Pn ard of II • anxious t»» hurt I and a’.it in left >ò>r V. i’ -key.' L L» lark. Xarrowa, ho«** J Trade and the Manufacturers Iier uuóeratanil tliat ber ■ “Age, Com- shoulder. Association, is rt s|»efiv< Iv nqurst- plwkii’.iis, wait aud All Suita me to I John Gilrrett. (P I- Only I wrcuchoa left «Hfl- ; ' "J id in thia movement of the advan­ atee, Kml Lo'ir.g Girl! it I ia Lav mark, »quare cr<-p < ■* rii«**“ ] Neither uue Thlnif to Offer. AnJ •lupe on left. cement of th» g iurai welfare of t.and, .Nar Gold. Put a Strong Arm Fren« h-GJenn Live fl C-? f.-tìitaficn and Tene Ilari, and will I Ay Down \ General Dattkinq Business Irdnsactctl our «tate —Oregonian, Oct. 1» • yet intender r, F. V ! * c, c>j»| trad j .na.kj TH& FAMOUS^s^ ru s 2 C?£t£3lx IFLíxcdaLe* ? 2 ? BURNS SAWMILL. BLACKSMHH & VyAGüNdiilik JOE TUPKER Roi’sesboein PIONFÆR WHI1/2 LEAD ARE NOW CUftABLE ATELY, I I first hatienal Sank I I CALDWELL, IDAHO DIAMONDS IN DI SI k T. More wiilespri-xil c«l w-itrin nt i . th in Bur mere Io Haro 1 *. county, in the terme <■ .i.i-c.i I.y th. recent til I Cr . ■ . --f pr. io I« . • . st >11 - , -t .. n i . The »I on«, me f > m • euri grayish r . k « 1. . !> H .»,jy p ■IÎ- ye-i»-il in I «. I ut jla<< m readily H'l-I . leenly Ilo- water ' li'.lhi a.* -• f |. >ri »t white ■! My I -te for the tliv Mite Itile litri Girl an.l I’« bappy. for i ani Ttred i»f livinjr Alone, ftiat Girl that Steel, uiy Ilari and tato - in Name f r thè Ketuniuder <>f Ali lit 1 make Happy, for 1 ani a Girl tliat i vau Mleiee and •Maki u Augii > f " an CORRESPONDENCE INVI TED Highert cf *11 ia Leavening Tower.— La:est V. S. Gov’t Report innunl lfr*(b» tsv l.itthtBlrgi In«hirnt«l to the1hunt*rr>entf n, the weather bu watt ha» that yM ¡.•r*k if* «re LiHed by rrj ;.ear tn th» » uite r • N ■ n V • k r r 1 1« 1 ’ » '.h ’.*4v»et:*.r’c_Tch. C.;-1 ICcts. . Burr », hc.aea, I’«'n ■ irV< t ette! «»r j< ft hip. ?c,r*’Zuf T,1 left ear. <1«»w ap ct»t un- f9 r-a’k aamr ar «hoc: 1M*’k2’L, mark. aualMw tori n ; thro*»: •’ i F. H. v.xwtly, l:u; ». hurt* j \fr «'.»«.ulcer M ’ 1 •'l' «r. « • ACT i.uifri-i. i.iH-k.-i -■'»» 2JT I w«it> .r»v». ♦«■ « I«*« JOHN r. STRA^J Violini S-HW**. Jefa f. S’*;