Bl’RNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, SEPTEMBER 13. 190** f ■f, •‘t The Tirces-Jierald THE COOS BAY RAILROAD was paid for that wood. Mr. Kin­ ney has offered $20000 as an in­ ducement to have the wood manu­ factured into furniture on Coos Bay EAS1 which offer has been taken under consideration. On his way out Major Krnnev spent two days in *Roseburg. His Bounty Account SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of A dispatch from Salem say ► ; Oregon, for the County of llar- HUBdCRiPTION RATES: The appropriation of made ney. t O«« Tear .............. ROUTE OF GREAT CENTRAL ... |2.0c by the last legislature for the pay­ llx Months ... .io»- Lottie Peterson, Plaintiff, 1 FROM COOS BAV. Three Month« .75 ment of scalp bounties has been ex­ vs hausted and additional claims ng Thorvald Peterson defendant) orricuc unno T ory ,Bl 1 STATE .nil'.os gregating (13.965 have Iweii audit­ To Thorvald Peterson, tiie above X 1 J. It Miti hall Goes vit Dssebusg.-Cocstruction io Loder C.i. S«*Al«r« i Joseph ditnon », announcement to the Roseburg ed anil allowed. Claims not yet named defendant: WavCootemplates Acquisition of »Tho». Tongue. » . people was make in the following audited have been filed with the fM a . Moody You are hereby summoned to Spreckels Railroad. UsozrMsa«« .... D. K. N. Btaikburu Alloraer UMirll interview: »ecretary of the state to the amount appear and answer the complaint **. T. T. Getr u.,«r«or F 1 Duubar -'•c-«l«r» at Stai« ‘’Yes, sir! You may say to your i of #4400. This inakea n total of in the above entitled cause tiled C a Moor« Major L. D Kinney, chief engi­ Trtuinr J II Ackerman Sapl. rul»lle;ia«tr«c i Great Central $58.356 of scalp bounty claims against you, in tho above entitled ... W H Loeda neer of the Great Central Railroad, readers that the **’ 'I Sut« rrlutar . K 8. Bean. ^1». Railroad will be built, and that I presented to the secretary of state Court by the 20th day of October, .5 C. WoivertuD returned last night from a trip to «■««•■>• J«d«s* > F. A. Moore Coos ■■:» . He has spent two weeks Roseburg will positively be the j under the law pasted in 1901 1902 and are hereby notified that if MINli;l-: Southern Pacific line,” said Chief l and provided that the several coun- the plaintiff will for want thereof Dta» riet Attorney I .- nrr: announced that he had settled the J el at - aevroaeucati re J A Mvrruw J»1 ii - ü « u » um route of the railroad between Cooe ' Engineer Kinney, to a Review r* p- 1 ties should pay tbe scalp bounties apply to the Court for the relief de in the first inst, and then be reim­ uianded in said complaint to-wit. ©•UBTT - ■ABN kt : H y ai d ti e Southern Pacific—1 resentative. . Jaiuea A Sparrow Cwent/Jad«« "In this conclusion we have been bursed of two thirds of the pay­ H. KicUai'.aun tnat it would practically bethel For n decree of the court devolv­ Clerk .................... K A Miller influenced by muural conditions ments made. Th" claims thus far ing the marriage contract existing Irsaaurer J K J. tn.SvU route of tiie Cm s Bay, Roseliurg iurrarer .. ueu slivllei only There is no oth* r r**ute fea­ filed represent the tcalps taken up­ between pltT and deft in said suit âaeriff. ------ .1 W BùebuL.Ull & Eastern, forming the junction at J < rar’.i**lt «tapert mende at sible for us A contract for th*» to June 1, 1902 or about 14 months I and also for the award uf the care Roseburg His plan is to build up E .1 Nubie riucK Inspector A. leustur I first division has alreidy been let ■ after the law became effective. The and custody of tho minor children GBiamaMiuuero K J W illiams to tbe present line of tile t oo- Bav I UbU orric, : ■ ARMEY C. Roseburg & Eastern nt both ends, and the grading between Marshfield 'scalp bounty expense under the of said marriage with plfl'and the Geo. W Ha ci < eciiter ...1 ba« Newell then buy the Spreckels road if it and Roseburg.viaMyrtle Point, will new law has heretofore been about j cos's and disbursments of tho knit. Kecelvex ........... You will take notice further that can !>•■ had on reasonable terms; if 'be pushed as rapid t .*» m u ai*e pm-lied on other divisions A. O. U. W. Burns Lodz«, No « where the conditions are more fav­ the amount that will be paid out by Atty for pltT settled that It will go to Roseburg. MMi.«v«n Friday m«bc * * Published in tho Times-Herald Maj* r Kinney also brought the orable Const rm lion work on the the state. Under the new law the t II Hoyt. Ker. news that the BoOth-Kelly Luuiber four-mile trestle between Empire counties pay one third of the boun once a week for six full weeks tie­ HAkNBY LODGE. No. 77, 1. O V F. City and Marshfield is well under lies, so that at the rate claims have ginning with and inclusive of the Meet■ at Odd Fellowa Hall, every Salumai Company has taken up its option J 51 Lanuti N. u. wav, and the grading force under been filed in the office of secretary 6tli day of Sept th* date of the first ‘ for the land grant oi the Oregon -—MF ¡ Vt Y h1 ng, sec.v. : Central Military W agon Road Com Contractor Small will lie increased { of state, the counties will payout .publication, by order of the Hun '».ó, irto, ' pauy, a deal involving $2,UUU.0iA). a« soon ns the men and teamscan uniter the new law in the neighbor­ i County Judge of the Slate of Oregon PKUFE&Slü-NAt CARDS. h hood of $58,00u, bringing the total j for .Harney County,of date Sept. 2d The Booth-Kelley Company did be secured.” "Has the route through the Cas­ expense up to $295,197. At *2 I 1902. this mi the assurance of Major Kin W. J. COLEMAN, ney that the Great Central Rail­ cade range her n determined upon?" each, expenditure will indicate the Stenographer and Notary Public road would go and that it would "It hie; and while it is no part of killing of 147,598 coyotes. The act ol 1901 provided for the B urns , - O regon . atiord adequate transputtation fa* our policy to show our hand nt this Office iu Ui isens Bank Building. ‘ cilities for the tinnier on the grant. time, I can state positively that a 1 payment of the bounties did not range lia» been 1 place any limit on the expenditure Another important announce- route through the GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, , for this Durpoie. An appropriation decided upon. merit was that Nelson Bennett, the EUGENE. ATTORNEY, “We are asking nothing of the : "f fuO.OOO was made for tbe pur- well known contractor, who built B urns , ................................ O regon . people of Duglas County except , pose of paying the claims but no The first Scmster,session 1902-3, »•ItecaoD-, L hiu I bu.incs«, and Re«» several hundred milts of the North­ *.ai«w luM.ier promt "» a.ieuaed io. ern Pacific, will undertake to con­ their good will, and in return we provision wag made I bat the state opens Weiinestl.iv, September 17. BlfsGtt, DA LI U.S DIGGS struct .he Great Central Railroad, promise them a rail oi .litlet from »honld be reliablo for lha payment The following schools and col­ j. « amt the contract for ttial part b - tidewater at Coos Bav to Salt Lake 1 of a greater amount. Another act leges are compi ised in the Univer­ Higgs & Biggs Empire City and Roseburg will be Citv. as soon as it is possible to con­ was priss-d making it the duty of sity : Graduate School—College AT IUKA E Ï 8 - AT - LA \\ , tilt T . the secretary of the stale to audit war t ; formally awarded at the first meel- struct it.” RNS, — — — — OREGON. ol Literature, Science and Arts — 11 Ü and allow- all claims preifrmted, "Do you care to state what rail. j ing of the board uf directors to be Minan College of Science and Engineer- Practice in ail tne courts uf Ore. •nie • j held in a day or two That stretch way interests are aff>ociated in the but to issue certificates of allowance it llr- | ing-University Academy—School Collections promptly matle. instead of warrants in all cases of road is to tie ready fur operation enterprise?” of Music--School of Medicine— ». A - K KM B old U. YV. PAhKlftli within 15 months trooi the date of "Further than the fact that pro- where tiie expense was authorized the contract. Th- work be minent Eastern railroad men ntr but the appropriation was exhaust­ School of Law. PARRISH à KEMBOLD, w is ex Tuition free, excepting in the done through tbs instrumentality interesied. and that not one share ed. Tho appropriation .tlluF iivj s- a I-Law, I of the Empire Construction Com- of stock is for sale, I cmoot speak hauated on May 19, and eitico that Schools of Law, Medicine and 1ÁU1Q8 (and U «Hyun Ci y,; U«» gon. W1Ü piuei UM 1.» I Uc luLl.b Ml U mimvj M. Q date the counties claiming reim- Music. ( fee .ftooo, rafil tivuuvwa auu n. uic «upiviuv t» uri ui tur ¡iiu.i, in winch Mr Bennett “ill of that matter.” -DU«, add «tau tu L . a. zutlU viHCc. "D ■ your plans contemplate the | 1 burseinent have received certificat- i Student-Body’ tax $2 50 per year j i figure prominently. | <-• showing that their claims have bi Veral sumt'iiilrucls have al- use of the Spreckels road?” * M. M. CO Ontario, Oregon YY'e have the most complete stock in town in all lines of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS AND BOOTS AND SHOES. Our Specialty--The veiy best of goods and prices as low as cur compet­ ed »•Î No one has the qualities »ve have in all linse. «< •< In connection with our busini^s. We elusive University of Oregon, OREGON. iiat-d, read, been let. Henry Seng- a k ATToHNEt Al-l.AW, e . i Maisbtieid wi I g“l oui the Careful attention given to Cuiiee- piling for lour miles of trestle D Estate mailers tuns and Reul ■ W Small, of Walla W*aila, is ai- No:..r Vuoile r -adv ut work on n contract for O uluon . Beu.»« eluding tn* leiua.inng Iirei miles Ollie«* iu T 1 Un-- Herald building betw-eii Empire City and Mar.-o- H* has ad zvn teams uf ii s M. > IT« .»«»I m ti< Id TaoaSToa WlLusas hutary 1 ubin own at work, and ttie remainder uf Attorney at La.*. Keai it a.« A MÄRSDcN GEARY. I - o h*- I,*- 1V1 > vi y into 'lie - w g ■ too ' hr -g ft Phy ■iuMiis wild Suise..n-. struci 1011 lit an Oreg , .outer. I l.e BURNS, li«l.UO> p'a i- to get the Work w**ll Olgan ujier ■ ■■■ ■ iz I along the line a* <1 po - .< NOTARY PUBLIC. & DR H. VOLP, Physician and Surgeon, «met AT RESIDENCE If. B. Brownton L E Hibbard Hibbtsnl At Brownton, D entisik Offle« Brnt doo- *«r. of The • ittser.a Bank Burn#. Oregon. JOHN McM ELLEN «» « *• i Buna. Oregon Clowdv d ays preferred f r *■ - making «itting» Photos fin­ ished in carbon and platinum effects. iMtantar.eo.'« procès» u»e'l n eitnns'V'lv First H«»« work and antiefaction guaranteed • *’ K" » • »* A* rr* Ser» ta* (• “Dadds' «till sell« furniture at rsMMtl>lr p-ir-es N"*t r hang* sir.c» the rlrcti' î Wall pwper gr ng st •II kinds of prices Call at th» »tes». wgwJ »1« with bins and s»e th* can be purchased ; »‘*'1 allowed for the sum stated Iflhe road I r. isomihlv, ves. If not, we shall Thp difference between the war­ set *>ur stake« at Ml rtlf Point and rants and the certificates of allow- proceed independent of the old j “fee in that the latter do not draw line” interest. T infer fr-tn y»'ir Friends of the scalp bounty law y .nr statement! statement I th it the loca'ii g Engi' eo'« are on . hand ready for business?" "They are. A loca'iog force is now st work on the west end, and the corp« now with me will com mence operation« from this point. Tbi« force will be augmen'»d bv an additional corp« from Portland Seventy-five Lead of horses have been purchased at Eugene, and the preliminary w.»rk will l»e commenc­ ed nt once upon their arrival at Ro'ehurg ” Co licifcc'cce Solicited. Malheur Mercantile Co E, A. E raser Manager Ontario, ( )regon. • • o • • • • • • « s • s • • • • • a • • • • • • • ••••• ap- propriate some (67.000 tn pay the d. ficiency in the scalp nounty ac­ count. Judging by tiie readiness s • JOHN It DAI.Y, I’liE.ini vr R egistrar of tiie U niversity , I KANI» II. ( < li-TIN. \ i. I’limrsr First Natioal Bank OF BURN3, OREGON Eugene, Oregon. Accounts of Corporations, I iritis anil Individuals Solicited. Administrator'« Notice to Creditor«. 4« 0. 0/r^, Jbwmt J»*. Coffin. Qif. ¿/«ary. 7f Curyonior. jfbutr J^ubbini, llJjhnn.t, C. Jff. fjott. ¿ft. .7. O/itu, 7ft. if/srenif/, 7ftm. Jfanoa. Notice is hereby giver, that the | undersigned, 8. \V. Hamilton, was on the 9th dav of July appointed N. U. CARI’I NTLR. Cashier. by Hon 11 C. Leven« County Judge | of Harney County Oregon, admin­ the circumstances will be very dif istrator of the es.ate of Henry II ferent from wiint tliey were two Masterson deceased, and letters of years «go Under the new law war­ Administration duly issued there­ NEW MANAGEMENT rants were issued to the bountv ! on. All persons holding claims claimants, «nd were transferred by against raid estate shall present th’m tn store k<*ep* r- in payment . them with the proper voucher» at Forest Fires of grocery bills * r -old to warrant tho olliee of Bigg. A* Bigg attorneys, s|reci>lators. In the present In­ in the city of Burns, Oregon, with­ BAILEY A ANDREW«, Propri. Hr. I’.I RNS, OREGON. I’ .r’ii d Ore —Eire. Cl over »he . stant the claim» againfl tiie state in six months from the date of this state ar* spreading nod in a11 pro- will I* held by th** counties within notice. Dated this 1 2< h day of ability mnnv liven have I een loot which the coyote» have been killed July 1902. The «ituatioii in the G esham and H. W. H amilton The legislature may take the same cmrrxocä.CLtiorx. Troutdale dirtric’s is desperate as view that the f ountice that have Administrator of H II Masterson's io that about Oregon City. Moat made the payments received the Cftate. of the logging cam pt 01 the lower* benefits, and that it is fair all Columbia are burned and the «round if tliey are left tn I »ear all whole country is a sea of tlamer Thin hotel in centrally located and und« r tli<» tint n:i gemärt «»f un expense« Tho counties paying NOTICE, Farmer« are spending «lreplee« Th* boilfling h i * I » »’n thoroughly renovated elperienced landlord bounty claim« now do so without night« fighting fire, with their The (lining room i« in charge of polite, nccoio- Notice is hereby given that by and is weil furnished any certainty of reimbursement household goods loaded on Thc table« are furnished with the beat. rnr.dati.ig wniter« According to the news dispatches order of the lion. County Judge of ready to flee at a moment« notice tbe County of Harney. Stat* of F irst C la SS Smoke is dense and a»hes are etill | today Lane county has refused to pay any more bounty claim«, evi­ Oregon, dated the fifth day of Hept falling or. the city, necessitating the dently preferring not to take any 1902 the undersigned »«« appoint­ use of lights Navigation or, the cbar.ce on legislative reimburse­ ed Esecntor of the last will and Columbia io delayed by darkness ment. Should the eastern Oregon testiment of Thos B James deed All person« having <• lairns against counties take the same course the Tacoma, Wash —Fifes continue through Western Washington with total expense for tiie bounties will the «aid Tho« B Jam.-« dec'd will1 no posaibilitv of abatement until t»e correspondingly lew ,1 the end present such claims duly verified a strong wind and rain com*« Sis of tbe four year of the scalp bounty as by lay required to the under­ signed at the James ranch at Har- lives are reported loot. All the experience—Ontario Argu« nev. Harney County, Oregon or at d Northern Pacific bridges and treat OF ONTARIO OREGON lee between Elma and Gate City The Windoor Bar ha« been moved the office of my Atty , Thornton 1 hare been burned The forests in into tbe building on the corner William« at Burr » within via (6) inn til«»! I tu li» iihialn ,A«*f*oiint* of < ’ or|M>rution>*, I 'ii Cowlitz end Clark counties are north of the postoffice. Caldwell months from the eaperatiro of thi« ablaae. Tbe town« of Rayville and A Bvrd. tbe propiielor» have tiled notice, said via triwnth« will begin J HT« Turnbull. Oct vm mile« nf Mason county is abl«z* billiard table caiefu ly wi'h certain p >rti ■ • n - ing t tie winter, ami to have ever» thing ready tor construction in the spring •'I told you antue time ago that we would begin active construction work r.n the rs.iroad by September I,” said Major Kinney. ••Well, it was September 3 when the work That was wa« actually begun not a Lad miss was it?” Chief Engineer Kinney says the wharf at Empire City is completed, and crews of workmen are busy on th» new townsiteYif Bangor, arid ot. the Belt Line Railroad. He report» a notable change in the sentiment of Coos Bay people toward the Great Central enterprise, who are now warmly supporting where they were f rmerly distrustful. The chief Engineer expr»»«e» great regret that all the myrtle of of C 0» counts ba« been secured by Sar. Francisco jw-opie. who will tske it to th* Ray Cits for manu- fseture At Mvrll» Point he foond !i -n gr .' 1» » g out mi rtle stump« for shipment to ^*«n Frinctsco. and a Mr Hall who rep-esent.• the Call Il is imp<»»«ibk to gel details from f*rr t t’e^f*'“ to|*l him *!*i a ton Gras'» ha»' » of the last legislature to pay up the previous deficiency, it inay he ex- P* cted that the appropriation will l*einad>*. Iri the present instant. UNDER ZBu-rrxs ZTotel Strictly E^irct-Ola I3cot Special Accommodations for Traveling I*fcn 6 e 6 r ¿ Ç Í G eorgi L J aw «.» J jb printing —Th* Timet-Hrraìd E If. TENT, < a»hier. c -j«<. <-»«•- u«v a t< • uta. ^«V U««. 1 -A4