BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, JUNI rhe| Tirnes-fierald. PRESIDENT FAVORS BILL upon tl.e meaning ai d intent of A GREAT RUSH FOR LAND appears to be the only solution of • • • • • ® • ® • • • <»9 © 0 0 0 • 0 «• »0 o < > • * •••<• >«e<* c eoe jc Q j j O • o •• c • O a ••• « • o « O •••• A «---------------------------------------------- • • • • • • 9999909009999099999999999 the measure. the problem. Oregon needs one or • 0 9 9 r.fhT 9 9 The bill as it is now before the two trout hatcheries, and with tbe • » • • ink-J 9 9 9 9 H0BSCB11 1 .ON RATES: house is, in brief, n li mestead law OCCASIONED BY PROSPECT OF COLUM­ assistance of Oregon’s delegation • 9 • 9 WANTS IRRIGATION MEASURE 9 O • • 9 9 Year (2.00 BIA SOUTHERN EXTENSION. made ai pl cible to the arid lands. in congress an effort will he made BECOME A LAW. 9 9 9 9 Mouth. .......... 100 9 9 I« Month. ... • -~5 It simply provides that the United by the sportsmen of Oregon to se­ • 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 States government should create cure them. Trout hatcheries are 9 9 9 9 OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY 9 9 9 9 1 STATE -OREGONi • 9 Hundreds of Thousands of Acres Taken io operated with success in California, The Belief of Its Friends Is That tbe new rivers, through the building of 9 9 9 O ...i J. II Mitchell. S Senator« 9 0 the Past Year in that District by Law Necessary Can Be Passed in i Joseph Simon J U C<4 «¿Jl Colorado and Montana. They are • O 0 • reservoirs and main line canals, 9 9 Individual Entrymcn. jThos. Tongue. 9 9 the Near Future. • A and should so regulate the ilow of established and maintained by the 9 *> .......... (MA. Moody 9 0 n«r«Mm«a . , . D. R. N. Bltu kburn 9 9 • 9 hearty torne. General . government. In the opinion of I •• streams already in existence that 99 ............... T. T.Geer iveraor ... 9 9 .. Fl l»unbar • • »retary ol State As an indication of the way peo ­ many the time is ripe for Oregon 99 .................. C 8 Moore A recent dispatch from Wash-1 ll»e> contents would be available • 9 eaaarar .. ÄLtf L, 9 9 . .. J II Ackerman 9 9 pi. Public iDetract 9 9 ........... W 11 Loeds ington to the Oregonian says that . Tor irrigation during a season of ple are discounting the extension of to get into line, for unless some ef­ O • it© Priut«r 9 9 res • 9 i R. 8. Bean. the Columbia Southern Railroad up fort is made to restock, many 9 9 President Roosevelt is showing a drought. Only those are to be • 0 .> C. Wolverton preme Judgee 9 9 * F. A. Moore ‘ Mi 99 the Deschutes Valley, President streams will in a very short time We have the most complete stock in town in 9 9 lively interest in the status of the Permitted to secure land under the 9 9 © 0 NINETH ZUPtCIAL DISTRICT. • • ’J Crt,. 9 9 all lines of supply who Lytle has just obtained a statement become entirely depopulated of 9 2 ... M. D. C lifford irrigation bill which has passed the neivlv created water »<’ flRt strict Judge 9 9 9 9 .. . \V m Millet from The Dilles laud office showing fish. 99 etnei Attorney senat • and lias been reported to nre in truth and in intent hotue- « 9 ............... I " . < «T lai-Repreeeutative 9 9 ..J W Morrow Last year the Oregon Fish and 1 • 9 • 9 9 9 intàeuator ... the house with certain amendments builders, and appropriations of that 196,960 acres of public land 9 9 9 * •ath« couwTY - harney : The president has asked a number land are to be restricted to the have been taken by individuals Game Association planted about <* 9 James A Sparrow oaty Judge ........... • • law modified and se- since the first of last November. 155,000 small fry in the rivers and I •• 9 ® 11. Kichardeon of members of congress as to the homestead >rk - - ...................... • • R A Miller leaurer...................... There were 1022 homestead entries, lakes of Oregon, This year the 9 9 O 0 • • curely guarded in its purpose by ...JR Johnson prospects for the early consider rteyer .................. • • 9 9 ............. Geo Shelley •rt«............. • • of this special act covering 163.520 acres, and 209 plantings aggregate 109,500 small • O J W Buchanan ation of the measure and has in- the operation loffior ............. • • ..............J o'.T giater .................... land that has been »clipped. Most • • HARNEY COUNTYS BORAX MINE. ......... Chas. Newell of time, by a series of deferred O 9 A thorough poll of the house is • • ’ h'rnd celver ........... 9 O • • payments, the entire cost of creat­ of this land lies m Crook County, 9 9 being made by friends of this irri ­ goods and prices as low as our compel- O C 9 9 >*l> • • HOC i ETIES. The Engineering and Mining « 9 gation measure, and enough is ing the supply of water which is but a small part of it is in Wasco. • • dYLVA REBEKAH Degree No.<3 • 9 There has also been great activity Journal of a recent date contained 9 0 itors «*ft «Aft • • < * leetBCTery 1st and 3d Wednesday. «*ft known of the results of this poll to : to lie made available. <5^ • 9 Tillie Jordan N. U. • 9 99 There has been a remarkable in the Lakeview land district, oc­ the following article descriptive of 9 9 Frankie Brenton Kcu set y. warrant the statement that there is • 9 « 9 • 9 casioned by the prospect that the growth in sentiment in congress the Rose Valley hoiax works, • O a considerable majority in favor of; ▲. O. U. W¿Burns Lodge, No 47. No one has the qualities we • 99 9 Columbia Southern would build to owned by J ,M. Fulton and C. L. • • 9 • I in favor of such an irrigation the bill. Speaker Henderson and t..u.v.rj Erid.yuigbr.ADi]iar ii M w 99 •• 9 o tbe committee on rules have agreed j , measure. Many members who Bend. Though Bend is some 25 Taylor, of Ileno, Nev: liave in all lines. «* «* «< «*ft 99 K li Hoyt. 9 9 • • 99 Borax has been mined from a e • that the bill shall be given full and were utterly indifferent have ho miles north of the northern bound­ • 9 • 9 HARNEY LODGE SO. 77, I. O O V. 99 ary of th« Lakeview district, the come interested, and «hose who borate marsh deposit in Ilarnev 0 fair consideration on the floor of Odd rfeoA. vxn“ 99 9 0 99 railroad to Be ,d would be such an have looked into the matter are on • 9 county. Southeastern Oregon, foi the house at this session, and it is •p ’ u Y Klug,secy- 99 • 9 99 £i< improvement over present trans ­ O 9 tbe list i.f those from whom a fa ­ five years past The deposit cov­ thought that it may come up fur 99 Q 9 9 9 9 • portation facilities for that region vorable vote is expected. It is as ­ ers some 10,000 acres of low land discussion early in June. The bill 9 9 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 9 o In connection with our biisinc. 99 as amended by the house com­ serted and names are given that if that there is increased demand for lying immediately below lake Al 9 9 0 O 9 9 99 0 0 land clear down tiie occasion presents itself a to the Kb ina'ti vord. With the present transpor­ 9 Q mittee is satisfactory to the presi­ 99 W. J. COLEMAN, 9 9 speech in favor of this bill could reservation. All that country will 9 9 tation facilities not more than ‘ 2 5 dent and to all the irrigation forces, 9 9 O O 99 itenographer and Notary Public and it is taken for granted that if be secured from some congressman be served by the Columbia South- per cent of this area is callable of 9 9 9 9 99 99 O 0 ern when it shall get to Bend. One yielding ore of sufficient high grade 9 0 B urns , £ — O regon . it passes the house and goes to from every state in the union from 99 • • Office lu L’IU s - k Bank Building. O 0 of the important irrigation enter- to pay for the working. The rich ­ Maine to California and from conference that the senate will ac­ • 9 9 O 99 • • cept the house amendments and Florida to Washington. Some of prises that has just obtained a con­ est portion of the deposit, consist­ 9 C O 0 OKU. 8, SIZEMOKE, • • 9 0 tract from the State Land Board ing of some two thousand acres T 99 enact the bill as drawn by the the New England deleg ilion are its 9 9 ATTORNEY, 99 9 9 is in Walker Basin, which in Kla- lies close to the lake and is owned most enthusiastic advocates, tak ­ 99 house committee. • 0 .• bus , .................. O regon . 99 by the Rose Valley Borax Com­ O O 0 W • • The situation in the house in re­ ing the broad view that what ben­ nilttli county. ellecAOD-, Lan I bu.iness, and Real 99 9 9 .ave mailer prou tiv uilenilcd U>. pany. Before last November there were 99 gard to this measure is peculiar efit« the country in one part ben­ 6 0 99 9 0 Correspondence Solicited. taken within 10 miles of the pro ­ Topographically this area is per 99 W BIGGS, HALTON BIGGS and politics are involved to a eon efits it ns n tvhole. These m«n 9 9 99 posed extension of the Columbia fectly level and treeless. The 9 e 0 9 realize that New England would 9 9 sidt-rable extent. Unfortunately Biggs &. Bigg3 99 9 9 Southern, in view of the extension ground is covered with a white in ­ 9 9 not amount to much without the for the cause of irrigation nearly 9 9 9 9 ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, O 0 of the road,more than 186,000 acres crustation several inches thick of 9 • middle states, that the middle all the so called leaders on the re ­ 9 9 KJ)g . ___ ■— — — OREGON. 99 borate of soda containing sodium • 9 99 states would not have achieved of government land. • 9 99 Practico in all tne courts ot Ore. publican side, men like Represent­ their present greatness without the • 9 These figures show how people carbonate, sodium sulphate, sodi­ 9 9 99 ative Payne, of New York, Gros 99 [lections promptly made. 9 e 99 veuor, Dalzell and Cannon, are op­ development of the central states, have been rushing in to occupy land um chloride, etc , in varying pro­ • « 9 9 99 h« R kmboad V. VV. P arrish posed to tbe bill, while the rank land that the commerce and in­ w h,h the railroad is likely to serve. portions. During the long dry » 9 9 9 ' 99 9 0 99 and file of the house, both demo | dustry of the central states is Asturance of transportat'on facili­ summers of that region the loose 9 9 99 Lieti ' PARRISH i REI>1 BOLD, 9 9 99 cratie and republican, are in favor j I almost entirely dependent upon ties will open that country and drv deposit is carefully «hoveled 9 9 A num ey e-a t-1 depletion of Oregon’s trout streams, i ot pushing the irrigation lull as a that this process will continue in­ ÜK EGON. ; mines and farms arc dependent B urn «, says the Telegram, the problem of distinctly administration and re­ definitely and the supply is there ice in fiaies-IIerald building publican measure and enacting it i upon irrigation for labor supply, keeping up the supply is forcing fore inexhaustible. ¡crops and products. 1N< ’< >I.’1‘< >1,’ \i l .1 I.) itself upon the attention of the as such. These same men believe H’irl Since no mining is done in the iBMToaWiLUA- M.F jt » g « rau > that the bill will pass th« house in It s looked upon as inevitable disciples Isaac Walton. The drain BURNS, OREGOR. iloruey at Law Notary Public winter sufficient material must lie r i Lesi Usiate Agent spite of the opposition of some of whether congress adopts thi* policy upon the trout streams is greater gathered in the summer months to CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 the republican le id,-rs and that the of reclamation of the arid ptil/lic than the increase of fish Of this A li.LlAMs & 1-IT/ a .LKALD supply the full capacity of the re­ C0 in ola Maa. c hui.dir g. democrats will then b« aide to lands at tins session or not, it is there is no longer any question. X < 1 • -iK-r.il | inkiti: I’>ii -1n<-i-s'l ruii.-:i<-t<-<>iieriricn of every M0TA;Vf PUBLIC. The refining procs«» 1« simple a J portance ill securing what he l>e- titude of some of their leaders fishing party that has been out thi» Bums, - - - Oregon licves to be much-needed legiela I towards a policy which they be­ spring adds cumulative force to The crude material is thrown into . aissusa. aoiia w anil tion in this direction, and the demo­ lieve within a sh irt time will be the growing conviction that the tanks of Foiling water into which crats, aware of the opposition of accepted as a- matter af course in problem of keeping up the trout chlorins or sulphuric acid is intro­ MARsr. n & geary . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i’lij siciau> and Surgeons. some of the republicaril i», are quin­ the annual proceeding« of congress supply will soon have to he square­ duced. In this h -.it'-l solution the salt« are already dier Ived and tin ­ BCBN- OREGON. Iv preparing to take tile credit it was under a republican ad­ ly met. All the light catches re­ es «1 rrstdeacz £«•>"“ 1« - A’o - - which the republicans who favor ministration, after ten years of bit­ ported are not due to the high boric acid liberated. 'Ebe hot solu­ irrigation think should belong to ter controversy, that the home­ water, its muddy condition or yet tion is allowed to remain in the their own party. DR H. VOLP, stead act became a law and the hi«h temperature. Tbe truth is tanks twenty-four hour«, after The poll of the house which has bill, introduced bv Galtndia Grow, coining home that there are fewer which the clear fluid is ru i off into Physician and Surgeon, tanks where it is allowed to remain been taken to ascertain the posi­ was signed by President Abraham fi-h in the streams. •rriCE T EE preuent the ex­ with cold water before they are re­ entire democratic side are opposed the arguments made against the termination of trout a ml delay the moved from the tank«. Ill« I)E' TIiSTH. me« im ifThe .It'K Bark to it, and that the principal op- present proposed irrigation home­ depletion of trout streams. The mother solution is reused until stif- Bart Oregon. ! I ■ .in«! uii'1» r fl »• management An p isition lies with the republican stead act, which is the hom«-tead restocking of streams by the Ore ficient silt has accumulated fir separation. Th*- • »ihiif 4 I hi - I n thoroughly renovated leaders. At the «am« time strong act of 1862 merely modified to suit gon Fish and Game A.soci ilion A superior quality of bo. ic acid I 'lifiin^ r . it ir in charge <>f polite, accoin- support for tiie bill comes from present conditions in the arid por­ has also proven of invaluable ben­ ■ f.i' ' » «4 ire for irhf 'l wtUi th” I»» 4. is produced which c< tnaiand« th" republican sources ai d with this tion of the public land yet to l/e efit to the trout resource« of tbe JOHN McMULLEN bigb -st market price. The initial support is allied the entire ap­ disposed of state. nection proval of the president and bis But the supply is not keeping output of th« Oregon borax work" is 400 Pin« of the refine/l article. cabinet officers. pace with the demand made ute.n L’r H T. Hoople returned from - O1 egnn 1« was believed by tho«e inter­ Oregon's trout stream« The army Thi» i« «hipped by mule t*am n Portland Thursday, where he ac­ ested in securing an irrigation law. of fxbertnen is yearly increasing distance of 130 miles to Winne­ Cloudy vs preferred f. r companied M. N F-gtly last week ir .-»• which would be entirely a home­ The extension of mining and null­ mucca. Nev , whence it is shipped making «tt ig«. Ph >to« fin­ to perform an operation on hitu. to Chicago arid Ht Lotus. Occa­ A J /IIS I» maker«' Lili, that tbe measure as ished in ear1 on and platinum Dr. I! syple elate« that the morning ing operation«, the denudation of sional shipment« are made to San it pas»*d tbe senate contained sev­ effect«. the operation was to be p. rformed forest« and the expansion of agri- Fianci.co eral loophole« through which Instan tar- f’F proce«!» uard tbe gathering in Mr. FegtTy'« throat cultural industries work together speculators could have taken ad­ txt^ntirelr Firat clot work broke and tbe doctors decided not for tbe woe of the finny tribe. Tbe We «re in receipt of a shipment F vantage of ATLat waa intended for and on guamnU-rd. Of ONTARIO OREGON to operate for the present. Tbe population of tbe state is increas­ of "The Ito«»” Roaster, Baker and y the sole benefit of settlers, who ease is a peculiar one and it baffles ing and civilization is encroaching w«*^999999 99 9 99 9900 9099 90 0 Steamer which will I* given aw«y * \ • 11 ‘ ’<>11-01 would reside upon their claims for rrO’—aii-iMfc--------------------------------------------------- the Portland physicians as well as upon the hitherto undisputed pre to our customers. They are a very a <1. five year» before expecting to se­ serve« of gam« fish toward tbe Dr. Hoople, and Mr Fegtly will useful, desirable «nd n«ce»«ary ar­ •John I» Ih/ y. W The eb«ng«s made bv hea/jwaters of trout streams Popu Fon S alb — Yearling Bulls from cure title. ticle. Wh- n you have made ca»h I remain in the hospital for some ■-'!l registered o F O|d»n, M '.ation and civilization are enemies Durham Bull aud the house irrigation C'-tnmittee in h Ta»t, ili'« T purchases to tbe «mount of t-IO a time—Ontario IXmocrat. » od gTsd« B the senate bill are etigbt in tbe to game fi«h as well ■ « to game two three- roaster is given to you. Cali and muter of wording, bat extraordi Gard»« Seed« i,i great variety at animal« «,,d game bird«. - -ar old grad E II. 1 ESI. (ashler. and get a card filled out. Miller oariiy important in tbe.r effect Voegtly Jr Kenyon*«. Artificial propagation of trout •k Thompson. ’•V -_*•«. cut«. -U««J ■A«V ♦ < j ««. uav J««. Y < j «*- < j « v - o M. M. CO. Ontario, Oregon GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS AMD BOOTS AND SHOES AME $ çol W mhmmse We have secured the ex elusive agency for th e Malheur Mercantile Co E, \. F raser Manager, Ontario, Oregon. ì J The Citizens Bank for Traveling Men. i J a i : 1 : : Cox Photographer. Fi . ? i Ì i I Ü I ■ x-W »