£hç (Timcs-ilttraid SATt’RDAT. JINK 14. jWJ. .fl MAN I« V I' !» •* * 5 >f anager country will soon he heard from. Looking at that rapidly settling land, however, one cannot help but see the finish of the range country, hi a short tune the val­ ley lands will all be taken up and then the settlers will take to the inland plains, just as they did io Kansas. All through the western states that 1 liaveled, with the exception of a few desert spots that never expect any rain to speak of, there has been plenty of moisture this spring, and every­ where grass looks splendid and capable of turning off fat slock.” — Kansas City Di overs Tele­ gram. BURNS SAWMILL A Great Newspaper. The Sunday edition of the Louis Republic is a marvel modern newspaper enterprise, Tiie orginization of its news ser- vices is world-w ide, complete in every department; in tact, superi­ or to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illus­ trated in daintily tinted colors and splendid half-tone pictures. 1 his section contains more high-class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural . of the minds and Olliers, that the it siicce'-fully. Send us 50c today Except Exc pt enlarge the powers for the hus­ Sunday. ranges be restocked without de­ and we will send you the book, and a Sunday. banding and successful distribu­ valuable monthly journal one year free ' lay. '1 he British government Willamette -t Yamhill tion of water supply for irrigation CKNTVBT PfBl.ISUINO Co., Box 73, I River. will perform great service for the Oregon City, Dayton purposes, and desiring to benefit H eron L ake , M inn . people who have so recently been .aid tV ay—Landings mankind, enlarge the nations' in arms against it if it shall sup­ wealth and to provide millions ply them with cattle, and at the Willamette Hirer. more of happy homes in our be­ 50 YEARS' same time il will contribute im­ Portland Corvallis L, experience loved land, and more particularly aud Way Landings measurably toward the restora­ to second the noble efforts now tion of getuiral prosperity of the being uiiected with the same ends Leave lands over which it has acquired in view by the enterprising citi­ Suste Hirer. LewiKt’n undisputed sovereignty. Kipaiia to Lewiston. 8:30 a tn zens ot the great states of Kan­ T rade M arks ! I These shipments will add to the D esigns I Dail sas and Colorado; therefore, be it C opyrights 4 c . market for American cattle. 1 r Anyone nendfni; a skof rh and description may A N.H oar , R<.solved, by the Travelers’ qiiicK'v ascertain our opinion free whether an What shall be lost in the horse1 Invention 1« probnblv p .to’itable. < omntiinicii- Huntington, Oregon Protective Association of Aineri tin.is strictly contldriif lai. Handbook on Patents Bout free. <»l test hgem’y for securing patents. A. L. CRAIG, and mule business will partially Patents tiikou »hr-iuuh Munn A co. receive ca, in convention assembled at fyeeud uofirr, wtt I out « hTee, In the Gen. Pass. Ae ’ t. Portland. Oregon be made up in the shipments ol Portland, Or., this 6th day of June A. L. MOHLER, President. cattle. This new market for cat­ 1902. That we urge upon our A handsomely HHMrated weekly. I.-.nrcst cir­ culation <>f any "cientiflo .lournul. Termb, ? a tle however was not needed. respective Congressmen fiom •»’nr; four mon'», 11. Sold t»y all newv'.eaier-<. Up-to-ilato job printing at reason­ There is a demand already for every state represented by this able prices. Braucb **e. C25 F St.. Wasblugion, D. C. for every’ hoof that can be turned body a hearty co-operation in all off the ranges. In the case of proper efforts being now or here­ horses and mules, the demand for after designed to redeem and en­ military purposes gave new life rich our waste and unprofitable: to the market. Western range lands by irrigation, to the end i {Old hunters say horses that were next to worth­ that by doing so they’ will not ¡’1 he MARLIN less became very valuable prop­ alone be doing a philanthropic b».3 bo nun” things tu com- :n*nl it. The i< ? of the erty, while the price of mules al work in behalf of all mankind,but U 3 «cíLiffs alwaysc: tseú.fhe 3 n- chsnlsm tr.s m^st s.n> most doubled under the »var de­ will, in the language of the Scrip­ .1 i ' y gant th uttraclfrc. It »erti mand. It is probable that West­ tures, be “casting bread upon the í'.-.i» it. row its bi; ern horses will still be in demand waters” to return the wealth of but, if the foreign market should the nation a thousand fold. entirely disappear the loss would An amendment authorizing the ( be far greater than any possible secretary to print copies of the gain resulting front the opening resolutions and distribute them of this new market for our cattle, among the members of congress s.it s the Boise Statesman. was passed. v<. U x : on Ji »mo.'?’’'”’' ' l!!' will pay -even HundrJ' „»nlfurrh.urr, 1^. IM«« ye„ •on 1 * J‘”h. horaea, niulr, ,.r, gontl III a,l,i|I10L, aud Fifty i,„"»v G " '’“i sn.se;.,, B R A N P S a N D p, 0 « AAtor« Ge© D Hagev Btiwa"^ with HL coniiecied^ fh1ri.r“nf».Cru|' rigiit eat», »•:. aeyGeiw ixra... •■“*VI....t,!'i;!;?roi 4. SHELLEY i FOLEY Proprietors, BURNS, OREGON Shop opposite old Brewery All work done with neat.iess ar d dispatch. Satiefacion live us a call. ROET. guranteed under bit in ngh- ’’ ctJnUga r .... . . tclAtwrl Lt (iront, Burns,Honap-.¿»preke hip; cattle. Hip Stray seuawr down ,,n bnlhhlHX’.?"“ aud un.’erOt |„ iithJJ* M Fenwick, Rtirn, al bar on L-i c . earmarks. »w< . ..ter;». 1 ................. , branded bar « < ril!? ‘ I Locd Ajjents Malheur Co. m. (?oo|py, Butah, Lytle Howard, W stfall ................................ Vale HEAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO, OREGON. • 2 2 2 2 2 Brci • Bym», fv iter • zontal bai on eitherhh, irer right ear. BuR)|(,w jaw. also some branded ------------ O L Bhingledecker. Btfu j Y iva fl shoulder: cat”. marks. < rop oil n.jM L crop off left. 2 Fred Deuatedt, shonhler; caitle FD oe >'/ia der half crop in each ear R J Willi« ..». R|,., - A. 0.» sln.iilder: i an:.. eiaace'l on left ear. niider half cm- « Eastern Oregon Developing Company does a general real estate and commission business. Buys and sells real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prises of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location of government lands and the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. J ohn E. R oberss , ecy ., O ntario , O r . c Wagan wotk done i.i a satisfactory manner. prompt attention. All orders given Give him a call. PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T he P atent R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., s will soon be Largely because the superb , according to Hert ford breed is heavily repre­ who has just sented Burnt river cattle have extensive tup been for many teats favorites with buveis and shippers. The beef produced on these ranges lias ¡1 tenderness, juciness and flavor which .in- so ih heioush combined as to make the meat an epicurean delicacy. >av s the Baker Demo­ crat. Alex Mcl’h erson. a promi­ nent stock raiser, whose lancli is .three miles west of Bridgeport, has just sold to Parsons, the cattle buyer, a choice lot of beef cattle The band comprised 150 2-ycar- olil steers. The puce is under- I stood to be $26 per head, or the : neat sum of $3900. Mr. Mcl’her- son (tclivrird the stock at Ontario anti thv\ will >oon be shipped to the eastern market. JOE TUPKER New York (Patent Attorney»,) '/’’S. Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. 0*00 Super! - to all others irrespective ot irice. Catalogue tells you Write for one. PIONEER WHITE LEAD © V SÏKX’ii BACHINE CO. Ssw York. Is Absnlutely 1’1 111', and «ill 01 rWEAR all other Lead.. If your local dealer does not car­ ry it write to us / ¡ ill nee ihgt itou get it. \\ I’ Fuller À Co. Portland © BELVIDERE. ILL. M anted — T ri stvvortuy mi n and > mkn I., trar. I II,d s ir. rlise for old e inbiisbed b»vs,’ of solid fioeanial st > ding Salary «780 a y, ar *n« Manager, 357> C utou Bldg C 'i'-ago ARE YOU DEAF? < ANY DEAFMESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE Or.lv those born deaf are incurable by our new invention. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WERMAM, OF BALTIMORE. SAYS: C'ln7hw^t,,,i*ok’,°n^1‘r “eJ-aueu. i ’ w .K now fTi vo. . -y ¿¿Tine m l^VsiKi,^?«1“ ~r U»*a *° ”"«■ *“d «>*• k'T>' <«'>•= »-« » «* hero"" ;rL’’LUr'.'’'’’‘'“>1‘''''-c»OrTl1 for three month, wilhm-tsnv ..mees«. con..iHer-:i re.torc.l s thank yo, F. A. XX ERMAX. 7«oS Ero-adwav. Baltimore Md Owr EI. A A A A A * A first national Bank CAI DWELL. IDAHO A Genomi Banking Business Transacted trcotmrnt M McMenamv. Burnii.h»is4’- left Etifle; fettle, 6J on left tr ;Orns ( in tach ear With full naiaet. u ' Varien Bros., horses. IJ <,.• vcouu* I F de;iN^| ! fight ear, Jeit split in half 1 • doWn agnn.st. slue of head. <’ 8 Johnson, Van. horsed:f right t ar, tw- ■ -wr:'e-v ( half crop in left. " A Campbell,Narrows.1 y I I j L on left shoulder: «attic, bar M left shoulder; mark, upperb in ol John Buoy. Burns. Imrars.. cattle. 2B <>n right hip or ii-- **w each ear, bole in right. — Mis I N Ilugbet. Warm lock on left siue; mark, watte» Sohn Ilfpsmiui, U.urt:«. I ’* I shiuilder; J «>i ■ NL iett ear. two underbi ll in ri;i * [ Snni King. Burns, rattle,S‘ Bur ' (Top and underbit in tsth jaw ——« J P Dickenson. N.irr< »r. b-1 -iMl1 stifle: t attle, t ar thr> .U. , tivr. Ii.ur k. ni ' M j brundeduu Ivfi ». . hi . hip . Ri-seSltx, Nr intuit, horse*. 1 csHle. same on left hip or »itK I bit in each ear. dewlap ■ n briw 1 D Finnen-.i . * ’ • nt rd left stifle: « att!c same ■ n leftp ort each ear. uuder .-dope in f'P ’n cose A Egii. F.irlL horacs. .F ca on right hip. mark. upitcrhsk-Aji J T Ware. Narrows a’’ - PllJ hip: mark, under half -p>’ J W Riggs, Burns, horstf, H R Tim mor s. Narrow s. binedon left stifle; rattle, cirt* mark. Browi cerbit in right, dew lap unde . •» *, Joel H Howard. I urr*. b*”'1 »fkflr. -artle. same on .rft M ’ ■ ieft ear.split in right. W « Brow t . Fff», Ice An jaw . young hOrsts ’ vth right stifle Lar Co; □ »• r. »• -,,k - h ~ diain- ' " 1» Hsmie\. Eu-us - CBitlf. same ..n iett hit- n-.sr* split in right ear. swa. * •••• LY «Mi ieft hip; mark, swall** J 1 ' reasman. Burns. ( sttlr ) OT left side nr hip; mark, crvps^’ and slit in left t I. I « ark. Narrows, horsea* i shoulder. J«'hn Gilcrest. (P. L. a OJ * wis'k. square rrop off right slope on left. px Frcn« h-Glesn Live ’tori •_ >” • be sea. p un r - 'f nectes on jeft hip mark. a»*’, left *ar. dew ap cut »in a’hf- »- • 4a'- ■ as e . t * ’* : iark. IM f.,-t • f* •* tight nr • mark. «rno>-th < s S r . . 44 v 1 »■* CORRESPONDENCE INVITED r . : . . > 1 the " economic dilRculties and dangers that might well stagger a people of a moi •• pi .leticai trend of mind. \\ Ith lit tt < C peri tliwl of th* I uitrd Stali s in the fai dilating of trade which would insure a prolt- ta mat ket Lu her sugar.Cuba’» financial future is indeed dark _ I’hiladclph .1 l imes. derbit in left ear, under hr ■ cattle JT on left rihg.cMt^W under half crop in right. ABBEY H II Elliott. Narrowi eusaxUi left stifle: t attle Th co;: , m, mark, upper slope »»n eattt aud bell coilur. — Sylvester Smith. Narrovi ’ ’ leg; cattle V bar. . Hrrr.nrs PKOfc short over »lope in each, 1 dewlap. right hind leg and leftBlw> ' circle S on either hip; cvr.i- ear. split in uuder snleor h L A E Young. Burn -, hors. illOgiM J ^.connected on right uh. left shoHldp!: « attic, ro.-i earmark, right ear d mow e ing towards head on uppers side of neck; all anijna’i.L.------- C 1’ Rutherford, Burr«, • (ji L side: earmark, under halicv bar 2 on left shoulder ^Michael Moylan, buiwf.kW .% on left hip: mark, right- left droo|K»u dowt.. jwghat ■ Thvs Wingfield, burns. . on left shoimit r. rmt:e.»a v ‘ crop off left ei-.r, sh-.rt ovexy/-——' John (’raddoi k. 'll vies, h- shoulder: cattle. > < onnku '•t?right ear, »wallow for* L5J briaket. I W E Smith, Ewrn». cattle. A1 1U mark, split in right car, vaiiin G Hudspeth. Burin. < ot' • .-NS, side; mark, crop an i «pjii rtic Scientific Bnscncan. Oil & ,mi J«f OW Job F. St?* I Tna HtF’i 81«. «14