1 She Simes ïirrald »Att.RD.vY «BFTFMAKR >3. IMÖ JtitAX BT HI» M «nager THE TIMBER GOING. Il is only a few years since the dense forests of Oregon and Washington were looked upon as a detriment. The growth w is ilen’e, and the stumps simply ap­ ground palling to the intending settler, When the hunchgia«-« waved, it cost so much to clear the ground he was fat and glossy, swift of thr.t. though the soil was first hmb and sure of foot, beautiful to rlnss, few had either the money look at, and filling in the picture or the courage to undertake it. of Oregon’s rolling lulls. The result was that thousands of Now all this is changed; the acres of the vary best timber in ranchman envies him the grass, the World Wai destroyed by fire. finding there is more monej in it, That W hs the method, the < heap whvn fed to cattle and sheep, and method of getting the ground in the hardy cayuse whose progeni­ condition for the plow. The tors for ihousands of year« roamed •'burns" soon produced a fine over the hills of the Inland Em­ rrop of maple and other under­ pire will become obselete on the growth which in turn was burned, ranges, and only kept from be­ and the job of cleai ing was reduc­ coming extinct through his con­ ed tn magnitude until it didn’t temporary. the Indian. 1 lie break the settlers heart to con­ range horse will go, but onl) to template it. ft would be impos­ give place to the bigger and bel­ sible to make any thing like an ac­ ter animal, the white man’s horse. curate estimate of the value of the timber thus dvs'.roted, but it The forest reserves .me reserv* would run into the mi.lions of dol­ cd partly lor the (ore»t and part­ lars so far that one could scarcely ly fm sheep and cattle ranges, the be made to believe the figures. latter, if doing no other gO"d, Now all this is changed, and making the sheep and cattle tc- there is a wile] scramble for tim spect certain bouudai i- s her lands, and the more limber and the larger the trees tne belter Now the land itself cuts no tigme The Sunday edition of the Louis Republic is a marvel modern newspaper enterprise, The orginiiatiol! of its news ser- I vices 1» world-A ide, comp ete in in every department; in tact, superi­ this destruction the Interior De­ partment estimates that 25 acres of forest trees aie planted daily, or a tract of one 1111 e by 12 in the course of a year. There is, how­ ever, some consolation in the fact that owing to our abundant mil much abused rainfall, the young growth stalls, at once, and in the course of time will replace the forests w hich the demands of civ­ ilization is today destroying, thegon Daily Journal, j„ct tn chat gp. START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. (>nl\ a year or two ago there was considerable speculation .is Io the future el the hoi sc, ami thvie were home who went to the extent of asseiting that the i«pe- i ic’ w««uld become extinct. There was newt an«' ground tor thi-. bcli< f, ami though steam ami . Icc- triiitv are pvt forming a g.odii pottionof the w. ik that was nine all his, theie is, ami always will lx-, demand (oi hissciviivs I he fast roadstet will alwaxs lx- in de­ mand, in spite of autoim bile-. -«ml gasoline bict cles. I'I h h i s piva sure tn holding th«- iems nvrr a goed horse, to which the mot V- nient of clean «Ut inns. Iv the delicate n.v.ttil. el s . ii '«<1 and quo et mg, the det t cat the p> oml aiching ncek, ami th. iv is ath-c- lion, companionship and love, be­ tween the maslet and the animal, rile toadster and the draft li.n«c will live as man's companion j i't a» long as man exists T he branehu, the . av use, that class o( I iui se is g ig and will soon b<- gone and though now looked upon with e ntumetv ami spoken of with contempt, he ser­ ved • useful pm p > • in d o« u'1»’' by. lie was the Indian's car ami automobile, anti d he did n.»'hi”g « Ise, certainly »aved thy Indian's i»., h-'» wde.1 moo burden« evrving <»f ; valuable montlily joarnal one seal b» ( E.NTUttt P ublishing C o , B ox 73 lb R'»s L ake , M inn T rade M asks D esigns COPVHIOHTS &c. Anyonn sending a »kelrh and deecrtptton may qnlcicly «uirertain our opinion free whether an Invar tl<»n tsprobni.lv t .tet table. Communlm- Mona strictly cnntli'enttul. Handbook on i'uienta sent freo. «»Most »gen< r for »eruritig patents. Patents t ikon i rou- i Munn A Co. receive H/eeLil notief, wit I cut« > -’r-’O, In the Scientific American. A handsomely 1P tstraterl weekly. J.nrjroM rlr- culation of an» ■’«'¡entitle journal. Terms. fJ a '«ar; four mon* as, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. dIUNN Branch — 31 4:30 p ni L»e.| Agents Mallo ur Co. Wm Conlev. Riilalt, Lytle Howard W si fall ................................. Vale L< < »1 P. .) II. E A Exc< pt Sunday. 4:30 p in Portland Corvallis ’? uesdav Tlmrs & ami Way Landings Thur* & Sat Sul. L' «ve Leale Lfwi-t'n «n»ke ’’Iver 1:20 a tn Biparia to LewisGm. 8:30.t tn Dail Dai.v. N. H oar . A Huntington. Oregon A Cl'-n. Pass Ag’t. L ...OREGON HARNEY .. Sunday. AVIllamette Kiv*r 6 a. in Prop IRVING, CRAÎU. Portland. 2 2 2 2 2 Eastern Oregon Developing Company does a general real esiate and commission business. Buy s and sells real esiate. mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prises of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location of government lands and the development of the re- ’ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. J ohn E. R obekss , ecy , O ntario , O r . • C'J«'.»«'J rjrjr jcjrjr jrir jr ir irjcjr trj A. L MOHLER, President. d hr JOE •li­ Horseshoeing. Blacksmithing ■'*<». '25 F Pt.. Wiuhiagtt^, b. C. Et MAIN ST., BURNS * < < • $<. Wagen woik done -j a sati'factorv ( i • manner prompt attention. < S€ » HEAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO, OREGON. Ort-gon Up-to-la’e j«>h printing nt able prices. in nc E. O. D. C •7 1 .LIEH R00ECNE2ÜU U;iE3 l.'l 132 KOURS e Eldredge H^OsOO The Belvidere All orders given Give him a call. .».I Varien i>i . « ■' 1 'fn ’ <-rbi i;i ri. .. ear urna • «• - F il!’.. h : k, ' n ; « «i' ■ 11*.- aa . r Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and dese. puon of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patent« secured through us advertised for salo at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T hr P atyxt R bcord . an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. S«nd for «ample copy FREE. Addres«, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneya,) Evans BulMIng, WASHINGTON. D. O. ii I-. Ihsiilufely |»( he , nmi will 01 I D EAK all other Lead . /« Jfotir hs*al tieoter doto not ritt yot. yrt tt. W I’ Fuller A fo. Portland how . to A day In borer considered him* ell nah I « ith tnro shilling« a da a . wb.tpfnnf post and pillory < T *t;li »tending in New York and I '»• atixt ex,«« NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE Ci.. New York. raccory. BCLVIDERC. ILL. " Axrru Tr.t mbostiit aia am . wo » if . n io tra.. I a, d a ìvenise for old e-t»b ¡shed house ..f «obd fioe.ntal sto dine Salar, $7'0 a y ir rnd ra­ pi «c». all parat ie in _ used st *our iliwcretiof. w.wv,. "1 ?'e Tear'’ awr trenfmenf not intet-ferr with .four or^ ufoftton. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME .’I - e*- INTERNATIONAL AURAL CL«N!C 596 LA SALLE AYE.. first national Bank r lace* The church collection wa* taken •• a ln»g at the end of a jndr, »vith a bell Attached to arouae the altepy c« nfr . 4A dA > CALDWELL, IDAHO CH vk GO, ILL BE WABE ot imitati» A General B«inkinç Business I ransacted trad- t.-.ark3 at. J latvia COBRES’X'MDENCE LNV1TED aor .. arar0* raitle. aamt • «■’> • JlL ' l it in CMvh ear. D I inn»n'< r ?'ur *-«wa j .efl KU' . oi: [ « ff each ear. i • • A. >. u, nu*e. .»•▼•ry A F.«a. Ez h. m-r ou right hip ■ ara. oh * _> J T War'. S '■ ’ "" • ,l:a' • RSKV J W Bieg' - i ,»104« II B Ttmwi.' • ***! ». biredon lef t.. a - derbit in right r *KOF1 «• H H slide: «art • -an* left tar,split r. rigbL W n I row t Fif^J jaw.youngb F • right • de: sa;¿^ a- n-»» litv- k W p Hanle' Bur* < aitlc. »ante < n aplit in right e«r. L.V 9ti left hip !«•’*- J « freatman. left »i«iv « r h ' a»*1* ti aaltr ia left L L< i*rk >am*** •h (Wilder. John Gil« rest. w ■> n h i ‘ < ®» atark »^uarr ■ M>®a ‘ •lop« on left < rr«u.h..i't. pennrei oe • * raw V il ZIXi vf **’ “I n>«-k •->•«.•'•• ‘ , I.LIA «■•MU Hr... ■aa ».wui F ■ To I » ' 'J*.. ' i- ... « ■ • _ wait'. ... a * ¡4 Highest of all in Leavening Power — Lame U. S. Gov*t Report ABSOLUTELY pure Hnator» ■ Z» 'í3Sgs£g|á Ma« eu i iT.it f«r.« C. H , .»• IW. fifis •• M< “* MM« “rI Public;! ‘ PrluKr «.►..i r. n-ev. t.i « .i . . h » . . a me jad. m» jun, ' M «, > • . nati < r< p i. r : ... -b K l . XIK81 U J u«»i. ' B ¡or*. et Judffl . ail« » a W •■ • ■. . - at >t. et Attori ar*, r. p i. i un <*• ... i < i op . .c-r. V. A a 1 . r. . Nr- t oh ic«. »houiaei 1 • f 1 ien bkvuluer, tskti n- y Judg« Jotin butf . I.urns,b«* •• < «(tie, kt. on righ; bi irar t-ach cur, h«-le it) rigiii Milt N H’lfhe’. »‘’'J lock . ii ¡vfi ■ ue; »»fT !|l S>hn Iiip't’ an, Fr.r‘ t I bbuuh>. • left ei»r. twv underbill: » 8»ra King. Burrs, • Twp aiicl u • .-nit !i rt *r juw ’•» J P D:< k-n■ r. N«" ’ Atiti«’-. cn ■ 'aril'«' .■ *“"""1 uhouldvr; i a k. bi ■’ rw.-vjja branded on lvi'si ati others Irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. M rite far one. jj9 BROADWAY. ; s . , • J S^OoOO PIONEER WHITE LEAD I I ei.-r (Ter.,, I Pwil fie. cat' «• Fame,,! • '"I ep l> b '.ai „ under 1.1: h, 'ijhr. I. C «ir. ut, Puro, hip: feiile, Hip «own on i,„th ’ ’ 5 »nd un.Ieri,p b, M Fenuhk. Burt., > . «I ber .. ii -‘«s eermerk., tw„UM_ b etil-l her T on d.h ' hRlt < r. p in ¡efi ear J H Hutt vani. B»rtt r mark». < r..p off J P W iihera. Harte- -. on left shoulder. n'T* rithcriifp oarmtrki ’ derbit in left. Manin Bnn| , i<»i>tal Lai un eitherjp. righ- cm. r -. j allow f.:4 jaw; ala., some Lt«»!« O I- shIngioi ke- shoijliler; cattle, 5 mark», cropuff righiti- crop off left. ’ Fred Denwedt. Bum . Mlu tin cr; cattle FDonr j r.er half « ¡up |n nthta K J William», Rile- V ah«.nl«l<-r: «aule i . r ,,'. J. «.fl left cur. under hall • • ler eh in: abu cattle briI- ■ ilerbit In left ear, nuatrii ' « hi tie JT on left rili t- , I under half crop in right. j II II J-’llit tt, Nirror.i « j * left Htiile: ( aule Th r. .. 1 mark, upper idupeon* . ‘ i and bell collar, Sylvester Smith, Nan nJ4 lev. calile V bar. earmn ' short over alope in « . «iewlap P G Sniiih, B-i-aa, bottj right hind leg and lefig circle s on cither hip; et- I ear. split in under aidei A E Young. Buris! - .1 < cutir.e« ted on righ ¡j-.' left almuider; rattle,n»i^ earmark, right earcrwi- i"g ton aire In ad 01. CXI*;’ aideof beck: nil auii.it. • C P Rutherford, Hurt xi«!e: carina: k.uiolerlr bar k on cit shvUKier Mil hurl Modan I i < m , I : «.11 left hip; ir.Hrk.ri,: g lefi dr«»« jm«i do*h,juittwij Th » AS ii’gfidd. Burn- on 1» ft ali.>11 d> r ra te.io, . « n p < fl- left ear ahurtirttagS John I.'raduni k. I »Doubler; < attic.. . i ufl’ rixh ear. a.valJu« :.i I miaket AA E Smi'h, 1 n’t I. u mark, »piit ip. fl ru.; £ TG Kula. Bur: 1. iafi hip; markf, rr p«f -, John VA itie.l. BurnìU Mitle; « aule. dianiv:4tn- HL B • piir ii ea-h ear. w «; u » ì :'. I» ,M Me-. .. «.nr, ta-i1 PATENTS GUARANTEED an such <*••<» are on record |{. Bure*’ body w as disinterred in iti be reut’ivcd to a new U mb. To the prt»e «f ill bi* frier»!» the fear were f und to be as perfect a burial. Vh« u the b”dy a f John H utn the fsmuu» English patr »e*.1er a *a* d »interred by l..»r ibo Arar» after burial the f feature» A*ere a* ur.cbat g« New York rv it trrite to ua anii trt n-tll ort that Tara* Them in !*••■# Human boi'i«* bur.ed in limrst« ce cxuptne^ sre « ften turctnl to sci-. »tene by the liiue'Aater "hich peut- trait* tue gr»»c» lu cibar »rii» ii-.e**« are i.iiutut** whi.h *ewi«tiir;s * <• . balm the baric«! <*ead st |4» preterse form and feuturc» urA'havftd 5i i El* ept i Tuesday .-«i «nrny thing» toccin- it. I Lt top of the • -s f -vs f-» cl vied, the • «riti'.l !. e MOM »im« «h »'1er ant, the import utor*. Shop opposite Ohl Brewer work done wi’b noat.rref a> d dist'itch iWfiiv un a call HOBT, 1 p. m. MARLIN tiinr«: There wa* not a publie library in the ton. I rou«er* were fastened with peg* )- '■ K”. ,iir , ..I I Ur ». B R Porte., r-um. Willamette A Yamhl'l 3:3«) p m . 7 a id . Klver. 1 Teu day Ort gon City, Day ton Monday Wed. & • I 'il> rd 'y and U ay*Landiiigs Friday. unters siy People who talk t f the frond old t t.,- should read thtte fact* compiled 1. I*, pular Me« havi ‘ It* th* K ' Ht-edio a 1'i non 'There wa tut’v one hat factory, ar.-, tha. ma ■ve ckedhata. Yilf IV . a vuntnineil a fifth ot the uUthUk of the c untry. an h«'le 1 who jeered at the preacher A « t’ the wri ivon was fined. or« riti . gr coaches bore all the travel Tsu \ vaa York and lL»«ton. be i w v« ■ i i. III pa lilt. Mu« » I h lines W « rr I ■<-kin« That Ire Jfosv < <» ns I tir reti \rcr»snry for « omfort. w. ' ;> ot 'h- A.r, ÏÏ; fera a,| , r- ' ' i • 4pm For San Francisco (olntnliia River ■ 8 p u: MraH?r». M oney ,Ex Sun Tu Asto1 i» ano Way 8 •ire for the use of the woundtd preshlent Alter Mr. McKii.iev died one of then. A>n» m nt to I)r. Matthew 1). Mann, one of the physician* in attendance. The other Avas replaced among the cot r <’\ a n o! . Avith them. reunHles* of it* Ub during the pioideni's illness. “That A\nsd< ne. The «•«•! aat . s place aa i h tbi < t her«, its identity aa as 1 s No on? kr. ava aa I’ o l as it doaa . I rot? Ascrc F« ld to | cr»ons and institi lions in different | arts of the e< untr ”1 cannot teli aa !>t ti er Mr. McKink rie. Minile 12:35 apnli«. St Paul, Oli- a. Œ. 1 45 utation. ìutli Milwaukee, Chi­ Sheet music, a high-class, pop­ 1 cago ; nd East. ular song, is furnished free every r Sunday in the Republic. 1’he price of the Sunday Re­ (JE AN and HIV EK SCHEDULE public by mail one v<-ar is $2 oo Fion Portland For sale be all news dealers. fur it is the timber and that alone that is sought. The Maine foiests are gone, every nine dat s, and in one year .1 track .six miles w ide and 2.(6 miles long, It does not require a very complicated calcul itimi to BURNS SAWMILI A Great Newspaper. Used him to gted purpose, and though he oCcasionlv bucked his -addle off and scattered the camp­ ing utensils, blankets and plunder promiscuously through the sage brush, yet withal, lie made pros­ pecting possible. Under his In­ dian masters he learned to subsist on anything he could get, from the succulent bunchgi a«s m the spiing to di-sicated sagebrush when the snow covered the » wr* —fiQT. M JOHN F- ST”1“"”- Gr-ts no. nevtr spots ; c«r’ Viel’' J ¡X FLU. _ £. CO., acw Y jt I rr aiv r V re kHw: salisi - Gats X* a -• «i**