there are almost as many kinds of £hc íimcs-Mwraíd. The Sunday edition of the socialism. SATCRfMY. JFN|. I 1902. Louis Republic is irrigation of the The bill has passed the house by a large majority; its provisions, as is well known, meet the warm appioba’ion of the pre­ sident, yvho has long been out­ spoken in advocacy of systematic, intelligent i eclamation of the coun­ try’s arid areas. This measure is held to embody these idea.«, and is regalded by many as only sec­ ond in importance to the home­ “a new stead law— as, in fact, homestead law,” made applicable to arid lands. provides marvel Simply Stated, it that the government shall create new rivers through the building of reservoirs ami main-line canals, and so regulate or to that of any other new spaper. ' If Grosvenor Congressman OREGON L ine every department; in tai t, superi­ this country.—Atlanta Jornrl. law, nc.yv before congress are now jubilant. a Some pessimist has suggested modern newspaper enterprise.1 that England may send William The orginizati >" of its news ser­ Waldorf Astor an Ambassaeor to vices is world-wide, complete in JI MAN ftl K I» The friends BURNS SAWMILL A Great - Newspaper, socialists as there are degrees of The magazine section is illus­ A ko U nion P acific trated in daintily tinted colors and Depart for TIME M II I Bl I > ' AKitlVE really wants to see where the tar­ fro« Iruui ¡¡uni luftoa Ore splendid half-tone pictures. This iff is hunting he might take a look iher i’lforni «lion cal' oi. or a< «iruss section contains more high-class Chicago- Salt Lake.Dsnver. Ft KING & ."AVEIL I’ i pri« tor*. Bumn, Oregon. into pile of those formerly full literary matter than any of the Porti nn of the l.ome- stead act to suit conditions in the alili partimi : of the the world over that the devastat­ ing guarrilla warfare in the Trans vaal is ended. There ought to be enough humanity capacity. A ti.inly saved out of the situation to further tin amity hereafter be­ tween the parlies anil carry promptly forwaril the reconstruc­ tion of a most valuable domain of The the earth. British can af­ BOET, Prop. IBVING, HARNEY... ; p. ui. Ex< ept Sunday. .. .OREGON. A g» nt* Hum «V (’n. Kuthrrford. Burn’, Llegan. Hann y llrath, Dirwsey 4:3(1 p m Exe. pt Sunday. 3:30 p m Monday Wed. & Friday. 6 a. in DO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TaADE M arks D esigns CopvrucHTS &c. Anyone Mvnrftnff a skef« h and d-'acrintlan tnnv qn>x!y iiAAv-rtain our opinimi free whether an invertiti) Iv pn.hnbly nutfitahle. < onirmini« a- tionsMtri<*tljr < <»irtn Patei'M •«•nt friMt. oldest Ki-en> yi"f •«•« urittR patents. l'atonia taken 'hron'li Minn himself every day. Cong! css on Sl .c: mark, waiii, umMtU . n'! - ' - l urr.n. h,.-„,.lijw » j&j V. ri.e ior cac. amo, WHITE LEAS» •. . ?OAOWAY, New York. ■B5B? Factory, I-:i.\ 1DBRE, ILL. ALL. CACES Cr -S.VS.SA DEAFNESS CF? /¿ARD Absiilutt'l.v I’l lIE. mi.-! will 01 * V» EAR ail other Lari . U.» •ur I .:.! df'tler dr.,-., )f,.f rut- rv it •’ la nr usd irr kû 7 rrr «Aal 1I11 s, fouiiilei « of si ho.>1.«, patrons *’ . ¿» in In* habits, but wry of­ * vaa JK« W P. r,ller A ( o. r'l.iv I oí i him h<« and f.u tors in com- ten commonplace ¿is reg.irch ment­ munity life, 1 imiot fail to prove a al attainments. C.-.- W amkp —T ristwobtiiy min ANI W »Mi N to I rav« I and a iv» rti*v for ohi bv our new invention. O-iv thoie l. m deaf are incara'-’r. o ’i ,'ht'i hi us«' if solid ßnranial st «iit'j Salary a year tn < X- pci ' ill paya’ lò it» »ash. No ci va«- sin i r- « i mred Giv. riirre cesan en- F. A. WSRMAN, OF BALTIMORE. SAVS: B a : tim 'T. *! ’. . V.iTh -n, tw . e’.« •< if < Mr« •” ’ - nip • rnve’npe. rs-f'-w. . _ ■ r- c-t - ':y cure ’ ■>-/•’*•« t' to y d ...- t.r ¿uarat, I wili e yc>u a full kwts ’ V . f ;n nt r.t your ‘»;«.*Tcti«'n. A r • .*•* Manager. 355 C »xton -----1 Bldg AK'ut A' r V ,r« . t -? t- ho ■ r.gAt«. ./nu tu . .¿1;. and t?.; i keyt oa jilting w « kk . aim ; il X '.o*t ruv ’ tea . •" Ct • e-tr entirely C ’’‘ago ARE WOW CURABLE » e 9 <• uan'';.^ ■■ -U- PATENTS.iEUARANTEEI)- President Palma may soon dis­ cover that be lias a his hands. a 2 2 2 ¿ 2 Eastern Oregon Developing Company dees a g< n- ral real estate and commission business. Buys and si lls real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prises of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location - of government lands ar.d the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous ti-irit ' . A N. H oar , Huntington, Oregon A. L. CRAIG, G•d<• '■ nrtn l. T« rnn«. ? > n •«»nr: . •nr tn.-ii'n , f L ■ oia n/al! n«Mts icyB-rs. flllh’K &Co.’ciE ■' New Ynrfc Brancti •'•‘ . «i> I’ bt.. V.'.-ihinatun. D. C. 11 K P«-te’. Hi-.ri ». < attli'. hmt fyiuier I.. >irl)on 1- it bll- 'irmni, ' " < r- Emmranl ' ' eyes; ■ ranne iTvyklMJ . jj . J«-, Bnrna. I eter Ctemei'». Ilunn. bo-iM.i . MINK- ’»' , ,.li, in i.-i' car, »na.low I I .. lt ,n .cl e-. J"" AV.-r a: .! ayr idlili rlsbt. -uoptea* I (• Grvut. Hnrna. H.irseiTJ« nt it sc ia-or bin; Hip Strap earmark», over then..,,— 'b.v u eatile. on I oth flip»: au.t O' vaehear. M Fenni:k», ixv., un.H ,|,HB i ,- Mur.r ■ r T ■ '• r 1 • ri>. J’ ’«I,r half cr..|> In left ear. ""•» rii. J H ¡lanyard. Hum» ,.am. , S’TOL_2. mark», ,ur ,c:; J 1 Withers, ütirrt' ¡ -» a-n^noui hi lei .Martin Brog., Burna, cattle da, ’et Riparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a m D ■ ; '. LI. I The Harney County 1.1« _ will pa • • " .1 .M i.y T«»r r< l t ».«!« •|,„, hs . in-.Hr* "i----- ■— “ r«e Mo®* I,, oi llie As»." lath n. the l'«f!w an »a.aiio. al «»art r* 01. I I'iitc 1"-'I»I»-, „ N.tvl «V. Y« i VN‘'., tet v, Burvi,Ort; s«uax'>r* BP.AKD? AND o (lea l> Hftgev. Bums cattle bn' V 1’i. 11 L " II’ ' 11 ’’ hit « ,-U! y.rliJif <•! V l'-n ♦■’H. nnitr- rae’ 'right cue -, v. a'tle on left ahon!ij». • sra «’ . *' A. < EmiiemntKn.lvkinii:.. a laíinr’i» Path« ay. up the bars against 101 poiation vast and invi casing benelit to the P m Ali sailing dates sub j ct to chai ge. 1 p. ni. For San Francisco every 5 day» • 8 p. mJ Columbia Hirer Nt«'aiuers. Our n, w bnok entitled •• 40 M oney ,, ,i.x hun-Tu A»iOii:i anu Way M aki . u I dkas is worth its wc-i-iit in Laudlogs. gold io ev‘-.y man who wants to start a legitimate. |" line mail order Lusine-. Wtllauelt» It tells you what to do and how to do 6 a. in. Oreg'.ii City New ii «iiete fully Send us 50c today E: o -''|4. b‘r'-'. ' ll'tn anti Way L-nding.«. and we will eend you the book, and a Sunday : valsaiile monthly journal one year tree 1 7« rn IViHamettc A iamhl.U ('ZNTt UY I’l BUSHING L'o., UoX 73, I T Kl,,r- Dayton . leU'daA ()r. gon City, H eron L ake , M inn . T'ihrd’y 1Ud \\ ay-Landings Ô Sat and Chris­ public lands Mis I lay is busily engaged in Vet to be deviseli to settlers, and living up i< code of etiquette for which i annot be made mailable olln Washington. without such assistance as this Thv, do not pretend that any­ land is intended to give. body will play horse over 111 Ohio liie votéis of the Fiist Con­ yy illi Sen.itoi Mark Hanna. gressional district, who bv .1 sub- W. F. Sheehan is noyy lighting st, majority have extended's wigwam. There’s his term of membership in the trouble ail around. house of repiesentatiyes, feel a Di Edward Everett Hale just and loyal pi ide in the posi­ dorses the Lord's Prayer in tion of lion T II. Tongue up n most unqualified manner. this important measure. Though Mi V 'i nker < n s he i egr not 1 ci lined among the at id stat, s, Nixon's i etii enient, and possibh Oiegon has a it-iy i onsiderable he does in Ins ow ti peculiar an a of .11 id and si«lm ariti lands, the 1 < i of winch will add greatly to its wealth producing START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN It is a source of congratulation Galusha Glow, w .is passed alter ford to be both iust and gem rous stormy debate, and received the I to the Boers and the latter max signature of Abraham Lincoln. ! find in British amity andco-< per a Friends of the ‘•new homestead Ilion the way into a larger pros- law,"so-called,and these comprise I j perity and equally effective inde­ the popul.itii.n of the states of the pendence as those they sacriticed great plateau, and tlicir name is ' in defense of their republic — legion.declartd that the speeches —Atlanta Constitution. made in congress in opposition to the irrigation hill hear a sinking I similarity to those made in oppo- , The miJl 18 Mltiah d in one th«- finot built.* id l*n mhi F h i In tu East« rn Or. gon. The proprietors have spar- I no »xp'ose to put •I k - r<%d h yoou conditi:>n All special orders rective prompt attf i.Uon I', r iui- An excellent qualitx'« f al kinds of luu ter m I wuyx on Imnd HEAD H0ISE8 8EA8E îtëMËBÏÂTELY. •■r' '■' " '■(■'■ !« tn ri.hl. a 'pï u";",’ '■■nie.-Tun ).ftklj* ■ ■ 1 I l.l. .e: :t in . ii ya:.«,tt»K i i»> : t •■ Vereen. Narrow», boraes. aeTÍe-^^W .,. ' .. ;■ ■ ;tr ihr.. £ --rrrowK, hortes. R t arMll«« ; ■ ■■ t.-fr hip „r »Ide mart. • . < «T. ear .ma !.,;. „ |,r„ge: " tef hip m.___ — uvfi.. “ ' uu^vr »¡ope in right, watik«k kJ' "• h 71 Y on l.ttttffc:** ' Jnl - , eine* K . a, ... .r.«.i .i,W ». ui.n.r half crup In rlgt: ear Ru"t». horae», ORon ¡«rtrt» * rt. ; ..i h Mt n of large mental p.-wit«, state and the nation This it 1« tliinkeis an 1 plliiosophci s .itiect im lead law *’ hats a trille too large for tin m will ai i omplisli as the Vert« go Diev .ue men of large ideal, ami on, ami in this inti-ri -t r- cn.ict- their big hals will ölten be loumi . o.m ilei lai <-r who ac­ »Rose hat t. too small foi him, knowledge free'» tl at in some n-r “deep" and t afn like’he . • - we r r of a hat wli INTERNADO'. Tir P’.îttr-.orr 'IJ oeeH^ati^ atf' m V ' ' 1 : and.l.tit - , e- r . ■ tae. b,-t;'.oa^ • a • ‘ • • i, : '“‘‘^•‘'r.'PM.da:!-. lam»! reflects It 1.« the“ \ Labor I nuui" It is pretty safe to distrust the ami the 1 oilier stone is said to be man who weais his hat at the socialism with tin- expectation h.o k of Ins head and he who hab­ that all who ti.ixe socialistic ten- itually goes about with it tilled to maMevs« > 1 i-m ly nuJc p.- • \. M ERMAN -■ . Mr frrnt„,e,P Ae-s „,tf ¡„terfeee with :,n.. ■■ m conjunction with !»»• >c, c.isx titling . ollies, for in tins as m other matters, the body has |ust I h < n f< uildvd ar.d named. the numi. At Denvi r .1 n< w |'o HOWMD !C8REt .... .... ». r WM;TI w. r . si sett, cum. always CALDWELL. IDAHO \ (n'ttcral Banking Businessòacletl CDRH 3SKiNDENCE INVtTED r PU %• <9 .. < ■■ a TF-lLùE et ïiti'.taL’cn t e.'5-;,s t.1i-Cl3. f . n ' . , ">r n I .am,, r .» M■ -■ ■■ : . ’ eft re'. kit hip; mar. ».jaaw left jaw >«•-*• l-r-**^' *r «' ■ . ' •T\ 3 • - • le- *h..¿ i ■ Kwp Highest of a R in LamniagFewer.—Utes: U.S, Gov't Renert rt t ÄaiJS* ■ k rn î . ««ß'* • ■■'•-.» lac • *. ». M a. I«.t K lat JOHN F. STRATTO*'» Ce.'ebrafed R ksm W Violin Striai* 1 ** F *!«•»» -•» the Evary Str«« * :• F. Strriw. •’ta. »K. M7 E. ** • at»- ras» i: r • a: : i.» — a