Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1902)
A. A Reineman aftei spending E stkayed —At Ur tie creek on M. V. Smith, of Lawen, is in the several weeks in this section visit i June 2'J, Ono black horse weight city. ing old time friend* and looking about lllM'tb branded cjrele Son ...AND... E. A, Stauffer has returned from right Lip ace of clubs of left should- after some business interests, took i e-r. One brown mare weight about bis ranch in Oregon.—Winnemucca Ins departure Tuesday u. ruing for , 1400, little Catholic cross on left Silver State. Lis home in Pittsburg. He was | hind leg. Mr. Kimbell, the blacksmith at accompanied by Mr» I N ll’jghet A suitable reward will be given the Sod House was seen on our and children who will spend some for their return to Lawen or Hurns. AlT. rda the people of East and Central I’u^'ti all the u|u>ertmnty of a A. 1>. L ytle , Lawen, Ore. streets yesterday. Üiat-ciaaa niod.-in Busines.. College. It is a ’ionie instilution covering lime visiting relatives and friends every colliso involved in Bilame.- ■ Colle-e work Its rates are the same Commissioner Miller and Lou in her old home. u.t charge. 1 e'-ew here in.I Ilio metho.I« ai c the same Stu lent, admitted Nonce. Sitz were business visitors from the The Chinese cook at the Island al any tune, uctiou at the College or bv mail. During the summer latwen section this week. ri oulha the College will conduct a ranch was brought in the other day To whom it may concern: Notice Mr. and Mrs Scott Haves and quite badly hurt by his team run ¡8 hereby given that the under ' - I...... ——--- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- baby were the guests of friends in ning away and throwing him out signed has purchased from the ad Underwear that fits an i gives service as well as our city Wediieiday and Thursday. It seems seme of the boys found ministrator of the estate of Abner For teachers unit others who desire a reviewing or preparatory court©. ving warmth and comfort Mrs Laura I.ahey is fitting up him in the road where he bad laid Robbins, deceased, all tho interest For tpecimens oi pen work, and (nil information on Business College sub unconscious for about two hours of said estate in the firm of Daly A jects. address rooms in the old "Tex Resort’’ building in which ehe will open a I The physicians found no bones Robbins, of Drews y, Oregon, and Oai* Dry Goods departm’nt <s full of neat and stylish goods.— ' broken and he is now on the way that he is now sole owner of the restaurant next Monday. to recovery. ’- inellettes, Outing Flannels, Wool Flannels. Pretty uiaistings, in business formerly owned by said A dance will be given in Locher's ’ ;ped, figured and plain. The case af Alice Sturtevant vs Daly Robbins By tho terms of hall next Friday evening to which said Bale John D. Dalv assumes all China Tom occupied the attention all ar» invited. Jack Dennis will the l abilities of said firm and all furnish the mu-ic Ever. Body of Justice Miller yesterday. China ^11 tiiool he vy ■ ■ sk< ’s find Tailor come. Tom had a leas» on th- pr p rtv debts and accounts are now due and where lie run* a res auiant w th payable to said John D. Daly. * J -ide su *8 5-4 inrh uu fe f” m $1 10 o $1 50 M. V. Baker was over fruii the the understanding that ha vacate Dated at Drews.-v, Oregon, this Warm spring ranch this week with when the property was sold. Mrs. 1st day of Septemlior, 1902 TRISC1I & DONEGAN, Proprietors, Readv made Fl.innel w,lists and skirts Ladies’ and Children's te ttns after lumber with which to Sturtevant disposed of the building J ohn 1). D aly . build a new bunk house for his to M I. Lewis and the suit was aa ket». Winter sho s fm Ladies> Men and Chihlren. 2Q( ■ vaqueros brought to oust T im Tile jury SUMMONS. -Geo D Hug-y is suti'ermg from a . l.iougt in a verdict in favor of 1'om. In th.- Circuit Court of the Slate of severely bruised and cut hand Oregon for the County of Harney. "Daddy’’ still sells furniture at which was caused by getting it 1 reasonable prices No change since Belle Lewis, Plaintiff, caught in a hav baler. No bones vs. • : the election Wall paper going At Albert I. wi«. Defendant. ’ were bruken. all kinds of prices Cull nt the Union Opmforts that are well made and servicable—We have them To Albert Lewis the »Love named John Austin, a hutch, r from stere, roiidol- with him and s.e ib< Defendant:—In the name of the •th lj I at reasonable prices this city W.-du'-s- Sumpter, was in good-. State of On gon, you are lu-rebv re day, haying ome over to r.-eeiv - a quired to appear and answer the Is again turning nut lumber and shingles. Dressed and drove of beef be had bought fiom Harney Locals. complaint filed against you in the rough Inn.her of all kinds, moulding, and shingles in stock II. Y. Blackwell above entitled suit within six weeks tn sufficient quantity to Ifil any sized bill. Large anti / Thus Vickers t > >' < -i-i <-jh* lin-n Mrs. H Richard-on and i-bildr- from tl.e date ot I he li - st publication small orders given special attention. accompanied by h r sist-r, M . loud of treigbl t-. Burns, Tlitli'dilv, of t his summons; and if you fail so to Richardson & Janies, Harney, Oregon. Laura Lahey, arrived home from which he had l it-ly brought from answer or appear, for want thereof, For Young and Old. .the railroad Baker City the first of the week the Plaintiff will apply to the Court <• r KENYON Dan Varien informs us he ex / Hotts—To the wifi- of Joseph for the relief praved for in Plain- ’ill " complaint herein, to-wit:— Wk « pects to leave about the first ol f Clark, on the 22, ‘I o, 1 — For a decree of Court dis next month with his n other to ■ j Ivobt Irving and Chas Crawford solving the marriage contract here f —Dealers in— spend the winter in California j reached here Thur.-d iv with heavy tofore existing between I'lailititl and Defendant, nd for tho care “Mother” Bowen, accompanied li,il;lsi>f tri-ight. and co- tody of th- minor children by her daughter. Mrs Scarf l-’t Mrs Wm Russ. I. w 11 > 18 DOW of Ph. mt - fl and Defendant. Go to Hustons for fresh fruit. last Saturday, vis Canyon for Port living in town, has a in w boy nt 2—For Plaintiff’s costs and dir- Crock'ry, (Eu: .'urn re, Tuneare, Cu tilery, Fann l.ursi-mi nt.i expend-d in this suit, ni i :i Is, Wintlinills, Punics. Faint, James Evens is a visitor to our land where the former will be treat her house. and for such other and further re, ed for eye trouble. Oil, 1> ii'indtHCS, Etc., Etc. city. and Mrs. T. Vickers family lief ns to equity mac pertain. 8 TltB LARGEST CIRCULATION OF z* This is published by order of H. E. Tbomps in and family re moved to town thin w»ek to «tart INY NEW8TAP1R IN THISCOUNTY. Mrs Jack Dennis has been quite lion H. C. Levcns, Judge of th. turned Monday from Prairie City their children to school sick tho past week. County Court of llnrne. County, Mrs. Thompson, who was nurt in a Harney ahool now has about 601 Or gon, duly made ai d entered on \ . B. STAPLES SATURDAY OCTOBER’Ji, 1932 W. B Parker and wife are in the runaway, of which mention was pupils enrolled. This is a very th- 27. day of S- ptember., 1902. H city from Warm springs. made last issue, is doing very wel’. satisfactory attendance tor this which order dir.-ets thi« publication H it Local News. to I e made io The Tim« s-Herald a i n Mrs P. M. Cbeeny is the guest of L. E. Hibbard has received a time of year. ive.kly newspaper of general circu her sister, Mrs Simon Lewis. letter from Rev A J Irwin in which Hnrney again has a sick list. At lation in said Coutilv and Slate for it ^««jjJhas. Belehaw is over again with Mrs Lulu Zuercher is very ill he states he is enroute home from this writing MesiDinea Irving, six consecutive w-eks; yon will t: lie of his excellent fruit. J from typhoid fever at the home of Grant»’ Pass but will not arrive Everett, Buchanan and seyeral i | I further take notice tb it th- date of the first publication hereof is Sept any appoint- here in time to fill W. J. King and wife were tip her futheri \y. j .Coleman, children arc suffering from acute 27, 1902. menu this month. m Lawen last Sunday. I . , illness. We make a Specially of B iggs <V B iggs . C. W . McClain returned 1 burs- Andrew Stone, Frank Larsen Attorneys for Plaintiff. R J Bixby and family were ’n jBy from a visit to points in the j » CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES The number of wagons laden with and Joe Riales are hero from the winter vegetables which have been m Buck Creek a few days this fOUt|)eru part of the county. One Price to All. Mail (J. tl •: .« Solicited. NOTiCE, Wild Horse section on land hubt- lately hauled over from John Dav de.' ek. I V Mr and Mrs. E. E. Purrington liess, Th« latter will make proof!i::U'tn:a:t.. . tt:u:::t'.u::4t:M:tt::ai j by residents of Harney for home a«« Sam Motheishead and N U. Car- were down - from the mill a few days on his homestead before the county I Notice i« Hereby given that by leads un 1 consumption, naturally liter arrived home from the rail- this week the guests of Mr. and order of the Hon. Bounty Judge of clerk today and the two form, r are i in rvur ‘ tn wonder why . a sufficient — • j |lo County id T Harney, State of f;,v . ad Sunday evening. Mrs. C. F McKinney. bis witnesses. I amount of auch food products are I Oregon, dated the fifth day of Sept. :::-I OUND ON THE STREET-::: JOHN G E.U HI III.ING, r Hili Mrs C. A. Byrd will take orders J. I> Jenkins was over from Hap S tolen _ On the night of Oct. 9. not raised right here in our vicinity. 1902 the und-rsig . d wtia .b"n i-lr-f. Optit-illli unii inapt'r ladv tailor made clothing for „___ n- I— on — IV. ... For it ... .t.i„ ... I...L. py valley last Saturday He has 1902, from Henry Kelsey, Deep this ................. purpose „„ we .... neither lack ed Executor of the list will and A memorandum of a lot of thi -: lùnurinver. testiment of B. James dec, ’ ! •( sa 11 and winter disposed of all liis ewes to parties cre.-k in Steins Mountain, one water nor productive soil little things 1 must get at the All persons having claims against Fine Watch Repairing A Spe Ksvenue Inep -ctor H-il-man was in California and J I. Mahon Price, light sorrel horse with strip in face, I The bicycle fever has struck the said Tims l> Juim s dec’ll will cialty. DRUG STORE CITY ^CJre the fi st of th- week lo- king we understand, $3 per head. branded and vented with I1F on Ilurney again. present such claim» duly verified as by lav reqtiind to the under ter Uncle Sam’s business in his , left shoulder Information leading opponiti ’. Tin: i*, o. - Th- W mdsor has been moved to the arrest and conviction of the 1 Mesdatnes Martin and Tregaskis signed at the James ranch Ht Har Accordion Comb into the building on the corner thief, or the return of the horse to ' are vi-iting relatives in Vale this ney, Harney Comity. Oregon or »1 Brusi* instrumt nt Hiring» • •»•"■Mrs N U. Carpenter has been north of the postoffice. Caldwell R IL Brown’s ranch near Diamond. the office of my Atty., Thornton Mirror Hcbool Books wet k. William« at Burns within six (6) Pocket Book rnfined to her room fur sev. ral vk Bvrd. the propiietora have fixed will Im liberally rewarded. | Mem. Bi J<) k* o Mrs A. K Richardson ari l Rich months from th- exp-ration of this Glass Cutter 9 MMoN I.i:\VIH, Time Book» rya this week, bo: is now much tip th new quarter« hi a very com J. T. OARIIETT Wag ms. Wagons; We will Mf»l| ard Ev. rett called on the dentist at notice, said six month« will begin Finger Cott Blank Hooks •tier. fortable v ou a Mitchell. Ru-dif- rd or Web to run from the fifth lart publica Tooth Brush Magazines Burns this werk. Contractor Willi n "f th- < »-H billiard la-r Farm Bed Wagon; tion of the same, on the 11th day of Nail * Soaps ■ " ■ LEWIS & GARRET, Pitors. Oct 1902. $ 85 (Ml Kl.lfe tage, spent a few d iv 0- re hl- 3 j s ’ ’ ’ e l Skein .... Cloth ” W Hamilton snd family-will NOTICE TO CREDITORS. GcottaE L. J ames . SOUTH MAIN BTIlKItT. Scissor* Hath “ eek looking aft-1 hi* -ifer.e’s at ri-.-i !<• io i.’.r i* ’hi« wmt-r where 3) “ “ .................... . 90 00 I Executioner. Hair Razor ** This barn ha* just been cotu- 3} " “ ...................... 105 00' If* end of the line In thr County Court of I he State of the chiidr-u will all nd school send tour orders t” u« O C. Co. Razor Strap Lather *’ * pli ti d ami my patrons will be O eg, hi for Harney C -unty. Balls Tie-V iiar taken I he s vm• z--r re»i- Match Box 9 wi ll treati-d. j, 1 ’,ur. b' Cer h . I Horses entrust Mrs. II Indermauei, of N-w Marbles In th- Matter of th - Estate of Joseph , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Harmonica d.ii.e. Byrot. brought « fine r are taking g-. ed to me will receive the best Silverware Y< rk Citv. wa- ail arrival on the Piano speimen- of vegetable« to this E Parker. VXITF.f) «TATF* I.INO OFF!’ F. I 1» jys of freezing and . >' of care. I lay cents Watch 1*1 KN’S, ‘»re., <>ctoLer 6, 1907.1 Violin O-B -t i”- th' first of th- w- k to *> Notice is hereby given that I y No*Ire !■ h< iti.r »r»*i fh»t 111» follo.» uf’ii-e th-- •nerdty which ie- rais’d O !Cj ime one or «i Clock Guitar HALED HAY FOR KALE visit he’ broth-r Dr II Volp It o d.-r of th-above name I urt tie- »e tlrr I br f.»««»! i « tl «• «<f hi» »»< • ci< Jewelry ib-icribers who hav- prom»• 1 us oo bi.» sag- brm-li aoch without wa« a ven pleasant surprt-e t . th» rnMk»- (Dui proni h . n»5»><rt t»f nirn. a:.i Mandolin Your Patronage Solicited. undersigned has be. n appointed !.• Uitti »a »1 J.r M»f will t • • . . . < ir'hr !'♦•# » «• Cnm-ra Banjo e ood to show up If von brina irrigation On- head iff • Hr-»-i»cr»t I uri » • irer<>ti. «»n l «*r • Doctor, a- h- did no’ know hi - *ir- Adininistrainx of the »bov - nanu d «n«l P aying Car. Is 1. !'•<>.. Vix H I Fh»t So 11« Of J. MjhW Blue Vitrei h’i'1 to lie turned edgeways to g»t it mre than will pai vot>r hill we nati, fot thè V.! 4 .-re. , T. *2 F., R. ÜCfl ter was coming He had not «••• n Estate, said order being dated Oet *•.«»• F Un (’ailing Copperas W. M ill pay you cash for th- d (Terence in the door Talk n .t ’aid her for 12 years. Mrs. Inderni .u- r 9 1902 All persons having < laims 3 Hr r »etra ’he follo * )• < wirt.« »» r fo prore Sulphur < In ckors • • against lb- said Estate will | resent Ze want wood and want it at once. ing anything in this country. ('Il’-SB •f m M lati*!,tix ■.»-rptiifi» WIIHamT Ga»ra. Cream Tartar I will 8|wnd the winter with him the same duly v- rifi.-d »• i y law («a r,<- i lincila .ai» and Ftv*i li mure, atl vf Soda Hops T -íE CAPÍTOL Ilari. o . <»re*f»tj. WM FAf’RF, Feria!*' O-i last Monday S tnon I^*w - n- required either to m* at my r.-si- Benzine Truss d ne» IV ar Law’ n. Or. g >ji <>r to n»y BARBER SHOP Camphor |<'eiv>d i ’phone in- «- ig- a r.oi.cing Sweet Oil A*1, Thornton W »hiÄHi« ©t hi»* Peppermint Spts Nitre F rei » F i *«, Proprietor. i the sad intelligence th >t hi- orotl.-r, <4!iue in IhitDF Or» gon. within fix MOTHE FOR PUBLICATION. Laudsi.iim Paregoric j K. V who was recently tak-n to the oior th- from th© ♦ x|»ir»iti»»n of th© 77i ■ ' »hoi han juif hern fo th^ U51TFD ^TATF^ LAND f>»Ff< F Essen’’» Vanilla I’1 sect Powder which **x- ¡mbH? and tuli ■•tn a nhace t>f the put ron» g* BURNS Ore , Vi, )M. ' asylum from Lakeview for tre«t- pir li< «tmn <»f thi- B'-iibug Poison '* Lemon fu«’ In romp.1er • e Xtrf * It hereby tnent, bad died the day before. pimtinn will l»r f or full week#, with “ Banana Cement he B' t «f * o» r «• of HAIR < U fl ING, SHAVING, •ift^r tlu* fir-t pu ’i^ation on th»* June ». » ft»» th« »a!« f ilm Holder* Pens It was a sad blow to Sinton, as he i«f ’ • >ft»n.!a, ♦ _ ter h SHAMPOOING, ETC. llthd.v.fOct I! 2 i<srr1’««ry." Ne*»1 Tablet Pencil* Lad ex pec,ed a spe«dy recovery. •**?'• B« t t.f A l / hb » r«1 •<» nil h* M ARY O a RP. rt. r<jlli. t.ÿ Jl.'tlfbllt .md up to'l.itf, Cigars • >f F*H f • *1 1y < f N ut« W/, Kin Administratrix. 4. llum»"', E V Lewis was quite well kn- wn . haul thi« *1 bf tiled In » « Tnl .aero Pipe rf ■' . 0, /'..•( OJii-t, • r « ut J*-» I ♦». (•>! th* thlg h ' in this Section. h«»> ,,f a ■* * . ‘ * < «»I «♦ ‘ Fl*l. PoL Candy lia*»«»- N«». U F. W . M. No . ’ it T It will only ccst a postage stamp to have our prices on Hook* »« .Bat the Und m,..trtt» Fish Line •r,4 *ii - off- ' /Tho Electric Light and Power Executrix » Police in» “r < r B o » ifear lor ;• more raí« Halve d to«-«'«* ' >«h l.iB • ¡alm Diamond Dv* Co has Irf-en praying for ram for Mf’B's rand » »Iter <4 Pilla •'vaa n-r.'.r-r si x, at <> n *v*BVWNBna” Court Plaster iti. V» M'urdat, the In th»»» nun« day» and when it if» th»* rn»t(er of th»* r*tal* of J' lit» Chewing Gum Gli.» ■ IzILTPVT == A’l.«r rxu Sv rii g* XOTHINO, CROCKERY, HARDWARE. ALL KINDS, finally came th» six big air»et light« W. J »ri»**, D-f — Not’ce of Shoe Polish » la «»<1 r Squirrel Polson »inlm**rat Pockat T-trh Pi< k« COlnpoTthlo were put up and Thursday night Noth* i* hrr*hy g v*n. that kt- Carte,I m ' Arid ’’r» ■•eri pt i'»n 1 • •1*1 M •< » I >f * A ] •['iiu.itUM , the whole section »urr-'yr.ding fem teaUmrntorv t > Jsrnai. » Ging-r Machine Oil with th« «fro**«** Burns wa« iliiminated l.y them Rod the tinder*!Rued Elma A Joner. a- ('-i.tor Oil * Uvei vi**** IBtæd I h «1 fT« r* q : Col .$IJ 50 per case our citv looked quite metropolitan EtecutriS of tlx? rotate of John U I » . r <1«e</raH*»n» h PoWfb F V buckle. Coffer........................ Plset ’ -e* T. .0 V. F Fh »U»«rBi>bB ’■I . ’ N Y •!.**« D-CeaSe-d by the (ounty . ti.50 per cate The lighte were good and our peo ■ (• , Etc Etc . Lion.................................................. • r< . y «H- • «14 iti h»H»r f « mm . Court of Harney t ' untv Ore. l\, Western sugar R • 4 9° I*r »ack ple again peeked up their oil lamps 0'1 the Nth day of » t.'emtwr Let.' NOTH E FOR PUBLICATION ; ar~ <’ it this out nod put it in LillPUi OTOSCOPE CO. Friday Ail p- twin having claim« again«' 1 bo per case ar.d stored them »way T T' -TlTV’ I Pearl Oil........................................ the ab .ve and FORREST Bf II DING The Times-Herald man was con . 5 40 per Bbl» •«id ■ -ta-e are r- <;u r- d t • p'.- wii * a * High Patent Flo r..................... font d at rilll.ADF.LrilFA gratulaiing on- <»f the m--i -er of tliern with th" pr-tr-r Vonnh-r- . 6c per lb. No I Japan Rice ........................ the Company wb-n the gentleman the ,,ffi -e B* iggs A Bigg«, gtt i-. sai l th«t the darn (using th- word neve. Burn* Oreg .<g within six X A Price» subject to .Market Chanfe» M new thing« arriving for thw twice) had gone out of lb» nt’’ n,"lithe from the d«'« of thi« no’ ■ • *>.-tf’h i-'^J and we would have no electric Dated. Burns Or.g I iri.« huri.iture Co. this week Yours truly. , lights for several day» again on L ima A Jows F «•-’I I * •• <* i. ... ! - me writing J-«k( erg Jr Dalton* M i J » » **« f account of no power. Men are at Eleeutril of E«t f J rhn W, J > - Stai 1.' W center table». • ***• «<tk work repairing the break. Drveased w • * flA/ARM UNDERWEAR 1 CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL i(t3r ladies, men and children bought to best adv intage 'ere. 2tr&. S ummer N ormal S chool zeig'io^r, zF’rin.., ZO-uixrxS, Oxeg'ora.. Burns, Oregon. - ■ 51.45 cat Oregon all Wool Blankets, acknowledged Richardson ¿v James’ e best in the market. and SmKTOIdiEMIlLiIj ARCTIC OVERSHOES & RUBBERS S chwartz & B udelm an , Burns, Oregon. EAa s I OZ f HA DVZARE AND MACHINERY tck g’ Ozxtsirio, Orcg-cn. DRY GOOD, LADIES and GENTS li IF’TTJFtT^’XSlHira'Cl-IS- NEW FEED BARN. N'S, BOYER BROS. & CO., Ontario, Oregon, Aliale Direct to the Con-mor DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, Horton’s BOYER BROS. & CO. Pharmacy