MR. TEST'S POSITION. OUR SPRING STÖG, C. J. Johnson and family were LONE PINE HEARD FROM AGAIN. His standing in the commercial up from Laweu this week. world is first class, and the funds O ntario , Or., April 22,1902. Is now arriving and we are now prepared to show jj. S ilver L ake , May 13,1902. Two carloads of implements; Mr. Julian Byrd, Manager Times- of our county could not be placed I hand at Voegtly A Ken- E d . H erald : I have just landed now on «ATURDAY MAY 24 1902. in safer hands. Let us show our Herald, Burn». Oregon: Dear Sir­ appreciation of live progressive at home from Paisley and the Che- yon’s, Rakes, mowers, binders. in answer to your favor of recent waucan valley. Everything is plows, buggies, wagons, etc. JI LIAN HYKD date, “in regard to my attitude on men by voting for Mr. Dalton. In lines not heretofore carried in stock. The latest ¡.. ' prosperous and the goose hang- Drs. Marsden A- Geary remoyed t,R. ;anj.leasing quegtioi|/. j beg 1 high; the ranchers are all in good “n injured eye of Martin Gebhart tosay. ,fbat { am ed DEMOCRATIC TICKET. DRESS PATTERNS, SHOES, HOSE ■ The election of Ed. J Catlow cheer; the weather fine, and plenty and also Ernest St Clair this week. first, last and all the time to the . Our line of FRESH GROCERIES is complete jg k for county commissioner could of feed for the stock. Politics are Both gentlemen are doing very well _ For Governor— . a j passage of - any land-leasing bill of department. Our old patrons are invited to call at, raging furiously — the most ani ­ GKO E. CHAMBERLAIN. not be bettered in any respect. since the operation. 1 any kind or nature. His well known business qualifi­ mated contest we have had in years For Supreme Judge— Yours truly, Ralph Byram, a brother to Mrs cations are all the recommenda­ Munv big republican taxpayers are JI F. BONHAM. E. H. T ust . Dr Marsden, is here from Grant ! tion he needs, as that is what the [standing for Dr. Daly for county county under the care of Dr. 1 For Secretary of State— taxpayers are looking for in that judge, Currier for commissioner Marsden for a severe wound on his I). W. SEARS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -and Gus Shroder for sheriff; but M. F itzgerald , P resident F. S. R ieder , S ecyw For State Treasurer— office. The people of the south­ foot. Mr. Byram had the mis­ ■it ’ s like horse racing — they will HENRY BLACKMAN. B iggs & T urner , A ttorneys ern part of the county demand i Noticela hereby given that by I have to come under the wire before fortune to cut it with an ax. For Attorney General— some recognition on the board we can tell who is elected. Eastern Oxeg-oxx Titi; Joe Sturtevant informs us that an order of the County Court of J. H. RALEY. and it is no more than justice to , John Hammon, who was pretty active work will begin on the elec- March 26th the undersigned O’O-Q.ra.rxtv Co. For State Printer— ■ , . , . , ...„„ l tl „ was appointed and has since duly i them to see that their candidate , ‘ well known in your valley in for­ . •ric lignt pant next , week, the qualified is now acting as Adimnis- . • IN COR FOR ATED. J. E. GODFREY. Adminis- B » _ »_ War- j be given the place, It is a mat- i mer years, and who lost bis wif?a plant was loaded on the 9th lust., ( * raf0|. of - t . . be ww Estate of 0» Joseph For Snpt. Public I list ruction— Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed ter of business which should not few months ago, is about to lease 1 nd a crew of men will I .egin set- j ren Curtis deceased. ‘.All persons! W. A. WANN. * t _ ' ' having 1--- 1__ claims against the said Es- » To all Lands in Harney County be overlooked by the business his ranch and take his two chil­ ting poles before the arrival • of f the For U. S. Senator — , • 1 i tate will therefore present them dren and go to Canada on a visit men and all who are interested in mac,nnery- ' with C. E 8. WOOD. EE2LL ZEZST^TE with the the proper proper vouchers vouchers as as by by law law to relatives. ■ For Congressman First District— seeing this county brought more \V. C Sanford and family aocom- required to me at the office of Attor- Bought and Sold on Commission. Office in Bunk The horsemen will start on the panied by Miss I«ennie Dyer, will; ney Thornton Williams at Burns, closely together in a business way. W. F. BUTCHER. lfith of this month for Christmas leave Monday morning for Dallas. < 1 ci mon t raa ri cl a rasrl in miiil FC Lusk, general manager of' nnnn upon a n .1 Judgment rendered said a man—in tho glazier drift in the the French-Glenn Live Stock Co. J court and cause in favor of the said lateral moraine. He has a good- Frank Rieder has just returned! ! sized mouth, and from appearances arrived in this city from the P plaintiff and against the Deft. Ranch tlie first of last week. Mr| Frank C, Fister for the sum of from an electioneering tour of the ! he has come a long distance. Lusk has been very active in the $1684.19 with 10 per cent interest Jack Pantain, of Summer Lake, southern part of the county and Brick and lime alwavs on hand at the yard. Residence Haalrr The rule is almost universal feels much encouraged, lie met sold 100 head of two year-old movement to lease the pub! ic range J thereon from April 28th 1902 and i but stated to one of our citizens'$----- attorney fees and a Judg- that when a measure is submitted with a flattering reception all steers for $25 per head six weeks that he had given up the fight, as' uient against the said Deft. Frank to the people it must have only a along and was assured of the con­ ' ago. Three rant h-s have been he found too much opposition to (C. Fister and in favor of Deft A. majority of those who vote on the fidence and support of a large [ taken up on the desert with very the measure. He expressed the Venator for the sum of $1418.98 question. But the constitution of I flattering prospects. Everything majority of the voters. Frank is hope that the Oregon legislature | with interest thereon front April Oregon is peculiar and it is quite an ideal man for county clerk and 1 planted on them this season is would do something to prevent 28ih 1900 and $93.00 attorneys fees looking well. There is a fine cat­ possible that before any ainenil- his wide acquaintance and genial tle range close to them. When it | migratory sheep from pasturing on both of said Judgments being dock- ment can be adopted a majority disposition, together with his ex­ is positively known that the Eureka | our ranges ami paving no taxes, j eted in the office of the County Clerk of all the voters must yote yes cellent qualifications are all in his and Weiser railroad is a thing of| hi this matter ho was assured of of Harney County on the 5th day of even if not one votes no. TTiere- favor. The office work is famil­ life thousands of a< res will be gob­ the hearty co-operation of the cat- May 1902 and it being ordered fore it is important that every iar to him. His steady habits bled up by the Arid Land Com­ tiemen and sheepmen of Harney 1 therein that the following described ----- RESERVED FOR------ friend of the Initiative and Refer­ | real property be sold upon execu- I and the accuracy and precisian pany, and the man who is entitled county. endum amendment shall vote. with which all his work is done lo 1» homestead, under the desert — --------- tion to-wit: the North Half of the South-east quarter, the Soute east are recommendations which ap­ land act, will get left. I am satis­ Petition for Liquor License. They will have something to say next week. The republicans are trying to peal to the taxpayers. Frank fied that artesian water can be quarter of the North-west quarter bluff it through to the last that w ill certainly find a big majority found by boring for it. Well water To the Honorable Count}’ Court' ®l,d tbn south -west quarter of the Hartley county will go down in opposite his name on the evening may be obtained in many places of Harney County, Oregon: I North-east quarter of Sec 4 in T[>. the republican column this elec­ ot June 2. at no great depth, and by erecting B e, the undersigned petitioners,' ^'> ■ ^*> I*’ Harney windmills a supply necessary for residents, taxpayers and legal vot/ County, Oregon, and that the pro- tion. Some of their claims are as all ordinary purposes may be had. ersofWild Horse precinct, Harney ' ceei,s °f 8Uvh sale be applied first lidiculoUB as the Oregonian's I The duties of his office have As I am up against Buuker Hill county, Oregon, most respectfully lo tlle expenses of sale, second to figures and fail to have the de­ petition your Honorable Court to ( the payment of Atty, fees and Judg- j sired effect. There is nothing prevented Sheriff Geo. Shelley for items I will close. Yours for a long time, from making an active campaign grant a license to Scheubner Bros, ment of A Venator and third to the modest about them—they claim for re-election and this has been L one P ine . to sell spirituous, malt and vinous ( satisfaction of the Judgment of the whole cheese and hope to pul liquors in less quantities than one plaintiff herein. confidence in the weak-kneed. left largely to hts friends. There Notice is hereby given that I will Let every man who favors | gallon in said precinct for a period Harney county will give C’ham- is no good reason advanced for on Monday the 23rd day of June more direct legislation in Oregon of six months from July 2, 1902: ■ beilain the biggest vote ever poll­ George to be turned down. The 1902, at 2 o’clock p. m. of said day, F Miranda, G Lorenzana, I N be sure to vote for the Initiative ed since its etcation for any state fact that the records of his office 1 and Referendum amendment ami, Colthurst. Lou J Bosenberg, A at the front door of the Court House otliee and the county ticket will, are in fust class shape and the in Burns, Oregon, sell the above remind his neighbors to mark I Lundin. Robert Doan, J E Carlson, tn most instances, not even be thousands of dollars on the delin­ described real property to the high­ \\ E Alberson. Charles Turner, M quent tax roll has all been collect­ their ballots. A blank ballot may i dose. A Modie, W S Smith, W Ward. F est and best bidder for cash in band ed and paid over to the treasurer be counted against it the same as L Redon, Frank Larson, T I Lit­ to satisfy said Judgments together I —something that has never been though it was marked no. with accruing costs. tle. P Andriee. 'Flic Portland Journal says: Dealers in done by his predecessors—should Dated this 16th day of May 1602. Notice is hereby given that on It leaked out that the republi­ Additional Locals. G eo . S helley , Wednesday, the 2d day of July, , can state venti al committee has give him a warm place in the Sheriff Harney County, Ore. hearts of the taxpayers. That 1902. we will apply to the above made a careful! poll of Mult no­ G W Clevenger has gone to alone ought to re-elect him. We entitled court for the license as Bv S am M othershead . Deputy. mali county, and has found that railroad on business. feel that the voters of Harney specified in this petition. I the voters stand at tin» lime as county desire to reward him for S cheubner B ros . Charles Rann mi seen on our Job printing—The Time«-Herald follow s : Crockery, Glassware, Windmills, Pumps, Gu» past services and will give him a streets Tuesday. I ght thousand voters were larger vote than two years ago. Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Paints, Doc" seen. Our old friend. Jason Bennett, looked in upon thia week. Windows, Garden Seeds Etc. > > Democrats --on- The personal popularity of W. t’nambei lain republicans, yxx>. Henry Welcome is out looking ...AND... Sole agents for Rider-Ericsson Engines. C. Byrd will elect him to the office after his dwrt claim nt Clover Republicans ;8oo. I' is ri porteli from an accurate of county judge regardless of par­ Swale. Only Tin Shop in Harney County. authority the poll has caused ty. He ha» held office of trust lion C. W Parrish left today for before and the people of llamey i on«tei nation am, ng the manag­ Canyon City to be present at circuit Ait ni» the people o( F.*»t aour town and county ject». address were in from Jenkins Bros ’ ranch than .Mr Dalton has. He ha» his entiie tune to looking after this week. They are sinking an the interests of the taxpayers. built up i .1 i .dual'll farm withe E. ZPxixx. Harney county will l>e assured artesian well for Messrs Jenkins e< untrv, has helped beautify our | ZEBxxxxxS, Oxsgrcxx. Dr. W I. Marsden has just re­ of a careful and economical ad* town with a handsome residence, ministration for the next four turned from a professional trip to owns and conduits .* ball Hitcrest years wider the management of Malheur county where he was call­ in e ( the leading business 1 “Daddy” Byrd. ed to see Wm Jones wb> was suf­ lx* •< » fering from spotted fever 'own anil l as >i*lrs1 to • ut schools ami to society a wife Supt J C Bartlett »pent several A three days program will be ar­ Utili live children. In any and days in oar city this week conduct ranged for tlie Fourth of Julv cele­ movement» (01 the public good log the examination of the eighth bration. A puree of ♦ IV) will be TRHCH A DONEGAN. Proprietors. Wet lain A Rigg« Propri» tor». Burn« « u ao* its i» a cbcetful gner school. He left for Drtwaey Thurs- games to be competed for bv Har nd R tad graia on batid Ha- comptant L y, F in« day. 1 vev county teams » Jtb She Siines-Iierafd CITY MEAT MARKET Your patronage solicited. Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder Specialties are^. Brick Laying and Blad MILLER & THOMPSON GEER & CUMMINS —'___ != ' IIViFZjEKIEJXr'rfi CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL N S S White Front Livery, Feed & i THE CAPITAL SALOON, Bums, - - Crsgsn. *«r» to an» part of th« Couxt-y