P-: burns sawmili It is charged that vegetarian­ A Great Newsr-ver. ism will m .ke it nece.->.«ary foi people to spend more lime at the The Su day tú ilion rAllRDA Y IW’ is a table, 'Die assertion is made that Louis Rep.it a strong prison endeavoring to modern newspaper enterp Jl 1.1 I X BY It l> M un:.gvi- live anil work on a vegetable diet The or n z.i'iot; of it > l ew s T rillo must eat about siy times a day in- vices is V.-rld-wide, competi Some ' f ' ,.r J . -i n f, 1, .,d do • t thi ee. As most men ¡¡nd their every department; in ta. t, su¡ Tlie ii‘ili is situ iti il i» on. pei-iul all money <'• rived from the sale people who eat no meat and man­ tr.onthl'. mag .zines Ti.e f . l.’;3j Chica;. - or of public bind within ti; arid and age so do a large amount of work illustrated in natural colors a. m Ul..I l-’if’v 1 . ’■ ... "»MSM • S»«“T semi-arid belt, im lu ling receipts without being obliged to go fo especialb v.ilu iblc to the -all I..A ■ ! • im since July 1, 1900, shall be set the table oftener than their neigh­ 'Die c -lore 1 c II - to I Worth SHELLEà à FOLEï Proprietors, Ppai t f' r p. ., . 1 < f in igation. bors who devour lie ifsteahs ai d genu: a- laugli-m.i . 1. 'ZlMI.t '1 he treasury i;. JU. - estimated that mme th.in 60,000- the indictment of vegetarianism All v.’rk done with neat.rcrs d di-psteh. Shi t music, a I.i ;b-i ' . , UielTo' 000 ai 1 c , ai -. m m ed of irrigation to w hicli reference has been made. ul.tr song, is furnished free 1 f'.'ST'Give up a call. ,krict A.IUI Sunday in the Republic. and that tt will 1 pio ¡in acre QI-H.au« I , a:-8euaui The price of the Sunday Re- to furnish it. Ti-.. total prosper:-i EANr.nd RIV ER NCIIEDVLI Senator Hanna say s that Pri si- Yu •i ¡ a n <-n 1 <; I» j, live out'.ly will thus!) inexii-s otaty JuJ| dent Roosevelt is not a safe mail. I' >r ai ......... of .*600,1. go ,oo 1. '¡lie; m.ignitude. .Murer ,■ .¡iiiiig dutts «üb Senator Hanna is high au'h aitv of the scheme seems to have a j eriff j ct ui cha1 ge. on ’m il subjects and hi . derision START A IE -1 p tl). 'All i I ttlL eo paialyzmg 1 .Tm ’ on ultra 1 .nsi-r- V* Iuape'' should be respected But the vative I'-isti-rm 1 s. i hey are ;,f- J I’ Withers, Ij ■: ,.v h " V -1 dear, untutored people, the great ■1 lliitcd v. ill. th.- id’ 1 tiiat ti> gov- Lit he i ,.üinhL. itiTrr t p. m. ... OREGON. ei.lter hip: '--arrtinrkii. un ».!, c inmon herd, would like to know s f e a n» r r m . jitter ■ «iert.it in !efi. crnmii.t is making a lerious mis- f. ?. -tos L> hii«. U av i.X fpt o«i?er Martin Br. b ., Rnri p , what constitutes a safe man in sun 1 iy. _______ zontui baj oi> (. j| , , Luudiugs. take, the 1 i nil and consequence of —■— rfjJit cur. f vi. h.v. ■ Senator Hanna’s way of putting jaw; h I fo aotae l it which i cannot be for en, and aie O L Shillgh-ih r fcC! things. The people • want a safi . .untte Bivt-r. shoulder: cuttle, ,r not at all likely Io be plea-ant. O .» <‘itj ?«<\V 1 3<»pn> marks, crop * if man, the safer the better. I One <|kr» r.-op off left. I hey should calm themselves, . 1 li: 5|f»/| \\ .:\ Exc. 11 1. pt without a shadow i of suspicion ------------- ■ Liiidiugs. Their tin n .d perturbations and . o Suniiay. ‘.er half i r..,. in |,,n, within his hoi izon. One who will pi 1.lip.-i ies of tin.in ial dis.1 'er, of stand pat for the peoples rights, I of an endless drain upon the i'etl- i' :-.far. mi.;. t. V1>; , one who has sense and honor era! tri a mry are •it mi leit tor, in n and contiguous territory. V ’ Cop'n:cnr-, Ac. cur..-.a; k. rijih . ;i. and Wist, South and North will 11 that he wi.'l s. orn to shield a com­ <;. . Anrono-«onillng; n Fh'fch i n ' i -li t a-,- i' X t. WUK’K ill «I. . i rp:■ s. ' > i’ . it v A tiei ■ .¡i J ohn E Ronr.t O ntario , O r . G h ! ieof neck; nl; ; j ; :> b'dt-hcraii share in th'- r< ulls, 'Those who mon postoflice I hief under his in- lions -t - -I-’. • 1 li . it - i. ¡' 1 G(3 c i* Rnthcrf« rd, S «:♦>,! b'Olt ( •' U nt t-i'< f . ■ • • I’t rtf - I' I <>ppo.-e>mh a law are fighting , tlucntial wing, Ride;eurntark. ». ■ e.-’Fi.' I’af'.'j- t i.-"’ -’i Miri. ' <- j . rc<;t ire They would like - ■ ■ ‘ h ■; i . G-n. P ' :’t. Portland. iUHNB, "’sckiimic against their own and their i luld- h-1 <1 -i ’. ]<• : ' F, SPtr to hear Senator 1 lanna’s definite n A. L. MOLI f illi. President. III iCM hip; IEK! owlet-1 len’s interests. Sucl, ■ h’>i t-iglit- .biale •“ lot a safe man. It would be a I it A’ rilscn irtt’iRtr»»- ’ crltlr. T . -? ■ r. Th ’ • ■ \ ... «’dnes , su h Ju I.is it. iionr , is on left nh’ii!idt r « j. n Bl of curious lili'iatttre. ' ! ‘ l i'ej b printing at reason- J. . • ■ i r«'i ■ : truly di pl n able. It betray s a J. hr fr.-rCd’.k k. . ■>. 1». . m V, Judging from the practices of . b hpH'- >j little mind, ,i v i ion that de i not u ridit ear, suit. .£ 1.1 .< this eminent corruptionist, his go beyond the tip of the nos.-, li ■ « /ih. rii g. ( ; ideal safe man w hom lie would I m«:k, eplit in rhhi vnr. is the vei v ipiintcs iene suggest to rule the American peo­ <» liurlspcth, Euri s Almi ir.il’>-m. There i nothing r..!e ! .. . J ple, would resemble a person i.p- Sfmoii r.cv. ig. T ur- >. r main ST., EURNS visionare about iriig.ition. It has < ! • !. ■ 1 • ui -.et hftli crup ... already been put m practical w ag.'.'n wotk’lon-! i.i a s;;tbfactory manner. All orders given 7 a* ■‘ ■•r* b. '»File qcif’ri upon a missionary journey to ht' hip: ¡..»iilvK, < r p . ;. idi et.'.J operation am] prove ! W otulei fully •h-liE W.i.-yil, i.h rftsJ'.J pn mi t atu nîit n. I’aradise 'I he people want a Give him a call. ■ ; * •'•• •i i, ir oi, ir;] successful. The people of the safe man; tiny need a safe man; j ili in cr < li car, v. g:ti« un e:chi] I» ■? AteMf p.i c.hotwJ W cat and Sentii',' ► Hh-; < a-t.c. f...: fai»,.r.d 1 but if thi- ruggi'd faith of Ameti- dtnrh ea.- Wilh full ì...:: euadti lion, becau e they Varieti ¡ir. h€jF< *. I. ut; ritti c.m itliz. nship retains its keen i .III ' the V k ir i a '.db! • j<: lunrk. cup.iiiid ut-risii in iis-ht vh ; pit eption. they will not select C li .I'd e. And th J V Jont«;, p-jrj.s, cai'Io, qciwrt Mari us A 11 anna. lity»; rnttr< r. • .- ''g.friakft li.tv e it. —St. Lou Our fee returned i«. v. c f;ul. Any one sending sketch nnd descr’ption of free concerning patent- . any invention will promptly ... receive our opinion . . ....... .......... the . .yartiu 1 his is a vain sermon Hanna is < ability of same. ‘‘IIow to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents ( LlODi ( li.>ic e ia' Mi H i i >' v I I > h preaching, lie need not worn secured through us advertised for sale at our expens?. H Euri f h r Ih Cc/.^H lie _ (■;) ie.i f .y»; ’ Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in b'itie; < as thè exi cutiv e head of thè Lew is about the Anu; i .in people i .H v . ì .’ H.t gjij : ;f kAofl- Pur. P ati :?. t R ecord , an illustrated r.ti-1 v.- itii. -t-- i irculated journal, consulted ■••hl! li*.' irrti »:xc i. ’ -J&\ and V ,u k 1.[- - : mi i- i-,i-1-,i ut!\ will be quite busy if he t ikes care ■ by Manufacturers and Investors. a Office wi.se. In Mr 11.-'i li there is coni­ of Hanna, the people in the fu- k. t Send for sample copy FREE. Address, -—------ lure, as in the past will shift for bltìcd I usiiu si > thoroughness and VICTOR J. EVAL’S & CO., ATión habit, gu.it personal activity, a thi m- i A i s. *•(>i >d bh-s - the ricli; {Patent Attorneys,} ... 1 1 Evans Buiidinr, v eiy considerai' .e experience in the'poor can beg.” East Oiego- WASHINGTON, D. C. w uian. " ofiic» 1 < oline, tien w.tli the spc. ial work , 01 si'oi'kli; ; ìnark. uj > t r Itali lo be dune, and a loyal cntlm i- ( —J <•«» N»-. :J1 i-n righ; hip i r rude; usui for ( )l eg- ’il and ‘he Not th-1 « uri» e«r, hole in tight. • nd the i lev< 1 Mini N llu^het, W» rr w est. The' e • i no vice of the lot k un ¡ufi «su c: r.ifirk. v voun.; hypnotist, making two ot “hn Tiij -n.tin, 1 ur- li'.h .in al oi ill Mil' i II, as his •uhi» : ; ( alt!.-, < ',J 1:1 ! three mysterious passes with Ins va:-, hvu uncei l iif t; inailagciueut of Or -,;.>n intere-ts am King, Burttg, catti« cr.ipar.d Ub..crUc ii» va al Omaha, l’mt do ami Cimi -i-m jaw. I hi* i.i-.u old man’s ei . , »-to ask hns sli-iwn. H h idmin'str.itimi •i I* T'ick< i F in. Nf.rr. ». y mi tor y i m .laughter. We lot. u ¡io: cattlo, Far ' thrvugh Í à'ìisl a of thè I -w -. . d v ' k I i w ih sh<’Ul‘!t-r: jnar’c u -.; L. ILL. © ■ti: -t * «ion ’ inch other dearlv i. ;; shiv ¡»nd . o ALL CASES C I e a sti K ’ . r; à idei 1 ne - hz . Nrt *’ r. r.i’A*, !:• -r tin re is a hm . th buz iii • ■ -. ic. Fante i-n « n left h hi|* «■ « I > \h>nli:tely I’l'RK. a:: 1 8 B * f hiui ilici e wid li. no jobbei» and ' in each ear, dewlr.p ■ n a VOUi left cai n I in r emore, Burna, h«> will 01 1 H EAR al! other Inal or I.i ble: ing. | > I* : < ailie Far-«■ 11 FJOW A h rar, uutltr s>t»'pe i I al . d... Oil t ke iare of j She IDressed iizier tic land. HTL ^.Æcv -Id.îixg' ;í IsFit k OBT hid). pr L_aa Fmiv. ¿ n W. L . a, HA? whu’e N j.—- ()ic.‘ loro ® remember v and the swi a V/ER.-.; V keeping, d not think *“tnv, ib»u v u arc jje«»«-> m -I l> Ì ::'-i li’.oî 5. N«.rTt»wit, h tei Ji:.! hr. dev. lap ui.«ierthr* .L ri H H.(-.VKrd. .>r«CT. it he \\ \ O'H‘11^ . w 1 IL w hite ’• - ■ - ■ C.4LDV 9t < < *Z CURE Yúli.EELF A] Hc';c o < y . >• ». a r -nriual < C«U. oxr . Fife. h.,rr «. h . r . f . t ifi ;n f. "j • * J Ti • LT ^A’Cn.^fJJLL IDAHO ¿acted II i\; 1- 1 ÏÛJ er unhappy the n -4 of |u r life, wö you \ . it is 1 erv kind ol y ou t<< gi\ e - oh. poor old : l-' r Urne nt tror-t not iutfrfri*e v R •- t f j 1 1 J VÏ.J« b .X • • it}« “liete the gras is rice and green and |i n ■!' 1 \» 1 w uh 1 iu ; tl nk of rai«u an obj .lion that might Hx*\X M L fa nJ* fa&rk, un V. la ••Ai 1 gin’ AH right”' tue » ¡ce boy. mapping and tìnger < I » >rv r yeiii’g I vpimbst’s e ir w A v - tip’ It's all “Where > I ti e » a c. Gor’t Rerort J OHM F. -, »rt« , S! ye. !>• j ■ 0&,