■ BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, SEP 1 EMBhk 20, 1902. SI M MONS Bounty Account was paid for that w»»»d Mr. Kin ney-has offered $20000 ns an in-' In the Circuit Court of tho State of - ! ducement to have the wood tnanu- ' A. dispatch from Salem save: Oregou, for the County of Bar­ t ..~ -. j into - —.* furniture f.. ....«..«.•» n.... . i The appropriation of $50.000 made h ■ subscription rate » I factored on Cooe^Bay 1. licy. ROUTE OF OREAT CENTRAL EAST which offer has been taken under [ by the last legislature for the pay­ u O b » T»*» ..................... *»•!?; , Alz Mauth* _ . . . l.W I.ottie Peterson, Plaintiff, i FROM COOS BAY. .sb TkrM Momh* ___ consideration. ment of scalp bounties has been ex- vs. > On his way out Major Kinnev hausted and additional claims ag I Thorvald Peterson defendant OFFICIAL DIRECTOHY BTATB—«Blt.'N spent two days in Roseburg. His gregating $13.965 have been audit­ I ______ To Thorvald Peterson, the ai >0 vc I Î. Z. * * ’.i 6rB Joaepb Simon announcement to the Roseburg ed nnd allowed, Claims not vet | name(j (jefelldant: "■»tr.s;1 '■ 1 Wav-Caotemplatea Acqalsilioa ol jTbua. Tongue. people whs make in the following audited have been filed with the | j •acrcMBBU ... ....... (M A. Moody Spreckels Railroad. You are hereby summoned to ¡ $», »B, ttorMy OBUBral .......... D. K. N. Blackburn T. T. Gear ¡interview: -ecretary of the state to the amount , ,,ppCar and answer the complaint ; BferBor . ... i ..El Dunbar j •op » tertiary «1 Btate “Yes. sir! You may say to your ■ of *4400. This makes a total of t|l0 nbovo entitled cause filed CM Moore | Major I,. D Kinney, chief engi-1 ■ £»', r«**«r* JU Ac kerinau ; •Bl. rusllejiialracuon : w‘n*ir.«di „,.er of the Grea1 Central Railroad, readers that the Great Central $58.356 of scalp bounty claims I tlgaiI)gt j.,nl ¡n (ho above entitled ’«‘« r"u1“ ! c wtiiv.ruu returned last night from a trip to Railroad will be built, and that presented to the secretary --f «t»'. Court bv the 20th dav of October, *rt, «»r.»« JB»i«s» >r.A. Uvre ........ two weeks I- . ................. . . be the under ... in 1901 , | ;9O2 and are hereby notified that it Cone Ba . He ......... h is spent Roseburg will positively the law paged .................... 1 ' MtMXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. •"»U RINNTW--------- on Coos Bay and at Roseburg. He j point of its intersection with the i That act took effect March 1. 1901 . you fail so to appear and answer . M. D. CLirroRu tbf« ismctJuoa.................... WmMillei announced that he bad settled the Southern Pacific line,” said Chief and provided that the several coun-1 I, uiricl Alierusj la Geer , the plaintiff will for want thereof > r . " MBl K«v«sa»i>lAliv» J W M or rvw route of the tailroad b. tween Coot- Engineer Kinney, to a Review r p ties should pay the scalp bounties I ,ipp|v tl) the Court for the ri lief de ••-ir: Mal S»uau>r . *•*»* I | in the first inst, and then be reim­ manded in raid complaint to-wit. ’i«l> . B >y and the Southern Pacific—j resentative cetniTY—MABN kt : i ub • * - mii ’ '¡£7 Jame» A dparruw lef-.ei,. ••Ml/Jad«« ............. “In this conclusion we have been bursed of two thirds of th pay ' h 11. . Kieiisnisyu .‘“.-r tout it would practically Lethe For a decree of the court de-olv ird pr. ... ............................ K A Miller I I route of ihr Coos Bay. Ru-eburg j influenced by nn.ural conditions «nents made j i The claims thu> far ing the marriage contract existing i _ : -1- - . Geu Ge« sheliey oheliey I ,, . -*,»1«. — ' * .» Hmbauai. & Eastern, ’ortianb lb« junctional <>m>. Tlmre is no oth- r r ut» fea­ filed represent the ecalps taken up between plff and deft in said suit J L bartiett lrn»«ii .- a «> mi Sapcn utendenl A contract for tho to June 1, 1902 or about 14 months and also for the award of the care K J -Nubie Roseburg His plan is to build up sible for us qcm . loapeciwr A. euatur .. I ■„ BUrj MauMHwu«™. K J William« to the present line of the Coos Bay fir8t division has alre-dv lw*n let after the law became effective Th« ■' and custody of tho minor children ' either 1 and th* grading between Mar-h(itld pcalp bounty expense under l be . f Raid mar’riage with plffand the AAUKi V- ». M-'V uFklCb Geo. W Ha es R>Hrbu.g A KanUrii h I both »‘lid*, a»>d Roselo.rg.viaMy rtle Point, will ne** law has heretofore been about a ha» Neu eli and disburatnenta of the suit then buv the Spreckels road if it *£*1» aceiver '2'. 5._____ _____ a in and $4883 per month, and in two yeiri- j can ht*,. dato of the order for this publi­ ■ n J',?"» SYl.VA KBBKKAH Desre« Xv v* does away wilh all possibility that :,,’d while the rainy season may de- no apparent diminution in the sup­ cation is tho 2nd day of September ■■«••»«» «“J* N.I,. the road will get out by way of lav operations in this section-work ply ofscaps. ¡1. ii’t u. U. smliU. Hee see »■ 1902 PU-hed on other divisions T1» ----------------------------- ! Drain or Eugene. It is definitely wi'1 The sinn last mentioned is only T hounton W ilhams . ,r«'b A. O. V. W. Bursa Loan«. -■"» settled that It will go to Roseburg, «hrre the conditions are more fav- the amount that will be paid out hy Atty for pl IT Mwia.vrr rrldBJ ■dahu * on]trJ u w Conni ruction work on Ilo the state. Under the new law the Maj« r Kinney also brought the orable Published in the Tinies-Herald ’Piorij.' . Hu n Uo>l. K«c- '•fi- | _______ a—m—W«——------------------- - -------- ! news that the Buoth-Kelly Lumber four-mile trestle Gtween Empire counties pay one third of the boun ! ,,IK.e u ,v„, k for six full weeks be­ Company has taken up IU option 1 City and Marshfield is well under lies. so that at the rate claims havei ginning with and inoiusive of the '“I«».» dAKNIV LODliBr-S'» 100 F’ ,e*t*BiOdd F«llowa H*ll.svery saturaas ■'it *e»u>»iv““'« j M p.ituu N.u. forthellnd grant of the Oregon "liv- and ,h« grading force under been filed in the office of secretary , 6th day of Sept tlm date of tlie first ,r> wf *•»>*■ w Y Sius.sei' •9 i;; f __ ____ ~ ¡Central Military Wagon Road Com | Contractor Small will be increased of state, the counties will pay out { publication, by order of tho Hon “ ... '•rhe Times-fieralcL » THE COOS BAY RAILROAD M. M. CO Ontario, Oregon. We have the most complete stock in town in all lines of GROCERIES. HARDWARE, DRY GOODS AND BOOTS AND SHOES. EX, Our Specialty--The veiy best of goods and prices as low as our compet­ ,*4 ed itors. .’S »(1MM ...... iSJ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . ---------- -____ _____ ____ a« ;, —— " — t ¡J^j | W. J. COLEMAN, ’ Stenographer and Notary Public panv, a deal involving $2,UUU.LM). a’ «»"n ns j i be Booth-Kelley Company did > l,e secured. '«e" ",!<1 I No one has the qualities \ve have in all linse. •< [ arge «»•' under the new law in the neighbor- County Judge of the State of Oregon hood of $58.000, bringing the total j for Huroey County,of date Sept. 2d this on the assurance of Major Kin j “Has the route through the Cns- expense up to $29,5,197. At ney that the Great Central Rail- fade range been determined upon?" each, expenditure will indicate “It his; and while it is no part of! killing of 147.598 coyotes. road would go and that it would The act of 1901 afford adequate traiiBpoilation fa* °ur policy to «how our hand at this -----— ------ r provided ------------- for cihtiea for the tinnier on the grant, time, 1 can state positively that a j payment of the liountiea did *2! |8, and anu Ke*. gvv.. Iaever.il I ..«»*..«*..■ W. r people •.......... -r»-— County --- ... 2Maeudet^ lu ! ern Pacific, will undertake to co. - their good will, and in return we provision was made lhat the «tatr opens Wednesday, September 17 w aiima. miL-ioMilH Co t : ( f J c e'e ( e Solicited. • iruct .be (treat Central Railroad,1 prond«e them a rail outlet from ' should be reliable for th? payment * T he following sclio >ls and col- and the contract for that part bt - tidewater at Coo« Bay to Salt Lak»* |uf greater amount. Another act I ! leges tire comprised in the Univer- 1 m. '»Si Biggs & Biggs t II fM it ’ Empire City and Roveburg will be 1 City, as «non an it ia possible to con- ' pa«8“ _ _ , --- c.w.PasAi«" i With|„ 15 nl0|,i|is from the date of ‘ Furihpr than the fact that pro- where the expense was authorized <>f Music -Sthool of Medicine— tXì*. A. RB»a«u» the contract. Thu work w.ii t>« minent Eastern railrond men ar« . but the appropriation was i xhnuat- School of Law. ‘ PARKISH & REMBOLD, done through ths instrumentality I interesied. and that not cine shar« j **d. The appropriation was ex Tuition free, excepting in the kllurueJB-al-Luw, or»ei. L of the Kmpire Construction Com- of «to< k is for sale, I cannot speak hauated on May 19, and since tbat Schools of La aw, Medicine and xirL ìj U ì nn ('»itd U«*»»yon Ci V.j U'»-gOli. ■w u Uikl'll« 1** 'he tvUikul GMILC,. Riti date the counties claiming reini- 1 M,|Sjc 1 »fthat matter. ” (Incidental fee $tooo, pun, tn which -Mr Bennett will < », <• cavi viuu.ie* a«u li» Mie BUI».«•« «’ ““ r»'i 1 (Mi«. »Uu «4»«> V. »- *<»•'* uXilLta. “Do your plana contemplate th«’ liiirs«n>eiit have received certificat­ Student-Body tax $2 5° P''r yi'a,J 1 figure prominently. « s«:?e ■ -J” ’ i > r **z» Ir .* 1 u road?” es showing that their claims have Several suticmilraols have al- 1 »t-e ..4* of (lio tiie ¿í Spreckels '.’w, Lt.sjT Cost of living from $too to, Char*. H. l^conavd, H! ». j «en allowed for the sum stated Henri S.-i.g- a k - read. be-1« lei. Henrv S«-lig.-> -ffih’ ro.’iil can be purchns« DAI Y, I’m » iiikst FRANK lt.l ilFUN. \ m I’ hi . hihnt I address *. in i;i??4 areiui Atlentioii given to Uullec- piling for four miles of trestle D ,,1Ir atak« « at M v rth> Point and rants and the certificates of allow­ Gì ka. •■«I lL>ua and Kral t,suu uiaiiero I R egistrar <»• ttti: L niversitv , , 1 . bu.r \\ Smail. ««I kA ails Italia, Is al- proceed indepelide’it of the ol«i ance in that the latter do not ap­ ; ear, n . Accounts of Corporations, I inns and Individuals Solicited. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. propriate some $67.000 to pay the h Id H, has a d zen teams of h s J >,„„6 r^ar|y for business?” arra«« tnnm» WiM4*K» M. uii .mn eiunsi ! deficiency in th«-scalp bounty ac- Stock/ioit^ors.-~-l 9tli dav of July appointc« mence operations from this point Beux», - O khgos N. U. CARPENTER, Cashier. ;e grading from Myrtle Point toward This force will be augmented by an P' t'cd that the appropriation will by Hon H C L’Vens ( ounty Judge .arri. ve a*» Roseburg, where wnere some heavy cuts additional corps from Pot Portland mad«-. In the present instant, of Harney County Oregon, admin­ 8. W. MILLER, tioseburg, tin nd i'i n ES istrator of lhe es.ate of Henry II r«li ■' •ire He has 75 horse» ______ Seventy-five head ___ of _______ horses ___ have 'he circumstances w ill lie very dif are to be made. I ___ ____ la mis ! in Eugene that will be started for been purchased at Eugene, and the ferent from what they wort two Masteraim ■>•’« “I told you some time ago that of the logging catnpa Or the lower made the payments received the l>enefita, and (hat it ia fair all Hibbard & Brownton, we would begin active construction Columbia are burned and the T-’ DE> I I MTS. ' work <»n the railroad by 8epte***r whole co'intrv is a sea of Hames ' amu« d if they are left to bear all This hotel ia centrally locati »I ami uni'i r the management of an °»r. ”«i l.nullo1'«!. bounty claim« now do so without I was Sep'eir.tet 3 when ihr work nights fighting fire, with their The dining morn i« tn < barge of polite, accolti- •nd is well furnished Notice ia l-erehv given that by any certaintv of reimbursement That w»* h»>u»eh»dd goods load««! on wagons ■«as actually begun iraiw* * Th«’ tnl>|.’« are furnished with the best. According to the newa dispatches order of the lion County Ju Ig* of modating waiters I not a ' ad miss wa- it?” r«a«iy to fl«« at a moments notice JOHN McMVLLEN , Chief Engine«« Kinney say« the Smoke is dense and ashes are still ! todsy Lan» county has refused to the County of Harney, State of •IB « > irst la ar n onnection wharf at Empire City is completed, falling on the city. nece««itatinc the pav any more bounty claims, evi- Oregon, dated the fifth day of Hept < c. >• H*>2 the undervig-ied was app- iril ­ detitly preferring not to take any and crew* of workmen are busy on u«e nf light» Naviga'ion » r> th« ik>» •} the new townaite of Bangor, and oi, Columbia is delayed by darkness chance on legislative reimburse­ ed Exccntor of the last will and — Oregon Barns —• ment 8h»«uld the eastern Oregon te»ti1 «1 • tb» B*lt Lin» Railroad H«rrp»»'ta _H S’ • preferred for Al) persona having clnlit,» against Cloudy day« 'counties tsk» the same s»"d * • d were Lra.tfly distrustful. nev. Harney County. Oregon or at it • x*mi»«r»tr. I -»tac.ss« w rk The chief Ea|m«er esprtaa«» ‘Northern Pacific bridges and treat • and a*|Mpifiea guaranteed The Windsor Bar has he. n moved th» office of my Attv . Thornton great regret that all tue myrtle of ''lea between Elma and Gate City OF ONTARIO. OREGON. d ,!•••••••••••••• Th» forests in ,n(o the building on the corner Williams st Burns within all (6) of Caoa ooantt ba* been aeenred bv have been butted Y, A«*<*oiiíitr <»t un«i London in Ohefaahs ecuntv base up ths new quarters in • very corn- io run from th* fifth lari publica­ t jfiin, Abner Rubini»#, B. F Older», M Alexander, N. I'. Carp»n- ü destroyed. Thirty square for tab le shape and hav* added a tion of 'he same, on th» 11th day of ti if the »leetion Will p*r*rgc.igAt men gruoVrif oat im rtle »Ttimp» been t* r William Miller E II T« »t I hot I urubutí. Oct 1902 — * •’ all kinda of p- KM Cl 1 it the for shipment io Bat, Francisco, «’»I miles ofMaaon coonty is ablaze billiard table. E II. TENT, < ashler. ? <>t am I. J amis • lier*, eowdolv w • - . ov a nd t*v lb# a Mr Hail who rsp-sasnls the Cali­ It is impossible to gel details fr m ^e*. a«a. ua«. wc«. J<< Ex »cn ’ i »r jsc j»i essa use <-e ss B I C .-»«r-owe« ÍFIRST NATIONAL BANK .