Beautiful fall weather. Bent Eiubree is shaking bands with his friends in Burns. Mr and Mrs Isaac Foster were the guests of friends in Burns ibis ! week. ^ISkip W hiling has just returned 10» REÎNACH ULLMAN & CO ltro. from Baker city wbero he went for ! supplies. Ex-Countv Judge Shie’ds was a j business visitor from Silver creek ; a few days this week. . jasMonabit CalW... CH/CAGO ARE ROW ON EXiiiBiTiON AT OUR PLAC3 OF BUSINESS. IJi y you to cto mine t’ „■» ’iac arJ make selection of a ...NEW » ’OU WILL FIND TH2 . SUIT - - i- ■3C Complete Stock 1’oti S ale —Two lots front on Tho ao>son for deer begun Oct. 1 Main St ;md First St. with cottage aud will continue for 1-5 days. B<> b >.—Today to Mr. and Mrs L ou each, one barn. Four lots with I orchard of pear, applo and chcrrie, E. Hibbard, a baby girl. 'currents A gooseberties bearing.two Supt. Gilcrest of the P. L S Co. room house on it, access to an irri­ is speuding a few days in our citv. gating ditch. Also one lot with A social dance will be given at seven-room building, good loca­ Floral hall next Friday evening. tion. Terms: One third cash with two years for lialance in equal year­ October 10. B ohn —To Mr and Mrs Herman ly payments at 8 per cent. For particulars call at this office. ibis city, Thuisdav, Oct 2, a 10 pound boy. Boyer Bros A Co add is the same C II Peterson and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I S. this week except Dry Granulated Sugar is down ten cents a sack. : Geer a few days this week. Link Hutton, the Wagontire | Bring your butter, eggs and pro­ duce of all kinds to W. E. Huston i «lockman,accompanied by his wife. ! is spendinn a few days in our city at the Durkheimer building. Attorneys Dalt Biegs, M Fi'z- Jesse rerguson and wife took iheir departure for Prineville l Gerald, and James Gentry left thi« Thursday morning after a residence morning to aOetid court in Vale, of several months in this city J. W. Biggs has been confined to Sam Mothershead and F M. Jor- j his room for several days past ilnn were elected to represent In­ his illness is not serious however. land Lodge No 70 K. of P. in the Mrs. J. W. Jones and family grand lodge which meetd at Port- . |iave moved into their residence re- land the 14inst. eently purchased from J. W. Buch Lee Caldwell accompanied by hie anan. son John left Tuesday for Pendleton F. Crowley, one of the prosperous where the latter will attend school ranchers of Malheur lake section, this winter iwi Miss Dora «¡11 ( 9pent Pfivera] jaya jn Bums this company het father home. ! I week. NOTICE. To uh >tn it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has purchased from the nd ministrator of the estate of Abner Robbins, deceased, all the interest of said estate in the firm of Daly A Rolibins, of Drews y, Oregon, and that he is now sole owner of the business formerly owned by said Daly ut Rolibins Bv the terms of said sale John D Daly assumes all the Labilities of said firm and all . debts and accounts are now due and . payable to said John D D-;ly. D Bed nt Drews-v, Oregon, this ; 1 ;t day of September, 1902 J ohn D. D aly . 8UMMON3. CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Afford, the peoplo of East and Central Oregon sll the opportunity of u flial elars modern Busin.- . College, It is a home institution covering every course involved in Bmiiiiess College w rk Its iates am the same a. charged et-ew nere atxl the methods are the same Stu leuts admitted a< any time, iurtinotion st the College or bv mail. During the slimmer Iloutlis the College will conduct A S ummer N ormal S chool For tract.ers ami others «ho desire a reviewing or preparatory courac. For rpeeiuicii, of pen work, and full information on Diuineas College aub- jiela. address 2S. ZSig'Tov, nPrln., ZSixi'nS, Oxeg'cn- THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. ZLÆalz© Tlxis ZZedcLcfCkaxters. Richardson & James’ Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tho Cot nty of Harney. Wagons, wagons; We will sell 1 Boyer Bros A Co add is the pnme vou a Mitchell, Rushford or Web-! this week except Dry Granulated Belle Lewis, Plaintiff, ) Union vs V her Farm Bed Wagon; Sugar is down leu cents a sack. Albert Lewis. Defendant. 1 •thi« ¿te-l Skein..................... $ 85 00 Is again turning out lumber and shingles. Dressed and 3 j *• “ ........... 90 00 T J Garrett, of the Harney Val­ To Albert Lewis the above named rough lumber of all kinds, moulding, and shingles in stock 3J *• “ ........................ 105 00 ley Barn, is absent in Malheur Defendant:—In the namo of the in sutlicient quantity to fill any sized bill. Large and i Send vour orders to us, O C. Co. county, having taken a traveling State of Oreg on, you are hereby re­ small oiders given special attention. ! a,, hisses all wool Underwear. quired to appear and answer tin Simon Lewis and wife took their man over Richardson & James, Harney, Oregon. I departure last Sunday for Lakeview I ^Sheriff Allen made a flying trip complaint filed against you in the j Ready made Skirts and Wrappers. i where he was called on account of l to Canvnn City this week ,.n busi I j above entiiled suit within six weeks * Zi<* Underskirts and Waists. 'he serious illness of h's brother, ness. lie was accompanied by 11. | from thedate of the first publication | C. H VOEGTLY <•• f : KENYON. I ! ofrhis summons; and if you fall so to I E V E Thompson. ' answer or appear, for want thereof, County court is in session with Foreman Cronin of the Island I —Dealers in— Judge J.evens, and commissioners ranch informs us that they will the Plaintiff will apply to the Court Miller and Williams in attendunce finish stacking tha big hay crop for the relief prayed for in Plain- till’« complaint herein, to-wit:— M-s William« accompanied her this week. 1— For a decreo of Court dis­ husband in from Si I vet creek I Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cultlery, Farm Geo. Ga: h sp» nt a few ‘laya in The Windsor Bar has been moved solving the marriage contract lu te-I M FitzGerald has returned from i into the building on the corner tofore existing between Plaintill | Implements, If imlmills, Pumps, Paint, nr city tbt» w rk and Defendant, nd for tho care' Oil, Poors, Windows, Etc., Etc. 5îr- \V. A G »»Iman arri chil i Ma I heor County where he sp»nt north of the postofiiie. Caldwell and custody of the minor children ' time ii> the employ of the « me ,t LARGEST CtaCCLAt t'. - i A Bvrd, the propiirtors have fixed of Plaint'lf and Defendant. rv.n it .v. rritrntn in in l> ka|ie and have added a Inirsem. nt.i expended in this suit,! i:mutt^t;;:uuu::r.;:.:;.::’:L'..::::Ru:i;::*t«:n:tt:itu:u::::i;t.':: t i : "Iv laL';: ¡nadr ciothing for i h- ir 11 ■ d xnd for such other and further re^ t.'Bb '. Y OCTJ. F II s. : L R. (.RIF F IN I hilliard ta'-le. lief as to equity may pertain. ful mid w ¡nu r Ed and Frat k Stauffer spent This is published by order of fi The Southern Stock Co left Fie.i Fisk and wife iiciv uectipy -i veral days in Burn« this week Thursday morning for Prineville Hon II C. L-vens, Judge of the Local News. i the M L Lewis n ¡ J oie . vacated they have disposed of -nil their n here they are billed for n-xt week County Cpurt of Harney County, ' tiy Jesse Ferguson and wife horses in this section and Ed will Mr. Meade, the manager epont a Or. g. xi, duly made and entered on | Il the 27. day of September , 1902, | t Cawlfield is a visitor from s on leave fi r Wini.emue.'a tospend few day« in th* mountain while in wbieli order directs thi« publication I’-os er Bror A Co add i« the sann Ito be made i . The Times-Herald a this week except Dry Granulated the winter. this section Ir^nber of cur people ar-? suf- •Sugar is down ten cents a sack i weekly newspaper of general cireti- I H Holland, of the P L S. Cn County Treasurer Miller has ! I.'ition in seid County and State for •otn colds and grip Wc make a Specialty of return'd Wednesdav from a tour | Dan Lyons wag a passenger in on succeeded in disposing of the £3000 six consecutive w CLO1 HING, BOOTS AND SHOES itr city. after an absence of several weeks rrailr'. * Hurlburt, < no of lit? I ' •’ testii.ient of Thon B. James dec,d P. C. Peterson ami wife arrived Accordion Geo D Hngev has purchased is arranging and will aoon h ive All persona having claims against Cotiib - n of Warm Spri: g- lnstruini nt Strings here 1-st Saturday evening from half interest in the variety store of gome new vehicles on Hie line and ihe «»id Tims If James dec'd will Brust. t, is a business visitor School Hooka Mirror with some fresh stock will be well Mr« Peter-ou had G W Waters A Bro . Robt. Waters Portland where present such claims duly verified I»««’" Pocket Book .Mem. Book« m reports the yield of grain been for medical treatment, The i retiring. Mr. Ilagey bought Mrs equipped for the winter month« as l>y lav requirtd to the under­ Glass Cutter Time Books signed at the James ranch ut Har ­ Mr Williams is one of the most SIMON LEWIS, J. T. GARRETT i section has been excellent lady is much improved in health. Sturtevant’s residence pro|«-rtv Blank Booka ney. Harney County. Oregon or at Finger Colt Magazines the rabbits have been kept and will soon move his family to popular and satisfactory stage con- th«- office of my Attv . Thornton Tool n Brush arrived Rev. Father McDevitt SuMptf our city We are glad to have tractois in Eastern Oregon. Williams al Burns within six (fl) Nail NJ home last Saturday from an ex­ Ki 1 1" Cloth '* LEWIS A GARRET, Paure. George fur a neighbor again. months frrrm the expsration of this- Scissors Bath ’ ’ H. S. Brownton, of the firm tended visit to Po’tland Seattle •OL'TII MAIN STREET. E i -TRAYKD—At Crane creek Oh notice, said six months will begin Hair J W. Buchanan cam* down from ” Ragor ibard A Brownton, dentists, and const points. Father McDevitt to run from th* fifth lari public», This barn has just been com- June 20. One black horse w.-ight Lather ’ • Razor Strap ti >.i of tl.i same on I lie 11th day of e in Lawen for one week from brought in a nice group of statuary Harney this morning with his son ('.alls Match Box pletrd and my patrons will be a alxiut UOOIb branded circle Son I Len, who «a« thrown from a horse Oct 1902 3, prepared to Jo el ¡.I- : for the Catholic church. .Mar Idea Harmonica right liip ace ofclube of left should­ well treated, Horses enlrust- G kor <: r. L J ames . I and got hie nn«e elightlv di-figur< d ’ in hie line. Silverware Rnbt. Rerd is Spain among hi* Upon examination by the doctor er. One brown mare weight about Executioner. Piano rd to me will reçoive the best Viulm Watch of cate. Hay 25 cents an 1 Mrs Dell D i I h are : old time Eastern Oregon friends, the injured member was found to HIX’, little Catholic cross on left Clock Guitar their Silver creek home. Dell having arrived in Burns last Sun- not be broken and be will aoon lie hiud leg Jewelry a BALED HAY FOR SALE. MOTH E FDR PUBLICATION. Mandolin • Your I’«tronago Solicited. Camera Banjo I aide to tell some pr Ky go .d dvv evening after an absence of w*ll again. A suitable reward will lie given VNtTrn ftitcs land <>»rt' r. i • P aytng Cards Blue Vitrol Bt’KN', «>M "r|.f*rn'■♦r 28, lW2.1 >nt we have not the space for over a year spent in Colorado Bob I Henry lz>' g, who was confined for their return to Lawen or Burns Jtoflrt I» h*rrby that in («impilane« Copper»» Calling Doling special on that line this has fullv regained h's health we with the pf. viaior a .4 'be a< t uf ('utnrrt*«» of A D L ytle , Lawen. Ore. Checker« in jail at Vale awaiting trial for Jur o ». I ~h. rnttt iad -An art for th« aaieuf thn Bulplinr are glad to state. her land» in the «Í ' alifornia. Orefon. Cream Tartar Chees >• «hooting a ebinaman made bi* es­ Nevada and Wgahirfttor Territory Religion» Service». H« >d a H pa rd to a!, h«* p’t >' » land state« l>' of cape last Monday, ft seem* ’he I, Slf ( Benzine iE CAPÍTOL Ilnrijev, ra»eof Urer .n haa thia -n BARBER SHOP n?r and while returning to the jail Peppermint N" JU In T'lWt-abip’. ' ' Ha r-- Nu U f. Vt ■ M. Hpt» Nitro Hall every Sunday at 11 a in and and wi''-oiTeru »of eho--» that 'i «• ¡a1 Irourbt Laudanum j I/it.g leaped on a horse that w«« ty- ta m«/r« Ta uable for ite Hmt»«»f • a a riunì for Paregoric F red F isk , Proprietor. 8 p m. Service Wednesday even­ i t«««fato ' a • aini Essence Vanilla Insert powder • landing near »nd said “gondhy ” to aaih lar d >re he H»a «’er nrof Ke« eirrr <-f Thu »hop hat jtut been o/itiifdtu th i ing« at 8. Subject for Sunday, thia Alee at harr a. «>r»»uu. ou rafurJao, the •• L»inon Bedbug Poison The deputy «u unarmed and Jet Oct 5 "Are Sin. I>i.«a«e and Death » th 4ar ot Iwcamir- 1 [publie ani mit if , a than nf the patronage ** Banana Ceuient H«- ' am»« aa * it: ’ sr a A' tot a F ¿ i. of Egli, the planner ride away. ItiomM Alien. Mmon La»ta and T Holder« Real” Ocl 12 Duelline of Atout »»refer». Pens HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, Garre*», all of Harr », »»rraor ment. anr ar 4 alt p«r» > a < »aiming adre tel- th* Pencils Tablet S«v, did you notice the window SHAMl’GOlNG, ETC. «»wiee'1«-a- *d dean- • a ed I». fl e f balr Cigars r.alma in th t -fl. an or r«ef. * »ar to I* si Ofti 't. will only cost a postage stamp to have our prices on tackle ever wen in Bums. Double month at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. in. Fi«h Line Fish Hooks l>«rrel’e<| shot guns. Winchester Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 ¡NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Diamond Dye Salve p m. I Court Plaster Fill! and Marlin repeaters, rlfiea. gnttlinr t RITXD «T»TS* i AiO'imer, < Glue C'h< wi>,g Gum NOTICE foR PCBLICATIOX. Harner the school al 81'ftXN. (m.. itept », IMF.! OTHINO. CROCKERY. H CROW ARE. ALL KINDS. guns, popgun* and any old thing first Monday of each month at 10 Shoe Polish la htraby gf»**» that hontet s’ V«rl«a Svringe rwiTthUTAtF» f A’fbnrri r » The*« are Icing «old at reduced h»e fi'rd D« U«* at hl« lri*«-n»k>r tom»«* fl» «. Squirrel Poison Pt fessure . July J». IK2 t o'eloek a in O k the arermd, third i.rvof Pick« pr:’La ta he*i r>» »• » n it a *. I lz/la 4 L«n4 '>”»«* P i » •. «/rr»»»’ . W*4»»O- Preacri pt inn Carbolic A< id • iveo-ney of Mtiry, oreg'in, ba» fliid tintfco Jamaica Ginger Machine Oil lake -• I vantage of it ia lo*wr Better al 3 o'clock p m Preaching ser- 4«» the iJrt »!•» of •■f f”,rit!f< ». to made pr» ..f «.« n.-* d^aert-iard I'<2 • n »fmtw* » •;» *■’!•**• lor \aer n. Ml C'aatot Oil I »nr* «pp'baUua *»'•» for »h* > f «•»* t!oa lllvcerina vice »ver» r«< ■ nd Sunday at 8 p m • i X-. a». Í-. iote?«f.ip %.» * -* R X « Id F. rasr dr.-p in today. iuckIva Coffee. £, S W i • SF.l 4 a«-' -A. 1 "• naio|' .à H JU K Plast*»« H • n«m*» •• «f'»M*« i»*e" “hli.<«■»*» M , w M M »«•?«»!• ’ hr R ’ fta:*-. and Rrrrifeg a. Fr»1 r«»*«-*;’ H •■»•. I« ‘J I Vi. i » fi I! i r Medicine <<'l»r R-v I. W. Gowen. Colporler of ca»e (hoigh Etc Etc At the Prest.yterian church if, a’b'-a. orernt on »uuurla). ibeMb •» leg. «U of Rii««« «»fteM«»-. -ejW«m»wr. » •»» Wjf F a BBS, ¡Ugte'et »ack ’I,» A BPS will preach in the Borns. Bev. A J. Irwin pastor \ tatern Mg ir Rei D V Gran. ■ l*a tiitnea ’he following if nr«*-« to prut** inT" C .t thi» oij I and put it in ’bn <*«>iait.l» e irvtyptlsHi n»»4 r>**l«mati>»n Rap’ia' Church during the pastor’« Devine servie • the 'b'rd and fourtl aai l and r». f Tyk- Algeri < <»»e. f >• t • «ri o:...,.... Sundays of each month al 11 a m NOTICE FoR PUBLICATION your bat All th« above and < n« ,,f Kite), Ur«-u. and «». I» Kuab «1 »«uce mm nirucing Sunday. Oct tfurna, ur« gon ( gb Palmi Flour • ral 7:10 p m b«b’.»th school at Lan4 Of*1 re g» OrAfRw», iopt "*h W. mote, loo, can lie found at F A RM F Kertale* 12th A jui.i r and senior society 10 a nt. every «te‘’»«tb morning. •; >. ire .• hvr»--- g , • »• »» ■ f>,' ntt • I Jap m Rkc. • » ■ • has I •n organ s-d at th* Ha|.ti*t . «n mak* »roi yt *>f la m *4 bi»eî«ife oa4 ••I4pf.-»f »fl •« m«4e h .rv tb- e» • Preaching service# st the Baptist tb«r church. Tl.e junior« will ».»et ••4 Be**i»»r •• R'irn» 'He* Prie- sul eef to .'f'liket Ch iteE’rtî w«rr** v«»te« »f1 More pew thing, arriving fur tho ■•ur dar al 3 p in and the seniors church »very 1st aid 2nd Burriere, , Vari)« 1«**«aar 1 MJ. IL »-i n.ornir g and cveiang Bunday U-*» I in j. ber Vn. < T .2 « i! .rnt Furi..'uri Co this week. Yottrs truly. at fl 30 p iu 4 large attendance is school every at 11 a. m ? ffr 1 • h .• f f!« «ftf Wlil . » ' ■ . • • ■ ’ ■ JZ S, tt • i.and >• n r.« fr«sh finit ll-d pew (,* tt*' r tables Sep. rin'endanl. evening. * >«FT». •FfWfCX W» f «. k*i Goods Best Selections Waist ings ISkZElEX-ZlLj eHIlXrcarIL.E!JVffIILZ TO;ings from 20 cents to $1.50 per yard. VOEGTLY & KENYON, S chwartz & B udelman , Burns, Oregon. HARDWARE AND MACHINERY Orxtcxrio, Orc^-cn. DRY GOOD, LADIES and GENTS ^TmT^TSEril^TOrJS- : • • • • • NEW FEED BARN. • • • • • • • • • • • • Y rs Ì BOYER BROS. & CO., Ontario, Oregon, holesale Direct to the Consumer RY GOODS. BOOTS and SHOES. i 0 Horton's BOYER BROS. & CO Pharmacy