BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY.( Rl.tiON, MAY The Tiines-Jferald RUSH FOR TIMBER CLAIMS a year. This was clearly a "per­ MOUNT HCO3 RECEIVES Al • HON’. j ¡. 19i». DISCARDINO riRNiStl BUTTONS. quisite” and in direct violation of the constitution, but it seems it Portland Peopio Watch for :’i 'toms of A most remarkable feature of the SUBSCRIPTION HATES: latest in the Lolly M lun.alil. state campaign, says a dispatch PEOPLE MOVING FOR THE was such a small sum that the peo­ 3 m Tear ............. > uated La Grande, May 13, that has ple did not notice it. UNCLAIMED WOODS. Sil Manilla I " --------- 7 Time Mouth» .75 This s«.-ems to be the only “per­ Since the volcanic disaster in b gun to warm up hero consider­ quisite" allowed to governors from ihe West Indies the -■ m l week ably is the fact, ileyelpped here OFFICIAL DIRECTORY •TATK— itttbON : that time until Governor Maudv’s in M.iv, in which so i i \ per­ during the past few days, that tlomeseckers From the East Arriving to i | J. II Mitchell. 4. Senator« ...... ! Joseph Simon I Take Up Government Lands This ... i ! term of office, beginning in 188,'i, ished, quite an interest i s bi eti many of the republican candidates (Tho«. Tongue. Year Will See the End. since which time the “ perquisites ” of this locality have removed the r .M A. Moody | • 3 C. c. Wolvertt. w.hvertuu ger traius arriving from the East now requires much time to lock tail, snowy peak, six:, miles dis­ headquarters in Portland, and ill preme Judge« > F. Moore | “ r. A. Mwre . , \\ c have the most complete stock in town in ____ ' liear a proportion of homeseekers them up through the various ses­ tant from our city, snv- the Even- once they wt-ro pinned to the coats NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. sion laws. of the faithful. It was apparent ng Telegram • Tnero ..: - in Port all lines of m . d . CLirroun who are looking for quarter sec ■trtctJudga ... ---- - Win - Millet .. . Am «irict Attorney Mii.ci . The governor’s "perquisites have land few scientists th rotighlv in­ that everything was serene in the 1 lUI'lwpivwvu«.» al - I* Kx»re«eul«tive . 1 > t»eer tlOIlS of L ncle Sam s domain. ’*™ ... j v, Morrow 4at Seuatur Considerable public land is still gone up from $200 until they are formed on volcanoes, but sufficient Furnish camp, and that the lead < COUNTY- HARNF.T . _ ... for settlement in Eastern now $2750 a year, in addition to book know!, Ige is st.in d away ers of the forces of the Pendleton James A Sparrow open r Jad aun is«ioacrs . 11 j wiuiam. river, but this year will see it ali in a year above his constitutional can become, There is little to fi ar sweeP Eastern Oregon, and that all I ■ill: I , , , , • . HARNEY U. 8. LAND omen: salary, and the state treasurer’s from this cbitnti! v. and even if it ' ■ l‘le and young warhorse's neo. w 11a-er the bands of citizens. “ are "daily" leaving Port- ’l-oquisitea”. have gone, up until became active it is so far from were properly enthus'd. Later it ...ChM Newell "parties > ÎSΠ- «'» impression land for various districts where llieT ar,‘ now a,’out *1-700 a year Portkhid that it is considered next ' "-,s found 111 lt SOCIETIES. lands may be obtained under the ll*’0T" constitutional salary, to impossible t > throw its cargo of was erroneous. SYLVA REBEK AH DeSreeNo.l3 There were grumbles and dis­ statute was destruction such a distance. No Meets every lit and 3d WedeUbtlu.'. . homestead or timber and stone' ‘‘‘'s perquisite <•4 CÎ I*'« Tillie J ot 'I hh >. ü. t'5 content, ami this began to show in 1001, raising the Fxsukie Brcuiuii Kcc. bee y. ■ acts. Groups of men equipped amended in one has ever seen Mount Hood with camp outfits leave by train, amount to be annually paid the smoke, although regularly every the opi-nly ileela e 1 hostility on " A. O. U. W. Burna Pudge, No . <7. These few soon boat and wagon for the distant governor from $200 to $500 as ve'f some one imagines such a the part of a few M..l..«r,rrid.l!uisbt. Ani,iiir(| m w had accessions to their numbers, This same legis- thing It always develop« eventu­ rF E il liogt. Rec. woods, where timber lands valued I'tison inspector. ____________________ until it was manifest that there was was tup ally, however, that what at $10 an acre may be had for the lature made said amendment re ­ 11 r • HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. i» n large-sized disaffection. So ’- “ °dd uiLi*N.U.*y I taking, This may be considered troactive and gave the governor a posed to be smoke was nothin marked did this become that the being ir »wpm, Y King, sjecy. the last «grand rush for these lands, “back perquisite of $ii-i0 lor th- more alarming than snow I republic in candidates actually took blown from the peak. as within twelve months the only .'ears 180'0 and lfH'O 'b-T- ! In eruption, if going full blast, "If their Furnish buttons. land tho government will have on An examination of tho record« PlCOFESHl'JNAL cards . In connection with One of them h i been absent j its hands in the Northwest will be ,v*‘l show that the “perquisites of Mount Hood would be a bight '¡Ur - ---- --------------------------- - ——— ' that inclosed in the forest reserves the several state oflicers have in- worth witnessing. The crater is from the comity and had one of W. J. COLEMAN, ill I’--. or tho arid lands where heavy capi­ creaseli three-fold since 188.3. and said to be 2003 feet in diameter, 11.e buttons upon his lapel. He Stenographer and Notary Public tal is required to transform the in the case of the governor mor although the exact dimensions are returned to his home, and, finding B urns , - O beoon . hard to guiss as but a portion of that 1m was the only one of the level valleys into productive farms, than twelve fold. office in Ulli«.. !;• Baut Building. i'le; vd the edge remains. All the ginger bunch tli.it ivas wearing a Furnish Those now in the rush consider ith this in view, the writer leniM j has not departed from Mount Hood, button, dioppt'd it. themselves the last ones to get in 1 continues, “ is it any w. ndcr that GEO. S. SIZEMORE, This ini i i< nt has been noticed and despite its heavy coat of enow on the ground floor. the taxpayers are asking that our attorney , • hi >'il ci ill-l ully, an I lias cam al no little there are some warm spots on it. The timber being taken up varies state ollieials be placed iq m i . a • r whl iURNB, .............................. O regon . e on ;q Crater rock is a j i/gi d spur, which Comment among the voters of all with the localities. West of the sonable flat salaries .' iwllfcc.iiw-, Lu'- 1 bu.iness. anil Ilea. rsx.«,5 c on !tfe| Slum u.au«r pruiui ilv uiieuUed lu. Cascades heavy bodies of fir stand When th? constitutional e nven gives the mountain the hump when cla.-ses It shows that there is n it I»1 DALTON LIGGS Correspondence Solicited. in the way and will have to be lion was in session, which fixed seen from the Portland side, that is scritinii-i.t throughout the eastern t' 4. n BUiUb. «i 8-.L.. pail of the state that will show it­ so thoroughly h ated that the snow ¡i lc.i,| turned into the famous “ Douglas the salaries of the state officials, Biggs &. Biggs fir" uf commerce before the plow j an amendment was offered to adsl is generally kept melted upon it. self on election - .... . ----- ------------------- ------ and in Southern Oregon the sugar voted down. Scna’oY (libs >n, of Montana, has , l‘l. e KKMBULD V. W. I'AKRISII pine and redwood of the coast and It i* appar nt that tho taxpayers portion of the crater, at the bottom presented in the senate a letter of which steam can occasionally the yellow pine of Klamath and "f Oregon are siek an I tired of our PARRISH & REM BOLD, Lake counties will be cutaway for j ‘ fee and perquisites system, and he seen climbin'» the “hog’s back.’ from Commissioner Hirinann of Attorney s-al-Law, Fumes of sulphur are common, the general land otlico in opposi­ Barns (and Canyon City.; Oif-gon. • IO..O......o...a....... • • • •»••••••••••»••»»« shipment to the East and Cali- the people of all parties now d . Wilt piMCi'CC it* tue cour.h ut hun.v} aud tion to tho policy of leasing the restevuauee bag iu iiie fcurn me vxun ut the fornia before the hill lands are inaml that our state otlii-i.ds be ami, of course, nauseating. ait. a it ci also iu 1 . n. luitJ unice. Mount Hood, Mount Adams. public lands ns proposed by a bill converted into dairy pastures. All placed upon «easonable Hat salaries .îier-sl Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier now pending in tho senate. Mr t m ieñtd Chas. II. Leonard, these lands will bo valuable after by our next legi-Titur -. Hereto- Il 1 OD ll the timber has been cut away, as fore no such g-neral dem.-.ml has and other peaks in the eon t range Hermann says that under the; ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, areful attention given tu Collée- every product grown in the t«-m. ever come up from th- people of are extinct volcanoe■■ The erup­ terinB of the bill practically all the > J. W. Dinos, I’lii 'liiENr ASO .Il riso i > ,1 , tion of volcanoes in Martinique and public lands west of the Missis­ I coir.bi« tious and Kcal Estate matters. perate zone can be raised on them the st te of Oregon. 11 C. I.r.vi ss. Vl' 1: PlIKSlIH NT. St. Vincent ami the throatings of sippi river would bo subject to Notary Public lu«« in abundance. leasing, and that as it is provided Mount Colima, in Mexico, bad B urns , O regon . -J 0D¡ei*$ AN EDUCATIONAL PROMOTION. Under the timber and stone acts timid f.-lks to fear that the vol­ that wlu n undur b-ase they shall in Times-Herald building the citizen is entitled to 160 acres, ,)lr canoes, active and extinct, in the nut lie disposal of except under ■ A Salem dispatch dated May 17 cur. »! ■**■>0^ for which he pays nt the rate of (INt ’< tHPOKA’l ! 1 ».) ’ iioiXTOM Wui-iwi M. F itzgerald $2.50 an acre within ninety (lavs of says: President P. I.. Campbell, Western Hemisphere, are about to the homestead and mineral land Atiuruey U La ■' Notary Publie laws, the sale of the public do­ Kral Lutate Agent the date of entry. Under the of the Monmouth Normal School resume operations «liter million* of main would b - greatly curtailed. jears of peace. Tho islands south WILLIAMS A- FiTZuEKALD homestead act, a tivb years' resi­ to-day tendered his resignation II" also attacks the provision of <>f North America, ns well as th« flice in old Mauonic Building. and accepted the presidency of th' dence is necessary, but no cash A < l« n< -I'.il | tankini; I ’.u -in<-. .< Ti an, aeti il. the bill fixing tho rental of the1 islands in the Pacific, are, to a BuBNd. - O regon . outlay beyond the receiver’s fees University of Oregon, a position Directors: W. Y. King, I. S. Geir. Gto Fry, large extent, of volcanic formation, , b ased lands at 2 cents per acre, i priap. for filing and proving up. T|1(. offered him some weeks ngo at a z> 8» W. MILLER, W. K Trhtcb, J ( ’ . Welcome. Ho declares that ths general effect while the mountain ranges running .‘f$,'b 'timber and stone net is being taken special meeting of the university | from Patagonia to the Artic circle of the hill would l>.- to place the r s < ’< 11 1-«--] >< milr'licn I n k ill -I I. regents held in Portland. The | advantage of by city residents,«.“ NOTARY PUBLIC. are punctual«-'! w.tli volcanoes, control of tho public Hods in the a J ■'"Ï Burna, - - - Oregon. it involve» but little absence front Normal Hi bool regents met in the supposedly extinct fer the most hinds of th" .-Xten-ive sl«x-k- —————— business, while the homeseeker governor’s office and accepted .tmun». ioi»».»«Airi growers, with the corresponding i part. i from the East prefers the h<-me- ' President Campbell’« resignation, re-mlt of making trio small owners When volcanoes become active l*1' MARSDEN & GEARY. to take eff-ct at the end of the pres­ stead method. pay tribute to their more prosper- they can make a terrible noise. It PhjBfci.ins and Surgeons. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Many relinquishments arc 1«ing ent school year. A rpeciai com­ is -aid that the greatest noise ever ■ u« fellows or go out of business. ■VI;'-A, OREGON. mittee was appointed, consisting of : recorded at the various land office* heard in the world was on August tfire at reiidti rf. £W /’A- r ,Vo. , as newcomers often prefer to pay a A. Noltuer, L. Flynn and J. B. 27, 1833, when the volcano on Dissoluti',a Koike. previous settler something for his Butler, to name his successor, ami Krakatoa, an islet between Suin- DR H, VOLP, it is understood that efforts will be rights, and choice locations are, BAILI.Ï i(r ANDREWS, Proprietor, BERNS, OREGON. 1 atra and Java, in the Straits oí Notice is hereby given that the often obtained in this way. Many made to secure an Oregon man. Phjraici.in anti Surgeon. The noise was exploded, copartnership heretofore existing te.'ple are loth ^umla. The Monmouth p< of those who have l»een holding on , orri< i kt arsinix. r. heard in the iderul uf Borneo and lietwe«-f. Samuel Bailey and C W. I -------------- - to claims in the wo - Is und.-r the to give up Professor Campbell, who even in Celebes, hundreds of miles Johnson, under the firm name of t. a. Brawnten l e . HibMrt homestead act find that the pro- is held in high esteem by bia fac­ away To umti r-tand how terrific Bailev A Jobic-on, was dissolved Hibbav'■ & Brownton, ' visions ■ • of ... the timlier and stone act ulty, students and fellow-town« ’’■«> ■ —r the racket wa«, i. wever, it should by mutual consent on January 1st, D hntists . 1 cover these quarters, so that they men. During his administration b< stated that «1 pherders on the 1902. C. W Johnson retiring from t om«w am Soo--w oi Th. ■ ¡-¡« l . b *-* at Monmouth, Pte-ident Campbell cannot prove up under the home B .rna. Oregon. plains >f Au’tral.a 2'XJO and more the business. All account* due This hotel is central! located and under the nmnageniert of an stead act Besides this, there are has extended th- sphere of the _______________________________ miles from Krakutoa, heard the the said firm are payable to C. W. - experience«! landlord, I he building h i < I» • n th’roughly renovated men who have grown tir< d o the Normal school, an«l his call to a explosion. Johnson. H am B ah . ey . and ia well furnished, The dining room Is in charge of jsilite, accolti- lonely life in the woods and think larger field is regarded as n just That the P.r ic Coast has bad IT« ('. W J ohnson . rnodating waiters. The tables ar- fiimlshr’d with tb>' I > •’. this is a goo«] time to sell. Within recognition of his ability as an aB JOHN McNIULLKX its share of voi.anic eruption i- educator combined with th trough the next year considerable monev u CoNN ECTION pr .ved by Illi- i..isl Northern California is Bum.. I — — Oregon The <:•-partnership I eretofore ex­ and the outside world realit- « this sant with th«- ouditi i s of society covered with 1 iva, and it wa> in Cloudv days preferred for isting between Simon Lewis ami I though Oregonian* “to the man­ in this state m I unders'atrls the lliese lava beds that Captain Jack f .-»r c>»«- -r»«r- -»er » -»ar- »■•< »er »ar- -»ar; ner born" appear to think that the temperament of the Western peo­ T. Garr'-itJia« b< >-n dissolved by making sitting« Photos fin­ and bi« band of M'xloc Indiana JOHN II llAl.Y, I'r.i- or«T M AI I " \ ’- TT I’, V rir-ii.isT. ple. His education was rtceived woods will always be as quiet and mutual consent, J. T. Garrett re ­ ished in carbon and platinum defied th- ent re United States • lonely as they are now.—Tele­ at Harvard University, ami he •» tiring from the busin as . Simon U effects. thoroughly mod ru in h.« ideas f army in the «-arty 70«. Tli»-re was i^wia pay* all the indebtedness of J gram. iMtabta r.eo •• pr -e«s a«« higher education. It is the gen­ an outbur«t of Java in the Hand- the firm and collects all bills due exteaWiv- . First lass »1 rk eral opinion amorg eîueators that wirh |.|an«i. ei - iteen month, ago. same. THE PERQUISITE GROWTH. and •Misfactiou guaranteed. OF ONTARIO. OREGON. Profesor (’»mp‘« ll will prove a This lava began to flow without — - • «••••••••••••••••••••••••• •valuable man st th- University f wa'ning« as -irthq'iakes or < «Util - <>l < ’ <>1 JX <1 Vex* eu* i< « lis. I .1 V1 s.-< .¡In 1 1 n.liv illuni* A writer to a Portland journal Oregon. f even »make fr<'tn tbc volcano. >11< »ite* 1. give* an account of how the ’ fse' 1>. Daly, William Ji r.. . Frank It. — Yearling Bulls from •y.tem originated in 1S6I, when The Bur.:« Furai tnr* C’o has a ! • M Alsxaiwl. r N.I < arp« n- F. (•: Two carinada of implements I Durham Bull aird the Oregon legislature pa«e»d an new lot of art square., rug«, carpet, T. «t, d« in great vari t co«», siso. t«o three- act allowing thy g .cerner an an- dining chairs, n ckei », eiU-r>ek*a now on hand at Voaftly 4 Ken­ J invon ’ a. Bak-«, mowers, binders. de Durham» E II. 1 INI, ' ashler. ntsal salary of i- ,> for H.pecting st>d center tab! e» itf stock “Dad)’’ yon « c the peniteutiarv at ietft fear time- i. ans » u» t<_ « war '.hep. Grò W Y ovxg . . ' - ■ ’ V uo*. ju . ;>•*. jtc ♦ -KU ^t«. Jti u»v an o SlICúlLul Ontario, Oregon GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DEY GOODS BOOTS AND SIWES. Our Specialty- -The very best of goods and prices as low as our compet- No one has the qualities we have in all lir.es We have secured the elusive agency for the • Malheur Mercantile Co E, A. F raser Manager. Ontario, Oregon. LT I The Citizens Bank BURNS, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 Strictly T"ircit-01o.ee: T2oot ■jfù.coGïXXïÂ.ocLa.tlori.. Special Accomnodatijns fcr Traveling Men. F irst C lass B ar I n u • • Xc i FIRST NATIONAL BANK j n j J r 9 5