The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 25, 1902, Image 2

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E/T S LEthatpGpr1
THE FAIR STORE will do its share toward the advancement of I at
deserves your undivided ATTENTION, clearly demonstrates ths economy in trading at
her City’s Best and Biggest
partment Store, If you buy here once you’ll come again and these pointed purse opening Bai gams se^ve but us an intro—^—■
ductory to the general low-pricedness that ever here ezists. BEAD ON
Best Breakfast fjacon, worth 18c, at _
A Great Sale of Tinware and Household Necessities
io Yards LL Sheeting
12 !=2 c Crash Toweling________
45c ad« All «
32-Inch Feather Ticking, worth 20c
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Underwear, worth 50c
A Great Sale of Mens ITats The $3.00 kind
Comforts worth $2.75 at $1.95.
r ff
Xr----------- "—
Mens 50 cent Gioves at 29 cent Ore;
J bes
8 lbs of Arbuckle’s Coffee $1. Snyder’s Catsup worth 35c at 28c. Gingham worth 7 and 8c per yard 5c. Children’s Shoes worth $1.95 at $1.35. Misses’ Jersey Ribbed Uni«' Opm
Suits 35c value, lyc. Infants’ Tepsy Hosiery worth 25c at 14c. Lace curtains worth $L5<> at 90c. Men’s Suits worth $9, $5.23. Calico value 7 and 8c at 5c. Ribbons Worth i:l Xt red
per yard 9c. Children’s Dresses, to close out, worth 50c at 19c. Outing Flannel worth 8 1-3 at 6c per yd; limit of 10 yds to a customer. A Lot of Men’s White Shirts worth $1, 49c. Boys Hats wort
35c, 10c. Turkey Red ’Kerchiefs worth 10, at 2c. Ladies’ Handkechiefs worth 15, at 8c.
worth SS at
regular valico ¿5c at /Sc,
J5<nc Qi/attiòcarc/s uoil/i 4Oc at ¿5c,
Ciocci Æas/dc rjcrtti S/.vö at SS«.
*)//«no Q/nstersuoar cuori/s S/ at 49c,
Wajh Cubs worth <3/ ai 73c.
/Potata 9/fashers worth /Oc at 7.
Chopping 09owta worth 2Oa at /&.
7f an article isn't right briny it back and yet your money.
vc/coticoo/s worth /Oc at Sc.
^ocjcttr ¿5c Sarda Claus Soap O cates /or ¿4c.
•Cion Coffee 7 pound» for $ 1.
97fatcheo 7
/pound ^oyat
3-pound packetye Soid 7) usi 2/fashiny /Powder at 1 he.
Tilail Order
— 4 i -, .3
u< X wCL LI s
ne of h
She (Limcs-ïtïvaid.
■ ATl'HDAT.i ( 1 OBER.' 1902.
JillIAN II ¥ Il 1»
M nn»|i>r
The article in a recent issue of
The Tunvs-1 ler.ikl in regard to
the disgraceful custom of selling
or giving liquor to Indians was
the means of i ailing the attention
of the city authorities to the pub­
lic nuisance. At the last meeting
of the council an ordinance was
passed making it a tinable offence
and the informant will get one
half < f the tine. The ordin nice
on the fom th page this w eek.
Our count) court and vaiiou«
reclamation companies should
make it .1 point to have represent­
atives at the meeting of the li­
tigation assn, 1 ilion which meets
at Portland on Nov. iS, as we
will perhaps hate an oppoitunitv
of pirssing this se lion’s claim
for government work on 11 liga­
tion. On oui first page is given
an account of the organization of
the association and its objects.
Oregon should not lose the money
alloted Io it from the rcclam ition
fund bv lack of interest. II irnev
valley offers some of the best
work in this line of any section in
the state, so let's get oursi lxv- to
the front on A bid fur it.
amount <<( land applu d for inali r
the k ai i s 1.1. xx< lind th it a to- of «>< a. i e* i ir '
w it lull .1" II . mi id1 < Olii 1 k ls »1 tei Vii
into bv the Still v land b<>ard tur
i ht b i L iik v
n Applied for bill
JtO.97 B. d
for vx Im It r■<>nD ili ‘S h >\ »• no* '• »
¡«cn e-h
papei « ’ .
,u < i .4
* l U f
plctc. 82. ’ n ( r 1
above is ha .»’.cd 1.1 11*1 tu > coutil
but ooly tv
n i vt* I t.v
r.« y \ a 1 y l.l 1p t « a v 111 l n t k
f ‘
KN .H4 57 »K t c , RIMI thè l’urtland
Co f* s-
7 i. .... b ve b.*en
soci uve,!
place their cost of construction at ■
$411,82458, and propose
maintain it for 50 cents per acre , In th" Circuii Court of th" Stat" of
Oregon, for the County of Har-
T he p'an of this com-1
pany is gravity, the waler to be
George Fry. Plaintiff,')
taken from Sillies river. This is
the iheapes*. maintenance fee of Susan
any of the propositions to reclaim i"’r" Susan Tewadoii
, .
and Herman l,w».
"lH «*
1 h‘‘ 1
d.......... husband. An-
land Co propose to reclaim by nie Gilbert and Worth
pumping from wells at ail annual Gilbert her husband,
Susan Cook nnd ------
cost of $1.50 per acre.
1 Cook her husliaml
(whose Christian mime
is to plir unknown)
Will Nut Lose limber Rights.
Agnes J Crookshnnks
mid Clarence J Crook-
Tlie local land officials inf< rm shanks, heirs nt law
ThuTime-i Herald that nil lipplica- of James Crookshnnks
tions for timber hind in tho Bear deceased, Defendants
creek section that is included in
the pioposed forest reserve, received
lifter July 28, will be cancelled, the
Commissi ner of the General Land
Oilice having so instructed.
However, this will not nileit the
rights of meh applicants to another
selection ol tinds-r lamt. It was nt
first thought that all such applica­
tions would I'e heard liefore the lo­
cal land office, ex tdelice taken, etc ,
and proof suspended pending the
final settlement of the lines of the
This will not lie done,
lint, as The Times-Herald under­
stands it, the applicants will let the
matter drop as it is and will be out
unit 111" advertising fee
As luiinv were under the impres­
sion that they would I- se their lim­
ber right« if not allowed tocoinplete
their purchase, the foll.'.ving decis­
ion is given which shows that an
offer to purchase ntnier this act
' will not interfere wiih a sec >n I ap­
This section is taken
trotn the Twenti-ninth I.amt IV-
Clsion, page I'.*.' case of I’eltkiewici
et al vs, Richardson, and is the
•pinion of Secretary Hitchcock to
tin* ('ommiseioner of the Genera!
on S. pt. 25 1SW. It
rends rts follow f :
’ rh» opinion rf th • laud
o »r
1 p n
du u I fj that tu. mv... «1
t in bv c l»!*ldr|rd till »- •r |<t- <t
rhi<in»rrpr»‘tntb n »* j»rotwr i« hrrt*
t n» Ft* ha« 1‘trn h C’HtipitMrd app i
f»t nth»r ikoFds a pun h»w
tbs-Fv« ha«
• fit ,
1. i.<
frcK lh< r»uhi of toe pat i y to tn she
A sreond appik-ntton «to 1 purrliKr
It waw the pi»’p<vte and inter iwn tif
, the set t.i allow each pj ahhtd per-
*.6wi to pitt»‘h*‘d ti’ii» trie tof land of
not aaar» than
hu t dred and
FRAL’iC SWhTH, Propt-
I he largest and |,< st • quipped Lote! i
The t ni uns
r • «.!••« -: m I
.Jest. First
i ( o;<nt cucii. c
* ) i<
to date ...............
Ontario, üze^on-
M. FiTXGRRALn, P resident
Reccii/ing our Full and W'in ter ioads,
Of'all A’ n< s u] I)i y Goods, Bools ant Sam M
■it, ch »de 6; Indies drtr’,aeT ,r
■ /
z-rtr/ r/iildraix tia^M|
( li. ;O r C ,-, s shot s (tlf U 'Mrs C
, :/ .;i o ri.d/ our store, insj' t \*dv
»l ock, thia in init es. 11? £uai(tntee st 11 »nd <
tion in every particular.
ter Un<
System Oreg-on 'Title
C’-cü.o.mrKfjr Oo.
Mrs ?
To Susan Cook and ------ Cook
Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed
her husband(whose Christian name
lo all Lands in llarney County, Oregon
is tn plaintiff unknown) Agnes J
Crookshanks ami Clarence J. Crook-
» -4. Ù u .,L. I~ ■
i banks, heirs of James R. Crook­
bought and bold on Commission.
Office in Bank Building.
shanks deceased, 'Jefendants:
In the inline of the state of Ore­
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the ah ->ve en­
titled enit, within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons ai d if you fail to
answer, for want th: reof, the plain
tilT will apply to the court for a
decree quieting his title to lot* 3, 4.
and f> in block five (5) of the Citv
of Hurns, Harney County Oregon;
also settling and cancelling all
and interest cor.tlicting
therewith; and for such other and
further relief ns to the court may
semi just and equitable in the pre­
’■l.t lain A Biggs Proprietors,
Mnrns, Oregon
mises, snd for bis e st« and dis­
Th . Stable 1« Incited cn the comer of First and B Streets, and keeps hay
bursements exp. -nded herein
on band* 11 a< competent help, Rims a J. l> Wagon. Takes pasaen
This summons is published by
ers to any part of the Coantry
order of the Hon. H C. ¡.evens.
Judge of the County Court of Har­
ney. Oregon, duly and regularly
n.a I- on >h" Gib .[av of September
1 '■ -
'i uder r quire« th-« inie
tot" published in the rimes Herald
a w . ektjf tie* «paper of general cir
culi'ion in II irnev ('minty kkregon,
f< r «-x co- oculire weeks from the
’ '
f •■■e H ,| ........... ..
ivery, Feed & Sale
I is .'S, i .enib« r fi. 1
Hi-.- » A |;-... «
Attorneys for I’laintiff
-m Buc
F. S R ieder , S ecy and T heas .
B iggs < fc T vrner . A ttorneys
W. J. 1
ni Law
The school where thorough wdrk is done; where the reason lb
iJways given; where confidence is developed; where booking
is taught exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand is
»ade ci.v
where penniansh^ 1, at its
. where h^ds of
iya tbi'
,-ek k>->
its end
Dealers in
> Our II
r are ti
I vs of I
>m- oiu
Gt®* ood to
Docfl tbi
ill pay
> Ze
Crockery, Glassware, Windmills, Pumps,
Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Paints,
Windows, Garden Seeds Etc. >
agents for Rider-Ericsson Engines.
Only 1 ¡n Shop in Harney County.
It W
; lot
¿c 1 IIOMPSON*«"
Pearl <
Hi“! i 'V Io
fo say
«ar next
inni week.
•vH-.kcvpersjnd stenographers have been educated for suroew. ;«
l»fc. w.Aret.. -^wdsmore wiU be Opea all th^ year Catalnr»
High I
No I J